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Business research 3
Lecture 1

Set-up module and test

• 8 weeks classes

• Test: November 14th (retake: February 7th)

You will learn to:

• listen to what is not being said,
• look for and understand (partly) hidden context and backgrounds,
• dismantle someone else's unsuitable research design and
• design your own research design


Some ground rules

• Phones go in the phone box

• Laptops ONLY when permission has been given for an exercise
• The student is responsible for taking notes using pen and paper
• Slides of the lessons are published at the end of the week
• Not in the class room when the door closes (start/resumption of class) -> no access

• Also: I’m hard of hearing, so speak loud and clear




What was your biggest takeaway from business research of last year?


Why do we teach you business research?



What requirements must your work meet to be called "research"?


What requirements must research meet in order to be called "good research"?


What is research?

• Purposeful
Based on the problem field, problem definition and research questions

• Questions
"Without questions, no answers"

• Methodical
Work systematically and according to recognized and suitable methods

• New knowledge
You are going to delve into a certain subject; active search

What is good research?

• Rules on previous slide

• Thorough and accurate
• Replicable


Wrong answers only!!!

5 minutes

Think of a way (which tools and method) to hang a picture frame on the wall

Precondition: technically it should be possible to hang the picture frame like this,
but it's not a good way

Wrong answers only!!!

5 minutes

Think of a way (which tools and method) to find out the route
from here to the nearest pharmacy

Precondition: technically it should be possible to find out the route,

but it is not a good way


Wrong answers only!!!

5 minutes

Think of a way (which tools and method) to find out why employees of company X do not use
existing resources to work on their personal development?

Precondition: technically it should be possible to find out, but it's not a good way

The right tool, so good research?

• Let's say someone wants to check their body weight regularly. Would this be a good tool?

• What if this person weighs themselves naked right after waking up on the first day, after
dinner the next day, and again early in the morning on the third day, but fully clothed. Is this
good research?



2 hours to:
• The student draws up an approach to investigate the presented problem in a fictional case to
be able to come to a workable problem definition – 35%
• The student formulates a workable problem statement based on a given fictional problem
exploration – 15%
• The student makes a research design, following the given problem analysis and their
proposed and appropriate problem statement – 50%

Review slides
Questions? -> ask next lecture!

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