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Enrichment Activity 6

Caselet: Mr. Padua

For six years, Mr. Padua had been the Management Services Director of the Fruit Puree Division
of his corporation. With professional experience gained from various industries, his technical expertise
was undoubtedly quite valuable to the corporation. He, however, had personal attitudes which
created a wall of hostility between him and his staff and the rest of the Senior Managers of his Division.

For one thing, Mr. Padua did not see any point in laughing at a joke which he did not consider
funny. Unfortunately, his standard to funny was in the line of erudite humor, which even the other
Directors found too deep for reflection. Neither did he believe in attempting to gain the drift of other
if only to gain rapport with them. He insisted in being his own person regardless of what others

It was also, rare for him to concede to anything. This attitude was compounded by his difficulty
in expressing his thoughts especially when it come justifying himself. This cause misunderstandings
between him and others which further aggravated his own negative perception of others as well as
their negative perception of him. He could not give allowances for differences in his attitude with
those of others. And those who differed from him, in one sense, were treated with a degree of

He was aware of his social deficiencies, but, according to him, he simply could not be what he
was not. He often mentioned that it was already very hard for him to change his ways.

Outside the work place, though, Mr. Padua tried hard to be friendly with his staff And, while he
showed concern for their professional training, he himself could not seen to be at ease in relating to
them in the workplace. It was if he was afraid that friendship would curtail his authority

At this time, a new problem solving system was being calculated throughout the corporation. To
show his concern for his staff, he made them the first trainees on the system.

The system was designed to enable a group to identify a problem and recommended a solution
throughout the various stages of the system. The groups was placed under the guidance of Training
Assistants from the Personnel Directorate ensuring the objectivity of the result. The exercise with his
staff identified three difficulties in the workplace, one of which concerned Mr. Padua. The
recommended solution was to replace him.

Needless to say, this put top management in a dilemma. Mr. Padua was an officer of the
company, and to continue to attract talent to officership, his tenure had to be protected. Besides, the
problem focused on Mr. Padua's personality one correct that? He had already attended the Dale
Canegie's course. On the other hand, faith in the system they were endorsing was being put to the
test. If they could not support its results now, how could they expect anyone to believe its merits?
(Source: Human Behavior in Organization by Concepcion R. Martires)

1. Describe the personality of Mr. Padua. How is this reflected in his communication style?
2. How has this style affected his relationship with his associates and subordinates?
3. If you were the management, would you have him replaced? Defend your answer.
4. What implication does the case have on management policies and practices on hiring and
developing workers and staff?

Note: Your answers should be in a clean bond paper following the format of the previous activity.

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