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As Experimental Research

Presented as the Faculty of Junior High School


Main Campus

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

In the Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject



Mary Justine K. Frogoso

Karri Anduel U. Intendencia

Faith G. Magadia

Melanie Reign V. Mendoza


Research Design

This study will make use of Pretest-Posttest Research Design. This experimental design in

which the researchers only records the before and after of the conducted experiment. The treatments were

the following:

Treatment 1 (T1) - Alternative Ant Repellant Chalk.

- 5ml Rosemary and 5ml Peppermint leaves extract

Treatment 2 (T2) - Commercial Larvicide


A letter of request was sent to conduct the study entitled, “Evaluation of the Property of

Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus) Extract and Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Extract as an Alternative Ant

Repellant Chalk” endorsed by the researcher’s Research Adviser was forwarded to the office of the

school Principal of the Puerto Galera National High School. After the authorization, good management

with the other teachers needed from the said school took place virtually in this time of pandemic that we

are facing for the guidance and necessary improvement and corrections during the conduct of this study.

In the same way, a letter will be sent to the Rentokil Pest Control in Pasig, Metro Manila where the

testing and analysis of the study is conducted.


The conduct of the experimentation will not occur if the necessary materials will be absent.

The main materials used in the study are 50 grams of Rosemary and Peppermint leaves, animated ants,
laboratory apparatuses and supplies. In this study, the Rosemary leaves are from Gabutero Organic Farm

in Sitio Tubigan, Barangay Labonan Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro while the Peppermint leaves were

taken from Barangay Balatero, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. Such materials were needed in the study

to get the desired extract of it to form an alternative ant repellant chalk. In addition, it requires 10

animated ants, for each set-up there will be 5 animated ants in a jar. Also the laboratory apparatuses such

as a graduated cylinder, mortar and pestle, stirring rod and the filter paper were also used for the volume,

crushing, mixing and filtering. Some supplies used in the study which the researchers found in their home

are eggshells, bowl, spoon, chalk molder and a cup of water. Another material used in the study was a 100

gram weighing scale for determining the designated weights of the needed Rosemary and Peppermint



Setting-up of Experiment

The researchers collected all the materials needed such as 5ml of Rosemary and Peppermint

extract. Furthermore, a 100ml of graduated cylinder, mortar and pestle, stirring rod and filter paper were

used as laboratory apparatuses.

First, the researchers washed and cleaned the eggshells to remove the residue of egg whites

or yolks. After that, the eggshells were set aside to let it dry. Then, eggshells were pulverized into a fine

powder using mortar and pestle and was placed into a container.

On the other hand, the researchers collected the extract of Rosemary and Peppermint using

the following lab materials; mortar and pestle, 100ml graduated cylinder, and filter paper. After some

time, the Rosemary and Peppermint extract, 3tbsp of flour and 1tbsp of eggshell were combined in a

mixing bowl and was stirred thoroughly. The different components were mixed until it becomes a thick

The researchers then poured the designated amount of mixture into a chalk molder until it

becomes the texture of a normal chalk. Finally, the alternative repellant chalk was dried for 3 days.

Collecting and Testing of Material

When the set-up were all set, the 5ml of Rosemary and Peppermint extract were gathered

and was be placed on 2 vitals separately. This is to prevent other factors which may affect the results of

the study. Subsequently, it was carried to the Rentokil Pest Control Philippines, #73 Elizco Rd. Pasig,

1600 Metro Manila, where the effectiveness of the alternative ant repellant chalk were analyzed

scientifically. However, the physical properties to be observe for the alternative ant chalk were observe by

the researchers organoleptically, these properties are the color, viscosity and brittleness.

Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting the data, an observation every minutes were monitored organoleptically to

determine the difference among the two treatments using the animated ants that the researchers gathered

with regards to its physical properties such as the color, viscosity, and brittleness of the chalk and of

course the effectiveness of the alternative ant repellant.

Evaluation on the Animated Ants

The researchers will be searching through public places to collect 15 animated ants which

shows the signs or factors that can be used as an experimentation to the study. The animated ants will be

taken by the researchers to verify if it is animated. Upon verification, the animated ants will be taken to

the conduct of the study.

Number of Ants Repelled

Every minutes the researchers are required to evaluate and monitor if there are animated ants

that are being repelled which is a sign of the effectiveness of the alternative ant repellant chalk. This is

done organoleptically or with just the use of the senses.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Arithmetic Mean will use to determine the effectiveness of alternative ant killer chalk made

from Rosemary (salvia rosmarinus) Extract and Peppermint (mentha piperita) Extract in terms of number

of ants killed, time it takes to kill ants, amount of chalk killer to kill ants, cost-effectiveness.

The formula for mean:

X ̅=(∑x)/n


X ̅= mean

∑x= the sum of x

N= the size or the number of subjects

The result will compare to Commercial Ant Chalk Killer. T-test will use to determine the

significance difference between the two set-up.

t=(X ̅₁-X ̅₂)/√((SD₁²)/(n₁)+〖SD₂〗^2/(n₂))

Twenty respondent will ask to observe the experimental results. Hedonic Scale will use by the

researchers to know the responses of the respondents. The scales will use are the following: 5- strongly

agree, 4- moderately agree, 3- agree, 2- either agree and disagree and 1- disagree.

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