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Safety Calendar

Whitney DeBruhl

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 536: Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

Michael Sollitto

April 22, 2024



Tuesday, July 30th – Teacher Work Day, all teacher will participate in the Standard

Response Protocol safety training from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. They will receive The “I love U

Guys” Foundation’s graphic for the Standard Response Protocol to put in their lanyards, in their

emergency binders, and by their classroom doors.


Monday, August 19th- 10:00 am, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th graders will be transitioning to

drop their backpacks in their 3rd period and then outside to recess, 7th in the middle of third

period, and 8th in the middle of 2nd. 6th grade will need to move quickly if in the middle of their

transition and take their backpacks outside with them. If already at recess, they will need find

their teacher quickly.


Thursday, September 19th- 2:00 pm, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th graders will be in first Related

Arts, 7th transitioning from 6th to 7th period, and 8th in 3rd period. 7th graders will need to move

quickly out of the building and may require bringing their backpacks or using a different path

than normal depending on their location in the hall. 7th will need to find their 7th period teacher

once outside, or if in different locations, administration will need to be aware of everyone’s


Monday, September 30th- 9:30 am, Lockdown Drill. Students overheard in the bathroom,

armed and threatening the school. No movement, classes normal.


Wednesday, October 23rd- 12:00pm, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th graders will be in 5th period,

7th in 5th period, and 8th will be transitioning to second Related Arts. 8th graders may be anywhere

in the building so they will need to exit the door closest to their location. Administration and

teachers will need to work together to locate each student, making our emergency binders crucial

to bring outside.


Friday, November 8th- 2:50 pm, Monthly Fire Drill. Each grade level will be in the midst

of visiting lockers and transitioning for dismissal in the car rider line or bus loop. Administration

and all teachers on duty will need to work together to sweep the building and group/locate all

students and then get them moving to their correct locations.

Wednesday, November 20th- 1:00 pm, Lockdown Drill. Door left open after 7th grade just

came in from recess. Suspected intruder entered the building. 6th grade classes normal, 8th grade

is at lunch and will be to move to closest classrooms.


Thursday, December 12th- 8:10 am, Monthly Fire Drill. Each grade level should be in

their 1st period and it should be a normal drill. Administration/ front office staff will need to

locate and take outside those late arrivals coming in through the front office. Administration can

use this drill to pull students, to ensure teachers have their safety binders and are following

protocol to ensure all students are present and accounted for.


Tuesday, January 14th- 11:25 am, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th grade will have just started 5th

period, 7th in 5th period, and 8th in 5th period. There may be a few 6th graders late to class or just

getting into the classrooms.


Thursday, February 6th- 11:05 am, Lockdown Drill. Irate parent in lobby, threatening the

front office staff. Classes normal for 6th and 7th, 8th in the middle of transition, move to closest


Monday, February 24th- 1:00 pm, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th grade will be in 6th period, 7th

beginning 6th period, and 8th will be at lunch. There may be a few 7th graders late to class or just

getting into the classrooms. 8th graders will need to all exit out of the cafeteria doors and go to

the car loop, a different location than normal.


Wednesday, March 19th- 9:30 am, Monthly Fire Drill. Each grade level should be in their

2nd period and it should be a normal drill. Administration can use this drill to pull students, to

ensure teachers have their safety binders and are following protocol to ensure all students are

present and accounted for.

Friday, March 28th- School Evacuation Drill. Administration would make District aware

of the drill. The communication director would notify parents/guardians of the drill/situation and

instructions on meeting up with their children. The SRO would communicate with the State

Department of Transportation to get school buses to the school. Reunification point is the high

school’s football stadium. There would be various district and school personnel to locate/check

off children and check parent credentials before releasing students.



Tuesday, April 8th- 2:45 pm, Lockdown Drill. Student visiting locker makes comment of

firearm in their locker. 6th grade in 2nd Related Arts, 7th in 8th period, 8th in 3rd period. Getting

ready for dismissal, everyone should be in their classrooms. Some may be at lockers, will need to

pull them into classrooms.

Friday, April 25th- 10:55 am, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th grade will be at lunch, 7th and 8th in

their SOAR classes. 6th graders will need to all exit out of the cafeteria doors and go to the car

loop, a different location than normal. 7th and 8th grade teachers will need to ensure they have

updated rosters and designated locations for their SOAR classes as these groups change



Monday, May 19th- 12:30 am, Monthly Fire Drill. 6th graders will be in 6th period, 7th

graders at recess, and 8th graders in 6th period. 7th graders will need to find their teachers quickly

outside and teachers will need to check which students they may not be able to locate.


Each administration, SRO, any major personnel involved will debrief all the end of each

day following a drill. In weekly staff newsletter as well as PLCs, administration will share

positive of each drill or adjustments that need to be made as well as communicate further training

or discussions that may be necessary. Teachers and staff will also be encouraged to fill out

questions or concerns form after each drill if they feel it necessary.



This safety calendar follows all rules and regulations about the frequency with which

they should occur. The entire administrative team as well as the SRO were involved in creating

the calendar as they are the main stakeholders tasked with conducting the drills and therefore

must have the availability in their day or schedule to do so. If they are not available, then another

qualified person should be designated. This plan upholds the school’s mission and vision by

maintaining a safe environment for our students to create strong relationships and have

meaningful learning experiences. Students will not learn if they fear for their safety. Ensuring

everyone is aware of the plan and can monitor and adjust in different situations is crucial, thus

the reason for the varied days, times, and circumstances for each drill. Our moral and legal

obligation to all in our building is to prioritize their safety and well-being. With this calendar, we

ensure that everyone is ready and prepared for each unique situation as well as aware of and

following correct protocols like communication and coordination with each relevant person.

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