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Submitted By:

Aprajita Koirala

Exam Roll No.: 24086/19

TU Registration No.: 7-2-3-230-2019

A summer project report submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

at the

Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus

Tribhuvan University

Biratnagar, Morang

April, 2024


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA
BIRATNAGAR” submitted to the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu is an original piece of work under the supervision of Mr. Sitaram Chaulagain
faculty member, Mahendra Morang Aadarsha Multiple Campus, Biratnagar, and is
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA). This project work report has not been submitted to any other
university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma.

Aprajita Koirala


Date: April, 2024


The project work report entitled “INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING

submitted by Aprajita Koirala of Mahendra Morang Aadarsha Multiple Campus,
Biratnagar is prepared under my supervision as per the procedure and format requirements
laid by the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). I, therefore,
recommend the project work report for evaluation.

Mr. Sitaram Chaulagain

Lecturer, BBA

MMAMC, Biratnagar

Date: April, 2024


We hereby endorse the project work report entitled “INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA
BIRATNAGAR” submitted by Aprajita Koirala of Mahendra Morang Aadarsha Multiple
Campus, Biratnagar, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Bachelor
of Business Administration (BBA) for external evaluation.

Dr. Bhavishya Kumar Mishra Dr. Mohan Kumar Subedi

Chairman, Research Committee Director, Faculty of Management

MMAMC, Biratnagar MMAMC, Biratnagar

Date: April, 2024 Date: April, 2024


My outmost gratitude goes to the Tribhuvan University for including this summer project
in the syllabus of BBA, which I think is very valuable in developing practical knowledge
of the students.

This project report would not have been possible without the support and helping hands of
many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of them.

I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our highly
respected and esteemed supervisor Mr. Sitaram Chaulagain, for his valuable guidance,
encouragement and assistance for completing this summer project report. His useful
suggestions for this whole work and co-operative behavior are sincerely acknowledged.

Furthermore, I am thankful to our Management Director, Dr. Mohan Kumar Subedi and
our BBA Coordinator Dr. Shiva Chandra Chaudhary for providing necessary ideas and
materials required for summer project report to complete the task Special thanks go to my
colleagues who helped me to assemble the parts and gave suggestions about the task.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all my friends and respondents for providing
their precious time and helping for completing this project report.

Aprajita Koirala
BBA, 8TH Batch
MMAMC, Biratnagar


Student Declaration ii
Supervisor’s Recommendation iii
Endorsement iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abbreviations x
List of Appendices xi
Executive Summary xii
1.1 Context Information: 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Purpose of the study 3
1.4 Significance of the study 3
1.5 Review of Literature 4
1.6 Conceptual Framework 7
1.7 Research Methodology 7
1.7.1 Research Design 8
1.7.2 Population and Sample 8
1.7.3 Data Collection Procedure 8
1.7.4 Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis 8
1.8 Limitations of the Study 9
2.1 Respondent Profile 10
2.1.1 Age Group Classification of Respondents 11
2.1.2 Gender Classification of Respondents 12
2.1.3 Occupation Classification of Respondents 13
2.1.4 Preferred Social Media Platforms 14
2.1.5 Classification of Frequency of Interaction 15
2.1.6 Classification of Types of preferred social media content 16
2.1.7 Influence of social media content on online clothing brands 17

2.1.8 Types of Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands 18
2.1.9 Likelihood of Purchase Decision Social Media Content 19
2.1.10 Classification of Types of preferred social media content 20
2.1.11 Distribution of Factors which Influences Purchase Decision 21
2.1.12 Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before Clothing Purchases 22
2.2.13 Survey on Influence of Social Media Marketing on Online Clothing Purchase
Decision 23
2.2.14 Mean of Variables Likert Rating 31
2.3 Findings 33
2.4 Discussion 34
3.1 Summary 36
3.2 Conclusion 36
3.3 Action Implications 38


Table 1 Age of Respondent ............................................................................................... 11

Table 2 Gender of Respondent .......................................................................................... 12
Table 3 Occupation of Respondent ................................................................................... 13
Table 4 Preferred Social Media Platforms by Respondents ............................................. 14
Table 5 Frequency of Interaction ..................................................................................... 15
Table 6 Types of eye-catching content .............................................................................. 16
Table 7 Social Media Influence on Online Clothing Brands ............................................ 17
Table 8 Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands ................................................. 18
Table 9 Purchase Likelihood After Social Media Engagement ......................................... 19
Table 10 Frequency of Online Clothing Purchases .......................................................... 20
Table 11 Factors Influencing Clothing Purchase Decisions ............................................ 21
Table 12 Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before Clothing Purchases ............. 22
Table 13 Influence of Visual Elements on Perception of Clothing Brands ...................... 23
Table 14 Influence of Friends on Engagement with Social Media Platforms ................... 24
Table 15 Trust on Online Reviews ..................................................................................... 25
Table 16 Influence of Sponsored Posts on Perception of Clothing Brands ...................... 26
Table 17 Influence of Frequency of engagement with clothing brands ............................. 27
Table 18 Helpfulness of content related to clothing brands ............................................. 28
Table 19 Influence of social commitment on perception of clothing brands .................... 29
Table 20 Influence of brand activeness on positive perception ........................................ 30
Table 21 Mean of various variable's Likert rating ........................................................... 31


Figure 1 Conceptual framework ......................................................................................... 7

Figure 2 Pie-chart Showing Age of Respondent ............................................................... 11
Figure 3 Pie-chart Showing Gender of Respondent ......................................................... 12
Figure 4 Pie-chart Showing Occupation of Respondent ................................................... 13
Figure 5 Bar Diagram Showing Preferred Social Media Platforms by Respondents ...... 14
Figure 6 Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Interaction ............................................... 15
Figure 7 Bar Diagram Showing Types of eye-catching content ...................................... 16
Figure 8 Bar Diagram Showing Social Media Influence on Online Clothing Brands ..... 17
Figure 9 Bar Diagram Showing Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands .......... 18
Figure 10 Bar Diagram Showing Purchase Likelihood After Social Media Engagement 19
Figure 11 Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Online Clothing Purchases ................... 20
Figure 12 Bar Diagram Showing Factors Influencing Clothing Purchase Decisions ..... 21
Figure 13 Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before
Purchases ........................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 14 Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Visual Elements on Perception of Clothing
Brands ................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 15 Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Friends on Engagement with Social Media
Platforms ............................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 16 Bar Diagram Showing Trust on Online Reviews ............................................. 25
Figure 17 Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Sponsored Posts on Perception of Clothing
Brands ................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 18 Bar Diagram Showing Influence of brand activeness on perception of clothing
brands ................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 19 Bar Diagram Showing Helpfulness of content related to clothing brands ...... 28
Figure 20 Bar diagram showing Influence of social commitment on perception of clothing
brands ................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 21 Bar Diagram Showing Influence of brand activeness on positive perception . 30
Figure 22 Mean Chart of various Variables Likert Rating ............................................... 32


MMAMC- Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus

SM- Social Media


APPENDIX 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40

APPENDIX 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44


This study aims to explore the influence of social media marketing concerning online
apparel shopping behavior among young adults in Biratnagar, Nepal. The study is mainly
focused on the online apparel industry of Biratnagar and more specifically on evaluating
the consumer behaviors related to social media marketing. With the increasing prevalence
of social media usage and the growing trend of online shopping, it is necessary to
understand the specific behaviors and attitudes of the demographic segment in the context
of clothing purchases. By understanding the preferences and behaviors of this demographic,
apparel brands and marketers can effectively handle social media platforms to engage with
consumers, drive conversions, and raise long-term relationships. So, this study aims to fill
this gap by providing insights into factors such as types of social media content, frequency
of engagement, platform preferences, perception of online shopping, etc that are
influencing young adults' engagement with apparel brands on social media and their
subsequent purchase decisions.

The research design employed a descriptive approach to clarify the attitudes and behaviors
of the selected demographic segment without external manipulation of variables.
Convenience sampling was used to select 101 respondents aged 18-30, who were active
users of social media platforms. Data was collected through structured questionnaires
distributed online, and analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel, generating frequency
and percentage tables for interpretation.

The study found that young adults in Biratnagar, primarily engage with online apparel
shopping through platforms like Facebook and Instagram, with a significant preference for
detailed product descriptions and engaging videos. Furthermore, social media marketing
was found to have a significant influence on their perception of clothing brands, leading to
increased likelihood of purchase, particularly when brands actively engage with customers
through personalized communication channels.



1.1 Context Information:

The rapid growth of social media has changed several aspects of modern society, including
how people communicate, consume information, and make purchase decisions. The
growing accessibility and widespread adoption of social media platforms have transformed
the way businesses engage with their target audience and influence their purchasing
decisions. The youth population, known for their active engagement with social media, is
highly reactive to the influence of social media marketing. They often use social platforms
to discover new fashion trends, seek recommendations, and ultimately make decisions,
particularly when it comes to online purchases.

According to a recent survey by Faster Capital (2024), nearly 80% of youth between the
ages of 18 and 30 are active on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and
TikTok, spending an average of three hours per day engaging with content and interacting
with their peers. This widespread adoption of social media has not only facilitated the
seamless sharing of information and fostered social connections but has also emerged as a
powerful tool for businesses to reach and influence their target audience.

One of the major areas in which social media has become a powerful tool for marketing
and promotions is the clothing industry. Clothing brands and retailers are increasingly
leveraging social media platforms to showcase their latest collections, offer discounts, and
engage with their followers. This digital shift has had a profound impact on the shopping
habits of young consumers. They're utilizing social media's wide-ranging capabilities and
extensive user base to build unique and personalized marketing campaigns. This involves
presenting visually attractive product displays, sharing exclusive content, collaborating
with social media personalities, and implementing targeted ad campaigns. As a result, these
companies can interact with their customers in fresh and interesting ways.

The convenience, accessibility, and personalization offered by e-commerce platforms,

combined with the convincing power of social media marketing, have led to a rise in online
clothing purchases among the youth population in Biratnagar. This digital-savvy generation
is heavily influenced by the visual appeal, user-generated content, and personalized
advertising they encounter on social media, which has transformed their shopping habits
and preferences. Understanding the extent to which social media marketing influences the

online purchasing decisions of the youth population in Biratnagar is crucial for businesses
to develop effective marketing strategies and cater to changing consumer preferences.

Biratnagar serves as a significant center for economic and cultural growth, drawing in a
diverse mix of youth generations. This growing urban environment has emerged as a prime
location for businesses aiming to tap into the expanding purchasing power and shifting
preferences of local consumers. The clothing sector in Biratnagar has been particularly
noteworthy in this transformation, as the youth demographic displays a strong affinity for
fashion and a keen interest in current trends.

Historically, clothing purchases in Biratnagar were primarily made through traditional

brick-and-mortar stores, with consumer choices heavily influenced by personal interactions
and word-of-mouth referrals. However, the increasing accessibility and popularization of
social media platforms have significantly disrupted this traditional approach, prompting a
notable shift in how businesses interact with their intended audience and influence
consumer decisions. The rise of social media marketing has not only transformed the way
young consumers in Biratnagar discover and interact with clothing brands but has also had
a significant impact on their online purchasing behavior.

Exploring how social media marketing impacts online clothing purchases among
Biratnagar's youth is crucial for companies aiming to efficiently reach this group and boost
their marketing results. Identifying the main elements influencing consumer behavior on
social media can help businesses create customized marketing plans to improve
engagement, foster brand loyalty, and drive sales.

One of the key challenges faced by apparel brands is the intense competition for attention
on social media platforms. With an abundance of clothing labels, retailers, and influencers
trying to the youth's engagement, it has become increasingly difficult for brands to stand
out and effectively reach their target audience. Algorithm changes on social media
platforms, which often prioritize certain types of content over others, have further increased
this challenge, forcing brands to constantly adapt their strategies to remain visible and
relevant. Another issue that apparel brands in Biratnagar must navigate is the phenomenon
of "ad fatigue" among social media users. As young consumers in Biratnagar become
increasingly exposed to heavy promotional content, they have developed an increased
sensitivity to intrusive advertising.

Furthermore, social media analytics provide apparel brands with a wealth of data and
understanding related to customer behavior, preferences, and challenges. Equipped with
these details, businesses can customize their product range, marketing communications,
and customer interaction strategies to better suit the changing needs and wants of
Biratnagar's young population. By effectively tackling the difficulties and capitalizing on
the potential of social media marketing, apparel brands in Biratnagar can build a strong
competitive advantage and create enduring connections with the tech-savvy, style-
conscious youth in this flourishing urban center.

In this study, we aim to explore the various dimensions of social media marketing and its
impact on online apparel shopping among youths in Biratnagar. Through a comprehensive
study of consumer perceptions, engagement patterns, and platform preferences, we seek to
provide valuable insights for businesses operating in the apparel industry and contribute to
the existing body of knowledge on social media marketing and consumer behavior in the
digital age.

1.2 Problem Statement

The study mainly focuses on the following issue:

• How do customer perceptions and interactions patterns influence online shopping

decisions of young adults across social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook)
regarding social media contents produced by online clothing brands?

1.3 Purpose of the study

The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

➢ To explore the most influential aspects of social media usage that impact customers’
perceptions of online apparel brands across platforms.
➢ To examine customers’ interaction patterns with social media content from online
apparels brands with online purchase behavior.

1.4 Significance of the study

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, social media platforms have become an integral part
of the daily lives of individuals, particularly among the youth population. This shift in
consumer behavior has had a profound impact on various industries, including the clothing
and apparel sector. This research study will focus on exploring the relationship between

social media marketing and the online clothing purchasing habits of youths in Biratnagar,
a rapidly growing urban center in the eastern region of Nepal. By examining the key factors,
trends, and consumer insights, the study will provide valuable information to help
businesses in the local clothing industry better navigate the evolving retail landscape and
effectively engage with their target audience. This study will also contribute to the limited
existing research on the relationship between social media and consumer behavior in the
context of the Nepalese clothing industry. While several studies have examined these
factors in other countries, there is a lack of empirical evidence specific to the Biratnagar
region. This research will help fill that gap and offer a better understanding of the local
consumer landscape. Moreover, the findings of this study can be useful for clothing
businesses in Biratnagar as they seek to develop more effective social media marketing
strategies and better engage with their young, tech-savvy customers. The insights gained
may help these businesses optimize their digital advertising campaigns and foster stronger
relationships with their target audience. Finally, this research will serve as a valuable
learning experience for the student researcher, providing an opportunity to apply theoretical
knowledge to a real-world business scenario and develop practical research skills.

1.5 Review of Literature

Nash, J (2019) stated that individuals employ a range of internal and external motivations
when making decisions about high-street fashion retailers, with social media (SM) playing
a significant role. However, social media is not the sole determinant of consumer choices.
As SM user numbers rise, these platforms exert an increasingly powerful influence on
consumer decision-making The key takeaway is that retailers must acknowledge the mix
of internal and external influences driving online and offline consumer engagement.
Consequently, generating value for consumers is crucial in marketing strategies.

In a study conducted by Management Association (2022), it was found that fashion brands
have moved their communication to social media as part of modern marketing evolution,
engaging customers through two-way interactions on social media platforms. As brand
awareness grows, so do brand perceptions, customer relationships form, and a community
spirit develops around the brand. By participating in these social media brand communities,
consumers enhance their social identity. The integration of social media into business
practices is no longer an optional decision, as those organizations that fail to adopt this
technology may find themselves at a disadvantage, utilizing outdated methodologies.

D, B., E, D., & N, D (2023) explored how fashion businesses' use of Instagram highlights
the transformative power of this dynamic platform in shaping the modern fashion
landscape. Instagram's diverse features allow fashion entrepreneurs to build direct
relationships with their audience, enhance brand visibility, and encourage authentic
participation. Features such as Instagram Shopping, Stories, and influencer collaborations
enable fashion entrepreneurs to create compelling narratives, showcase products, and
increase consumer engagement in innovative ways. Instagram's integration of e-commerce
functions has transformed it into a seamless shopping experience, enabling the conversion
of ideas into tangible transactions.

According to Tripathi, S. (2019), this generation, considered the biggest online spender,
has a significant impact on the fashion industry, with fashion apparel being a key area.
Comprising over a quarter of the world's population, they allocate two-thirds of their
spending on clothing. Social media, in turn, has revolutionized the fashion industry by
providing a shared platform for consumers and brands to interact. As a result, fashion
brands are increasingly using social media for publicity, attracting more buyers, leading to
increased loyalty among Generation Y consumers.

Online marketing via social media is increasingly popular, particularly among younger
individuals. However, to gain widespread acceptance, social media marketing must address
concerns such as security, physical product interaction, delivery delays, and price/quality
Proper use of e-commerce tools and techniques can enhance branding, product positioning,
and customer awareness. Overall, online apparel sales have growth potential, and social
media can effectively boost this growth through low-cost, wide-reaching promotions.
(Chaturvedi & Gupta, 2014)

Anil, A., Sinha, B., & Bhatt, V. (2020) reflected that there is a positive impact of social
media marketing on consumers buying behavior towards apparel. Factors such as product
quality, reasonable prices, offers & discounts, and brand name influence consumers'
purchasing decisions. A good purchase experience through social media platforms
encourages consumers to recommend their purchases to others.

According to a research study by Basit, A., Wai Yee, A. L., Sethumadhavan, S., &
Rajamanoharan, I. D. (2021), Social media has significantly changed communication with
customers, particularly in the fashion apparel industry. Social media marketing enhances
brand image, leading to a positive reputation and reliability. Brand image plays a positive

significant mediator role between social media marketing and consumer buying decision.
Marketers should see social media not just as a tool for engagement, but also for enhancing
brand image. To do this, marketers must consider what consumers are looking for and
ensure their content is up-to-date and tailored to their target market. Engaging consumers
and being entertaining can also help enhance brand image and influence consumer

Yang, Y., Khan, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2020) stated that social media advertising is a common
practice today, used by both shoppers and marketers. Now, it's typical for people to look
up a brand on social media before making a purchase. The marketing efforts on social media
can significantly shape a customer's attitude towards a specific brand, as reflected in their
loyalty, purchase intent, willingness to pay a premium, and overall satisfaction.

Types of Social media content

Clothing brands can take advantage of various social media content styles to connect with
their target audience and advertise their goods. It's essential to identify the kind of content
that appeals to young users for successful social media marketing initiatives. The various
formats and elements that clothing brands use in their social media marketing efforts

➢ Visual Elements: High-quality images and videos showcasing clothing products,

lifestyle imagery, and visual storytelling.
➢ Product Descriptions: Compelling and informative descriptions accompanying
product posts, highlighting features, benefits, and pricing information.
➢ Customer Testimonials: Reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content from
satisfied customers, showcasing real-life experiences and endorsements.
➢ Influencer Endorsements: Collaborations with social media influencers and
celebrities who endorse or promote clothing products to their followers.

Frequency of engagement

It refers to the extent to which young adults actively interact with social media content from
apparel brands. It captures the level of engagement and interaction behaviors exhibited by
users on social media platforms such as liking posts, commenting, tagging friends, sharing
posts or taking part in giveaways. Higher levels of engagement indicate a more active
audience, while lower levels may suggest a need for adjustments in content strategy.

Platform preferences

Platform Preferences refers to the specific social media platforms preferred by customers
to engage with content from clothing brands. Social media platforms offer distinct features,
functionalities, and user experiences, influencing users' preferences and behaviors. Key
platforms include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Understanding the unique
characteristics and user behaviors of each platform enables brands to optimize their content,
messaging, and advertising efforts.

Perception of Online Shopping Convenience:

It assesses the youth's perception of the convenience and ease of use associated with online
clothing purchases, including aspects such as product selection, price comparisons, and the
overall shopping experience.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework acts as a foundation of the entire research which shows the
relationship that the research papers intend to study. In this particular research, online
shopping decisions is primary topic of interest. Therefore, it is taken as dependent variable.
Similarly, factors that influence the dependent variables are taken as independent variables.
The independent variables are: types of social media content, frequency of engagement,
platform preferences and perception of online shopping convenience.

Figure 1
Conceptual framework

Independent Variables

• Types of social media content Dependent variable

• Frequency of engagement
• Platform preferences Online Shopping Decisions
• Perception of online shopping

1.7 Research Methodology

The research methodology is used to outline the systematic approach and techniques to
achieve the objectives of the study. The methodology contains three main elements:

research design, data collection and sampling techniques, and data analysis procedures. The
purpose of the study is to indicate how the research was conducted throughout the study

1.7.1 Research Design

The research uses a descriptive research design to clearly show how young adults in
Biratnagar think and act about shopping for clothes online and through social media. This
type of research aims to explain the situation as it is, without manipulating the variables.
It's important because it helps to understand the true thoughts and actions of young adults
in Biratnagar, without any outside influence. This way, the study can give useful
information about the best ways to market to this group and their online shopping habits.

1.7.2 Population and Sample

A population is the entire collection of all the observations of the interest for the research
and if the respondents selected by the researcher represents the entire population of the
study, it can be called as a sample.

The population for this study includes individuals within Biratnagar who have access to the
internet and are active users of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, TikTok, and others. As per the objective of the study, convenience sampling is
used to select participants from the target population of young adults in Biratnagar.
Participants are recruited through various channels, including social media platforms, local
communities, and educational institutions, to ensure a diverse and representative sample.

1.7.3 Data Collection Procedure

The study involves only primary data collection method that involves the distribution of
structured questionnaires to a sample of 100 young adults (aged 18-30) residing in
Biratnagar. The questionnaire comprises a mix of closed-ended and Likert scale questions,
allowing respondents to provide quantitative responses to predefined variables.

1.7.4 Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis

Data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel, leveraging various tools and
functionalities to explore and interpret the collected data. Frequency tables were generated
to summarize the distribution of responses across different variables. Percentage tables
were utilized to express the proportion of responses relative to the total sample size.

For data presentation, visual aids such as pie charts, bar diagrams, and clustered bar charts
were employed to effectively communicate key findings and trends to the audience. Pie
charts were utilized to represent categorical data, illustrating the distribution of responses
across different categories or groups in a visually appealing manner. Bar diagrams were
employed to compare the frequency or percentage of responses across different variables
or categories, allowing for easy visualization of differences and similarities. Clustered bar
charts were utilized to compare multiple variables or subgroups simultaneously, enabling
a comprehensive analysis of relationships and trends within the dataset. These visualization
techniques enhanced the clarity and understandability of the research findings, facilitating
the communication of results to stakeholders and readers.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The limitations of a study are its flaws and shortcomings which could be the result of
unavailability of resources, small sample size, etc. Following are the limitations of this

➢ The accuracy of the findings of the study depends upon the correctness of the
responses provided by the respondents.
➢ Unwillingness of the respondents to provide information is another limitation.
➢ Findings of the study may be influenced by personal bias of the respondents.
➢ The study is confined to the customers of Biratnagar only and may not be
generalizable to larger population of divergent characteristics.
➢ The study did not consider external factors such as cultural or economic background
which could influence online shopping decisions of apparels.


The stages of data analysis and interpretation constitute important phases in the extraction
of insights from raw data. These processes encompass careful examination, cleaning,
strategic transformation, and difficult modeling of data to explain underlying patterns,
distinguish trends, and separate relationships. Following data preparation, the application
of statistical methodologies is vital to distinguish the significance of the dataset. Frequency
tables are accurately constructed to outline the distribution of categorical variables,
furnishing a comprehensive overview of the frequency of occurrence for each category.
Subsequent percentage analysis serves to illuminate these distributions by expressing
frequencies as proportions relative to the aggregate, thereby affording a comparative
perspective. Conversely, mean calculation serves to clarify central tendencies within
numerical data. In the area of visual representation, pie charts are adeptly deployed to depict
categorical data proportions, while bar graphs serve as effective instruments for illustrating
inter-category or inter-group comparisons. These graphical depictions serve to enhance the
accessibility and lucidity of insights gleaned from data analysis, thereby facilitating
informed decision-making processes.

2.1 Respondent Profile

As stated in the previous chapter, the purpose of this study is to explore the influence of
social media marketing on online apparel shopping among youths in Biratnagar. A
questionnaire was prepared and distributed to social media users in Biratnagar for the
collection of data. 101 members were selected randomly for the convenience of knowing
their opinions regarding social media marketing from online apparel brands. The data
collected were tabulated and analyzed using statistical tools and techniques to determine
the role of social media interaction and engagement in influencing online apparel shopping

2.1.1 Age Group Classification of Respondents

Table 1
Age of Respondent
S.N. Age Group Frequency Percentage %
1 18-20 19 19
2 21-23 47 46
3 24-26 24 24
4 27 and above 11 11
Total 101 100

Note. Age of Respondent obtained from Survey, 2024 sourced from Appendix 2

Table 1 shows the age profile of the respondents. The largest age group represented is 21-
23 years old, making up 46% of the total respondents. The second largest group is those
aged 24-26, accounting for 24% of the participants. The 18-20 age group comprises 19%
of the total, while the smallest group is those aged 27 and above, which makes up 11% of
the respondents. This suggests that the survey or study has primarily captured the
perspectives and experiences of individuals in the early to mid-twenties.

Figure 2
Pie-chart Showing Age of Respondent
27 and above
11% 18-20

24% 21-23
27 and above


Note. Figure demonstrating Age of Respondents sourced from Table 1


2.1.2 Gender Classification of Respondents

Table 2
Gender of Respondent
S.N. Gender Frequency Percentage %
1 Male 37 36.6
2 Female 64 63.4
Total 101 100

Note. Gender of Respondent obtained from Survey, 2024 sourced from Appendix 2

The above Table 2 illustrates the gender distribution among respondents in a particular
survey or study. Out of a total of 101 participants, the majority, comprising 64 individuals
or 63.4%, identified as female. The remaining 37 respondents, representing 36.6%,
identified as male. This breakdown provides valuable insight into the composition of the
gender of the surveyed population. It indicates a higher representation of females compared
to males within the sample group.

Figure 3
Pie-chart Showing Gender of Respondent




Note. Figure demonstrating Gender of Respondents sourced from Table 2


2.1.3 Occupation Classification of Respondents

Table 3
Occupation of Respondent
S.N. Occupation Frequency Percentage %
1 Student 67 66.3
2 Employed 18 17.8
3 Unemployed 16 15.8
Total 101 100

Note. Occupation of Respondent obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

The above Table 3 shows the occupational status of the 101 survey respondents. The data
reveals that the largest group, comprising 66.3% of the participants, are students. This
indicates that the survey has primarily captured the perspectives and experiences of
individuals currently enrolled in educational institutions. The employed respondents make
up the second largest group, accounting for 17.8% of the sample. In contrast, the
unemployed individuals represent the smallest portion, at 15.8% of the total participants.

Figure 4
Pie-chart Showing Occupation of Respondent


18% Employed


Note. Figure demonstrating Occupation of Respondents sourced from Table 3


2.1.4 Preferred Social Media Platforms

Table 4
Preferred Social Media Platforms by Respondents
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Facebook 78 77.2
2 Instagram 75 74.3
3 Twitter 19 18.8
4 TikTok 34 33.7
5 Snapchat 35 34.7
6 Pinterest 22 21.8
7 LinkedIn 21 20.8
8 Others 4 4
Total 288
Note. Preferred social media platforms obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from
Appendix 2

The above Table 4 represents the social media platforms used by the 101 survey
respondents. As the respondents were allowed to select multiple options, the total number
of responses 288 exceeds the total number of participants 101. The most widely used social
media platform among the respondents is Facebook, with 77.2%. Instagram is the second
most popular, with 74.3% of respondents reporting its use. Twitter is used by 18.8% of the
participants, while TikTok and Snapchat are used by 33.7% and 34.7% respectively.
Pinterest and LinkedIn are used by 21.8% and 20.8% of the respondents. The "Others"
category accounts for 4%.

Figure 5
Bar Diagram Showing Preferred Social Media Platforms by Respondents

Others 4
Social Media Platform

Pinterest 22
Snapchat 35
Tiktok 34
Twitter 19
Instagram 75
Facebook 78
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Note. Figure demonstrating Preferred Social Media Platforms Sourced from Table 4

2.1.5 Classification of Frequency of Interaction

Table 5
Frequency of Interaction
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Rarely 16 15.8
2 Occasionally 21 20.8
3 Frequently 44 43.6
4 Very Frequently 20 19.8
Total 101 100

Note. Frequency of interecation obtained from Survey 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

The table shows the frequency of interaction with clothing brand media content on social
media platforms among the 101 survey respondents. The largest group, comprising 43.6%
of the participants, frequently engages with clothing brand media content on social media.
The largest group, comprising 43.6% of the participants, frequently engages with clothing
brand media content on social media. The "Very Frequently" category represents 19.8% of
the participants, while at the lower end, 15.8% of the respondents report rarely engaging
with clothing brand content on social media, suggesting a smaller group with relatively low
levels of interaction.
Figure 6
Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Interaction


25 21 20
20 16
Rarely Occassionally Frequently Very frequently

Note. Figure demonstrating Frequency of Interaction Sourced from Table 5


2.1.6 Classification of Types of preferred social media content

Table 6
Types of eye-catching content
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 High-quality images 37 36.6
2 Engaging videos 47 46.5
3 Detailed product description 49 48.5
4 Influencer endorsements 38 37.6
5 Customer reviews 39 38.6
6 Styling 3 3
Total 213

Note. Types of eyecatching content obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

The above Table 6 represents the social media platforms used by the 101 survey
respondents. As the respondents were allowed to select multiple options, the total number
of responses (213) exceeds the total number of participants (101). The most influential
factor is detailed product descriptions, selected by 48.5% of the respondents. Engaging
videos (46.5%) and customer reviews (38.6%) are also important drivers of engagement.
Influencer endorsements (37.6%) and high-quality images (36.6%) are moderately
influential factors. The Styling category was selected by only 3% of participants, indicating
it is a less important consideration.
Figure 7
Bar Diagram Showing Types of eye-catching content

styling 3
Types of Content

Customer reviews 39
Influencer endorsements 38
Detailed product description 49
Engaging videos 47
High quality images 37

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Note. Figure demonstrating Types of eye-catching content Sourced from Table 6


2.1.7 Influence of social media content on online clothing brands

Table 7
Social Media Influence on Online Clothing Brands
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Not influential at all 8 7.9
2 Slightly influential 26 25.7
3 Moderately influential 20 19.8
4 Very influential 39 38.6
5 Extremely influential 8 7.9
Total 101 100
Note. Social media influence on clothing brands obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from
Appendix 2

The Table 7 shows how social media influences the respondent’s perception of online
clothing brands. The largest group, 38.6% of participants, say social media is Very
influential. A good number, 25.7%, see social media as only Slightly influential. Around
20% find it "Moderately influential". A small percentage view it as either extremely
influential (7.9%) or not influential at all (7.9%). Overall, the data suggests that social
media has a significant impact on the online clothing brand perception of many
respondents, though the level of influence varies.
Figure 8
Bar Diagram Showing Social Media Influence on Online Clothing Brands


30 26
25 20
10 8 8
Not influential at Slightly Moderately Very influential Extremely
all influential influential influential


Note. Figure demonstrating Social media Influence on Clothe Brand Sourced from Table 7

2.1.8 Types of Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands

Table 8
Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Liking posts 54 53.5
2 Sharing posts 36 35.6
3 Commenting 32 31.7
4 Direct Messaging the Brand 60 59.4
4 Tagging friends 30 29.7
5 Participating in giveaways 17 16.8
Total 229

Note. Type of interaction with brands obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix

Table 8 shows the different ways the 101 respondents interact with clothing brands on
social media. As participants could select multiple options, the total responses added up to
229. The most common interaction is direct messaging the brand, done by 59.4% of
respondents. Liking posts is also popular, at 53.5%. Sharing posts is the third most frequent
interaction, reported by 35.6%. Commenting on-brand content is done by 31.7% of the
sample. Tagging friends is engaged in by 29.7%, while 16.8% participate in brand

Figure 9
Bar Diagram Showing Social Media Interactions with Clothing Brands

Participating in giveaways 17
Type of interaction

Tagging friends 30

Direct Messaging the Brand 60

Commenting 32

Sharing posts 36

Liking posts 54

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Respondents

Note. Figure demonstrating Social Media Interaction with Clothe Brand Sourced from
Table 8

2.1.9 Likelihood of Purchase Decision Social Media Content

Table 9
Purchase Likelihood After Social Media Engagement
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Not likely at all 11 10.9
2 Slightly likely 30 29.7
3 Moderately likely 28 27.7
4 Very likely 25 24.8
5 Extremely likely 7 6.9
Total 101 100

Note. Purchase likeness after SM use obtained from Survey 2024 Sourced from Appendix

Table 9 represents data on respondents' likelihood of purchasing clothing from a brand after
engaging with the brand's content on social media. The largest group, 29.7% of participants,
indicate they are "Slightly likely" to purchase after social media engagement. Another
27.7% say they are "Moderately likely" to buy from the brand. Around a quarter of the
sample, 24.8%, report being "Very likely" to purchase after interacting with the brand on
social media. At the lower end, 10.9% of respondents state they are "Not likely at all" to
buy, while 6.9% say they are "Extremely likely" to do so.

Figure 10
Bar Diagram Showing Purchase Likelihood After Social Media Engagement

30 28



10 7

Not likely at all Slightly likely Moderately likely Very likely Extremely likely

2.1.10 Classification of Types of preferred social media content

Table 10
Frequency of Online Clothing Purchases
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Rarely 31 30.7
2 Occasionally 31 30.7
3 Frequently 31 30.7
4 Very frequently 8 7.9
Total 101 100

Note. Frequency of online purchase of Respondent obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced
from Appendix 2

Table 10 shows the frequency of online clothing purchases among the survey respondents.
An equal proportion, 30.7%, rarely, occasionally, and frequently make online clothing
purchases. Only 7.9% do so very frequently. This even spread across the frequency
categories suggests a balance of light, moderate, and heavy online clothing shoppers in the

Figure 11
Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Online Clothing Purchases

31 31 31




10 8

Rarely Occasionally Frequently Very frequently

Note. Figure demonstrating Frequency of Online Clothes Purchase Sourced from Table 10

2.1.11 Distribution of Factors which Influences Purchase Decision

Table 11
Factors Influencing Clothing Purchase Decisions
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Price 60 59.4
2 Brand reputation 35 34.7
3 Product Quality 61 60.4
4 Social media presence 29 28.7
5 Influencer recommendation 29 28.7
6 Customer reviews 66 65.3
7 Exclusive discounts 34 33.7
Table 314

Note. Factors influencing purchase obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 11 shows the different factors that impact the clothing purchase decisions of the 101
survey respondents. The most influential factor is customer reviews, selected by 65.3% of
the respondents. Product quality is also a key consideration, influencing the decisions of
60.4% of the participants. Price with 59.4% of respondents indicating it as influential.
Exclusive discounts are important for 33.7% of the sample. Brand reputation with 34.7%,
social media presence with 28.7%, and influencer recommendations with 28.7 % are
moderately influential.
Figure 12
Bar Diagram Showing Factors Influencing Clothing Purchase Decisions

Exclusive discounts 34
Customer reviews 66
Influencer recommendation 29

Social media presence 29

Product quality 61
Brand reputation 35
Price 60

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Note. Figure demonstrating Factors Influencing Clothes Purchase Decision Sourced from
Table 11

2.1.12 Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before Clothing Purchases

Table 12
Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before Clothing Purchases
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage %
1 Never 8 7.9
2 Rarely 22 21.8
3 Occasionally 33 32.7
4 Frequently 26 25.7
5 Always 12 11.9
Total 101 100

Note. Frequency of seeking recommendation obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from
Appendix 2

Table 12 represents frequency of seeking recommendations before making purchase. The

largest group, 32.7% of participants, indicate they "Occasionally" seek recommendations
prior to clothing purchases. The next largest group, 25.7%, say they "Frequently" seek
recommendations before buying clothes. Around 22% of respondents "Rarely" seek
recommendations, while 11.9% "Always" do so. A small percentage, 7.9%, report that they
"Never" seek recommendations before making clothing purchases.
Figure 13
Bar Diagram Showing Frequency of Seeking Recommendations Before Purchases

35 33

25 22


15 12
10 8

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

Note. Figure demonstrating Frequency of Seeking Recommendation before Purchase

Sourced from Table 12

2.2.13 Survey on Influence of Social Media Marketing on Online Clothing Purchase

Table 13
Influence of Visual Elements on Perception of Clothing Brands
Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Influence in
Perception 2 14 16 50 18

Note. Influence of visual elements obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 13 presents the survey responses regarding the influence of visual elements on the
perception of clothing brands. The majority of respondents i.e., 50% agreed that visual
elements have an influence on the perception of clothing brands, while 18% strongly agreed
with this statement. On the other hand, 16% of respondents were neutral, and 14%
disagreed, with only 2% strongly disagreeing.

Figure 14
Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Visual Elements on Perception of Clothing Brands

Influence in perception




20 18

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Influence of Visual Elements on Perception of Clothing Brands

Sourced from Table 13

Table 14
Influence of Friends on Engagement with Social Media Platforms
Strongly Strongly
Statement disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
Engage more in platforms
where friends are active 8 13 23 38 18

Note. Influence of friends obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 14 presents the survey responses regarding engaging more on platforms where
friends are active. The largest group of respondents i.e. 38% agreed with this statement,
while 18% strongly agreed. On the other hand, 23% of respondents were neutral, 13%
disagreed, and 8% strongly disagreed. This shows that a majority of the survey participants
(56%) either agreed or strongly agreed that they would engage more on platforms where
their friends are active, while a smaller proportion (21%) disagreed or strongly disagreed
with this idea.

Figure 15
Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Friends on Engagement with Social Media Platforms

Engage more in platforms where friends are active

40 38





20 18

15 13

10 8

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Influence of Friends on Engagement with Social Media

Platforms Sourced from Table 14

Table 15
Trust on Online Reviews
Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Trust in reviews 3 6 14 42 33

Note. Trust on online reviews obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 15 presents the survey responses regarding trust in online reviews. The majority of
respondents, i.e. 42% agreed that they trust online reviews, while an additional 33%
strongly agreed. In contrast, only 6% disagreed and 3% strongly disagreed with this
statement. The remaining 14% of respondents were neutral. This data suggests that the vast
majority of survey participants (75%) trust online reviews, either agreeing or strongly
agreeing with the statement. Only a small proportion (9%) expressed distrust in online

Figure 16
Bar Diagram Showing Trust on Online Reviews

Trust in reviews
45 42

35 33




5 3

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Trust on Online Reviews Sourced from Table 15


Table 16
Influence of Sponsored Posts on Perception of Clothing Brands
Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Influence of Sponsored
Posts 7 16 30 33 13

Note. Influence of sponsored post on Perception obtained from Survey, 2024 Sourced from
Appendix 2

Table 16 presents the survey responses regarding the influence of sponsored posts on
perception of clothing brands. The majority of respondents, i.e. 33% agreed that sponsored
posts influenced their perception, while an additional 13% strongly agreed. In contrast, 7%
strongly disagreed and 16% disagreed with this statement. The remaining 30% of
respondents were neutral. This data suggests that the majority of survey participants (46%)
were influenced by sponsored posts, either agreeing or strongly agreeing with the
statement. However, a significant proportion (23%) also expressed disagreement or strong
disagreement with the influence of sponsored posts.

Figure 17
Bar Diagram Showing Influence of Sponsored Posts on Perception of Clothing Brands

Influence of Sponsored posts

35 33


15 13


Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Influence of Sponsored Posts on Perception of Clothing Brands

Sourced from Table 16

Table 17
Influence of Frequency of engagement with clothing brands
Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Influence of Frequency of
engagement 6 15 23 40 16

Note. Influence of Frequency of engagement with clothing brand obtained from Survey,
2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 17 presents the survey responses regarding the influence of brand activeness on
perception of clothing brands. The majority of respondents, i.e. 40% agreed that brand
activeness influenced their perception, while an additional 16% strongly agreed. In
contrast, 6% strongly disagreed and 15% disagreed with this statement. The remaining 23%
of respondents were neutral. This data suggests that the majority of survey participants
(56%) were influenced by brand activeness, either agreeing or strongly agreeing with the
statement. However, a significant proportion (21%) also expressed disagreement or strong
disagreement with the influence of brand activeness.
Figure 18
Bar Diagram Showing Influence of brand activeness on perception of clothing brands

Influence of brand activeness




25 23

15 16


Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrate Influence of Brand Activeness on Perception of Respondents

Sourced from Table 17

Table 18
Helpfulness of content related to clothing brands
Strongly Strongly
Statement disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
Helpfulness of
content 3 9 17 47 23

Note. Helpfulness of content related to clothing brands obtained from Survey, 2024
Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 18 presents the survey responses regarding the helpfulness of content related to
clothing brands. The majority of respondents, i.e. 47% agreed that the content was helpful,
while an additional 23% strongly agreed. In contrast, 3% strongly disagreed and 9%
disagreed with this statement. The remaining 17% of respondents were neutral. This data
suggests that the vast majority of survey participants (70%) found the content to be helpful,
either agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement. Only a small proportion (12%)
expressed that the content was not helpful by disagreeing or strongly disagreeing.
Figure 19
Bar Diagram Showing Helpfulness of content related to clothing brands

Helpfulness of content
50 47

25 23

20 17
5 3

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Helpfulness of Content Related to Online Clothing Brand

Sourced from Table 18

Table 19
Influence of social commitment on perception of clothing brands
Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Influence of Social Commitment 4 10 29 42 15

Note. Influence of social commitment on perception of clothing brands obtained from

Survey, 2024 Sourced from Appendix 2

Table 19 presents the survey responses regarding the influence of social commitment on
perception of clothing brands. The majority of respondents, i.e. 42% agreed that social
commitment influenced their perception, while an additional 15% strongly agreed. In
contrast, 4% strongly disagreed and 10% disagreed with this statement. The remaining 29%
of respondents were neutral. This data suggests that the majority of survey participants
(57%) were influenced by social commitment, either agreeing or strongly agreeing with the
statement. However, a significant proportion (14%) also expressed disagreement or strong
disagreement with the influence of social commitment.

Figure 20
Bar diagram showing Influence of social commitment on perception of clothing brands

Influence of social commitment

45 42




Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Influence of Social Commitment on perception of clothing

brand Sourced from Table 19

Table 20
Influence of brand activeness on positive perception
Strongly Strongly
Statement disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
Connection to
brands 5 14 12 43 26

Note. Influence of brand activeness on positive perception obtained from Survey, 2024
Sourced from Appendix 2

The data provided in Table 20 offers insights into the influence of brand activeness on
positive perception. It shows that a significant majority of respondents perceive a positive
correlation between brand activeness and their connection to brands. Specifically, 69% of
respondents (comprising 43% who 'Agree' and 26% who 'Strongly Agree') express a
favorable viewpoint. Conversely, a smaller proportion, totaling 19% (5% who 'Strongly
Disagree' and 14% who 'Disagree'), hold a contrary opinion. Additionally, 12% of
respondents remained neutral on the matter.
Figure 21
Bar Diagram Showing Influence of brand activeness on positive perception

Connection to brands

45 43





15 12

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Note. Figure demonstrating Influence of Brand Activeness on Image of Online Clothing

Brand Sourced from Table 20

2.2.14 Mean of Variables Likert Rating

Table 21
Mean of various variable's Likert rating
SN Variables Weighted Mean
1 Types of Social Media Content 3.75
2 Frequency of Engagement 3.41
3 Platform Preference 3.31
4 Perception 3.62

The table 21 represents an analysis of various aspects related to social media, each
characterized by a weighted mean score. "Types of Social Media Content" category, with
a weighted mean of 3.75, suggests a perceived richness or diversity in the content available
across social media platforms. This indicates that respondents likely view social media as
offering a wide array of content types.

"Frequency of Engagement" aspect, with a weighted mean of 3.41, indicates a moderate

level of interaction or activity among users on these platforms. It implies that users are
moderately engaged with social media content and activities.

"Platform Preference" category, with a weighted mean of 3.31, suggests that respondents
have a moderate preference for specific social media platforms over others. This could
reflect varying user preferences based on factors such as features, user interface, or content

"Perception" aspect, with a weighted mean of 3.62, indicates a generally positive perception
among respondents towards social media platforms or content. Overall, the table provides
insights into how users perceive and engage with social media, highlighting both positive
aspects, such as content variety and perceived value, as well as areas of moderate
engagement and preference.

In summary, the table highlights the dynamic nature of social media, portraying it as a
multifaceted landscape where users encounter diverse content, engage with varying
frequencies, express preferences for particular platforms, and hold generally positive
perceptions. These findings shed light on the nuanced ways in which individuals interact
with and perceive social media, offering valuable insights for marketers, platform

developers, and researchers aiming to better understand and navigate this ever-evolving
digital sphere.

Figure 22
Mean Chart of various Variables Likert Rating



Mean Scores




Types of Social Media Frequency of Platform Preference Perception
Content Engagement

Note. Figure demonstrating Mean Scores of various Independent Variables Influencing

Online Clothes Purchase Decision Sourced from Table 21

2.3 Findings
Based on the responses collected from the distribution of questionnaires, major findings
drawn from the collected data are discussed below:

➢ The significant representation of individuals in their early to mid-twenties (21-23

years old) i.e. about 46% of the total respondents, suggests that this demographic
segment is particularly active in online apparel shopping and social media
engagement. This age group is often characterized by a strong interest in fashion
trends and a high level of digital literacy, making them an important target audience
for clothing brands.
➢ The higher proportion of female respondents (63.4%) indicates that women are
more actively involved in online apparel shopping and social media engagement
than men. This finding aligns with broader trends showing that women are often
more engaged with fashion-related content and are key influencers in shaping
fashion trends through social media platforms.
➢ The dominance of students (66.3%) of the sample population in the respondent
population highlights the significance of young adults who are currently enrolled in
educational institutions as a key demographic for online clothing brands. Students
are likely to have diverse fashion preferences and may be more receptive to social
media marketing strategies that resonate with their lifestyle and interests.
➢ The popularity of Facebook and Instagram underscores the importance of these
platforms for clothing brands seeking to engage with young adult consumers.
➢ The high frequency of engagement with clothing brand media content on social
media platforms with almost 63% respondents engaging frequently or very
frequently indicates a strong interest and active participation among respondents.
This suggests that social media plays a significant role in shaping their perception
of clothing brands and influencing their purchase decisions.
➢ The identified influential factors such as detailed product descriptions, engaging
videos, and customer reviews emphasize the importance of compelling content and
authentic interactions in capturing the attention and trust of young adult consumers.
➢ The prevalence of direct messaging the brand and liking posts as most common
forms of interaction highlights the importance of personalized communication and
active engagement in building customer relationships on social media.

➢ The likelihood of purchasing clothing from a brand after engaging with its content
on social media indicates the effectiveness of social media marketing in driving
conversion and generating sales. This finding underscores the importance of
creating compelling content and facilitating seamless purchasing experiences to
capitalize on consumer interest and intent.
➢ The perception of visual elements, sponsored posts, brand activeness, and social
commitment as influential factors in shaping perceptions of clothing brands
underscores the importance of holistic brand storytelling and authenticity in
resonating with young adult consumers. Brands that effectively leverage these
elements can cultivate positive brand perceptions and foster meaningful
connections with their target audience.

2.4 Discussion
The findings from this study align with and expand upon the insights gleaned from the
existing literature on the influence of social media on consumer decision-making in the
clothing/fashion industry.

Consistent with the literature, the study confirms that younger demographics, particularly
those in the 21-23 age range, are highly engaged on social media platforms when it comes
to apparel shopping (Tripathi, 2019) & (Nash, 2019). The dominance of female respondents
also aligns with research highlighting women's strong involvement in fashion-related
content and their influence as key trendsetters on social media (Management Association,

The popularity of platforms like Facebook and Instagram underscores their importance as
crucial channels for clothing brands to connect with their young adult target audience, as
corroborated by studies on the integration of social media into fashion marketing strategies
(D, E, & N, 2023)

The finding that respondents frequently engage with clothing brand content on social media
supports the literature's emphasis on the transformative power of social media in shaping
modern fashion consumption and brand-customer relationships (D, E, & N, 2023). Factors
such as detailed product information, engaging videos, and customer reviews were
identified as influential, echoing the literature's call for compelling content and authentic
interactions to build trust and drive conversion (Anil, Sinha, & Bhatt, 2020) & (Yang,
Khan, & Zhang, 2020).

The prevalence of direct messaging and liking posts as common forms of interaction
highlights the importance of personalized communication and active engagement, aligning
with the literature's insights on the role of social media in fostering two-way interactions
and a sense of community around fashion brands (Management Association, 2022).

The likelihood of purchasing clothing after engaging with brand content on social media
corroborates the literature's findings on the effectiveness of social media marketing in
driving sales and the need for seamless purchasing experiences (Chaturvedi & Gupta,

Finally, the study's findings on the influence of visual elements, sponsored posts, brand
activeness, and social commitment in shaping brand perceptions echo the literature's
emphasis on the importance of holistic brand storytelling and authenticity in resonating
with young adult consumers (Anil, Sinha, & Bhatt, 2020).

Overall, this study's findings provide empirical support for the key insights from the
literature, underscoring the significant role of social media in influencing consumer
decision-making and brand perceptions in the clothing/fashion industry, particularly among
the younger demographic. The study's contributions lie in its ability to contextualize and
validate the existing theoretical framework within the specific research context.


3.1 Summary

This study digs into the impact of social media marketing on the online apparel shopping
behavior of young adults in Biratnagar, Nepal. Focusing on the local online apparel industry
and consumer behaviors related to social media marketing, the research aims to put light
on the preferences and attitudes of this demographic group in the area of clothing purchases.
Given the rise in social media usage and the popularity of online shopping, understanding
the dimensions of consumer behavior becomes crucial for apparel brands and marketers.
Specifically, the study aims to identify the types of social media content that resonate with
this demographic, understand their platform preferences. By knowing the specific
preferences and behaviors of young adults, companies can leverage social media platforms
to effectively engage with consumers, boost conversions, and nurture lasting relationships.

The study adopts a descriptive research design to clarify the attitudes and behaviors of the
target demographic without external manipulation of variables. Using convenience
sampling, 101 respondents aged 18-30, who are active social media users, were selected.
Data collection was carried out through structured online questionnaires, with analysis
performed using Microsoft Excel to generate frequency and percentage tables for

The findings reveal that young adults in Biratnagar predominantly interact with online
apparel shopping through platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, showing a strong
inclination towards detailed product descriptions and engaging videos. Moreover, social
media marketing emerges as a significant influencer on their perception of clothing brands,
leading to an increased likelihood of purchase, especially when brands engage proactively
with customers through personalized communication channels.

3.2 Conclusion

The study has explored how social media affects the way young adults in Biratnagar shop
for clothes online. It has examined a lot of data to understand who these young adults are,
what social media platforms they prefer, how they interact with clothing brands online, and
what factors influence their shopping decisions.

The survey findings not only shed light on the insightful impact of social media platforms
on the online apparel purchasing behaviors of young adults in Biratnagar but also offer
concrete data-backed insights into the various dynamics at play. The higher proportion of
female respondents, accounting for 63.4% of the survey participants, underscores the active
involvement of women in online apparel shopping and social media engagement, aligning
with broader trends and indicating their influential role in shaping fashion trends through
digital platforms. One striking revelation from the survey is the sheer dominance of social
media platforms, particularly Facebook and Instagram, as influential forces in the consumer
decision-making process. With over 77% of respondents citing Facebook and 74% citing
Instagram as their preferred platforms, it becomes evident that these digital spaces are not
just avenues for socializing but also absolute marketplaces where brands compete for
attention and engagement.

Furthermore, the survey lights up the critical role of engaging and informative content in
driving consumer interactions on these platforms. With nearly 48% of respondents
emphasizing the importance of detailed product descriptions and 46.5% expressing a
preference for engaging videos, it becomes apparent that content quality significantly
influences brand perception and purchase intent. Brands that prioritize content creation and
storytelling stand to attract their audience and cut out a competitive edge in the crowded
digital landscape.

Moreover, the relational dimension of social media interactions cannot be overstated. As

indicated by the survey findings, actions such as direct messaging the brand (reported by
59.4% of respondents) and liking posts (53.5% of respondents) are not merely transactional
but serve as channels for building trust and fostering brand loyalty. Brands that invest in
personalized communication and active engagement are better positioned to cultivate
lasting relationships with their audience, thereby enhancing customer lifetime value and

However, among the opportunities lie challenges. The survey underscores the need for
brands to navigate the ever-evolving social media landscape with alertness and adaptability.
With consumer preferences and platform algorithms in a constant state of fluctuation,
brands must remain attentive and responsive to emerging trends and shifting dynamics.
Failure to do so risks pushing away audiences and losing relevance in an increasingly
competitive digital marketplace.

In conclusion, the survey reveals valuable insights into the influence of social media
marketing on online apparel shopping among young adults in Biratnagar. The findings
emphasize the importance of understanding the preferences and behaviors of the target
audience and tailoring marketing strategies to effectively engage with them on digital
platforms. By leveraging the identified influential factors and fostering meaningful
interactions with consumers, clothing brands can enhance their brand visibility, build trust,
and drive sales in the dynamic online marketplace of Biratnagar.

3.3 Action Implications

The study focuses on consumers of Biratnagar only. It is recommended that future studies
should involve more divergent and larger samples of varying demographic characteristics
that can be more helpful in generalizing the findings of the study.

Given the significant influence of detailed product descriptions, engaging videos, and
customer reviews on consumer perceptions and purchase decisions, brands should
prioritize optimizing their content strategy. This involves creating high-quality, visually
appealing content that provides comprehensive information about products while
leveraging user-generated content and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Brands should focus on fostering one-on-one interactions with consumers through direct
messaging, responding promptly to inquiries, and acknowledging user-generated content
to cultivate a sense of community and loyalty among their audience.

Given the popularity of Facebook and Instagram among young adult consumers in
Biratnagar, brands should prioritize optimizing their presence on these platforms. This
involves developing tailored content strategies for each platform, understanding platform-
specific algorithms and features, and engaging with consumers in a manner consistent with
each platform's ethos and user behavior patterns.

Brands should focus on creating opportunities for interaction and collaboration, such as
user-generated content campaigns, brand ambassador programs, and exclusive events or
promotions for loyal customers. By fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity, brands
can cultivate brand loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth referrals among their audience.


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Influence of Social Media Marketing on Online Apparel Shopping among youths in


Dear Participant,
Thank you for participating in this research study about the influence of social media
marketing on online apparel shopping among young adults in Biratnagar. Your valuable
insights will help us better understand how social media content from clothing brands
impacts consumer perceptions and behaviors. Your responses will remain anonymous and
confidential, and will be used for research purposes only. Please answer each question
honestly and to the best of your ability. Your participation is voluntary, and you may skip
any questions you do not wish to answer. The questionnaire should take approximately 5-
10 minutes to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
With regards,
Aprajita Koirala
8th semester

Personal Information:
1. Name
2. Age Group: (18-20, 21-23, 24-26, 27 & above)
3. Gender: [Male / Female / Other]
4. Occupation: (Student / Employed / Unemployed)
Social Media Usage:
5. Which social media platforms do you use regularly? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] Instagram
- [ ] Facebook
- [ ] Twitter
- [ ] Snapchat
- [ ] TikTok
- [ ] Pinterest
- [ ] LinkedIn
- [ ] Other (please specify)
Perceptions of Social Media Content:
6. How often do you come across social media content from clothing brands while using
social media platforms?
- [ ] Rarely

- [ ] Occasionally
- [ ] Frequently
- [ ] Very frequently
7. What type of social media content catches your attention the most when browsing fashion
products? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] High-quality images
- [ ] Engaging videos
- [ ] Detailed product descriptions
- [ ] Customer reviews/testimonials
- [ ] Influencer endorsements
- [ ] Other (please specify)
8. How influential do you find social media content in shaping your perceptions of online
clothing brands?
- [ ] Not influential at all
- [ ] Slightly influential
- [ ] Moderately influential
- [ ] Very influential
- [ ] Extremely influential
Interaction Patterns with Social Media Content:
9. What types of interactions do you typically engage in with social media content from
clothing brands? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] Liking posts
- [ ] Sharing posts
- [ ] Commenting on posts
- [ ] Tagging friends
- [ ] Direct messaging the brand
- [ ] Participating in contests/giveaways
- [ ] Other (please specify)

10. How likely are you to make a purchase after engaging with social media content from
clothing brands?
- [ ] Not likely at all
- [ ] Slightly likely
- [ ] Moderately likely
- [ ] Very likely
- [ ] Extremely likely

Perceptions of Online Shopping Decisions:

11. How frequently do you make online purchases for clothing products?
- [ ] Rarely
- [ ] Occasionally
- [ ] Frequently

- [ ] Very frequently
12. What factors influence your online shopping decisions for clothing products? (Select
all that apply)
- [ ] Price
- [ ] Brand reputation
- [ ] Product quality
- [ ] Social media presence
- [ ] Influencer recommendations
- [ ] Customer reviews/testimonials
- [ ] Other (please specify)

13. how often do you seek recommendation or opinion from friends or family on social
media before making a purchase from a clothing brand?
• Never
• Rarely
• Occasionally
• Frequently
• Always

Likert Scale Questions:

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
14. The visual elements (images/videos) in social media content greatly influence my
perception of clothing brands.
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree
- [ ] Strongly Agree

15. I trust customer reviews/testimonials shared on social media when making online
shopping decisions for fashion products.
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree
- [ ] Strongly Agree

16. I tend to engage more with social media content from clothing brands on platforms
where my friends are also active.
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree

- [ ] Strongly Agree

17. I am likely to follow a clothing brand on social media after seeing their sponsored post
or advertisement?
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree
- [ ] Strongly Agree

18. The frequency of updates from clothing brands on social media platforms influences
my likelihood to make a purchase.
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree
- [ ] Strongly Agree

19. I find social media content from clothing brands to be informative and helpful in making
informed purchase decisions.
[ ] Strongly Disagree
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Agree
[ ] Strongly Agree

19. I feel more connected to clothing brands that actively engage with their followers on
social media.
- [ ] Strongly Disagree
- [ ] Disagree
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Agree
- [ ] Strongly Agree

20.Social media marketing campaigns influence my perception of clothing brands’ values

and commitment to social causes.
[ ] Strongly Disagree
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Agree
[ ] Strongly Agree


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