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 ELECTRICAL ENERGY produces electricity.

 THERMAL ENERGY is also called heat.
 KINETIC ENERGY is found in moving objects.
 CHEMICAL ENERGY is stored in food and is also found in batteries and fuel.
 LIGHT ENERGY is produced by the Sun and other light sources.
 NUCLEAR ENERGY is created by reactions in substances like uranium.


Energy is the ability to do work.
We need energy for everything we do: move cars, light or heat in our houses and for human life too.
There are many different forms of energy:
 Mechanical or kinetic: it’s the energy in moving objects.
 Sound: it’s energy that we can hear.
 Thermal: it’s energy caused by heat.
 Electrical: it makes machines in our home work.
 Light: it’s energy from light.
 Chemical: it’s energy stored in food, fuel and batteries.

- ELECTRICAL ENERGY: energía eléctrica
- THERMAL ENERGY: energía termal
- KINETIC ENERGY: energía kinética
- CHEMICAL ENERGY: energía química
- LIGHT ENERGY: energía luminosa
- NUCLEAR ENERGY: energía nuclear
- RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: fuentes de energía renovable
- NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: fuentes de energía no renovables
- COAL: carbón
- OIL: petróleo
- WIND: viento
- WATER: agua
- SUN: sol
- GRAVITY: gravedad
- FRICTION: fricción

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