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Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, junto avanza con el EduKalidad cie junto junto puede!

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva, Teacher I
Mayjean F. Ursabia, Teacher I
Sinunuc National High School

GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC THEATER ART: Philippine theatre groups, Roles in a stage production

5. Designs with a group the visual components of a school play (stage
design, costume, props, etc.) CODE: A10PR-IVe-1
6. Assumes the role of a character as an actor/performance, or production
staff (director, choreography, light designer, stage manager) CODE: A10PR-
COMPETENCY 7. Analyses the uniqueness of the group that was given recognition for its
performance and explain what component contributed to its selection CODE:
8. Contributes to the conceptualization of an original performance CODE: A10PR-
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on a separate intermediate

Stage Production
As we explore more about theatre art, it is expected that at the end of this module you
will be able to design your own visual components of a stage play and contributes
conceptualization of an original performance from your previous learning to express your ideas
or stories.

Roles in a Stage Production

Most visible on stage in a theatre production are the actors and actresses playing their roles.
However, behind the scenes is an entire team whose work begins months in advance of the actual
performance. It is they who support the actors and enable them truly bring the play to life. While the
members of this team may vary depending on how the complex or simple the production is, below
are the basic roles that most plays require:

Producer– In a professional stage production, this is the person who takes
the play from a mere concept to an actual finished presentation. He or she
chooses all the team members and assigns them their functions, and
oversees the casting of the actors and actresses for the different roles. He
or she also decides on major logistical matters like when and where the
play will be staged, the production schedule, and in most cases either
finances all the production costs or else sources the funds needed.
(Note: In a school or class play, the role of the producer is normally fulfilled by the
Drama Club moderator, the classroom teacher or by the school itself.)

Director Director – The director is the overall artistic coordinator of the entire
production. Like a conductor of an orchestra, he or she has a vision of the
desired total effect and impact of the performance. With the play’s script
serving as a “musical score”, the director ensures that each one in the
production “hits all the right notes” to create cohesive and seamless
performance that will engage the audience.

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc
“Unido, junto avanza con el EduKalidad cie junto junto puede!”

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc

Playwright Playwright – For a script intended for stage performance, the writer of
the script is more specifically called a playwright. The initial concept or
plot may be original, and then developed into a play script. It may be
based on an existing story or another play which the playwright will then
adapt to present in a new way. The script forms the basis of the entire
production. It contains the exact dialogue that each character will
memorize and deliver on the stage, often with notes on tone of voice,
facial expressions, and even movement or blocking. It also provides a
clear description of the set, props, and lighting to be used in each
scene. In some cases, the director may collaborate with the playwright
on making the script adjustments in the course of the rehearsals to
better achieve the desired effects.

Set Designer
Set Designer – The concept and creation of the physical stage setup is
the task of the set designer. He or she builds the set that will stimulate
the world that the play’s characters are supposed to live in. The set may
be realistic and filled with authentic details; or it may be minimalist,
merely suggesting the setting with a few pieces of furniture or props and
a simple backdrop. In either case, the set designer ensures that the set
will enable the actors to move about easily and naturally to make their
roles believable and will truly provide the ambience on stage that the
director and the playwright intend.

Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer – Coordinating closely with the set designer is the
lighting designer. Lighting is critical in creating the mood of each scene
in the play, highlighting a dramatic moment, signalling the entrance of a
character, focusing attention on a specific spot on stage or even
providing the blanket of darkness for set and prop changes. Colored
lights or filters may be used, as well as special effects such as gradual
dimming or brightening, a speckled effect like sunlight through leaves or
flickering lights. The lighting designer plans all these and adds detailed
notes on the script for the lighting crew to follow during rehearsal and
the actual performances.
Costume Designer
Costume Designer – The actors and actresses must look believable in
their roles and much of this is owed to the costume designer. He or she
studies the general setting that the play is meant to take place in, as
well as each character in the script. He or she then decides what attire
will not only give the audience a clear sense of setting, but will also
express each character’s personality and distinct qualities.


Sound Designer Sound Designer – Similar to the lighting designer, the sound designer
serves a vital role in creating and enhancing the atmosphere of the
performance. Sound, in this case, includes music both on stage and on
the background, which the sound designer may need to source to suit the
general time and place of the play, as well as particular scenes. Also
involved are special sound, like thunder, birds chirping, rushing water,
gunfire, passing cars, approaching footsteps and the like. The sound
designer works with all these supports the action and interaction taking
place on stage. He or she adds detailed notes to the script to serve as a guide for the sound crew during rehearsals and actual performance.

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc

Production Manager Production Manager – Coordinating all the complex behind-the-scenes

details of staging play is the production manager. He or she is tasked
with overseeing the crews for the sets and pros, the sound and music,
the lighting and the costumes. This includes ensuring that all the needed
elements, facilities and equipment are not only available, but are in good
working order, properly catalogued and labelled, and safely stored from
one rehearsal to the next up until the times of the performance.

Technical Director
Technical Director– The technical director shadows the play’s director
throughout the entire production process. From the time the director
present his or her vision for the play and issues instructions at every
rehearsal. The technical director carefully notes how each every actors
and members of the stage, sound, lighting and costume crews need to be
coordinated to bring the director’s vision to life ensuring that every
instruction is properly executed.

Choreography– In cases where a play involves dance in certain scenes,
a choreographer is included in the production team. He or she not only
plans out all the dance steps to suit the music, but also rehearses the
actors until they are able to perform the dance skillfully while remaining
“in character” on stage. Should the play happen to involve fight scenes,
the choreographer will likewise program the moves of the opposing sides
so these can be executed not only believably, but safely as well.

Makeup Designer
Makeup Designer– As a costume designer deliberates on the characters’
main attire, the makeup designer is brought in to plan the hairstyles and
makeup to complement the costumes. The work of the makeup designer
may be as simple as making the actors look natural for their respective
roles based on their characters’ age and personality or futuristic beings.

SAQ-1: In your own words, express how this stage production helped you in creating a Theatre
SAQ-2: Do you think without this stage production, a play would be successful? Why or Why not?

(Answer on o separate sheets provided.)

Direction: Identify the roles and responsibilities of each stage production in theatre play. Write
your answer on the box blow.

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc




Set Designer

Lighting Designer

Costume Designer

Sound Designer

Production Manager

Technical Director


Makeup Designer

SAQ-3: Out of all many roles, name at least one stage production that you like to do as a student.
Explain why?

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc

Key Points
 The

 Theatre production showcases the actors and actresses playing their roles.
 The producer chooses all the team members and assigns them their functions and oversees the
casting of the actors and actresses for the different roles.
 The director is the overall artistic coordinator of the entire production. Like a conductor of an
orchestra, he or she has a vision of the desired total effect and impact of the performance.
 The original concept or plot may be original and then developed into a play script.
 Concept and creation of the physical stage setup is the task of the set designer.
 Lighting is critical in creating the mood of each scene in the play, highlighting a dramatic
moment, signalling the entrance of a character, focusing attention on a specific spot on stage, or
even providing the blanket of darkness for set and prop changes.
 Actors and actresses must look believable in their roles and much of this is owed to the costume
 Sound designer works with all the sounds to support the action and interaction taking place on
the stage.
 Coordinating all the complex behind-the-scenes details of staging a play is the production
 From the time the director presents his or her vision for the play and issues instructions at every
rehearsal, the technical director carefully notes how each actor and every member of the stage,
sound, lighting and costume crews need to be coordinated.
 Choreographer is included in the production team.
 Costume designer deliberates on the characters’ main attire, the makeup designer is brought in
to plan the hairstyles and makeup to complement the costumes.

Let’s see how much you have learned today!

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given
choices. (Answer on an intermediate paper.)
1. A producer is
a. Coordinates all the behind-the-scene
b. Shadows the play’s director throughout the entire production process
c. Chooses all the team members and assign them their functions
d. Involves dance in all certain things
2. How will you encourage students to support theatre performance?
a. Let them discover on their own.
b. Introduce them k-drama movies and performances.
c. Tell them to appreciate our own theatre plays.
d. Focus on explaining the importance of theatre in arts.
3. Theatre production are usually done by
a. Professional who are inspired and enthusiastic
b. Professionals who are rich and diverse
c. Professionals who invest in big theatre corporations
d. Professionals who are persistent, full of sense of humour and a story teller
4. You observe that your younger sister loves to perform on stage, but don’t have any idea
yet about theatre play. As a theatre artist what will you do to help her?
a. Buy her a mobile phone and let her discover it on her own.
b. Teach her the basic things to do in learning theatre and encourage her.

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc

c. Let her research the benefits she can get in entering theatre play.
d. Leave what she really wants to do.
5. Which of the following does not describe a director?
a. Is the overall coordinator of the entire production
b. Has a vision of total effect and impact of the performance
c. Instructs and guides the actors as to the delivery of lines and dialogue
d. Creates the mood of each scene in the play, providing the blanket of darkness
6. Jessie plans out all the dance steps in the theatre play. She also rehearses the actors
and actresses until they are able to perform the dance skilfully. What is Jessie’s role in
stage production?
a. Director b. Lighting Director c. Choreographer d. Producer
7. In what way does the elements of art help the production of theatrical
performances nowadays?
a. It gives new experience of different ways, through different senses.
b. It has the ability to incorporates a great performances.
c. It provides almost all of the basic needs of a production.
d. It gives satisfaction in every senses.
8. Who writes the script of lines and dialogues in a theatre play?
a. Playwright b. Director c. Producer d. Choreographer
9. Makeup designer provides the following conveniences except for:
a. Plans the hairstyle and makeup to complement the costumes
b. Take notes how each actors and actresses need to be coordinated
c. Makes the actors look natural in their own respective roles
d. Transforms actors and actresses into mythical creatures, animals or any nationality
10. Is a theatrical performances makes entertainment more affordable to us Filipino?
a. Yes, because its performance is creatively done and inexpensive.
b. No, because it cost too much for an entertainment.
c. Yes, because you don’t need to buy any “techie” device to be entertained.
d. No, because its performances expensive due to its highly priced production.

Raul M. Sunico, Ph. D., Evelyn M. Cabaniban, Melissa Y. Moran, HORIZONS
Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Grade 10 Learner's Material,
Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Tawid, Metro Manila Philippines, Tawid Publications,
REFERENCE/S 2015, 299-313

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Unido, junto avanza con el EduKalidad cie junto junto puede!”

Developed by:
Angelic Jane P. Calva,
Teacher I Mayjean F.
Ursabia, Teacher I Sinunuc

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