Materi 5 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 - Introduce Yourself & Others-1

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Joko Daryanto – E Rahayu – P. Darini

Unit 1 Introduce yourself & others
Learning Objectives
Spoken Cycle
After studying this unit, you are expected to be able to:
v Introduce yourself and others,
v Greet other people when meeting and leave-taking,
v Give sympathy,
v Tell past events orally.
Spoken Cycle

Look at the picture and answer the questions orally.

Expressions for introducing oneself:
• Let me introduce myself. My name is ....
• I’d like to introduce myself. My name is ....
• May I introduce myself?
• Hello, my name is ....
• I would like to introduce myself, I’m ....
• Can I introduce myself?
Meeting and Leave-taking

Study and practise the dialogue.

Then, answer the questions orally.

Adi : Hi, Randy.

Randy : Hi, Adi. How’s it going?
Adi : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Randy : Pretty well, thanks.
Adi : Did you join the camping
Randy : Yes, I did. We had a good
Adi : Did you do the hiking in the
Randy : Yes, we did. After hiking, we
went home. Sorry Adi, I have
to go to the bank. goodbye.
Adi : Bye, Randy
Expressions of greeting
When we meet someone that we’ve already known, we can use the
following expressions:
• Hi…... Nice to meet you again.
• Hi, how are you?
• Hello, how’s life?
• Hi, how’s going on?
• Hello, how are you today?
• Good morning. How are you today?
• Good evening.
• Good afternoon. How are you?

Expressions of leave-taking:
• Goodbye. See you again.
• Bye. See you next time.
• Good night. See you tomorrow.
Giving Sympathy

Look at the following dialogue

Bety : Look at my new dress. It’s ruined.

Yulia: Oh, what a shame. It seems to be burnt.
Bety : Yes, you’re right.
Ana : I’m sorry, I burnt it this morning.
Bety : I’m sorry to hear that. Why did you burn it?
Ana : I burnt it not on purpose. I left the iron was on it while I
was going out for a guest.
Bety : Didn’t you smell something burning?
Ana : I smelt it, but it was too late.
Bety : Be careful when doing anything.
Ana : OK. Please, forgive me, Bety.
Bety : It’s all right.
Expressions to give sympathy:
• Oh, what a shame.
• Oh, what a pity.
• How awful.
• How terrible.
• Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
• Oh no.
• What a nuisance.
• Poor you are.

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