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RNA sequencing
• Massively parallel sequencing method for
RNA Sequencing and analysis
transcriptome analyses

• Complementary DNA (cDNA) generated from

RNA are sequenced using next-generation
“short read” technologies

Hussein J. M. (PhD)
• Reads are aligned to a reference genome and
a transcriptome map is constructed

Outline Transcriptome
• Intro to RNA‐Seq • Thetranscriptome is the complete set of transcripts
 Biological Questions in a cell, and their quantity, for a specific
 Comparison with Other Methods developmental stage or physiological condition
 Overview RNA‐Seq workflow
• Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-seq Reads • Understanding the transcriptome ise ssential for
• RNA‐Seq Applications -Interpreting the functional elements of the genome
 Annotation
-revealing the molecular constituents of cells, tissues
 Quantification
 Other Applications -understanding development and disease
• Expression Profiling Steps and Software


Aims/Goals of RNA-Seq Library Preparation Methods

• The construction of sequencing libraries
To determine the transcriptional structure of genes: principally involves
Identify genes, exons, splicing events  Isolating the desired RNA molecules
Novel genes or transcripts  fragmenting or amplifying randomly primed cDNA
 discovery of novel transcripts molecules
• Quantification  Reverse-transcribing the RNA to cDNA
 To quantify the changing expression levels of each  Enrichment
transcript during development and under  ligating sequencing adaptors
Differential gene expression
 Abundance of transcripts between different conditions
RNA-seq library fragmentation and size selection strategies that influence
interpretation and analysis.
Transcriptome: RNA World Overview of RNA-seq workflow
RNA-seq library fragmentation and size selection strategies that influence
Transcriptome: RNAs interpretation and analysis.

In addition to proteincoding mRNA, there is a diverse group

of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) molecules that are functional 4
hY p://cfinh‐rnas‐get‐smaller.html Griffith et al., 2015

RNA-seq library fragmentation and size selection strategies that influence
interpretation and analysis.

RNA Isolation & Enrichment interpretation and analysis.

Overview of RNA-seq workflow
RNA-seq library fragmentation and size selection strategies that influence

• rRNA Depletion RNA-seq library fragmentation and size selection strategies that influence
 One approach to eliminate rRNAs is based on interpretation and analysis.
sequences pecific probes that can hybridize to rRNAs
 Alternatively, rRNAs are targeted by anti-sense DNA
oligos and digested by RNase H Griffith et al., 2015
 a method also known as probe-directed degradation
 The selection of an approach for enriching RNA
transcripts of interest for sequencing depends
on the goal of the experiment and many
technical factors Griffith et al., 2015 Griffith et al., 2015 Griffith et al., 2015

RNA Isolation & Enrichment Overview of RNA-seq workflow

A. Sequencing
• Selection of Poly(A) + Transcripts Griffith et al., 2015
 Sequencing of polyadenylated RNA is perhaps the
B. Data amalysis
most common application of RNA-Seq
 The poly(A) tail provides technical convenience
for enrichment of poly(A)
 Poly(A) + RNA selection can be carried out with
magnetic or cellulose beads coated with oligo-dT
 Polyadenylated RNAs can be selected using oligo-dT
priming for reverse transcription (RT)
 Poly(A) purification is a preferred method to
select poly(A) unless a very low amount of RNA is


Quiz • Intro to RNA‐Seq
 Biological Questions
RNA-Seq is now the method of choice to study gene  Comparison with Other Methods
expression and RNA. Justify
 Overview RNA‐Seq workflow
• Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-seq Reads
• RNA‐Seq Applications
 Annotation
 Quantification
 Other Applications
• Expression Profiling Steps and Software

Advantages of RNA-Seq Transcript

RNA-Seq Reconstruction
Challenge: fromReconstruction
Transcript RNA-seq Reads

• Does not require existing genomic sequence

– Unlike hybridization approaches
• Very low back ground noise
(Avg. ~ 2 kb)
– Reads can be unabmiguously mapped
• Resolution
– Up to 1bp (Avg. ~ 300 b)

• High-throughput
– Better than Sanger sequencing of cDNA or EST libraries
• Cost
– Lower than traditional sequencing (~ 75 to 150 b reads, SE or PE)
• Can reveal sequence variations (SNPs) Adapted from:


Transcript Reconstruction
Transcript from
Reconstruction from RNA-Seq
from Reads
RNA-Seq Reads
Reads Transcript Reconstruction
Transcript from
Reconstruction RNA-Seq
from Reads
RNA-seq Reads

Many tools to choose among:

Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-Seq Reads TopHat

“New Tuxedo”
Trinity Suite: Oases
“New Tuxedo” Suite: STAR
End-to-end Genome-based HISAT2 SoapDenovoTrans
End-to-end Genome-based
RNA-Seq Analysis GSNAP AbyssTrans
RNA-Seq Analysis
Software Package … IDBA-Tran
Software Package
BinPacker GMAP
Bridger BLAT
HISAT Trinity Tuxedo” Suite:
The “New Cufflinks
GMAP Genome-based Stringtie Spidey
Tie Tie GMAP
RNA-Seq Analysis IsoLasso Sim4
Software Package Bayesembler …
Nature Biotech, 2010
String Tie GMAP

Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-seq Reads Outline

What if it’s a new species and there is no reference genome?
• Intro to RNA‐Seq
Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-Seq Reads  Biological Questions
Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-Seq Reads
 Comparison with Other Methods
 Overview RNA‐Seq workflow
• Transcript Reconstruction from RNA-seq Reads
TopHat Trinity • RNA‐Seq Applications
End-to-end Transcriptome-based
RNA-Seq Analysis  Annotation
Software Package
Trinity  Quantification
 Other Applications
• Expression Profiling Steps and Software


The Big Picture Genome-Guided

Annotation: IdentifyTranscript
known and Reconstruction
novel transcript
Splice-align reads to the genome

Genome-Guided Transcript Reconstruction

Splice-align reads to the genome

q Applica6ons – Annota6on: From Martin & Wang. Nature Reviews

Alignment segmentinpiles
Genetics. 2011
=> exon regions

Alignment segment piles => exon regions

Known and Novel Transcripts
Genome-Guided Transcript Reconstruction
RNA‐Seq Reads:Applica6ons
Unmapped Reads:
– Annota6on:
ns/gene Annotation:
novel exonIdentify
or gene? known and
novel splice novel transcript
junc6ons? Annotation: Identify known and novel transcript
Splice-align reads to the genome
Iden6fy Known and Novel Transcripts From Martin & Wang. Nature Reviews in Genetics. 2011

Mapped Reads: Unmapped Reads:

Known exons/gene
novel exon or gene? novel splice junc6ons?

Genome-Guided Transcript Reconstruction

Large alignment gaps => introns
Splice-align reads to the genome

Large alignment gaps => introns

GuY man, M. et al Ab ini. o reconstruc. on of cell type–specific transcriptom es in m ouse Trapnell, C. et al Transcript assem bly and quan. fica. on by RN A‐Seq reveals unannotated
reveals the conserved m ul. ‐exonic structure of lincRNAs Nature Biotechnology (2010) transcripts and isoform sw itching during cell differen. a. on Nature Biotechnology (2010)

type–specific transcriptom es in m ouse Trapnell, C. et al Transcript assem bly and quan. fica. on by RNA‐Seq reveals unannotated From Martin & Wang. Nature Reviews in Genetics. 2011
ncRNAs Nature Biotechnology (2010) transcripts and isoform sw itching during cell differen. a. on Nature Biotechnology (2010)
Overlapping but different introns = evidence of alternative splicing

10 Overlapping but different introns = evidence of alternative splicing


RNA‐Seq Applica6ons ‐ Quan6fica6on:

Annotation: Alternative Splicing
i Profilng
Quantification: Expression profiling

Mortazavi A., et al. M apping and quan. fying m am m alian transcriptom es by RN A‐Seq Nature Methods (2008) 12

Genome-Guided Transcript Reconstruction

Annotation: Alternative Splicing Need for Normalization
Traverse paths
paths through
through the
the graph
graph to
to assemble
assemble transcript
transcript isoforms
• More reads mapped to a transcript if it is
i) long
ii) at higher depth of coverage

Reconstructed isoforms
isoforms • Normalize such that
i) features of different lengths
ii) total sequence from different conditions
can be compared
From Martin
Martin &
& Wang.
Wang. Nature
Nature Reviews
Reviews in
in Genetics.
Genetics. 2011


Quan6fying Expression: RPKM

Quantifying Expression: RPKM Quantifying Expression: FPKM
• RPKM: Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped
readsReads Per Kilobase per Million mapped •FPKM: Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per
Million fragments mapped
RPKM= =  Analogous to RPKM but does not use read counts.
C : Number of mappable reads on a feature (eg.  the relative abundances of transcripts are described in
 C : Number exon,reads
of mappable etc.)on a feature (eg. terms of the expected biological objects (fragments)
L: Length
transcript, exon, etc.)of feature (in kb) observed from an RNA‐Seq experiment, which in the future
N: Total
 L: Length number
of feature (in kb)of mappable reads (in millions) may not be represented by single read

 N: Total number of mappable reads (in millions)

Mortazavi A., et al. M apping and quan. fying m am m alian transcriptom es by RN A‐Seq Nature Methods (2008) 14

RPKM : Example RNA-Seq Data Analysis Summary

RPKM Example
 The analysis pipeline of RNA-Seq consists
of four fundamental analysis steps
Gene A 600 bases Gene B 1100 bases Gene C 1400 bases
 Raw image data have to be converted into
RPKM = 12/(0.6*6) = 3.33 RPKM = 24/(1.1*6) =3.64 RPKM = 11/(1.4*6) = 1.31 short read sequences
 Short read alignment to the reference
Sample 1 genome or transcriptome. If not available
C=12 C=24 C = 11
N = 6M then, de novo sequencing
 The amount of mapped reads is counting and
Sample 2 the gene expression level calculation
C=19 C=28 C = 16
N = 8M  peak calling algorithms
RPKM = 19/(0.6*8) = 3.96 RPKM = 28/(1.1*8) =1.94 RPKM = 16/(1.4*8) = 1.43
 Statistical tests to determine differential gene


• Offers high-throughput quantitative
measurement of transcript abundance
• Expression levels correlate well with qPCR
• Costs continue to fall due to multiplexing
• Expected to replace microarrays for
transcriptomic studies
• Automated pipeline (Tophat/Cufflinks)

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