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English Corner: Debate & Discussion

Group Members’ Names:1)_________ __2)_______ _____3)____ __ ___4)__ __

Video Title: Introduction to the Debate


Use the video link or QR code to watch the video up to (2:03mins)

Listen to the Video. What is the main idea of the video?

1. agreement 8. false 15. point of interruption
2. challenge 9. formal (POI)
3. civilized 10. in a nutshell 16. position
4. con 11. invalid 17. pro
5. debate 12. object 18. proposition
6. disagreement 13. opposition 19. rebuttal
7. elaborate 14. orderly

As you listen, answer the following T/F statements.

(____) 1. There are four sides to any debate.

(____) 2. The opposition is the side arguing against the proposition in a debate.

(____) 3. The two debating sides have equal time to present this position.

(____) 4. People debate those they agree with.

(____) 5. The opposite team in a debate may not interrupt outside their time.

Listen to the video again. In pairs, create your own T/F statements.
Pass your T/F statements to another group to see if they can answer them.

(____) 1. ________________________________________________________

(____) 2. ________________________________________________________

(____) 3. ________________________________________________________

(____) 4. ________________________________________________________

(____) 5. ________________________________________________________
English Corner: Debate & Discussion
Group Members’ Names:1)_________ __2)_______ _____3)____ __ ___4)__ __
In a small group, brainstorm topics that In a small group, discuss:
would be interesting to debate or discuss. Is having debates/discussions a good thing?
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Outline a Debate Suggested

Select a topic and organize yourself into two teams to debate/discuss it. Organization
Us the space to organize your thoughts. of the Debate
Pro: 1st
Proposition:______________________________________________ Proposition
My teams* position: ( Pro / Con )
Con: 1st
Organize your thoughts and then debate the opposing two members. Opposition

Pro: 2nd

Con: 2nd

Rebuttal of

Rebuttal of
*Each two members within a team make up one side of the debate/discussion. The remaining two make up the other side of the

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