Blind Dating

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Blind dating: shortcomings and guidelines to help the date run

Nowadays blind dating is becoming more and more popular, especially
among the young people. It`s interesting and simply intriguing, because
you have no idea about your partner. Nevertheless, blind dating has a
number of shortcomings.
Firstly, it`s a bit dangerous. The person might turn out to be attractive
but creepy or weird. Sometimes you encounter people who are
completely different than you. Other times you might meet people who
make you wonder, why did you come to the date in the first place.
Secondly, it can be difficult to say ‘no’ to a next outing, if your date asks
you for one. They may think that you judged them or probably disliked
them too much to care for another outing. It can result in considerable
Finally, your date might not be what you expected him or her to be.
They may not be very attractive and that could be a major turn off for
some people.
If you want to try blind dating, you need to know some advices. Behave
naturally and don`t try to impress other person by faking your
personality. Avoid visiting abandoned places, it`s very risky. Also it`s
better to inform your friends about your date, in case of danger they will
be able to help you.
All in all, blind dating is interest experience, which has its own
drawbacks. The main point is to care about your safeness.

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