Thank You M Am

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1. What is the setting of this story (place and time)?

right there

1920s-1930s, in the streets at 11 o’ clock

2. What happens when the boy tries to steal the woman's purse? right there

When the boy tries to steal the woman's purse, the strap breaks, causing him to lose his
balance and fall on his back. Despite his attempt to flee, the weight of the purse
combined with his own causes him to stumble. The woman swiftly turns around and
kicks him squarely in his backside. She then grabs him by his shirt front, shaking him
vigorously until his teeth rattle.

3. Do you think the boy's apology is sincere? Why or why not? think and search

Yes, because he regrets of stealing only for one pair of shoes

4. Describe Roger's appearance. Draw an illustration to help you visualize the boy. right

5. What is the woman's full name? right there

Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones

6. Why does the boy go with Mrs. Jones to her apartment? think and search

To go wash his face, and try to change his personality, is like a symbolism of the change she
is expecting to do.

7. How much money do you think Mrs. Jones has? Think about the location and type of
apartment she has. think and search
Because of the small apartment and simple furnishings, as indicated by her he offers
Roger ten dollars, which suggests she has enough to spare but is not wealthy. For as
she has a modest amount of money.

8. What does Roger do when Mrs. Jones finally lets go of him? right there

She thanks mrs jones

9. Why do you think the author italicizes the words “and went to the sink”. author and me

Because it shows how the boy finally makes the decision of what Mrs. Jones said

10. What is Roger worried about? right there

That she is going to put him to jail.

11. What do the following words reveal about Mrs. Jones's personality?

“Not with that face, I would not take you anywhere. . .Here I am trying to get home to
cook me a bite to eat and you snatch my pocketbook! Maybe you ain't been to your
supper either, late as it be. Have you?” . think and search

That she is a very comprehensive woman, and also very generous.

12. Why does Roger try to steal Mrs. Jones's purse? right there

To have money to buy a pair of shoes

13. After Roger washes his face, he has the opportunity to run away. Why do you think
he doesn't run out the door? think and search

I think it is because he already figured out that he was not in danger. she was not going to
call the police

14. Why does Roger sit so that Mrs. Jones can see him? right there

I think because he was ashamed of what he do, he don't want to be judge or that Mrs.
jones remember that he tried to stole her and call the police

15. What do Roger and Mrs. Jones eat for supper? right there

A piece of cake and chocolate milk.

16. What do we learn about Mrs. Jones's life? right there Why doesn't she ask him about
his own life? think and search

We learn that she has no kids, and has a busy life, working late at night at a hotel beauty
shop. She is a kind person that understands the situation that he is living. She does not
ask him because she does not want to pry and she understand that he could live in
discrimination or without parents, and try to give him some advice and guide to the right

17. What does Mrs. Jones give Roger? right there

She gives 10 dollars because roger did not escape when he had the chance and he
understood the message the message that Mrs. Jones gave him. It was a reward for
how he changed.

18. What warning does Mrs. Jones give to Roger? Copy the exact lines from the book.
right there What do you think her warning means? think and search

"When I get through with you, sir, you are going to remember Mrs. Luella Bates
Washington Jones."

"If you think that that contact is not going to last awhile, you got another thought

"And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody
else’s—because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet."

I think that all this warnings mean that she wants to make a change in the boys life,
showing how if he needs help he could go with her. She shows that she is interested inn
making a change for him.

19. What was your reaction to the last sentence in the story: “And he never saw her
again” . How did that sentence make you feel? author and me

on how big are the cities and the world that you maybe see someone once in your life, also
how a little change can make a person change their life and never see him away like, roger
could improve his life and disappear from that city

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