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Sunrise Coaching Centre

Exam – 03 Subjective

Subjective Weekly Exam - 3 (Math + Physics + Chemistry)

Name : Sunrise Roll : Date :

Full Marks : 300 Time : 90 Minute Marks Obtained :

01. k2x2 + (kx + 1) (x + k) + 1 = 0 (†hLv‡b k ¹ 0, k ¹ -1) mgxKi‡Yi exR `ywU a, b n‡j

a2b2 + (ab + 1) (a + b) + 1 Gi gvb wbY©q Ki| [Two roots of the equation k2x2 + (kx + 1) (x + k) +
1 = 0 (where k ¹0, k ¹ - 1) are a, b Find the value of a2b2 + (ab + 1) (a + b) + 1]

02. x2 + rx - s = 0 mgxKi‡Yi GKwU exR Ab¨wUi eM© n‡j r3 + s2 + 3sr - s Gi gvb wbY©q Ki| [There are two
roots of the equation x2 + rx - s = 0. One root is square of other one Find the value of r3 + s2 + 3sr - s]

03. x2 - x - 1 = 0 mgxKi‡Yi GKwU g~j a n‡j, cÖgvY Ki †h, Ab¨ g~jwU a3 - 3a n‡e| [If one root of the
equation x2 - x - 1 = 0 is a, then prove that another root is a3 - 3a]

Sunrise -1
Exam – 03 Subjective
6x2 - 22x + 21
04. x ev¯Íe n‡j 2 ivwki Pig Ges Aeg gvb wbY©q Ki (wbðvqK e¨envi K‡i) [If x is real, find the
5x - 18x + 17
6x2 - 22x + 21
maximum and minimum value of 2 (using discriminates)]
5x - 18x + 17

05. wZbRb eÜz GKwU e¨emvq me©‡gvU 65000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i Ges 19500 UvKv jvf K‡i| Zv‡`i wewb‡qv‡Mi AbycvZ
3x3 - 26x2 + 52x - 24 = 0 mgxKi‡Yi g~j¸‡jvi Abycv‡Zi mgvb Ges g~j¸wj ¸‡Yv³i †kÖwYfz³| Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki
Avjv`v Avjv`v wewb‡qvM Ges jv‡fi cwigvY wbY©q Ki| [Three friends invest 65000 taka on a business and
gain profit of 19500 taka. The ratio of their investment is equal to the ratio of the roots of the
equation 3x3 - 26x2 + 52x - 24 = 0 and the roots are in geometric series. Find their individual
investment and profit ]

06. (2 - 4x + 4x3)6 Gi we¯Í…wZ‡Z x5 Gi mnM wbY©q Ki| [Find the co-efficient of x5 in the expansion of
(2 - 4x + 4x3)6]

Sunrise -2
Exam – 03 Subjective
07. (x2 - 4x + 3)-1 Gi we¯Í…wZ‡Z xn Gi mnM wbY©q Ki| [Find the co-efficient of xn in the expansion of
(x2 - 4x + 3)-1.]

1 2 5 1 2 5 8 1
08. 1 + 2.32 + 1 . 2 . 34 + 1 . 2 . 3 . 36 + ...... = ?

09. (x + a)n Gi we¯Í…wZ‡Z cÖ_g wZbwU c` h_vµ‡g 729, 7290 Ges 30375 n‡j a Gi gvb wbY©q Ki| [First three
terms of the expansion of (x + a)n are 729,7290 and 30375. Find the value of a]

Sunrise -3
Exam – 03 Subjective

1+y y
10. †K 1 + ax + bx2 + cx3 +..........AvKv‡i cÖKvk Ki hLb x = 1 + y | a, b, c Gi gvb wbY©q Ki|
1+y y
[Express in terms of 1 + ax + bx2 + cx3 +.........where x = | Find the value of a, b, c]
1-y 1+y

11. 3kg f‡ii e¯Íyi Dci GKwU w¯’igv‡bi ej cÖ‡qvM Kivq e¯Íyi Ae¯’vb s = 3 t2. 2 †m‡KÛ ej Øviv K…ZKvh© KZ? [A
constant force is acting on an object of mass 3kg and its position s = t2, what is work done in 2 sec?]

12. e¯Íyi MwZkw³ 0.1% evov‡bv n‡j, fi‡eM kZKiv KZ evo‡e? [If the kinetic energy is increased by 0.1%,
what percentage of momentum it will gain?]

Sunrise -4
Exam – 03 Subjective
13. w¯’i ÿgZvm¤úbœ Bwćbi mvnv‡h¨ GKwU Mvwo‡K mij‡iLv eivei Pvjv‡bv n‡”Q| t mg‡q Mvwoi miY, s a tn. n = ?
[With an engine of constant power a car is driven along a straight line. at ÔtÕ, distance, s a tn. n = ?]

14. c„w_ex c„‡ô AwfKl©R Z¡iY ÔgÕ, ÔMÕ fi m¤úbœ GKwU e¯Í‡y K c„w_ex c„ô †_‡K 2R (R = c„w_exi e¨vmva©) Dc‡i IVv‡j,
w¯’wZ kw³ e„w× KZ? [Gravitational acceleration at earth surface is ÔgÕ ; If an object of mas ÔMÕ is
risen up at 2R distance from earth surface (R = earth radius), what is the increase in its energy?]

15. ÔuÕ †e‡M MwZkxj ÔmÕ f‡ii ej nm f‡ii w¯’i e‡ji m‡½ gy‡LvgywL msNl© NUvq| cÖv_wgK kw³i †h fMœvsk 2q e‡j
¯’vbvšÍi nq Zv KZ? [There is a collision between two balls one of mass ÔmÕ and velocity ÔuÕ and the other
one is stationary and of mass nm. What portion of initial energy is transferred to the 2nd ball?]

Sunrise -5
Exam – 03 Subjective
16. †Kv‡bv e¯ÍyKYv mij‡iLv eivei Ggbfv‡e MwZkxj †h Zvi g›`b mi‡Yi m‡½ mgvbycvwZK| x `~iZ¡ AwZµg Kivi ci
MwZkw³i n«vm xk Gi mgvbycvwZK| k = ? [An object is travelling along a straight line and its
deceleration is proportioal to displacement. After travelling ÔxÕ distance, decrease in kinetic
energy is found proportional to xk. k = ?]

17. hw` gnvKlx©q ej `~i‡Z¡i ÔnÕ Nv‡Zi e¨¯Ívbycv‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq,Z‡e ÔrÕ e¨vmv‡a©i e„Ëc‡_ m~‡h©i Pviw`‡K cwiågYZi
†Kv‡bv MÖ‡ni ch©vqKvj KZ? [If gravitational force is changed inverse proportionally with distance at
the power of ÔnÕ, what is the period of a planet moving at a radius of ÔrÕ around the sun?]

® Ù Ù
18. †Kv‡bv A‡ji gnvKlx©q cÖvej¨, E = cy i + cx j | we›`y fi m †K P(0, 0, 0) we›`y †_‡K Q (x, y, z) we›`y‡Z wb‡Z
® Ù Ù
gnvKlx©q ej Øviv K…ZKvh© KZ? [Gravitational field intensity of an area, E = cy i + cx j . To transfer a
point mass ÔmÕ from P(0, 0, 0) to Q (x, y, z), what is the work done by gravitational force?]

Sunrise -6
Exam – 03 Subjective
19. m I 4m f‡ii `ywU e¯Í‡y K r `~i‡Z¡ ivLv nj| Zv‡`i ms‡hvMKvix †iLvi Ici †h we›`y‡Z gnvKlx©q †ÿÎ cÖvej¨ k~b¨,
†mLv‡b gnvKlx©q wefe KZ? [Two objects of mass ÔmÕ and Ô4mÕ are kept separate at a distance of ÔrÕ.
What is the gravitational potential at a point on the line joining them where the gravitational
field is zero?]

20. M fi Ges R e¨vmv‡a©i †Kv‡bv MÖn †_‡K m f‡ii DcMÖn‡K 2R e¨vmv‡a©i e„ËvKvi K‡ÿ ¯’vcb Ki‡Z b~b¨Zg KZ kw³
cÖ‡qvRb? [What is the minimum energy to launch a satellite of mass m from the surface of a
planet of mass M and radius R in a circular orbit of radius 2R?]

21. (a) nvB‡Wªv‡Rb cigvYyi B‡jKUªb 2q kw³¯Íi †_‡K 1g kw³¯Í‡i jvd †`Iqvi d‡j m„ó eY©vjx †iLvi Zi½‰`N©¨ KZ?
[RH = 109677cm-1] (What will be the wavelength of the spectrum if an electron in Hydrogen
atom jumps from 2nd shell to 1st shell?) [RH = 109677cm-1]

° n‡j Gi K¤úv¼ I Zi½ msL¨v KZ? [If the wavelength of violet ray is
(b) †e¸bx iwk¥i Zi½‰`N©¨ 4100A
° , what will its frequency and wave number?]

Sunrise -7
Exam – 03 Subjective
22. 200mL 1.3 ´ 10-3M AgNO3, 100ML 4.5 ´ 10-5M Na2S Gi mv‡_ †hvM Kiv nj| Ag2S Aa©twÿß n‡e
wKbv †ei Ki| [KSP(Ag2S) = 1.6 ´ 10-42]
[200mL 1.3 ´ 10-3M AgNO3 & 100mL 4.5 ´ 10-5 Na2S are added together. Find out whether
there will be precipitation of Ag2S or not] [KSP(Ag2S) = 1.6 ´ 10-42]

23. GKwU 100mL Rjxq `ªe‡Y 0.01g I2 `ªexf‚Z Av‡Q| 100mL CS2 GKevi e¨envi K‡i Kx cwigvY I2 wb®‹vkb Kiv
é CCS2 ù
m¤¢e? êK C = 420ú
ë H2O û
[In an 100mL aqueous solution, 0.01g I2 is dissolved. How much I2 can be extracted using 100
é CCS2 ù
mL CS2 once?] êK C = 420ú
ë H2O û

24. NH4OH `ªe‡Yi mvnv‡h¨ Kxfv‡e Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ Avqb mg~n kbv³ Ki‡e? wewµqvi mvnv‡h¨ †`LvI|
[How will identify Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ ions using NH4OH solution? Show with reactions]

Sunrise -8
Exam – 03 Subjective
25. wb¤œwjwLZ †gŠj¸‡jvi B‡jKUªb web¨vm †jL| [Write down the electronic configuration of the following
(a) Zr(40) (b) La(57) (c) Cr(24) (d) U(92) (e) Xe(54)

26. (a) GKwU B‡jKUª‡bi MwZkw³ 5 ´ 10-25j n‡j, B‡jKUªbwUi Zi½‰`N©¨ wbY©q Ki| [If the kinetic energy of an
electron is 5 ´ 10-25j then find out the wavelength of that electron.]

(b) GKwU †evi B‡jKUªb Z…Zxq kw³¯Í‡i GKwU c~Y© AveZ©b Ki‡Z KqwU c~Y© Zi½ m„wó Ki‡e †ei Ki| [How many
wave will be created by a Bohr electron while completing a full rotation in 3rd shell?]

27. 100°C Zvc gvÎvq 300g KNO3 Gi m¤ú„³ `ªeY‡K 10°C ZvcgvÎvq VvÐv Ki‡j wK cwigvY jeY †KjvwmZ n‡e?
(KNO3 Gi `ªve¨Zv 10°C Ges 100°C ZvcgvÎvq h_vµ‡g 20 Ges 250)
[If the saturated solution of 300g KNO3 at 100°C temperature is cooled to 10°C temperature,
how much salt will be crystallized?] (Solubility of KNO3 at 10°C and 100°C temperature is 20
and 250 respectively)

Sunrise -9
Exam – 03 Subjective
28. †Kvb pH G 0.1M Mg2+ Avq‡bi `ªe‡Y Mg(OH)2 Aatwÿß n‡Z ïiæ Ki‡e? (KSP(Mg(OH)2) = 1 ´ 10-11)
[At what pH, in 0.1M Mg2+ ion solution, Mg(OH)2 will begin to precipitate?] (KSP(Mg(OH)2) =
1 ´ 10-11)

29. (a) cÖK…wZ‡Z cÖvß †K¬vwi‡bi `yBwU AvB‡mv‡Uv‡ci cwigvY h_vµ‡g 35Cl = 75.53% Ges 37Cl = 24.47%| †K¬vwi‡bi
cvigvYweK fi wbY©q Ki| [In nature, the amount of obtained two chlorine isotope are 35Cl = 75.53%.
and 37Cl = 24.47% Find ut the atomic mass of chlorine.]

(b) wb‡¤œi wewµqv¸wj m¤ú~Y© Ki| [Complete the following reactions.]

239 -b
(i) 93 Np ¾¾® ?
14 4
(ii) 7 N + 2 He ¾®?

235 1
(iii) 92 U + 0 n ¾®?
27 -a
(iv) 13 Al ¾¾® ?
2 3
(iv) 1 H + 1 H ¾¾® ?

30. Ca3 (PO4)2 Gi Rjxq `ªe‡Y Ca2+ Avq‡bi NbgvÎv 6.55 ´ 10-3g/L n‡j Ca3(PO4)2 Gi `ªve¨Zv Ges `ªve¨Zv
¸Ydj wbY©q Ki| [If in Ca3 (PO4)2 solution, the concentration of Ca2+ ion is 6.55 ´ 10-3g/L, then
find out the solubility and solubility product of Ca3(PO4)2].

Sunrise -10

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