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Romeo de la Cruz who works as a stevedore at the pier has applied for help because he has a
heart ailment. The doctor has advised him to stop working as he needs rest. He also has to be
hospitalized. He does not want to stop working as he is the only earning in the family.
Client who is 40 years old is married to Susana Evangelista, housewife, 36 years old. They have
six children ranging in ages from 17 to 5 years old. The two oldest boys, 17 and 16 years are
both out of school although both have finished the elementary grades. The next three children
are enrolled in high school and grade school. The youngest being only 5 years old stays at
Both husband and wife have not gone beyond Grade IV. The wife does not work at all.
The client earns 100 pesos a day as a stevedore. If he works on Sunday, his income reached
3,000 pesos a month. Their water bill is 600 pesos and light were 700 pesos a month. The
remainder of his earnings is not enough to meet their most basic needs.
The wife has been a plain housewife all these years although she claims she knows how to cook
kakanin”, native cakes. She explained further that she could not go out to work because the
children kept coming, one after another and she had to look after them. She has to look after
Eric, the youngest, until he is old enough to go to school.
The client does not want to stop working as his family will get hungry if he has no income
whatsoever. Neither does he want the children to stop schooling because he does not want
them to end up “like me”. He wants a better future for them. He also expressed anxiety over
the two oldest children, both boys, who are always with their “barkada” and is afraid that they
may get into trouble someday. He has been so busy working, too tired at night to mind them so
that they have been left to their own devices. If he gets too sick to work, he does not know
what will happen to the family.
Read and analyze the given case of Romeo de la Cruz and answer the following:

1. Romeo de la Cruz, the immediate need is

Romeo de la Cruz's immediate need is to address his heart ailment and prioritize his health.
Despite being advised by the doctor to stop working and undergo hospitalization for rest,
Romeo hesitates due to his role as the sole provider for his family. However, neglecting his
health could lead to severe consequences, leaving his family vulnerable and uncertain about
their future. Thus, his immediate need is to find a solution that ensures both his health and his
family's well-being, potentially through accessing medical treatment and seeking alternative
sources of income or support to sustain their livelihood while he recuperates.

2. His underlying problem is

Romeo de la Cruz's underlying problem is the precarious balance between his health, financial
stability, and family responsibilities. He faces a significant dilemma as a result of his heart
ailment, which the doctor has advised requires rest and hospitalization. However, Romeo's
reluctance to stop working stems from his pivotal role as the sole breadwinner for his family.
His modest income as a stevedore is essential for meeting their basic needs, particularly with six
children to support.
Complicating matters further is Romeo's limited education and skill set, which restrict his job
opportunities and leave him reliant on physically demanding work. Despite his desire for a
better future for his children, he worries about their education and potential involvement in
trouble, especially given his inability to provide adequate supervision due to work

3. Client’s working problem is

Romeo de la Cruz's primary working problem is the conflict between his health needs and his
role as the sole provider for his family. Despite being advised by a doctor to stop working due to
a heart ailment and the necessity of hospitalization, Romeo is reluctant to comply because his
income is crucial for his family's survival. His limited education and skill set restrict his job
options, leaving him reliant on physically demanding work as a stevedore, exacerbating his
health issues. His earnings, while modest, are insufficient to meet their basic needs. Additionally,
Romeo worries about his children's education and future prospects, particularly concerning his
two oldest sons, who lack parental supervision and guidance, potentially leading them towards
trouble. This dilemma highlights the interconnectedness of Romeo's health, financial, and
familial concerns, complicating his ability to address his working problem effectively.


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