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Education, good qualification is very important for a successful career.

Educational system vary from

country to country.
British School System
Primary Education – starts in a nursery school and a kindergarten. British children begin their education
at the age of 5 and have to attend school until the age of 16. The majority of British children are educated
in state schools which are free of charge. There are many public schools in Britain and their tuition fees
are very high. Secundary schools – ends at the age of 16 when most students take some form of public
examination in eight to ten subjects. It called General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), that is
recognized across the whole country.
1.comprehensive schools–offer a general education
2.grammar school - prepare students for university study
3.modern schools – provide general education and focus more on practical activities
4.technical schools – put emphasis on education in the areas of industry, commerce, agriculture

After 16 most pupils continue their education for an another two years or at collage. It is finished with
examinations (A-Levels) in two to four subjects. These examinations are very important for those who
want to go on to higher education: universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher education. The oldest
and the most prestigious British universities include Oxford University and Cambridge University. Titles
for those who have graduated from university are BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Science), Bed
(Bachelor of Education). Postgraduate titles include MA (Master of Arts), MSc, PhD.
American School System
There is a great variety in elementary, secondary and higher education. There are both state and private
schools. Private schools are smaller and usually supported by church groups or by private funds. Have to
pay for their tuition fee. State schools are called public schools (it should not be confused with British
public school as those are private). There are three levels : 1. Elementary (Kindergarten 6 th grade), 2.
Middle School (6th – 8th grade), 3. High School (9th – 12th grade). At High Schools student have both
compulsory and optional subjects. At the end of the year they take a nationwide test called Scholastic
Achievement Test (SAT) in all subjects and the scores are used for college entrance requirements. They
can continue their education at colleges and universities. Most outstanding universities include Harvard,
Yale, Princeton.
Slovak School System
Pre-school education starts at kindergarten, where school attendance is compulsory from the age of 6. The
school year lasts ten months and is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students get a school
report with marks for all subjects. Primary education takes 4 years and after they continue their lower-
secondary level of education. Upper- secondary level of education starts after finishing 9 th grade.
“Gymnazium” = secondary grammar school or high school, that prepares student for university studies.
“Stredná odborná škola”=secondary vocational school includes business schools, technical schools, some
medical schools. Studies usually last four years and end with a school leaving exam called “maturita”. Its
results are taken into account when students apply for university studies.
Most students have to pass entrance exams to be accepted into most universities. Applicants can decide
whether they want to study part-time or full-time. Many students choose to work abroad beside their
studies, that is very useful for them because they improve their foreign language skills and get to know
new cultures.

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