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*24040798* LabCode 24040798

Patient Name : MR. SADIGALE SANKET HANMANT Date of Sample Collection : 20/04/2024 9:49

Age/Gender : 23 Years / Male Date of Sample Receipt : 20/04/2024 9:49

Date of Report Release : 20/04/2024 15:42

Ref. By : sameer desai Sample Collected At. : SHRANATHE LAB


Investigation Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval
Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) 1.64 pg/ml N : 1.70 - 4.20
Free Thyroxine (T4) 0.76 ng/dl N : 0.70 - 1.80
TSH > 100.00 µIU/ml 0.35-4.75
Interpretation :
Total T3 and T4 values may also be altered in other conditions due to changes in serum proteins or binding sites Pregnancy,
Drugs(Androgens, Estrogens, O C pills, Phenytoin) Nephrosis etc. In such cases Free T3 and Free T4 give corrected values.
TSH values may be transiently altered because of non thyroidal illness like severe infections ,liver disease, renal and heart failure,
severe burns, trauma and surgery etc .
Drugs that decrease TSH values e. g: L-dopa, Glucocorticoid Drugs that increase TSH values.
REFERENCE : TIETZ Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry
The guidelines for age related reference ranges for TSH (uIU/ml)
Birth - 4 th day -1.00 - 38.9
2 - 20 Weeks - 1.7 - 9.1
20 weeks - 20 yrs - 0.7 - 6.4
TSH levels During Pregnancy :
First Trimester : 0.1 to 2.5
Second Trimester : 0.2 to 3.0
Third trimester : 0.3 to 3.5
Reference : Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood, David E. Bruns. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics. 5th
Edition. Philadelphia: WB
Technology : CLIA
Instrument Used : VIDAS / Autolumo 1000
-------------- END OF REPORT --------------

Dr.Chandramohan Yadav Girishkumar S. Sharanathe

M. D Pathologist M.Sc. (Med.Microbiology) DMM
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