GCC TBC Jan 2020 Eng 30 Objective Questions

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GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-101
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Shortcut key for Copy is ______ Ctrl + C Ctrl + D Shift + C Alt + C A A

2 _____________ Comprises Micro Mini Hybrid Super C C

features of both digital and Computer Computer Computer Computer
analogue computers. s
3 Even after computer turn OFF, Secondar Primary Input Output A A
the data remain as it is in --------- y Memory Memory
4 Ram is ___________ memory. Volatile Permanen Both A None Of A A
t And B Above
5 GIF means --------- Group Graphic Graphic Graphic B #
Interface Interface Interface Interchan
Format Format File ge File
6 Use Ctrl + Z Key combination to TRUE FALSE B B
select whole document.
7 Word is……..type software End user Antivirus Applicatio none of C C
n these
8 Which operation you will Copy and Cut and Paste and Paste and B B
perform if you need to move a Paste Paste Delete Cut
block of text?
9 Undo action can be done by Quick Status bar Title Bar Menu Bar A A
using ………. Toolbar Access
10 you can rotate text by text orientation scale size in width A A
11 In a Worksheet, Actual Data is Column Row Line Cell D D
entered in ………………
12 The height of row is measured Point cm mm Inch A A
using which unit?
13 Which is not a correct method Press F2 click on Press alt double C C
to select all cell of spreadsheet key formula key click the
? bar cell
14 What is the symbol of AutoSum * greater plus sign ∑ D D
in MS Excel 2010 ? than sign
15 In Worksheet each cell has true false A A
assigned by one address.
16 To begin slide show from From From this From Start Slide A A
beginning ________ Command Beginning slide Current Show
is used in the slide show tab. Slide

17 Presentation page created for Workshee Document Slide Database C C

displaying on the screen is t sheet
known as ..................
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-101
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 In ....................... view you can Slide Slide Outline None of A A
rearrange the slides. Sorter Master View Above
19 We can insert our recorded true false A A
voice in Slide Presentation.
20 The basic element on which Master Sheet Slide Pages C C
object, Text box, Picture can be
inserted in Powerpoint is called
21 in Windows 7, -----------------is Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + S Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift A A
general keyboard shortcut with an + Alt
combination to select a block of arrow key
22 The ________________ in Client PC Leader Main D D
network is called as Server. Computer
23 Packets Transfer Information in true false A A
small pieces in Internet
24 A search tool is a program that TRUE FALSE A A
finds web sites, web pages and
internet files that match
keywords that you enter.

25 Web browser is a program used TRUE FALSE B B

to organize files and folders on
your computers
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-102
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Speaker is --------- Device. Input Output Scanning Speaker B B
Device Device
2 GUI stand for Graphical Graph Grey user None of A A
User User Interface above
Interface Informatio
3 For specific work __________ Xerox Applicatio System Special B B
software is used in computer n
4 First generation of computer Vaccum Transistor Integrated Microproc A A
consist of ______________ Tube s Circuits essors
5 Crt stand for …………. Camera Cathode Cathode Camera B B
Ray Tube Ray Tube Ram Tube Ram Tube

6 We can draw table in MS-Word insert drawing painting None of A A

using ____ tab. these
7 In Word document, to get the Embed Copy Paste Hyperlinks D D
document file link through text
separately, use …………….
8 The process of removing Hiding Bordering Cropping Cutting C C
unwanted part of an image is
called …………..
9 ………are the filter option AutoFilter Customer AdvanceFi All the D D
Filter lter above
10 What does Ctrl + = key effect? Superscri Subscript All Caps Shadow B B
11 To move cell pointer one cell true false A A
forward, backward, up and
down, Navigation Keys are used
on the keyboard.
12 Worksheet can be added in Copy and Linking Insert All of D D
word document using ---- Paste these
13 Which is called to square cell column borders rows A A
formed by the intersection of
rows and columns in MS Excel
2010 ?
14 Which function in MS Excel minimum( smaller() lesser() min() D D
2010 will give the minimum )
value from number in given cells
15 To count the only the Numeric =Count() D D
Values Cells from the Selected =Countno =Counta() =Countbla
Cell Range…………. Function is () nk()
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-102
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 Ctrl+D is a shortcut key of Creating a Changing Deleting a Inserting a A A
_________ duplicate the layout slide from new Slide
object of the the
active presentati
17 To type matter in slides, to Views Slide Both A & None of A A
modify matter for slide show, show B these
PowerPoint has provided
different ______.
18 With the help of ________ Pointer Arrow Animation Pen color D D
option color of pen can be set.
19 In PowerPoint we can apply Insert - Design - Insert - None of B B
your own backgroud styles Backgrou Backgrou Backgrou these
using -- nd - nd - nd
Backgrou Backgrou
nd styles nd Styles
20 While running the slide show if hide now hide next previous B B
we want to hide the mouse always
pointer permanently then click
on _______ command.
21 Which one of the following is Google JAVA Oracle C++ A A
search engine?
22 Buying and Selling on internet is E- E- E-buzz E-learning B B
known as …………………… business commerc
23 Which on of the following is not Bing Google Yahoo Window D D
a search engine.
24 __________ Means sending Compose Forward Reply Delete B B
received E-Mail to some other
mail id.
25 __________________ is the SMTP HTTP FTP PPPT B B
protocol, to transfer the data in
the form of text
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-103
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Delete key used to delete TRUE FALSE A A
selected Items (file, folders,
2 You can protect your computer Malware Antivirus Applicatio None Of B B
against virus attacks using n Above
_____________ programs.

3 Ms-office is example of System

Applicatio Program None Of B B
______________ software. n Above
4 Shift, ctrl, alt keys are called
Formula Combinati Function None Of B B
Keys on Keys Keys Above
5 ________ Is not input devices. Keyboard Mouse Printer Microphon C C
6 By clicking _______ button from plotting coloring borders None of C C
paragraph group border can be and these
set in MS Word 2010 . shading

7 Microsoft Word Templates file dotx txt docs none of A A

has…….extension these
8 The …….option will decide the font style font size colour D D
colour of the border
9 In a table user can select….. multiple multiple All the one cell C C
rows columns above
10 ….Dialog box is displayed after Print Open Save as Font C C
clicking on save command in
File menu when we try to save
document first time

11 =Lower() Function use to Capital Small Lower Upper B C

convert text in to ……………
12 We adjust the column width for Column Row Autofit Autofit D D
that ………… is used to show Width Height Row Column
the full content (text/number) in
any column.
13 What is minimum possible 10 20 400 500 A A
zoom % in MS Excel 2010 ?
14 Which function in MS Excel =upper() = proper() =caps() = lower() B B
2010 converts the first letter of
each word in capital and other
to small case from given text?
15 In MS-Excel ………………… Workbook Document Presentati Project A A
type of File can be created. on
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-103
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 Special effects given to current Transition Animation Slide Presentati A A
slide to appear during slide Show on
show, that special effects are
called as…….
17 We can see all our slides in Slide Slide Normal Notes B B
Thumbnail shape and we can Sorter Pages
change the sequence of that
slides in ------------- view.
18 In which view you can see notes Note Page Slide View Slide A A
regarding to slide? sorter
19 To create a new presentation Ctrl + O Ctrl + M Ctrl + P Ctrl + N D D
we use shortcut key ---------------

20 If you ____ a slide it will not be show close hide exit C C

shown in the full screen slide
21 F5 Shortcut key is used to Stop Change Stop Refresh D D
_________ Webpage. loading Refresh
22 Full Form of ISP is Internet true false B B
23 We can use __________ to Forward Backward Down Up Arrow B B
open the webpage we have Arrow Arrow Arrow
previously visited.
24 To use Internet on computer we Pen Drive Telephon Modem CD Drive C C
need ____ e
25 In Internet Explorer Ctrl+F Favorites Find History Download B B
shortcut is used to get s
__________ Option
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-104
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Computer Memory is calculated Bits Byte File Data B B
in -----------
2 Flash drive has _______ port. Ps/2 Lan Usb None Of C C
3 _________ is extension of .docx .xlsx .pptx .txt D D
Notepad file.
4 Tablet is ____________ type of Super Micro Mainfram Mini B B
PC. Computer Computer e Computer
5 _________ types of Hard Disk Internal External SSD All of B B
are easy to carry while travelling above

6 You can detect spelling Press Press Ctrl Press Alt+ Press F7 D D
and grammar errors by Shift + F7 + F7 F7
7 Drop Caps are used in To Drop To Drop to make None of C C
document for ……… all Capital all first initial these
letter paragraph letter large

8 F2 key is used to ……. the rename delete update none of A A

selected item these
9 Open, Save, Save As, Print etc. View Insert Home File D D
standard commands available in
………. Menu.
10 In MS Word, a Word underlined Grammati A Spelling
An C C
with a wave red line indicates: cal highlighte mistake.
mistake. d Word. Word.
11 We cannot use …………… in Numbers Spaces Character
Special B B
Formula while typing formula in s Character
Cell. s
12 Which Excel function tells how Count() Countnum Countnum chknum() A A
many numeric entries are () bers()
13 The Zoom slider strip can be Scroll bar Title Bar Status Bar None of C C
viewed at the right hand side of the above
____ bar
14 __________ can be used to Autofill Text Filter Formula D D
different mathematical
calculations in Excel.
15 __________ Option is available Status Bar Formula Menu bar Title Bar B B
only in MS_EXCEL Window. Bar

16 Slide Transition option is in Transition Edit Slide Tools A A

......................._ Tab. s Show
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-104
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Design / Transitions / MS-Word MS-Excel MS- MS- C C
Animations / Slide show tabs PowerPoi Access
are available in --------------------- nt
18 Selected text can be colored Font Paragraph Text color Drawing C C
with -------------- command in
Font Group of Home Tab.
19 To add mathematical equation Page Date & Equation Slide C C
use ---------------- command in Numbers Time Numbers
Insert Tab - Text Group.
20 There is no difference between TRUE False B B
transition effect and animation
effect in PowerPoint
21 It is a possible to send as well True False A A
as received attachments by
22 Internet explorer is developed Microsoft Mozilla Google Apple A A
by ________________
23 Internet shows large amount of Search Google Web Site Yahoo C C
information, which is in the form engine
of _________
24 _________Shortcut key is used Tab Esc Ctrl Shift B B
to stop loading of webpage in
Internet Explorer
25 TIFF stands Tag Text and Tool and Text A A
for………………….. Image File Image File Image File Interchan
Format Format Format ge File
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 06 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-105
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Ctrl + x = ------------ Cut Copy paste Undo an A A
selected selected Selected action
items items Items
2 Monitor Screen resolutions is Inch Pixel Point cm B B
measured using ______ unit
3 ……… is brain of a computer CPU Input Unit Output Memory A A
system. Unit Unit
4 __________ Are types of micro Desktop Laptop Handheld All Of D D
computers. Above
5 ………….software are used to System Applicatio Virtual Compiler B B
perform a specific task. n
6 Make …………… click to select Triple Single Double Fourth A A
a specific paragraph from the
7 _____ command is present in sort page margin orientation A A
home tab number
8 By default ……. line not shown scale ruler top none of B B
on the screen these
9 _________ is the biggest LAN WAN MAN INTERNE D D
Network in the world. T
10 Use…..short key to select alt+shift ctrl+shift alt+z shift+v B B
11 MS Excel 2010 is spreadshe operating programm All of A A
powerful_____ et system ing These
package language
12 By Pressing Home Key Cell true false A A
Pointer move to first Cell of
current Row.
13 To Summarize Data Chart Pivot Filter Form B B
……………….. Is used Table
14 Doughnut is one of the type of Picture Symbol Chart None of C C
…………. in Excel. the above
15 In Excel symbol can be inserted Home Insert Page Review B B
using ________ menu Layout

16 If you do not wish to show Delete Hide Show None of B B

particular slide in slide show, Above
___________ command can be
17 What PowerPoint feature will Slide Design Animation None of C C
you use to apply motion effects transition These
to different object of a slide.
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 ....................... various Shred Switch Flip All of D D
Transitions available in MS - Above
19 In PowerPoint Broadcast Slide Transition Animation Review Slide D D
Show option is available under Show
_____ ribbon.
20 In 'Title slide' the default font 40 44 48 24 B B
size of 'Title placeholder' is
21 ……………..means set of software Hardware Program Process C C
instructions given to the
22 Each site on the internet has A NIC A domain A packet An B B
Unique IP address and an Name name signature internet
associated name is called… locator
23 Protocol is ………….. Software A gateway Software A list of D D
that calling that allows rules for
facilitates program file transferrin
connectio for copying g data
n to the internet over a
internet bridging network

24 Which one of the following is @gmail.c myE- myE- myE- B B

correct E-Mail address? om Mail@gm Mail@gm Mail.gmail
ail.com ail @com
25 URL stands for Universal TRUE FALSE B B
Resouce Locators.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-201
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 ------------ an example of Data Quick Memory Floppy & B B
computer Antivirus. Heal CD
2 Desktop wallpaper -------- can be can never Cannot None of A A
Changed be be change above
3 ____________ Is not type of Computer Mobile Typewriter None Of C C
electronic device Above
4 Collection of 1024 KB data Kilobytes Megabyte Gigabytes Bytes B B
means 1 ---------- Data. s
5 Ctrl + N means__________ Open a Copy a file Print a file New File D D
6 The selected Word Art style will True False A A
be applied to the text typed in
the place of 'Your Text Here' in
our document
7 Caps Lock On is used in Word All text All text Only firstOnly first A A
for…… capital small character character
capital small
8 ‍………. Is not a font face. Bold Arial Calibri Times A A
9 Borders‍can‍be‍applied‍to…… Cells Text Paragraph All of D D
10 The…….option‍in‍page‍border‍ Style Art Font Colour B B
tab gives us different border
designs for the page.
11 __________ Function makes Lower() Capital() Upper() Case() C C
the text given in the brackets
converted into capital cases
and inserted in the cell
12 Which keyboard shortcut is ctrl + o ctrl + w ctrl + n ctrl + B A A
used to open the existing
workbook in MS Excel 2010 ?
13 In MS Excel 2010 which group alignment font group cells editing B B
contains the fill color options ? group group group

14 Underline or double underline TRUE FALSE A A

can be given using button in
home tab in MS Excel 2010 .
15 To remove the selection of Press Press F1 Press F2 All of the A A
selected range, click the mouse arrow key above
pointer anywhere on the sheet
or ______
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-201
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 Special effects given to current Animation Slide Transition Presentati C C
slide to appear during slide show on
show, that special effects are
called as -----------------

17 In PowerPoint which is the Random grow & Bounce All of D D

Entrance animation effect bars Turn These
18 To give number to each slide Slide Page Date & Object A A
use ................. Command in Number Number Time
Insert menu >> Text Group.
19 The usage of 'Outline View' in false true B B
Word document and the
'Outline view' of PowerPoint are
similarly working.
20 -------- means the effects given Animation Transition World Art Clip Art A A
in Slide, regarding how the
Objects appear during Slide
21 _________ Is standard Internet IPX SPX ITC TCP / IP D D
22 __________ Means respond to Forward Compose Delete Reply D D
received mail.
23 Email received us is shown in true false A A
24 ____________ Is the biggest LAN MAN WAN Internet D D
Network in the world.
25 _________ Means contains gov net edu com D D
some commercial information.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-202
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Capacity of cd is __________ 100 Mb 700 Mb 2 Gb None Of B B
2 Used Function key "F2"= ---------- Rename Copy Paste Cut A A
-. the
3 IC was used in ________ First Second Third Fourth C C
4 C ++ is a ---------- O.S. Applicatio Programm CPU C C
n ing
Software Language
5 Word, Excel and presentation Applicatio System O.S. Hardware A A
software are the typical example n Software
of ---------------- software.

6 Files names appearing in Save Recent open none of B B

……..option in the File Menu these
7 page number option is in ____ insert home view layout A A
tab in MS Word 2010 .
8 Arrow keys is also called as…. Combinati Addition Changing Navigation D D
9 Total number of ……. in current pages text Numbers symbols A A
document is shown on status
10 ……… group of insert ribbon Illustration Pages Link Table A A
you can create Smart Art s
11 Max() function is used to find Largest smallest middle zero A A
………… number number number number number
12 Doughnut is one of the type of TRUE FALSE A A
chart in Excel
13 Select the chart type which is doughnut pie Line burger D D
not in MS Excel 2010 ?
14 Toolbar near to File Menu is Status Quick Access Tool B B
called as ……….. Access
Tool Bar
15 Delete Sheet Command is given File View Home Tools C C
in ………….. Tab - Cells group.

16 Slideshow can be prepared MS-Word MS-Excel MS- MS- C C

from ------------- application. PowerPoi Access
17 Which of the following tab has Home Insert Design Slide C C
the background option? Show
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-202
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 In PowerPoint if you want to Design Select Select None of B B
apply 'Fly in' animation effect Tab - Object - object - these
then - Animation Animation Insert -
- Fly in s Tab - Animation
Animation - Fly in
- Fly in
19 In PowerPoint while running the Next Previous Pen All of D D
slide show we get some options Above
at the left bottom corner, they
are ............
20 Use __________ function key to F2 F7 F10 F5 D D
run slide show
21 ______ Button is used to reload Home Backward Refresh Forward C C
the web page on the Browser Arrow Arrow

22 We can edit E-mail before True False A A

23 ____________ is necessary to Modem Telephon CD Drive Pen Drive A A
connect our Computer with e
Internet Instrumen
24 ________________ is a Internet Google Opera Mozilla A A
Microsoft's web Browser that Explorer Chrome Firefox
install with windows by default.

25 Internal memory is located on Motherbo Microproc Hard Disk Monitor A A

the …………….. Of a computer. ard essor
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-203
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Unix is --------- Applicatio Language Program OS D D
2 Vaccum tube Bulky Expensive Both A None Of C C
was______________ And B Above
3 Motherboard is part of Input Output System None of C C
______________. Device Device Unit above
4 Collection of 1024 GB data Terabyte Gigabyte Kilobytes Bytes only A A
means 1 ---------- Data.
5 .txt is ----------- file extension. Word Notepad PowerPoi Photosho B B
nt p
6 ………application software is MS-Word MS-Excel MS- All of A A
used for word processing Powerpoin these
7 The selected Word Art style will selected framed Dashed None of C C
be applied to the text typed in these
the place of 'Your Text Here' in
the …………Box
8 …………means readymade WordArt font styles Font size Template D D
formats provided by words.
9 …………………………. is not Office XP Office Office None of B B
valid version of MS Office Vista 2007 above
10 Underline option is used to Bold Italic Underline None of C C
make the text……..in selected the above
11 To count number of cell having Measure Count Sum None of B B
numeric data ____________ these
function is used
12 What is used to copy formatting copy format format copy C C
from one place to another in MS paste paste painter painter
Excel 2010 ?
13 In Excel Short cut Command for Ctrl + V Ctrl + H Ctrl + F Ctrl + G B B
Replace ………………..
14 Top/Bottom Rules option of Text Numeric Text & All of the B B
conditional formatting can be Data Numeric above
used only for ______ Data
15 Which keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+ I Ctrl+m Ctrl+ r Ctrl+ d A A
used to apply italic formatting
for selected cell in MS Excel
16 The file in which slides made Document Database Workshee Presentati D D
from PowerPoint are stored is t on
known as ------------------- file.
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Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 We can quit from slide show Esc Enter F1 Tab A A
after clicking .................. key on
the keyboard.
18 To begin slide show from From From this From Start C C
current slide ___________ beginning slide current slideshow
command is used in the slide Slide
show tab.
19 We can change the background Insert=>b View=>Ba Design=> All of C C
color of the slide using ackground ckground Backgrou These
_________ styles Styles nd Styles
20 Tables are used to ________ Creat Set up Perform All of D D
Graphs database Calculatio these
21 In Internet Explorer, to save the Send Print Save as Properties C C
web page click on ___ option in
File Menu
22 ________________ system is E-mail Online Voice mail Shared A A
use send electronic message. service messages resources

23 The …………….. Protocol is URL Gopher FTP Telnet C C

used to transfer files
24 We can change the text matter true false A A
size in Internet Explorer.

25 ………. is a world Wide system LAN Cyberspa World Intercom C C

of network. ce Wide Web
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 We can get result & information Storage Control Input Output D D
through _________ device of
2 Which part is not Storage Flash Scanner Hard disk All of B B
Device Drive above
3 RAM is also called as Non Permanen Volatile None of C C
____________ memory Volatile t above
4 …………….files can not be PDF MS-Word MS-Excel MS- A A
edited. PowerPoi
5 Computer calculates numbers TRUE FALSE A A
in binary number system
6 In Word Left, Right, Center, Fonts Line Alignment Charts C C
Justify are different types of Spacing
7 Change the ……………………... Page Page Paper Paper A A
to create a document in wide Orientatio margins Style Source
format n
8 In ms-Word what Ribbon do you Insert view page home A A
find where you can add a chart? layout

9 In MS-Word, Close option is File View Edit Window A A

given in …… menu.
10 Page orientation effect of Orientatio Portrait Landscap Preview C C
printing the document n e
horizontally is ……………
11 Hard Copy is the ……….. soft copy Printed Both A & None of B B
Version of B the above

12 Merge & center button is TRUE FALSE A A

available in home tab in MS
Excel 2010 .
13 In Spreadsheet, to prepare a Filters Forms Charts Pivot C C
graph on the basis of data Tables
given, ………… commands is
used in Insert Tab group.
14 Which is a correct answer for Clean CLEAN Clean clean B B
=upper("clean India") in MS india INDIA India india
Excel 2010 ?
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
15 Which group in insert tab charts filter links illustration D D
contains picture, clipart s
SmartArt etc. in MS Excel 2010
16 We get Different background Print Normal Backgrou None of C C
effects according to Design Layout nd Styles above
Theme selected from ____ of
Design Tab.
17 To insert a slide, we can even Ctrl + N Ctrl + M Ctrl + O Ctrl + P B B
press the shortcut key -------------
18 ___________View is used to Slide Slide Notes Slide C C
add the Notes in the slide, for show Page Sorter
our reference.
19 Which key on the keyboard ca F1 F5 F10 F2 B B
be used to view slide show?

20 We can quit from slide show Esc Enter F1 Tab A A

after clicking ______ key on the
21 …………….. Unit controls all Input Output Control Memory C C
parts of a computer.
22 The sending of letters over the FTP Snail mail Messagin Email D D
internet is called ……….. g
23 A search tool is a program that true false A A
finds web sites, web pages and
internet files that match
keywords that you enter

24 We can send one E-Mail to Only one Many A&B None of B B

________________ at a time address address both Above
25 Data in _________ Cable is Fiber- Coaxial Twisted Shield A A
transferred through light pulses. Optic Pair Twisted
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 07 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-205
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Operating system is example of System Applicatio Program None Of A A
___________ software. n Above
2 F12 Key of Keyboard is called --- Normal Function Text Control B B
---- key. Key
3 The main screen of Windows 7 Task Bar Address Desktop Pop Up C C
is called as --------------------- Bar
4 Arithmetical process on Arithmetic Logic Control Output A A
information provided by input & Logic
unit is done by --------- unit
5 It is possible to delete files on True False B B
6 ….. Is a Paragraph Format in Left Right Hanging First Line C C
which the first line of the Indent Indent Indent Indent
paragraph is started from outer
side than other lines of
7 In MS Word, What can be Name of Number of Size of Number of D D
shown on the status bar ? document, spellings Margins, pages in
insert error, word the
button, page count, document,
spell number, web word
check document layout count,
name spelling/gr
8 After clicking shades area in true false A A
Scroll bar the matter gets scroll
which can fit up to one screen.

9 Internet Explorer is _______ Word Presentati Spreadsh Web D D

type of software. Processor on Maker eet Browser

10 To change line height to 1.5 we Ctrl+1 Ctrl + 2 Ctrl + 3 Ctrl + 5 D D

use shortcut key ……………..

11 With ____Function , we get sum() Average() Min() Max() C C

Minimum value in range.
12 Only Graph is provided in Workshee Chartshee Macroshe None B B
………………. Type of Sheet. t t et
13 Which of the following is title bar status bar tabs formula D D
available only in MS Excel 2010 bar
from Office 2010?
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
14 What are the options available bold italic underline All of D D
under font group in MS Excel These
2010 ?
15 __________ Means instruction Text Formula Number Cell B B
to perform calculations. Reference

16 We can't Insert video clip in TRUE FALSE B B

slide presentation.
17 In Powerpoint Slide Number Home Insert View Review B B
Option is available in
__________ Tab.
18 Which is not an animation effect Insert Fade Fly in Float in A A
in PowerPoint?
19 __________ view is used to Slide Slide Outline Slide C C
adjust or arrange the matter in Show Sorter
the slide.
20 Use of Table command given in Insert Home View Animation A A
.................... Tab is to insert
Table in slide.
21 Generally, mouse has One Three Four Ten B B
………………. Buttons.
22 _________ shortcut key is used F1 F5 F12 F3 B B
for refresh in Internet Explorer.

23 Download means to copy a file Server to Your All of Server to D D

from ________________ server computer above your
to Server computer
24 To separate more than one e- Full Stop Colon (:) Semicolon Comma D D
mail address …………………… (.) (;) (,)
is used for it.

25 You can create more than one True False B B

E-Mail account with same E-
Mail id.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-301
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Information on optical disk is Laser Electro- Burning None Of A A
stored by _______________ Magnetic Above
2 Desktop contains small TRUE FALSE B B
graphics called logos
3 Internal and External are types TRUE FALSE A A
of memory devices.
4 Ctrl + P is used for Open a Copy a file Print a file New File C C
____________ File
5 ……………….. Software is a System Applicatio Virtual Compiler A A
software that basically makes n
the computer work.
6 Vertical alignment is done by toolbar taskbar menu title A A
using alignment button on
7 This is not a font type….. Bold Arial Calibri Times A A
8 …...command facility is used to Auto Text Auto Auto None B B
correct the common spelling Correct Format
9 Press ……….. Keys to select Ctrl + shift Ctrl + shift Alt + shift Alt + shift A A
the complete word. +→ +← +→ + ←
10 There are buttons for ………….. Minimize Maximize/ Close All of D D
At the right hand side of title bar Restore these

11 In Ms-Excel XFD is the heading true false A A

of column
12 At a time only one Cell can be true false A A
13 File name of current sheet is Title Bar Page On Cell B B
shown on ………………………. Reference
14 Where you find option to font group editing Styles alignment D D
increase or decrease group group group
indentation in MS Excel 2010 ?

15 Which group contains textbox edit text links symbols B B

option in MS Excel 2010 ?
16 To rotate or flip the selected Oval Chart Tables Rotate D D
object _______ option under the
format tab is selected.
17 You cannot view Ruler in TRUE FALSE B B
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-301
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 ____________ pointer helps to Pen Arrow New Animation A A
draw line to understand our
speech or statements while
slide show.
19 In PowerPoint ................. Close Open Exit Shut down C A
command is used for closing
the PowerPoint Application.
20 To Check spelling in current F5 F7 F8 F6 B B
presentation ______ is used.
21 You look a WWW documents Hypertext Windows Servers Browsers D D
using ………… links
22 Separation of Domain name Exclamati Dot(.) Question Star (*) B B
and Domain Code is done by on (!) Mark (?)
23 The Longform of URL is Uniform United Universal Union A A
________ Resource Recovery Review Resource
Locator Line Link Language
24 The Main computer of the true false B B
Network is called as the Client

25 You can send attachment with E- Uploading Downloadi Copying Moving A A

Mail, by __________ It ng
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-302
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 1024 mb = ……………….. 1 Kb 1 Mb 1 Gb 1 Tb C C
2 Keyboard is ------- Device. Input Output Processin
Memory A A
Device Device g Device
3 _____________ Are faster Mainfram Mini Micro Hybrid B A
than micro computers e Computer Computer
Computer s
4 Joystick is -------------- Device.Output Speaker Input None of C C
5 Ipads, tablets, smartphones are Micro Mini Mainfram Super A A
___________ type of Computer Computer e Computer
computers. Computer
6 Word's default alignment is Left Align Right Justify Center A A
…………………………… Align
7 In MS-Word we use ctrl+r left right center none of B B
shortcut key is used for ….. these
8 Ctrl+…... is used for Double 2 3 4 5 A A
Line Spacing
9 The key is used remove a letter Arrow Key Backspac Delete cut B B
before the cursor…………….. e

10 By default page orientation in vertical landscape portrait horizontal C C

word is………
11 IF is not a logical function TRUE FALSE B B
12 What we call to inbuilt formula program value function figures C C
in MS Excel 2010 ?
13 To move cell …………. Key is Ctrl + End Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl+ B #
used. Home Pageup Insert
14 In Excel options to change the Alignment Number Font Clipboard C C
font Size ,color and Font face Group
are available in …………………

15 __________ means set of Style Font Size Font Font A A

different formatting effects. Group
16 You can hide background of a Color Images Edit Backgrou D D
slide through which group nd
17 Use of Table given in ____ Tab Insert Home View Animation A A
is to insert Table in slide.
18 Object can be rotated with Rotate AutoShap Oval Chart A A
_____ option from the Format es
19 In PowerPoint Set Up Slide Design Review Slide Home C C
Show option is available under Show
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-302
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
20 State.pptx file is _______ type MS Word Ms Excel Ms Ms C C
of file. Powerpoin Access

21 A computer on internet are email street IP None of C C

identified by… address address Address the above
22 URL is nothing but a Web Client Server Search A A
________________ address Address Address engine
23 Both the POP and IMAP are TRUE FALSE A A
used to retrieve Email.
24 The address of the website is true false A A
given on the address bar in
Internet Explorer
25 _________ E-Mails are shown Sent Inbox Delete Draft C C
in trash menu.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-303
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Tb stands for ………………. Totalbytes Totalbits Terabits Terabytes D D

2 box containing _______ is UPS CPU SMPS HDD B B

called as cabinet.
3 Output on monitor is called as Soft Copy Hard Display None Of A A
………….. Copy Copy Above
4 Size of file name extension in 3-4 1-2 100-150 None Of A A
windows is ____________ Above
5 There are total __________ 3 5 7 10 B B
number of computer
6 Use …… keys to select Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift B B&D
paragraph. + Up + Down + Up + Down
arrow arrow arrow arrow

7 Generally ….. Alignment is used Left Right Center Justify B D

for paragraph which having
more than one line.
8 To shut print preview option Alt Ctrl Delete Esc D D
……key is used
9 Font group in Home tab is TRUE False A A
useful for changing font,font
size of selected matter.
10 ………………. Option is use to Data Insert Page Home C C
change of margins. Layout
11 What are the options available accountin percent comma All of D D
under number group in MS g number style style These
Excel 2010 ? format
12 In Ms-Excel Rows are labeled A,B,C…. 1,2,3,4…. I, I, III … a,b,c,…. B B
as ----
13 What is the intersection of rows address value column cell D D
and columns is called as?

14 In MS Excel 2010 what is Ctrl+shift+ alt+p shift+p Ctrl+p D D

keyboard shortcut to print a p
15 What is the maximum zoom % 100 200 400 500 C C
in MS Excel 2010 ?
16 Line spacing in a slide refers to Height of Length of The space Width of C C
__________ line line between line
line of text
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-303
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 In PowerPoint Presentation, you Slide View Rehearse Play show C C
can save the timing to run the Show show Timings
show automatically by using
18 Which key is used to decrease Ctrl + [ Ctrl + ] Shift + [ Shift + ] A A
the font size?
19 We can see the object in small Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom Left Zoom B B
size using __________ Right
20 Click on ............... option in slide Slide Transition Animation New Slide D D
group of Home Tab to create a Layout
new slide.
21 Following internet standard .com .org .in .net C C
domain country code is used by
22 Internet Explorer falls under…. Operating Compiler Browser IP C C
System Address
23 Web Browser is the software Surfing Testing Connectin None of A A
which is used to g above
_______________ the internet
24 Deleted E-Mails are shown in Sent Inbox Trash Draft C C
__________ menu.
25 On Optical Disk, Information is Magnetic Electric Digital Laser rays D D
stored by using………………… field method method
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-304
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Visual Display Unit ( VDU ) is Monitor Printer Scanner System A A
another name of ___________ Unit
2 1 kb = …………… 1024 512 Bytes 1024 Mb None Of A A
Bytes Above
3 On pressing Ctrl + Home Go to end Go to Go to End Go to B B
_______ happens. of the line Beginning of the file Beginning
of the file of the line
4 ----------- virus spoils COM and File Data System Processor A A
EXE extension files.
5 Robots are type of Fifth Second Third Fourth A A
_______________ computer Generatio Generatio Generatio Generatio
n n n n
6 From ………….. Tab you can Data Formulas View Insert C C
Show or Hide Ruler.
7 Line Tool button is in the Standard Formattin Status Shape D D
…………… option in Insert Tab. g

8 With the help of………… we Menu bar Title bar Scroll bar Status bar C C
can see the text or objects in
the document, which are not
currently displayed on the
9 Drop Caps Option shown in Home Insert Page View B B
………….. Tab. Layout
10 In MS-Word you can get ready Motion clip Art sounds all the B B
made pictures as…………. clips above

11 Every Worksheet has vertical Cell Pixel Table Grid D D

and horizontal lines called
12 '∑' is a sign of Auto sum TRUE FALSE A A
13 To make Cell Reference ^ ? * $ D D
Absolute ………… Symbol is
14 More than one selected cells Cell Row Column Table A A
group are called as _____ Range
15 Alignments of cell in Excel sheet Files / Format / FTP / None of B B
can be done by_______ Cells Cells Align these
16 Video files can be inserted in Insert- Insert - Insert - Insert - B B
the slide through ____ Text Media Images Media
Group- group- Group - Group -
Video Video Video audio
17 You can insert _______ in Clipart Chart Shapes All of D D
Powerpoint Presentation. above
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-304
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 The default file name of Presentati Workbook Document File1 A A
Powerpoint is ________ on1 1 1
19 _____________ option is used Time Rehearse Automatic Watch B B
to see slide show at some Time
particular time pause.
20 ....................... option is used to Time Rehearse Automatic Watch B B
see slide show at some Time
particular time interval.
21 .edu, .com, .org, .net, .gov are true false A A
part of standard internet
address domain code.
22 The network confined to one WAN DAN LAN MAN C C
room is called….
23 To log on to Gmail account, a Username Money Full Name Job A A
users must enter their and Profile
__________________ Password
24 in Windows 7, -----------------is Ctrl + Left Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl + B B
general keyboard shortcut Arrow Right Page Up Page
combination to move the cursor Arrow Down
to the beginning of next word.

25 A domain name ending with A A A network An B B

".gov" is ____________ commerci governme site organizati
al site nt Site on
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-305
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 A folder can contain _____ Files Folder Both A None of C C
and B above
2 When press HOME Key what Cursor go Cursor go Cursor go None of C C
happen------- to end of to end of to above
word Line beginning
of Line
3 Ctrl + v = ------------ Cut Copy Paste Undo an C C
selected selected Copied or action
items items Cut items
4 .Avi is extension of Image Audio Audio None Of C C
_____________ file. Video Above
5 Secondary memory is True False A A
permanent memory.
6 Ctrl + J is used for Align Insert Search Print A A
……………… Justify Hyperlink
7 ……. layout view helps in update print insert delete B B
understanding the position of
the text matter on the page
8 To apply center alignment to a Ctrl + S Ctrl + C Ctrl + C + Ctrl + E D D
paragraph we can A
press ……………………
9 The spelling mistakes are Yellow Blue Red Black C C
underline by ……… color lines

10 The option of increase font is View As page home font size D D

available in…………… layout
11 Ctrl + pgDn key combination true false A A
can be used to go on the next
12 __________ features displays AutoCal Add Autosum Sum D D
total of selected cell values on
status bar-
13 What are the options available sort filter conditiona sum C C
under style group in MS Excel l
2010 ? formatting
14 Recent option is available in File Insert Page None of A A
………..Menu Layout the above
15 In MS Excel 2010 which group alignment cells editing Styles D D
contains the cell styles option ? group group group group

16 As soon as clipart in inserted, true false A A

free rotate button / option is
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 08 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-305
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 In PowerPoint Rehearse Timing Slide Review View Design A A
option is available under Show
____________ ribbon.
18 In Ms Powerpoint 2010 under Thems Page Backgrou None of B B
the Design tab ……….. Option Orientatio p these
are avilable in Page setup n
19 Arrange option is available in Font Paragraph Drawing Editing C C
....................... group in
20 The speed of all transition Slow Medium Fast Normal B B
effects by default is -----------------
21 The Linking together of several Hypertext Hyperbole The HTML A A
web pages by clicking on Internet
underlined word is called ….
22 The network where all the Star Bus Ring None of A A
nodes are around a central Network Network Network above
server is …..
23 Modem is a device that allows TRUE FALSE A A
data to be sent over telephone
24 Email is a way of sending and TRUE FALSE A A
receiving messages using a
25 Server allows the clients to True False A A
share its recourses.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-401
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 ___________ Are most Super Mainfram Mini Micro A A
powerful and efficient Computer e Computer Computer
computers Computer
2 ---------- printer gives color prints Monitor Xerox Inkjet Dot-matrix C C
3 ----------- is used to transfer Pen Drive Floppy Optical All of D D
data from one computer to other Disk Above
4 Which of the following is NOT Mouse UPS Keyboard Scanner B B
an Input device?
5 Arrow keys is also called as TRUE FALSE A A
Navigation Keys
6 MS Word Is Application true false A A
7 Which feature do you use to Bullets & Tables Columns Tab Stops C C
create a newspaper like Numberin
document? g
8 ……….. group in Home tab is fontstyle size Fontsize Font D D
useful for changing font,font
size of selected matter.
9 We can insert a Table in MS- false true B B
Word 2010 where ever needed.

10 We find a strip in the shape of scroll status menu title A A

an arrow/arrows,below and
above to the right side of
document is called ……..bar
11 Sorting data in z to a series in ascending horizontal descendin numeric C C
MS Excel 2010 means sorting in order g order
12 Where we can specify in page In data tab in review in insert A A
background image for a layout tab tab tab
worksheet in MS Excel 2010 ?

13 Below the ______ area, we get worksheet Cell Row Column A A

sheet Tabs
14 Which is not a chart type is not Radium pie doughnut Scatter A A
available in MS Excel 2010 ?

15 By using …………….. Option Preview Print Page All of the B B

we get the Printouts. Layout above
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-401
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 In Powerpoint Presentation, you Slide View Rehearse Play show C C
can save the timing to run the Show show Timings
show automatically by using
17 ______ View is useful to type Normal Print Outline None of A A
matter on slide. Layout the above
18 In PowerPoint one can insert Illustration Links Text Insert D D
screenshot from --------------- s
19 In Powerpoint Slide Master Home Insert View Review C C
Option is available in
__________ Tab.
20 SmartArt command is available Home Insert Transition View B B
in ....................... tab in
21 Generally Icon of Internet true false B B
Explorer is not displayed on the
22 __________ Can be used to Word Image Windows E-mail D D
send and receive messages. Processor editor

23 Sound and images are not True False B B

transferred through E-Mail
24 Separation of Name and Domain A&B None of B B
________________ is done by Domain name and both above
Dot(.) name Domain
25 Files created in word, excel or True False A A
power point can be send as
attachment with E-Mail
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-402
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 ------- means raw type Informatio DATA Program System B B
information. n
2 BMP means --------- Bit files Byte Files Bitmap Bios Files C C
3 ……………….computers work Analog Digital Virtual Rational B B
on bits.
4 Computer keyboard layout is Typewriter Musical Both A None Of A A
same as ___________ And B Above
5 Scanner is _________ type of Input Output Multifuncti None of A A
device. on above
6 Ctrl + I is used for Italic Left Save Close A A
………………. Indent Document Document

7 In MS-Word 2010, Change Arrange Clipboard Font Styles C C

case option is available on
…………………………. Group
of Home Tab.
8 you can find shapes Home Insert Page Data B B
under……..tab Layout
9 After using Undo Command to Ctrl +Y Ctrl +Z Ctrl+A यापैकी नाही A A
redo the action ………….
Command used.
10 Drop Caps means………….. Small Title case All Caps None of D D
Caps above
11 Where we find the word art insert tab Home tab page data tab A A
option in MS Excel 2010 ? layout tab
12 In Excel, Shortcut key for Ctrl + S Ctrl + W Ctrl + Z Ctrl + X B B
Closing Excel workbook
13 To ……........ to the beginning move split merge None of A A
of worksheet Ctrl + Home key the above
is used.
14 By using _____option, we can contents Cell Comment None of C C
add the cell comments contents s the above
15 In a spreadsheet, what will be E5 5E A&B D5 A A
name of the 5th row and 5th both
column cell ?
16 We can apply colors and color Slide Slide Design None of C C
effects to the Slide background Animation Transition Theme these
using ----------------------
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-402
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Presentation files are made in -- Presentati Word Work Database A A
------------------------- type of on Processor sheets program
software. Graphics
18 Which of the following will not mouse Enter key Space bar ESC D D
go to the next slide in a slide button
show view? click
19 Special Effects given to current Transition Animation Slide Presentati A A
slide to appear during slide Show on
show, that special effects are
called as ......................

20 The process in which we Slide Slide Slide Slide D D

display all the slides one after Master Presentati show
another in a presentation is on
called --------------

21 Moving from one Web Site to Upload Surfing Download Link B B

another is called as
22 Long form of www is World Wide Web World A A
__________ Wide Web World Wide Web Wide
Web World
23 The main screen of Windows 7 Task Bar Address Desktop Pop Up C C
is called as --------------------- Bar
24 It is possible to get infected by True False A A
a virus via E-Mail
25 The commercial domain code .org .in .com .mil C C
for a server is called ______
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-403
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 FDD stands for ____ Floppy Fresh Floppy None of A A
Disk Drive Disk Drive Drive Disk above

2 System board of computer is Base Mother Logic Chart B B

also called as --------- Board Board Board Board
3 Deleted files are transferred to Recycle Dustbin Softbin Hardbin A A
__________________ Bin
4 Internal memory is also called Primary Secondar Input Output A A
…………… memory. y
5 Characteristics of computer Speed Accuracy Diligence All of D D
are………… above
6 You can select the whole text cut copy Paste Delete D D
matter which to delete and
7 In MS-Word to apply Header & Home View Insert Page C C
Footer …… Tab is available Layout
8 In MS-Word, what is the 500 200 100 90 B A
maximum scale percentage
available in scale drop down bar
9 Use ……… key to get a blank Home Backspac Enter Num Lock C C
line before or after the e
10 …………………. is not a font Bold Italics Regular Superscri D D
style. pt
11 Three or more worksheets can true false A A
be available in one workbook.
12 __________ Means in built Programs Value Figures Functions D D
formula basically available in
13 In excel column are Straight Curve Horizontal Shape C C
14 How many types of vertical 1 2 3 4 C C
alignments are possible in MS
Excel 2010 ?
15 In MS Excel 2010 , Workbook is worksheet text files images document A A
a set of ? s s
16 ...................... Means the effects Animation Transition Word Art Clip Art A A
given in slide, regarding how the
objects appeared during the
slide show.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-403
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Slide Show Can be created in True False A A
18 To start slide show from first From From Custom None of A A
slide ___________ command is Beginning Current Slide Above
used Slide Show
19 Slide show can be prepared Power File Slide Window A A
from ............ application. Point Show
20 ……….means the effects given Animation Transition Word Art Clip Art A A
in slide, regarding how the
objects appeared during slide
21 The Web Site address is given Address Standard Menu Bar Links A A
on ____________ In Internet Bar buttons toolbar
Explorer. toolbar
22 Internet explorer is The The The icon A file A A
________________ Browser internet manager
23 The protocol that web client and FTP TCP HTTP IP C C
servers use for communicate Address
with each other is called
24 Spam is location where all the True False A A
unwanted mails are presents
25 Following software is used to Word Internet Windows None of B B
browse internet under MS- Processor Explorer Explorer above
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-404
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Linux is ------- OS Applicatio Language Program A A
2 Set of instructions provided to Programs Operating Compiler Interpreter A A
the computer is known as Systems
3 Pressing key F5 in Windows 7 Refresh Close Display Display A A
will………………… window Window Menu Help
4 Actual data processing is done Control Input Output Arithmetic D D
by _________ unit of computer & Logical

5 Information permanently stored ROM RAM Word Character A A

in -------------
6 To cancel any open dialog box Ctrl Esc. Alt Shift B B
…….. Key can be used.
7 ……………….. Is made up of Text Box Rectangle Borders Table D D
Rows and Columns. s
8 Chart Option is available in Home Insert Page View B B
…………………… Menu. Layout
9 "Smiley face" shape is in the Shape Status Formattin Standard A A
……………. Option of Insert g
10 We can not change paper size TRUE FALSE B B
in MS-Word
11 Which function will add two =B1 and = = D D
numbers in cells B1 and B2 in B2 add(B1,B2 =total(a,b) sum(B1,B
MS Excel 2010 ? ) ) 2)
12 Rows and Columns are data TRUE FALSE A A
13 Which term describes callout context dialog comment D D
explanatory text attached to a
14 In MS Excel 2010 if function TRUE FALSE A A
gives result based on condition

15 With __________ option, it COUNT MAX MIN None of A A

Counts the number of cells in a the above
range that contains number
16 In slide show which command is Custom Hide Slide Set up Backgrou D D
not available Show Show nd
17 ClipArt option is given in _____ Edit Insert View Window B B
18 To select Placeholder box bring Double Click Drag Triple B B
mouse pointer on it, and ____ Click Click
on it.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-404
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
19 Chart option is given in TRUE FALSE A #
...................... Tab.
20 There is no difference between true false B B
Transition effect and Animation
effects in PowerPoint.

21 Seeing various websites on the Surfing Upload Download Link A A

Internet is called as …..
22 Copying a file from the internet Unloading Uploading Reloading Downloadi D D
to your computer is called ……. ng

23 __________ Is an example of Interpreter Operating Browser Compiler C C

Application Software. System
24 To create a Gmail account you Generate Create a Make a Copy B B
need to click on Account account account Account
_______________ Button.
25 The network confined to one WAN DAN LAN MAN C C
building or rom is called ……….
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-405
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 RAM is __________ type of Permanen Temporar Both A None of B B
memory t y and B above
2 ____________ Is pointing Mouse Keyboard Scanner None Of A A
device. Above
3 --------- is an example of JAVA UNIX C++ Internet B B
Operating system.
4 Soft copy is output of Monitor Printer Scanner None Of A A
___________ Above
5 ___________ Are types of Digital Analogue Both A None Of C C
computer And B Above
6 In MS Word 2010 ……………… F2 F5 F7 F10 C C
function key is used for spelling
& grammar check for document.

7 We can't change the text TRUE FALSE B B

direction in the table.
8 After clicking with mouse on left Column Row Cell Table B B
area of a row in Table ………
will get selected
9 1.0 space means there is the True False A A
spacing of only one line which is
by default.
10 WordArt come under …….tab Home Formulas insert View C C
11 To strip given in the right of the Status Formula Access Tool B B
'Name Box' is called as
…………….. Bar in Worksheet.

12 The "bubble chart" is one of the TRUE FALSE A A

chart type in MS Excel 2010

13 To start Excel, we have to Start Menu Home Delete A A

click…………. Button on the
Taskbar of Desktop.
14 What is maximum possible 10 20 400 500 C C
zoom % in MS Excel 2010 ?
15 What is not a type of horizontal left center right justify D D
alignment of text in cell of
spreadsheet in MS Excel 2010
16 To delete slide ---------------- Clear slide Erase Remove Delete D D
command is used by clicking on slide Slide Slide
the slide with mouse.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 09 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-405
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 --------------------- to the text can Highlight Font Color Shadow None of C C
be given by using shadow these
18 Slide show can be created using MS-Word MS-Excel HTML MS- D D
__________ PowerPoi
19 To Insert chart ___________ Insert Insert Insert Table A A
Command is used. Chart Picture Wordart
20 In PowerPoint, the options Ruler Guidelines Guides All of D D
available in View Tab - Show these
Group are -
21 Web pages are text files with True False A A
HTML codes.
22 A search engine is used to get Internet MS Office Browser Gmail A A
information from __________

23 To send e-mail to a person we E-Mail Bank Mobile All of A A

must have ____________ account Account number above
24 In Internet Explorer, to save the Send Print Properties Save as D D
web page click on _________
Option in File Menu.

25 We can not attach ______ File .pdf .exe .docx .ppt B B

to e-mail
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-501
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 On Optical Disk, Information is Magnetic Electric Digital Laser rays D D
stored by using………………… field method method

2 _____________ Are faster Mainfram Mini Micro Hybrid A A

than mini computers. e Computer Computer Computer
Computer s
3 Keyboard, Mouse, printer are Software Instruction Hardware Applicatio C C
called as ---------- s n
4 1 Byte = ____ Bits 2 4 8 12 C C
5 The Term ------ Means your Online Offline Lineup Line in B B
computer is not connected to
the Internet.
6 To Measure Font size of the Points cm Hz Mm A A
text …… unit is used.
7 …………. of the following Auto Auto Smart Auto Text B B
helps to reduce spelling error in Format Correct Tags
the document?
8 In Ms Word you can align the Ctrl + E Ctrl + L Ctrl + R None of C C
selected paragraph to its right the above
by pressing
9 In …………... view Headers Normal Page Print Draft View C C
and Footers are visible View Layout Layout
View View
10 Use of Text-styling feature in Word Word WordArt Word Fill C C
MS-Word is called ………….. Color Font

11 To save a Workbook, you Ctrl + S Ctrl+F5 Shift + S Shift + F5 A A

press ………………
12 In Worksheet, the process of Condition Auto Table Quick A A
giving specific formatting to al format Format Format
data which match the specific Formattin
condition Is called as g
13 Serial A-Z means ……………. Descendi Ascending Vertical Numeric B B
Sorting of text. ng
14 In MS Excel 2010 which group alignment font group cells editing D D
contains the sort & filter, find group group group
and select options ?
15 We cannot use Spaces in true false A A
Formula while typing formula in
16 You can insert clip arts online TRUE FALSE A A
as well as offline
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-501
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Data consisting of lists/ bullets Title only Title & Two Table C C
can be presented in _________ content content
18 In _________ view slide Slide Normal Reading Slide A A
numbers gets displayed sorter show
19 In PowerPoint one can hide Design - Insert - Home - None of A A
background graphics by Backgrou Backgrou Backgrou these
clicking on -- nd - Hide nd - Hide nd - Hide
Backgrou backgroun backgroun
nd d d
Graphics Graphics Graphics
20 It is not possible to insert chart true false B B
in Presentation
21 Which is the following is Yahoo Internet Windows Windows B B
popular web browser? Explorer 95 Explorer
22 The special computer that TRUE FALSE A A
stores a network programs and
data is called a server.
23 "HTML" is acronym for what? Hypertext High Hypertext None of C C
Markup Tone Markup the above
Loop Modifier Language
24 ….. Is the by default Web Internet Netscape Mozilla Google A A
browser of Microsoft Company Explorer Navigator Firefox Chrome
25 It is a possible to send as well TRUE FALSE A A
as received attachments by
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-502
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 __________ Is secondary Ram Rom Cache None Of D D
memory Above
2 __________ Are display Projector Hdtv Monitor All Of D D
devices. Above
3 P-4 is type of ----------------- Microproc Data Program O.S. A A
4 Virus is a …………………… Compiler Interpreter Program Language C C

5 Function of os are …………. Hardware Memory File All Of D D

Managem Managem Managem Above
ent ent ent
6 Font color option don't change true false B B
the text color.
7 Word's default alignment Left Align Right Justify center A A
is………… Align
8 In MS-Word, Which of the Normal Loosely Condense Expanded B B
following is not available in font d
spacing ?
9 A thick border around the active Cell selection Border Outline A A
cell is called…… pointer
10 ……... item is printed at the Header Foot Note Title Footer D D
bottom of each page
11 What is recognition of last cell in XFD1048 XUU1048 ZZZ10486 ABC1048 A A
in MS Excel 2010 ? 576 577 57 576
12 To start Excel, we have to click true false A A
on start Button from the
Taskbar of Desktop.
13 View tab is used to display or TRUE FALSE A A
hide gridlines in MS Excel 2010.

14 Which of the following chart surface scatter gather stock C C

types is not available in MS
Excel 2010?
15 In MS-Excel …………… sign # % * = D D
must be given before any
16 In PowerPoint we can insert Review - View - Insert - None of A A
comment in the slide by using Comment Comment Comment these
following steps - s - New s - New s - New
Comment Comment Comment
17 To Insert chart ....................... Insert Insert Insert Table A A
Command is used. Chart Picture Word art
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-502
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 In PowerPoint presentation Reading slide Notes All of D D
views are ------------------------- View sorter page these
19 We can set the timing of the Design Insert Home Animation D D
transition of the current slide in
______________ option under
the timing section.
20 We get current slide number, Title bar
Quick Status bar Scroll bar C C
current slide design theme on --- Access
---------------. toolbar
21 A File download means moves Web Site Computer Server to Client to A A
a copy of file from _________ to to Web server client
computer Site
22 To go to previous page ___ key Backspac Esc Home Page Up A A
is used in Internet Explorer. e

23 _______________connects the Downloadi Uploading Hyperlink Testing C C

current page of Web Site to ng
another specific page of Web
24 A search engine is used to get informatio Connectio Files None of A A
____________ from internet. n n above

25 _________ means government edu net gov com C C

Web Site.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-503
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Document can scan and send Scanner Keyboard Barcode Mouse A A
by e-mail with the help of ----------
-- device.
2 __________ Is output device Monitor Printer Plotter All Of D D
3 __________ Is not output Monitor Pen Drive Printer Plotter B B
4 A folder is also called as TRUE FALSE A A
5 _________ Is storage device Mouse Pen Drive Scanner Keyboard B B
6 …………….. can you disable Press F8 Press Del Press Esc Press C C
extended selection mode again to to disable to disable Enter to
disable disable
7 Which of the following line Single Double Triple All Above D D
spacing is valid?
8 We can insert Shapes Content Object Group C C
Chart,Table,Picture in Word
Document made by other
software is called…………
9 ………press when help dialog F4 F3 F1 F2 C C
box is appear
10 How many different positions 1 2 4 6 B B
can you set for drop cap?
11 Fill Command is provided in Home Tools File Format A A
………….. Tab
12 In Ms-Excel Format Painter true false A A
option is available
13 You can remove duplicate review tab page data tab None of C C
values entered using ___ tab. layout tab These
14 Ms Excel Extension is .pdf .xlsx .pptx none B B
15 MS Excel 2010 is operating TRUE FALSE B B
system software.
16 When you press enter Key, Text Two Title Picture B B
Bullets are provided content
automatically to each line, in the
___________ type of slide.

17 In PowerPoint default layout of Title and Section Blank Title Slide D D

slide is --------------- content Header
18 To exit from a slide show we End show Next Previous Exit A A
can right click and select
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-503
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
19 Shortcut key to run slide show F1 F5 F6 None of B B
command in PowerPoint is Above

20 Notes Page view is used to Prepares The The Work on a A A

________ Speaker Slides as content of single
note for a small your slide at a
the version on presentati time.
audience. a single. on

21 Computers used for Internet True False B B

access, can not be used for any
other purpose.
22 Which one of the following is not Google WebCrawl JAVA Yahoo C C
search engine? er
23 …………….files can not be PDF MS-Word MS-Excel MS- A A
edited. PowerPoi
24 Data in fiber-optic Cable is Waves Light Range None of B B
transferred through __________ pulses above

25 ____ Option is used to store Draft Inbox Sent Box None of A A

incomplete or temporary above
message in E-Mail.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-504
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Date and time is displayed at Right Left Top Left Top Right A A
___________ of desktop. Bottom Bottom
2 F1 to F12 are -------- Keys Special Function Delete Insert Key B B
Key Key Key
3 ______________ Are Speed Accuracy Diligence All Of D D
characteristics of computer Above
4 .Midi is extension of Text Musical Bitmap None Of B B
_____________ file. Instrumen Above
t Digital
5 In binary system '0' represents On Off Both A None Of B B
And B Above
6 A dark coloured strip showing insert titlebar view home B B
the title in Microsoft Word called
the ………
7 Using Find command in Word, characters formats symbols All of the D D
we can search ………. above
8 We can exit from word 2010 File - Exit File - File - File - save A A
using…………. Close Open
9 You can change text direction in True False A A
10 ……………… cannot be Dialog Window Word Wizard A A
resized. Box
11 In which tab the spelling check data review view home B B
tool is available in MS Excel
2010 ?
12 New comment can be inserted View Tab Review Data Tab Formula B B
from ………… Tab Tab
13 In Excel Format Painter is used TRUE FALSE A A
to copy the Format and paste
the format in Desired Cell of text

14 In MS Excel 2010 which group alignment Styles cells editing D D

contains the insert, delete and group group group group
format options ?
15 Which group contains equation symbols text links charts A A
option in MS Excel 2010 ?

16 A slide show of pictures can be PowerPoi Excel Access Word A A

created in _____________ nt
17 In PowerPoint Broadcast Slide Transition Animation Review Slide D D
Show option is available under s s Show
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-504
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 Design and Layout Theme are true false A A
given to the slides according to
Template selected.
19 Which of the following is type of From From Custom All of D D
Powerpoint slide show option? Beginning Current Slide these
Slide Show
20 To begin slide show from From From This Start From D D
Current slide ----------- command Beginning slide slideshow current
is used in the Slide show Tab. slide

21 If we have used Backward Forward Backward Down Up Arrow A A

arrow, we can switch to the next Arrow Arrow Arrow
webpage by using __________

22 What allows to create a Java C HTML XML C C

webpage with interactive
23 Search engine is a web site that true false A A
you would used to find more
information on the internet.

24 With __________ System we Voice- Scanner Fax Printer A A

can convert voice in telephone messagin
signals g
25 Windows by default installed Internet Google Opera Opera A A
Browser is ______ Explorer Chrome Mini
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-505
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Icons on the desktop can be cannot be cannot be None of A A
hidden hidden moved above
2 RAM stands for Random Read Read Auto Random D D
_______________ Auto Access Memory Access
Memory Memory Memory
3 Computer can make mistake Input Processor Ram None Of A A
only if ___________ is wrong Above
4 When press END Key what Cursor go Cursor go Cursor go None of B B
happen------- to end of to end of to above
word Line beginning
of Line
5 Cpu stands for ____________ Common Central Central Common B B
Process Processin Program Program
Unit g Unit Unit Unit
6 In Word Left, Right, Center, Line Charts Fonts None of D D
Justify are the different types of spacing above
7 ……….. Tab in MSWord can be View Tools Format Data C C
used to change character size
and typeface?
8 We can do alignment of text by center up down None of A A
left,right,…………,justified these
9 To select any word in Double Triple Single Right A A
document, …………….. With Click Click Click Click
mouse on the word.
10 We can send one mail one two three many D D
to……..addresses using mail
merge in word
11 Which is a correct answer for Clean CLEAN Clean clean D D
=lower("clean India") in MS india INDIA India india
Excel 2010 ?
12 Header and Footer is Used to TRUE FALSE A A
print common text on each
13 Which group allows you to apply clipboard font group dark and cells B B
bold format to text in MS Excel group bold group group
2010 ?
14 __________ Bar is given at the Status Title Access Tool B B
top side of 'Opening screen' in
15 The default file name of TRUE FALSE A A
workbook file in MS Excel 2010
is book1
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 10 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-505
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 To see the prepared slides one Slide Normal Outline Slide A A
by one on screen that (Video show view View sorter
presentation) is called as ---------- view
17 _____________ means the Animation Transition Word art clipart A A
effects given in slide, regarding
how the objects appeared
during slide show.
18 In PowerPoint Objects can be Delete Cut Copy Rotate D D
rotated using _______ in format
19 Various Transition effect has Animation Design Transition Backgrou C C
been give in the Group _______ Themes to this nd styles
20 For getting Microsoft F1 F2 F3 F4 A A
PowerPoint Help one can use
shortcut key .............
21 Reply means respond to Forwarde Received Compose Deleted B B
____________ Mail. d Mails Mails d Mails Mails
22 Browser is a software program TRUE FALSE A A
for getting information from the
23 ISP stands for internet service true false B B
24 ______________________ is Social Search Screeners Routers B B
used to search content online. networks engine
25 _______________ contains Compose Sent Mails Spam Trash D D
deleted E-Mail
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-601
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 It is possible to ___________ Read Write Delete All Of A A
files on cd rom. Above
2 JPEG stands for =------------ Joint Joint Joint Joint A A
Photograp Photograp Photograp Photo
hic hic hic magic
Experts Exchange Experts Experts
Group Group Graph Group
3 Pdf stands for ……………… Portable Parallel Portable None Of A A
Document Document Data Above
Format Format Form
4 -------- is electronic circuit board System RAM ROM CPU A A
which built in computer cabinet. Board

5 ___________ is necessary to Telephon Pen Drive Modem CD Drive C C

connect our computer with e
Internet. Instrumen
6 Cut-Paste and Copy-Paste are different same change none of A A
the ....... processes. these
7 In MS-Word from….tab you Insert Home Help View D D
can see the option show or
Hide ruler
8 Bold, Italic, Regular are known Font Font Word Art Text A A
as Styles Effects Effects
9 Open option is available Status File Insert Formattin B B
in…….menu g
10 ………………… can be used Status Ruler Status Bar Toolbar B B
to set margins and indents in Area
11 Where you find the option to embed data tab page Insert tab D D
embed chart in MS Excel 2010 tab layout tab
12 =Upper() Function use to Capital Small Lower Upper A A
convert text in to ……………
13 What we call to sheet if only graph chart macroshe microshee B B
graph is inserted in it in MS sheet sheet et t
Excel 2010 ?
14 With ……… Function Current =Now() =Time() Currenttim =Clock() A A
System Time gets inserted in e()
Current Cell.
15 We can see the cell address of TRUE FALSE A A
selected cell in 'Name Box ' in
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-601
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 Guides command is chosen in View File Slide Window A A
the ................... Tab to display Show
17 In PowerPoint one can give Ctrl + A Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Ctrl + D C C
Italic effect to text using ----------
------- shortcut key.
18 In ....................... view we can Slide Normal Outline Slide B B
see only one slide at a time and Sorter View Show
can do editing in the same.

19 There are _______ types of 1 2 3 4 C C

Master available in PowerPoint

20 To select Placeholder box bring Double Click Drag Triple B B

mouse pointer on it, and Click Click
................. on it.
21 Sent Email is shown Inbox. true false B B
22 Government website ________ mil edu com gov D D
23 Is it possible to forward E-Mail, It's not It is Sometime None of A A
by clicking on compose button? possible possible s its above
24 An ISP connects you to the TRUE FALSE A A
25 Internet Service Provider is the true false A A
long form of ISP.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-602
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 It is possible to restore deleted True False A A
files using recycle bin.
2 Which of the following is largest Kilo Byte Mega Tera Byte Giga Byte C C
Memory. Byte
3 ………….are used for Inkjet Plotters Dot Matrix Laser B B
Engineering drawing, maps etc. printers Printers Printers

4 8 bite = 1 ------------ Byte BIT KB TB A A

5 In windows, desktop consist of Icons Clock Start All of D D
Menu above
6 Sort and Filter commands in View Data Page Insert B B
Home Tab are also available in layout
………….. Tab.
7 In Ms-Word, showing word Grammati A spelling An C C
underlined with a wave red line cal highlighte mistake underkine
indicates………… Mistake d word d word
8 Use Backspace key to get a TRUE FALSE B B
blank line before or after the
9 …………tab group is useful for Home Insert View Data A A
changing font,font size of the
selected matter.
10 Step by step mail merge wizard merge email lettering mailing D D
is found in ____ in MS Word
2010 .
11 Which keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+ b Ctrl+n Ctrl+ w Ctrl+ k B B
used to create a new workbook
in MS Excel 2010?

12 To hide particular column Right File --> Windows -- Left Click A A

……………..option can be used. Click on Hide Row > Hide on Row --
Column Column > Hide
Name -->
13 The default date format in MS TRUE FALSE A A
Excel 2010 is dd/mm/yy
14 Select the chart type which is area Line bar circle D D
not existing in MS Excel 2010 ?

15 We cannot use Left Right Center Justify D D

Alignment in excel
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-602
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Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
16 In Powerpoint Handout Master Home Insert View Review C C
Option is available in
__________ Tab.
17 To preview the transition of Preview Timing Transition None of B B
current slide ________ option in to slide These
transition tab is used.
18 You can create effective audio TRUE FALSE A A
video presentation using
19 In PowerPoint one can give Ctrl + A Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Ctrl + U D D
Underline effect to text using -----
------------ shortcut key.
20 We can insert Object like Shapes Text Document Slide A A
__________ in a slide from
insert tab.
21 ____ is Search Engine. World HTTP HTML Gopher D D
Wide Web

22 In Internet Explorer Ctrl + F Alt + F Shift + F Tab + F A A

____________ Shortcut is used
to get find option
23 Gopher is an internet ______ Web System Search None of C C
Browser Software tool above
24 An ______ Is a program that Gmail Google Googletal All of B B
provides tools for accessing Chrome k above
web sites.
25 While sending an e-mail, the Subject Address Attachme Sender A A
reference of message is written nt
in __________ box.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-603
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 In __________ type of memory Permanen Volatile Both A None Of B B
when supply is cut off, memory t And B Above
content are lost.
2 Optical disk are _______ disk Metal Fiber Rubber None of B B
which use laser rays instead of above
magnetic field.
3 _____________ Are faster than Mainfram Mini Micro Super D D
mainframe computers. e Computer Computer Computer
4 .Bmp is extension of Bitmap Executabl Wordpad None Of A A
_____________ file. e Above
5 Group of commands is called - -- Language Data Package Program D D
6 …………….. is the shortcut key Alt + F9 Ctrl + F9 Shift + F9 Space + A A
to display field codes? F9
7 In MS Word text can be made Ctrl + I Ctrl + B Ctrl + U None of A A
Italic by ……………… the above
8 In MS Word document Times Arial Algerian Calibri D D
………………. Is used default New (Body)
font. Roman
9 Which feature do you use to Bullets Tables Columns Tab stops C C
create a newspaper like and
document Numberin
10 Why Drop Caps are used in To drop To autom To begin None of C C
document? all the atically bea above
capital gin each paragraph
letters paragraph with a
with large
capital dropped
letter initial
11 Bold is used to make the Bold Italic Bold & Black A A
selected text as ___ Italic
12 Which function will display todaysdat systemdat today() todate() C C
system date in text format in MS e() e()
Excel 2010 ?
13 Which option is used to see filter sort sieve forms A A
data in rows based on the
specific condition in MS Excel
2010 ?
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-603
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
14 In Excel ………………. Means Text Formula Number Cell B B
instruction to perform Reference
15 In Excel We can use arrow keys Alt Ctrl Enter Shift D D
with ……………………….Key
to select range.

16 ------------------- are printed notes Notes Speaker's Listener's Notations B B

of speech referred by the Notes Notes
Speaker in the meeting.
17 The line drawn with the help of temporary permanen Both A & None of A A
pen pointer in a slide show are t B These
18 In PowerPoint, in Home Tab - Top Middle Bottom All of D D
Paragraph Group - Align Text these
command is having options like

19 In slide show which menu of the Backgrou Custom Hide slide Set up A A
command is not available nd Show show
20 Select ..................... command Group Order Ungroup Regroup A A
from arrange group of format
tab to get one object from all
21 A search engine is used to get True False A A
information from internet.
22 Through _______________ we Subject Reference Salutation Signature D D
can add the information about
sender at the end of E-Mail.
23 ………………..is measured in Computer Speed of Size of Screen D D
pixels. memory RAM CPU resolution
24 A file having .JPG extension Audio Portable Video Image D D
represents …………………..file. Document
25 ………….software are used to System Applicatio Virtual Compiler B B
perform a specific task. n
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-604
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Boot virus spoils --------- on Pen Drive Boot Memory Song CD B B
hard disk Sector Card
2 Lcd stands for ………….. Led Lan Liquid None Of C C
Camera Crystal Crystal Above
Display Display Display
3 --------------- is used for data CD Drive Floppy Hard Pen drive A A
reading on CD. Drive Drive
4 Os means ………….. Operating Operation Open Old A A
System System System System
5 Flash drive means ……………. Pen Drive Cd/Dvd HarddiskNone Of A A
6 ____ option cancels previous copy paste Formattin undo D D
action in msword. g
7 If you want to set new symbol Bullets Numberin Numbers Define D D
other than those g New
available……..option is used Bullets
8 In Word Processor when the Word Sentence Sentence New Line A A
line is …………. Wrap Wrap merge
9 In …………….. View, automatic Outline Draft Web Print B B
page break are displayed with Layout Layout
Dotted lines.
10 In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for ….. Scenarios Size Save Spelling C C
11 Grids on worksheet in MS Excel vertical images graphs None of A A
2010 are …. and These
12 Selected Single Cell in Bordered Active Cell Main Cell None B B
Worksheet is called as Cell
13 Shortcut key for copy in excel is Copy Ctrl + C Alt + C Shift + C B B
14 By Pressing Ctrl + S , Open file new file Save file Exit file C C
………………. action is done.
15 By using ____ option, only Contents Cell Comment None of A A
selected matter is removed but contents s the above
format remains as it is in the
16 which key is used insert a Ctrl + L Ctrl + H Ctrl + K None of C C
hyperlink? the above
17 It is possible to Broadcast slide TRUE FALSE A A
show using PowerPoint
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-604
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 To go to previous slide press Slide Pg Up Home Enter B B
_____ key. Number +
19 In PowerPoint there are total ----- 10 8 9 12 C C
----------- number of layouts in
New Slides button.
20 Default font size of text in MS 10 pt 12 pt 60 pt 32pt D D
Powerpoint 2010 is ________
21 Which of the following is used to Spreadsh Draw Clipboard Browser D D
explore the internet? eet
22 ________________ is an E-Mail MS Word Outlook MS Excel MS B B
program. express Access
23 To log on to the E-Mail account, Username Name Mobile Postal A A
a user must enter their ______ and number Address
24 Using your created E-Mail Account Sign up Password Address C C
address and ____________ in informatio
E-Mail client, you can send E- n
25 ___ shortcut key is used for F1 F12 F3 F5 D D
refresh in Internet Explorer
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-605
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Extension of word file is .Txt .Pptx .Docx .Exe C C
2 Many dots are printed to make Dot Matrix Plotter Laser Solid A A
character in _____________
3 ____________ Printer use ink Inkjet Dot Matrix Plotter Laser B B
4 You can create soft copy of Printer Scanner Headphon None of B B
Photograph using __________ e above
5 How viruses spread? Using CD Floppy Pen Drive All of D D
_________ above
6 In Table, where the row and Cell Column Border Row A A
column intersect each other that
square is called as …..
7 The default left margin in word 1 1.25 1.5 2 A A
2010 is
8 In MS-Word 2010 we can zoom 100 200 300 500 D D
in the document view from 10%
to ………………….. %

9 Footnotes appear in a End of Bottom of End of None B B

document ………………….. document a Page Heading
10 In ……….. We can store the Styles Defaults Formats Templates A A
required different formatting by
placing name for it
11 By using ……………… Open New Save Close C C
Command we can save the
current workbook.
12 Which function returns the small() lowest() min() smaller() C C
smallest value from the set of
13 Which of the following is used view-> review -> autocheck autocheck B B
for spelling check in MS Excel grammar spelling -> -> spelling
2010 ? check check grammar check
14 __________ Can be used for Autofill Text Mid Formula D D
different mathematical
calculations in Excel.
15 Portrait and Landscape are Pages Margins Orientatio None of C C
types of ………………….. n the above
16 In PowerPoint presentation Reading slide Notes All of D D
views are ................... sorter page Above
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 11 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-605
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Placeholder are _________ Colored black dotted None of C C
boxes for inserting any object these
18 The orientation of slides can be Page Slide Backgrou Themes B B
changed using the__________ Setup orientation nd
option in Design Tab.

19 Which option selects all object Alt+A Ctrl+V Shift+ Ctrl+A D D

at one time in a slide? Enter
20 When you press ___________ F1 Esc Home Enter C C
key bullets are automatically
provided in two content layout.

21 Internet is collection of Adhoc Wireless Interconn Mobile C C

_______________ network network ected network
22 Each computer connected to be an IBM have a be internet have a A A
the internet must…. PC unique ID compatibl modem
Address e connectio
23 ____________ Is a free E-Mail Gmail Hotmail Yahoo All of D D
program that you can access mail above
from any web Browser.
24 Which of the following is not Electronic World PDA FTP C C
popular Internet service. mail wide Web
25 It is possible to forward received True False A A
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-701
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Processing speed of Micro CM Hz KB Bytes B B
Processor is measures in - ------
2 F1 - f12 keys are called Formula Shortcut Function None Of C C
…………. Keys Keys Keys Above
3 Second generation of computer Vaccum Transistor Integrated Microproc B B
introduced ______________ Tube s Circuits essors

4 1024 bytes = ……………… 1 Kb 1 Mb 1 Gb 1 Tb A A

5 Calculator like number keys on Toggle Navigation Numeric None Of C C
keyboard are called as Keys Keys Keypad Above
6 ……………….. Is type of Windows Ms-Word Dos Unix B B
Application Software
7 ___________ is the Border Table TextBox Rectangle B B
combination of Rows and
8 Using Mail-merge we can not TRUE FALSE B B
send letters on different
9 When zoom is …….% it is 100% 120% 2 3 A A
similar to the Print size of
10 The ghosted text behind content Marktext Watertext Watermar None of C C
of the text is called k the above
11 In Excel Cut option is used to Copy and cut and Cut New C C
…………. Paste paste
12 Which group allows you to apply border editing font group cells C C
border to cells in MS Excel 2010 group group group
13 Worksheet is also called as Spreadsh Page Workbook Workshee A A
………………… eet t
14 Cell Addresses used in Formula Formulas Cell Parameter Function B B
are called as ……………….. Reference s List

15 __________ application is most Word Database DOS Spreadsh D D

suited for a bar chart Processor eet

16 Clipart option is given in Insert Edit View Window A A

_______ Tab.
17 ...................... is used to create MS Word Excel Notepad PowerPoi D D
best presentation. worksheet nt
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-701
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 We can insert our recorded True False A A
voice in Slide Presentation
19 What tab lets you create a Design Animation Transition Master A A
presentation by selecting
readymade font color, graphics
20 We can find a Tab named -------- Home Insert File Menu Design C C
----- at the bottom side of
PowerPoint Logo.
21 Hard disk is also known Magnetic Optical Plastic Fiber A A
as………….. Disk
22 The linking together of several The Hyperlinks Hyperbola HTML B B
web pages by clicking on internet
underlined word is called
23 Modem convert __________ Telephoni Analog Analog None of C C
signal to _________ signals and c Signals Signal To Signals above
vice versa to Analog Telephoni To Digital
Signals c Signals Signals
24 ________________ Browser is Chrome Firefox Opera Internet A A
developed in Google Explorer
25 It is not possible to recover E- True False A A
Mails deleted from trash.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-702
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 To search in folder ______ F1 F2 F3 F4 C C
shortcut key is used
2 The work of control unit and RAM Printer Motherbo Microproc D D
arithmetic logical unit is ard essor
performed by __________
3 Lowest memory of computers in Kilo Byte Mega Tera Byte Giga Byte A A
below options is Byte
4 Hard disk is also known Magnetic Optical Plastic Fiber A A
as………….. Disk
5 Which domain is used to show .net .com .gov .mil B B
commercial site?
6 …………………….. is not a type Left Right Center Top C C
of page margin.
7 In MS Word, What Ribbon do Page View Insert Home A A
you use to change margins ? Layout
8 ______ shows print preview in insert tab design tab review file menu D D
MS Word 2010 tab
9 For Mathematical Equation Formula Equation Symbol None of B B
Insert Tab-…………option used these
in Word
10 Extension of MS-Word 2010 file .Xls .Wrd .Mbd .Docx D D
is ………………………………..

11 Hyperlink is used to create link TRUE FALSE A A

the sheet
12 We can specify background TRUE FALSE A A
image for a worksheet in MS
Excel 2010 ?
13 Three or more worksheets TRUE FALSE B B
cannot be available in one
14 To find largest number in cell Count() Max() Min() Round() B B
range …………function is used.

15 =lower("Hello") , this function Hello hello hELLO HELLO B B

will convent the given text as
16 We can apply colors and color Slide Slide Design None of C C
effects to the Slide background Animation Transition Theme Above
using ...........................
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-702
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 In PowerPoint design of the text Underline Bold Font Font size C C
can be changed by applying -----
----------------------- command.

18 To change the animation order Present Animation Slide Set up B B

of all objects on slide, ____ animation Pane Transition Show
command in Animation Tab is
19 _____ view is used to adjust or Slide Slide Outline Slide C C
arrange the matter in the slide. Show Sorter

20 Selected heading can be Font Paragraph Text Color Drawing C C

colored with .................
command in Font Group of
Home Tab.
21 Netiquette refers to guides to TRUE FALSE A A
appropriate behaviour while
22 When a computer is online, it is TRUE FALSE A A
to ready to send data or receive
data from other devices.

23 Email is short for Electric mail TRUE FALSE B B

24 By using E-Mail server you can Download Send a Play None of B B
__________________ Song mail games above
25 HTTP stands for Hyper Text TRUE FALSE A A
Transfer Protocol
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-703
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 ____________ Are activities of Deleting Erasing Corrupting All Of D D
virus Files Data Data Above
2 ____________ Printer use liquid Inkjet Character Plotter Laser A A
3 Windows-7 is an ……………. OS Applicatio Language Program A A
4 Alt + F4 can be used for --------- Open a Open Close None of C C
--- File Program active above
Item or
Active file
5 In Windows 7, pressing Ctrl + Y Redo an Open a Delete a Close A A
will…………………. action Folder file Window
6 Dialog box can be resized False True A B
7 ……………. item appears dimly Water Backgrou Watermar Back C C
behind the main body text Color nd k Color

8 Ctrl+2 is used for……….. single line Double One and All of B B

spacing Line half line these
Spacing spacing
9 To remove Caps Lock we have True False A A
to press the Caps Lock key
once again
10 Page border option is available Insert Home Page View C C
in …….. Tab. Layout
11 in MS Excel 2010 we find File tab View tab Formulas Review C C
AutoSum button in _____? tab tab
12 Which tab contains symbol home tab page data tab insert tab D D
option in MS Excel 2010 ? layout tab
13 A dark coloured strip showing Status Bar Title Bar Scroll Bar None of B B
the title at the top of Ms- Excel the above
window is called as ………..

14 =Now(), is a function used to system day date None of A A

get the current ______ time the above
15 Which function will display today() now() time() currentTi B B
current system date and time in me()
MS Excel 2010 ?
16 Slideshow can be prepared PowerPoi File Folder Window A A
from _____ application. nt
17 _________ option can be Sections layout reset new slide A A
selected from the slides group
too organize your slides into
different sections.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-703
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 In PowerPoint the arrangement Layout Animation Transition None of A A
of elements such as title and These
subtitle, comparison, two
content etc. is known
19 Align Text command is available Clipboard Slides Font Paragraph B D
in ___________ group in
20 Select ----------- command from Order Group Ungroup Regroup B B
arrange group of format tab to
get one object from all objects.

21 ________________ allows the Server Client Modem None of A A

clients to share its recourses. above
22 Most LAN run ………. An A TCP POTS Either A or A A
Ethernet network B
23 ……. Is one of example of Facebook Twitter Whatsapp All of the D D
Social Network Service above
24 ______________________ Is Outbox Inbox Sent Spam B B
used to view received E-Mails.
25 Modem can provide both input TRUE FALSE A A
and output information
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-704
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 Ps/2 port is used for Keyboard Mouse Both A None Of C C
And B Above
2 Data is converted into Data HDD FDD Micro D D
information by ------------ Processor

3 Smartphone is type of Super Micro Mainfram Mini B B

______________ Computer. Computer Computer e Computer
4 Capacity of dvd is __________ 700 Mb 4.7 Gb 10 Gb None Of B B
5 Information on hard disk is Laser Electro- Burning None Of B B
stored by _______________ Magnetic Above
6 You can change page width and height layout size in none of A A
……... with Page Layout tab these

7 gridlines can be displayed or review view layout mailing B B

hidden using ___ tab in MS
Word 2010 .
8 _____ option copies the paste selected copy format C C
selected text in MS Word 2010

9 We can remove the border by False remove close no border D D

using ______ option in MS border border border
Word 2010 .
10 Calibri, Mangal are the Word Art Font Font Style Indents B B
examples of ………………….
11 With __________ Option we Print Font Text Open C C
can rotate text in cell. Orientatio
12 =SUM(E8:E11) this function true false B B
sort the values in cells range
between E8 to E11.
13 Which function in MS Excel add() sum() total() count() B B
2010 will add the numbers from
given cells ?
14 In Excel Short Cut key for Redo Ctrl + Y Ctrl+ Z Ctrl + S Ctrl + X A A
is ……………
15 Which button is used to insert screen screensho screen cut screen B B
Screen clipping in MS Excel clipping t part
2010 ?
16 Using __________ we can Font Backgrou Page Design D D
apply colors and color effects to nd setup Theme
the slide background.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-704
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
17 Zooming the presentation true false B B
affects the printing size of the
18 To change the transition of a transition transition
transition advance A A
slide go to the _______ group in to this to next to slide
transition tab. slide slide previous
19 We can set spacing for each Home tab - Home tab - Home tab - Home tab - C C
line and also before and after a Font Slides Paragraph Editing
paragraph using --------------------- Group - Group - Group - Group -
option. Line Line Line Line
Spacing Spacing Spacing Spacing

20 In PowerPoint ................ view Slide Normal Outline slide B B

we can see only one slide at a Sorter View View Show
time and can do editing in the
21 Attachment buttons show U pin M Pin N pin W Pin A A
__________ icon on it.
22 ESC key is used for stop in true false A A
Internet Explorer.
23 Text messages sent through E-Mail Easy Easy bank All of A A
internet are called _________ Communi transactio above
cation n

24 ___ is standard Internet IPX SPX TCP/IP ITC C C

25 You can send __________ with Attachme Reply Signature None of A A
E-Mail, by uploading it. nt above
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-705
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
1 1 mb = …………….. 100 Bytes 1024 Kb 1000 None Of B B
Bytes Above
2 Ctrl + O means_________ Open a Copy a file Print a file New File A A
3 _____________ Device is used Keyboard Mouse Scanner All Of C C
to scan images, printed text, Above
handwriting from papers.
4 Information in -------- readable ROM RAM DRAM RDRAM A A
only, we cannot change it.
5 ______ Is unit of computer Bytes Mega Gita None Of A A
memory Above
6 The ………… following option is Ruler Bold Gridlines Zoom B B
not available in View Tab.
7 You can save your time by Reference Find and Templates Wrap Text C C
using……..in word Select
8 Total number of pages in Scroll Bar Formula Status bar Quick C C
Current document is shown on Bar Access
………………. Tool Bar
9 We can delete typed matter header taskbar menu none of A A
from …….. and footer these
10 Ctrl + W is used for …………. Save and Save and Close Without C C
Print the Close document Save,
Document Word Close
Applicatio Document
11 Which tab in MS Excel 2010 File tab data tab home tab view tab C C
contains conditional formatting
12 In a spreadsheet, what will be D4 G4 D7 G7 C C
name of the 7th row and 4th
column cell ?
13 The name of the sheets in true false A A
workbook can be changed.
14 The Current Status of Tool Bar Title Bar Status Bar None of C C
Worksheet can be seen on the above
…………….. Bar.
15 New option is available in Insert File View Tools B B
………. Menu
16 The shapes tool in a Text Clip art Commonl Images C C
presentation allows you to insert y found
_____ shapes
17 While the slide show is running Next Previous Go Pointer A A
_________ option will show the
next slide.
GCC - TBC English 30 wpm 13 Jan 2020 GCC - TBC English 30 wpm-WPM BATCH-705
Provision Final
Sr.No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
al Answer Answer
18 In PowerPoint videos can be From File From From All of D D
inserted using __________ Website ClipArt These
19 We can use Slide Show View to true false A A
see slides one after another, on
20 To move from one view to Notes Scroll View Zoom C C
another view, we can use_____ Pages Bars Buttons Slider
placed at the left side of the
Status Bar.
21 In Internal Explorer_________ F1 F12 F4 F5 D D
Shortcut key is used to refresh
in Webpage
22 Web pages are text files with true false A A
HTML tags or codes.
23 You need to access the web TRUE FALSE A A
through a browser such as
Netscape and Internet Browser.

24 In E-Mail address separate the True False A A

name and the domain with an
"@" symbol.
25 ______________________ Is Inbox Spam Trash Outbox C C
used to view deleted E-Mails.

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