Technical Drawing SBA Sample

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Candidate name: Walter-Sanchez Maignan

Center number: 180003

Candidate number: 0131

Subject: Technical Drawing

Teacher: Mr. Adrien Blackwood

Year: 2024

Drawing instruments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-4
Line types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Paper size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
What is safety? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Safety rules -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Safety signs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-9
Hazards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Classifications of fire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Types of fire extinguishers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l2-13
Plane geometry-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-15
Solid geometry------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Building drawings
- Floor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Foundation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
- Roof --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
- Elevation 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
- Elevation 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
- Elevation 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
- Elevation 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
- Section 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
- Section 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
- Eave --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
- Ridge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
- Type I, L, T, +, and custom Stiffeners -------------------------------------------------------------------------23-24
- Footing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Business plan---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25-29


Drawing equipment Instrument uses

T-square is used for establishing a horizontal reference
on the drafting board. It can also be used in
conjunction with a set square to draw vertical
and angled lines

Set square Set squares are used with T-squares to draw

accurate angles. There are two main types of
set square. One has an angle of 450 and the
other 30/60o angles. The 45o set square also
has a 90o angle.

compass Compass is used to draw an arc or circle with

known dimensions on engineering drawing. It
is made of steel and consists of two legs. One
leg contains a needle at the bottom and the
other leg contains the graphite

Drawing pencil They are used to draw all types of lines. E.g.,
3H is used for construction lines,2H is used is
used to draw dimension center and hidden
detail lines.

Drawing boards/tables Drawing boards are sealed plastic boards
designed specifically for technical drawing.
They are used to draw parallel lines easily
and precisely.

Flex/French curves French curves are plastic (or wooden)

templates having an edge composed of
several different curves. They are also used to
draw smooth curves of almost any desired
curvature in mechanical drawings

Drawing templates A drawing template enables you to create

exact circles, squares, lines, arcs, and more
without reaching for a compass, ruler, or

Scaled rule Scale rules are used to measure distances on

scale drawings and physical models.


Types of lines Lines Uses

Thick lines Thick lines are used to outline the visible
edges or contours of an object and overall

Thin lines The thin lines are used for dimension lines,
projection, and hatching lines

Thin short dashes Short thin dashes are used to represent hidden

Thin long chain Thin long chains are used for center lines pitch
lines and indicating movement

Thick long chains Thick long chains are used for cutting planes
and viewing planes
Ruled / zig-zag lines Ruled line and zig zags are used for long break

Thin wavy line Thin wavy lines are used for short breaks or
irregular boundary lines


Paper formatting Size in mm Uses

A0 is used for technical drawing, which requires
sheets that are large enough for a design to fit
A0 841 × 1189 mm comfortably, without having to use a magnifying
Used for technical drawing, maps, posters, and
A1 594 × 841 mm other large-format advertising materials.

A2 paper uses vary from drawing to printing

420 × 594 mm photos; from posters to charts; from large wall
A2 calendars to flipcharts.
Used to print drawings, artwork, posters, photos,
A3 297 × 420 mm and promotional leaflets

Used for standard documents from letters to forms.

210 × 297 mm It is the format of school notepads, children’s
A4 books, magazines, and leaflets.
A5 paper is used for printing books, magazines,
A5 148 × 210 mm leaflets, and flyers.

They are used to send post cards and greeting

105 × 148 mm cards, it is also perfect for printing leaflets and
A6 pocket diaries and books.
A7 papers are used for mini calendars with the
74 × 105 mm school timetable and flyers or greetings cards.
A8 papers are used for greeting card, stickers, and
A8 52 × 74 mm business cards
A9 paper is used for things like small stickers and
A9 37 × 52 mm labels and promotional materials like coupons
A10 format is commonly used for printing small
A10 26 × 37 mm stamps and coupons.

Safety is harmonious interaction within your work environment and knowing responsibility protocols and
procedures to follow that prevents injury to you, your colleges, machinery, or overall workplace hazards.

To prevent said hazards and injuries certain rules are put in place in the workshop:
1. Keep your hair at a short length
2. Do not wear ties or long sleeves while operating machinery.
3. Remove all watches, bracelets, and other jewelry.
4. Keep all work benches clean and tidy.
5. Pack up all from finished to unfinished projects and pieces of timber.
6. Do not eat or drink in the workshop.
7. Clean up any spilt grease or oil from the floor.
8. Always wear your personal protective equipment or (PPE) while working.
9. Use the right equipment for the right task.
10. Keep all exit routes tidy and clean.


Safety sings Symbols Uses

(color coded)
Red Red symbolizes DANGER. So
naturally the “do not do” would have
a big red circle with a cross on it.

Blue Blue symbols are used to show what

to wear such as your personal
protective equipment

Green Green signs are used to identify a

place of medical aid

Yellow Warns you of hazardous materials
Such as poisonous, toxic etc.


Hazards Symbols Materials

Calcium nitrate explosive mixture.

flammable gasoline, acetone, toluene, diethyl ether,


Oxidizing Bromine, chromic acid, and hydrogen


Corrosive Bromine, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric


Acute toxicity Asbestos, mercury, and lead.

Hazardous to the environment Heavy metals, chemicals in the soil and other

Hazardous to the ozone layer Chlorofluorocarbons, halon, and methyl

bromide (CH3Br)

Serious health hazard turpentine, petrol, and some types of oil

Gasses under pressure Gas cylinders for barbeques, small blow

torches, and butane lighters


Types of fires Symbols Contents

A Ordinary combustibles such as: wood,
paper, clothes etc.

B Flammable liquids such as:

Petrol, Grease, oil, solvents, and paint

C Gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, butane,

propane, etc.

D Combustible metals like magnesium,

aluminum etc.

E Live electrical equipment like:

Electrical panel, motor, wiring etc.

F Commercial cooking equipment such as:

Cooking oil animal fat and vegetable oils.


Types of fire extinguishers Care Uses

Water Inspected annually by a certified service company Used in class A fires
and pressure tested (a process called hydrostatic
testing) after 12 years

Foam Remove the operating handle and check all parts Class A and B fires
for damage. Rinse out the fire extinguisher and
perform visual check on corrosion. Replace the
hose and the O ring • Refill the extinguisher with
the same extinguishing agent • Repressures the
extinguisher • Mark the extinguisher with a new
service label

Carbon dioxide Refill after 10 years Class B and E fires

Powder Carrying out a visual inspection. Checking the Class A, B and C fires
extinguisher has not been used or tampered with.
Taking a pressure gauge reading. Removing the
discharge hose to check for blockages or corrosion.
Weigh and clean the extinguisher.
Ensure wall mountings are secure.
Water mist Carrying out a visual inspection. Checking the Class A, B, C and F
extinguisher has not been used or tampered with. fires
Taking a pressure gauge reading. Removing the
discharge hose to check for blockages or corrosion.
Weigh and clean the extinguisher.
Ensure wall mountings are secure.

Wet chemicals Wet Chemical extinguishers can last up to 10 Class F fires

years, but you need to check them regularly to
check the following: pressure is at the
recommended level, nozzle or hose are not
obstructed, pin and tamper seal is intact, no dents,
leaks, rust, chemical deposits, and other signs of
wear is recommended

Executive Summary

Dreams Architecture Firm, situated on 20th Avenue East Street in Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and

Caicos Islands, excels in the fields of residential, commercial, and industrial architecture. Employing cutting-

edge technological processes, this firm delivers superior architectural services, ensuring enhanced design and

construction outcomes for clients while maximizing overall value. Leveraging diverse channels, including

social media and mass media platforms, the firm efficiently conducts its business operations.

The target client is segmented into four categories: home owners, developers, government, and

contractors. Dreams Architecture Firm's competitive edge lies in its knowledge of digital-based design

resources. Superior customer service is also a point of firm differentiation.

The firm is under the ownership and management of Walter-Sanchez Maignan, a professional architect

holding a Master’s of Architecture Degree from the University College London (UCL) and boasting over two

decades of industry experience. Additionally, Walter-Sanchez will enlist the expertise of his wife, Rosemary

Lee, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and brings competence and experience to the table, aiding

in the management and expansion of the business.

The company will target people who require blueprints for home and building designs. These targeted

groups would include individuals, schools, hotels, hospitals, and other large entities. In the next five years, the

company intends to open offices on other islands and other countries while offering more products and


Product and Services

Dreams Architecture Firm provides many levels of service to cater to large and small corporations, along

with making it affordable for middle and upper socioeconomic classes. In order for the firm to provide this

innovative service of digital media, the company will use high speed computers running programs such as

AutoCAD and Form-Z. To keep up with changes in technology, Dreams Architecture will investigate all up and

coming software related to digital 3-D design to stay at the forefront of the market. Again, this is a key strategic

component to differentiate the firm and to optimize productivity and efficiency.


Dreams Architecture Firm is located at 20th Avenue East Street in Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos

Islands, it’s opening hours are:

Week days - 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Weekends- 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Our online website is It is available 24/7 but you can talk with an online

representative between the hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.


Dreams Architecture Firm provides services to home owners who are looking to remodel, as well

as developers, contractors and government agencies in the domestic and international markets. Although we are

going to cater to a relatively broad scope of customers, the company will decide what the target market is based

on sales and trends experienced in the initial months of operation.

Potential clients for Dreams Architecture Firm is broken down into four categories: home owners,

developers, government, and contractors. Home owners are the largest group based on population and this will

be emphasized in all of the firm’s marketing and promotional efforts. Targeting the remaining three groups will

be dependent upon establishing meaningful relationships, and responding and qualifying for request for


This company will start with one AutoCAD/Form-Z architect, the chairman, project manager, accountant and a

customer service representative. Other CAD/Form-Z architects will be hired to compensate the increased work

load as the years progressed.

Management team Qualification

Financial Summary

Income Mon Annual

Total $100 $1, 200,000

Utilities $300 $36,000
Mainten $220 $26,400
ance 0
Security $320 $38,400
Insuranc $550 $66,000
e 0
Salary $50, $600,000
Transpo $250 $30,000
rtation 0
Profit $33, $236,400


The projection for the company for the next 3-5 years are to expand the business into a new geographic market,

to broaden products and services, to market through new channels and to offer upgrade courses for employees.



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