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LET’S LEARN Ltleuny) DOWNLOADABLE GUIDE BY JENNA MEYERS ons Memories by Meyers | YOR PERSOWAL USBONLY welcome! Hey there! Jenna Meyers here! It's exciting and nerve wracking to learn something new, but as you begin this process I want it to be more about creating time for you and less about creating perfect letters. When I started, it was honestly frustrating! I wanted it to come naturally and to instantly be able to create beautiful things. Remember that you are learning. Don’t give up if your first go at it looks like you wrote with your non-dominant hand. I PROMISE that if you commit to practicing and giving yourself grace- you can and WILL get the hang of it. Before you dive in, I want to start with my why for hand lettering. In April of 2016, my mom was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer after months of trying to determine why she had pain in her head and hip. MBC is Stage 4- it has no cure- and it occurs when breast cancer cells metastasize aka spread outside of the breast. She had just barely reached the five year cancer free mark from her original diagnosis and it totally rocked our world. Hand lettering for me started as a form of mindfulness. It was what got me through every chemo appointment with her- I always packed a, bag and hung out on the floor of the infusion room lettering away while spending time with my mom, I would look up quotes and bible verses that felt right for how I was feeling that day. It also got me through the many sleepless, anxiety ridden nights of wanting to know how long she would have left. After 14 months of treatment, all which are considered temporary with this diagnosis, my mom was freed from cancer on June 25th, 2017, Hand lettering has literally carried me through the most difficult season of my life. It’s given me an outlet to take the mess of life and create beauty. It has connected with a community of strangers I never knew I needed. It has become more than I ever imagined. And it has allowed me to reevaluate what I want in this beautiful life. Ifyou find yourself in a difficult season of life- my prayer is that your experience with this booklet is something that allows your mind to get away and take a break. I'm so thankful my counselor encouraged me to try many different mindfulness activities until I found what worked for my mind and heart. I never dreamed it would become what it has, but am so grateful that God forged a path for me to not only get through the loss of the woman who means the most to me, but make an impact for myself and others. Thank you for the opportunity to create- everything you encounter in this guide was created in a space of love, intention, and prayer as I honor my mom by choosing to move forward in the healthiest way I can, while also embracing the heavy emotions that go along with missing her deeply. pee Sh Memories by Meyers | YOR PERSOWAL USBONLY Step One: BACK TO BASICS CAML Yes, we are bringing it back to elementary school and starting with traditional cursive handwriting. It may seem silly to start here, but there are new things you need to consider and concentrate on while learning hand lettering. Here’s the thing- you don’t want to have to worry about letter formation on top of everything new! If it’s been awhile since you’ve written using traditional cursive handwriting, this first section should be like riding a bicycle- once you start, your muscle memory will remind you what it feels like to form these letters. Take some time to work through the alphabet and some words of empowerment. I may form my letters a little differently than you were taught, so if something doesn’t feel quite right there are blank lined pages for you at the end of this section as well! Remember, this process is about mindfulness as well as learning a new skill, so you will find all kinds of words and phrases within this booklet meant to uplift and encourage you during the process! Now, grab your favorite pen, pencil, or marker and let’s get back to the basics! ‘Memories by Meyers | YOR PERSOWAL U9BONLY dhe pace ATE Pepa ALBA GUNA CAAT ecu — eatin Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY Step Two: FAKE IT ‘TIL YOU MAKE IT ae Alright, friends- did you get your cursive handwriting groove back? It’s amazing how easily it can come back to you, right? Next up is faux calligraphy, or what I call “fake it until you make it.” Brush lettering is next on this hand lettering journey, but before we get to that section, I want you to now focus on what your hand is doing while you make your letters. You see, brush lettering is all about the pressure you are using while writing. When your hand is going up, your pressure is light When your hand is going down, your pressure is firm. This is what creates the thin and thick lines. Faux calligraphy helps you create this look without knowing how to letter using a brush pen! It’s the next step on this journey because it will get you to start thinking about when your hand is going DOWN while writing letters. Just another thing to tackle and understand before you grab those brush pens! To start, you’ll be writing the letter and then going back to add a section to each letter where your hand would be moving down when you form that letter. This section can then either be colored in (to create the brush lettered look) or left blank (it looks cute this way too). This can be done with ANY supplies, so once again, grab your favorite writing utensil and let’s get started! HOW TO USE THIS SECTION Preview of the letter you’re creating WW Colored arrows Step by step to | y help you recognize when make each letter CAZWaA Zz WW your hand is moving down ~—_7 while forming the letter Trace to practice- CA MW WW WV OW WV coloring in is optional _7 This style looks "| cute whether or — not you color in . the downstrokes- Try it on it’s like learning two lettering your own _ styles in one! PRO TIP: ‘The addition to each downstroke can go on the right or left side of the letter. After you write the letter, see where you have room. It may not always be consistent, and that’s okay. It’s going to turn out the same regardless of where you color in! Don’t stress yourself out on perfection. WW CO OW WW CA bee FD Se NNN Sor Nr Nr er der Url C LY C WAVAVAVAVAVAVAY, dd odd d & db db Vo’ C4 C4 & PEELE ELEY bk eee ee do COOGEE FF COGOGEF Ay dv Aad dw Av Av AWAVAVAW AW MW DAZ MM NWN’ MLZ AL AZ AZ AZ MZ fo L4H A IOEOCE herby 4 dere Ae Aa Ay ATALATALTAD AA 4, Ae He HA AAA VyYyYrvVvyV LIEV VRVVANVVYY VVY WWY VVYVY VVWVVVY Ver Ww 1 VY WWW VWWWVVWVVWV VWWVY 3 & Oe 2’ & CURR ?VY 2 | PP I? [? PTA poh CBE ttt ttt Jy v WWW WW MMLIZIZLIZ LV A/a DY VL WY MAS RS AS ALS DRS L/w LY DZ LY LY’ MY LY LY LLY Ly oe? oS o& & & OS SS oF oo UL ae aa LLL ALLL MV? WV LMA MW AY AMNY MM MAL MAY, AA Vv Vv Vv V- YVyVVvVyvV Vv WW YwawWwwna COE AWOR UVR A AZ RD ATRL AT AT IF FOO FE POOF GOO GO OOO wthbod ve Lawn ¢ hh wwe [7 & Vu & Vw v we HOW TO USE THIS SECTION Remember there is no right or wrong! You can write the entire Look at the letter e- word first, or take it letter by letter. You can plan ahead or leave the overlap! Remember: you're eS coloring it in. | Try to stretch your letters horizontally so that you have room to add to the DL downstrokxe. | patie SS Your practice Trace first, then doesn’t have to practice it on your look the same- own. If you don’t use the letter have room, there formation that are blank lined feels right to you. pages at the end. ZOE Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY a haaez f) a __ Wy f) « KEAN oe Smeal be fe ft). TT Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY Memoriae by Meyers | OR PERSOWAL USB ONLY

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