Unit Test - 10

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Unit test - X

Subject : CHEMISTRY Marks:30

Class : XII Time : 1 Hr
PART – A(5 X 1 = 5)
I)Choose the correct answer
1. Fog is colloidal solution of
a)Solid in gas b)gas in gas c)liquid in gas d)gas in liquid
2.Hair cream is
a)gel b)emulsion c)solid sol d)sol
3.The phenomenon observed when a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution is
a)Cataphoresis b)Electrophoresis c)Coagulation d)Tyndall effect
4.The adsorption of a gas _____ with increasing surface area.
a)Decreases b)Increases c)Not change d)None of these
5.Catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene is
a)Homogeneous catalysis b)Heterogeneous catalysis c)Auto catalysis d)Negative catalysis
PART – B(3 X 2 = 6)
II)Answer any 3 questions . Question number 8 is compulsory . Answer any two from the remaining.
6.Heat of adsorption is greater for chemisorptions than physisorption . Why?
7.What is the difference between a sol and gel?
8. Write a note about catalytic poison with an example.
9. What are the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis?
PART – C(3 X 3 = 9)
III)Answer any 3 questions . Question number 12 is compulsory . Answer any two from the remaining.
10.Peptising agent is added to convert precipitate into colloidal solution.Explain with an example.
11.Explain the difference between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.
12. Explain the intermediate compound formation theory with an example.
13.Comment : Colloid is not a substance but it is a state of substance.
PART – D(2 X 5 = 10)
IV)Answer any two questions.
14.Describe adsorption theory of catalysis.
15.i)Why lyophilic colloidal sols are more stable than lyophobic colloidal sol?
ii)Write any four characteristics of catalysts.
16.i)Explain Fruendlich adsorption isotherm . Mention its limitations.
ii) What are the characteristics of adsorption?

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