Unit Test - 12

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Unit test - XIV

Subject : CHEMISTRY Marks:30

Class : XII Time : 1 Hr
PART – A(5 X 1 = 5)
I)Choose the correct answer
1. The formation of cyanohydrins from acetone is an example of
a)Nucleophilic substitution b)Electrophilic substitution
c)Electrophilic addition d)Nucleophilic substitution
2.The IUPAC name of
a)but-3-enoic acid b)but-1-ene-4-oic acid
c)but-3-ene-1-oic acid d) but-2-ene-1-oic acid
3.Which of the following reaction is an example for disproportionation reaction?
a)Aldol condensation b)Cannizaro reaction
c)Benzoin condensation d)None of these
4.In which of the following reactions new C-C is not formed?
a)Aldon condensation b)Friedel Craft’s reaction
c)Kolbe’s reaction d)Wolff-Kishner reduction
5.The reagent used to distinguish acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde is
a)Tollen’s reagent b)Fehling’s solution
c)2,4-dinitro phenylhydrazine d)Semicarbazide
PART – B(3 X 2 = 6)
II)Answer any 3 questions . Question number 8 is compulsory . Answer any two from the remaining.
6.Write the rosenmund reduction reaction and state the importance of catalyst in the reduction process.
7.Explain – Etard reaction.
8. Write any two tests for aldehydes.
9. Explain Stephen’s reaction.
PART – C(3 X 3 = 9)
III)Answer any 3 questions . Question number 12 is compulsory . Answer any two from the remaining.
10.Explain : i)Perkin’s reaction ii)Benzoin condensation
11.What is urotropine?How it is prepared?Mention its use.
12. Explain the mechanism of Cannizaro reaction.
13. Explain the reducing nature of formic acid with examples.
PART – D(2 X 5 = 10)
IV)Answer any two questions.
14.Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation in acetaldehyde.
15.Explain : i)Knoevenagal reaction
ii)Wolff-Kishner reduction
iii)HVZ reaction
16.i)Write any three tests for carboxylic acids.
ii)How will you prepare malachite green dye?

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