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Journal 2

Pe 444/445

Dr. Ettle

Jack Turner

Journal Week 2

This week has been similar to last week. As I am writing this, I have worked a total of three

eight-hour days. Each day has started with me getting the practice car up and ready to go for the

pit crew practice groups of the day. After this, I helped set up and create the first workout and

joined this group to work out as they wanted to train me to be a pit crew member. After this, we

have pit stop practice on the indoor practice car, and then two more workout groups that do the

same workout as the first that I help run, set up, and demonstrate lifts if need be. After these

groups, I help put things away, speak with my boss about specifics, and clean up the cardio area.

This has been a staple in my last three full days, and today, I did all that. I also found shelving for

my company to order online and hung a shelf in the weight room. So this all means that I have

steadily been improving and doing more and more each week as I am trusted with more and

more. At this point, while I complete tasks, I have little to no “supervision” because I have

shown I can and will do things right the first time. At one point this week, one of the members of

the pit crew was annoyed about something was not done that he had asked me to do; I explained

to him the valid reason it was not done and told him how I was going to fix the problem when I

was allowed to by my boss. In this situation, I demonstrated the competency of “The applicant

demonstrates the ability to give and Receive constructive feedback.” Now, as we continue into

the following weeks, I want to get more involved in the design of the workouts and have some

subtle input on what we should do to achieve the goals of each pit crew. I also plan to continue
my job, taking care of the pit car to the best of my ability and learning what else I can do to help

the practice run as smoothly as possible. I feel that my work at Andretti Global this week has

related to many of the competencies a YCD major should be looking to improve, the first being

“The applicant demonstrates a variety of effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills

(i.e., use of silence, active listening, empathy, reflection of feeling, reframing, and questioning

skills).” I feel that all of my co-workers and I have very effective communication with one

another, as well as with my bosses, and I feel that I have also been able to practice this when

helping lead workout groups. I also believe that this week, I have demonstrated the competencies

“The applicant employs genuine relationships to promote positive behavior.” I feel that I have

forged some excellent relationships that make working with my bosses and some of the pit crew

athletes I coach easy and painless making everything easier for everyone.

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