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Normally we eat 3 times a day- breakfast, lunch and dinner.

However, it is heathier to eat more often in

smaller portions. We are advised to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, food rich in fiber and low –fat
products with no sugar or cholesterol. Many people therefore prefer skimmed milk, wholemeal or brown
bread to white.
Eating habits in Slovakia
Slovaks usually have bread with jam for breakfast, some prefer scrambled eggs or sausages. Lunch is the
main meal consisting of soup, a main course and a dessert. The majority of Slovaks are meat lovers: pork,
beef, poultry with potato or rice. Traditional Slovak meal bryndzove halušky = gnocchi with sheep
cheese. Slovaks also like vegetables as a side dish. Employed people usually have their lunch in canteens
or restaurants, that offers daily menu at a special prices during lunchtime.
Britain breakfast cup of tea with milk or coffee, cereals – porridge. This is sometimes followed by fried
bacon and eggs or sausages with fried tomatoes. British when the sleep longer than usual, they have
brunch, which is an early lunch or late breakfast. Lunch is aa light meal consisting of a warm dish (rarely
soup) and a dessert or just sandwiches, some fruit, pudding or ice cream. Traditional English cuisine is
normally served for Sunday lunch, bcs it takes a long time to prepare. Beef, chicken or lamb are served
with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Dinner is served in the evening when all the family members are at
home. It is simple, often using precooked food with frozen vegetables. Dinner is followed by a heavy
dessert like apple pie with custard. Some British people have a lights supper, often cheese and biscuits
and a glass of milk or a mug of hot chocolate before going to bed.
USA- it is very difficult to say what American people prefer for breakfast, lunch and dinner as many
different ethnic groups live there and eating habits are quit different. Typical American breakfast: eggs,
toast, juice, fruit, coffee or tea. Children have cereals, pancakes or muffins. Some people do not eat any
breakfast at all, simply just have a cup of coffee. Lunch usually consist of a sandwich, grilled cheese
sandwich of a BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato). Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza are typical lunch food, too.
Dinner is often the biggest meal.

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