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1. Pray prayers of repentance for allowing the enemy to cause prayer to

become casual – for a lack of prayer in your life – for not listening to The
Holy Spirit’s instruction to pray – for giving other things more importance
than The Word of God, prayer and the leading of The Holy Spirit.
2. Plead the Blood of Jesus over your life – over your children and
grandchildren – over your family – over the people of Abundant Life
Christian Centre – pray protection that the hedge of God’s fire will
surround everyone – that the angels of God, His warrior, linking, security
and fire angels would protect us as we pray these prayers and as we
enter into covenant prayer for this time.

Psalm 65:9 – 11 “You care for the land and water it; You enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for
so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; You soften
it with showers and bless its crops. You crown the year with Your bounty and
Your carts overflow with abundance.”

3. Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your Grace and Your Goodness; may
Your Face continually shine upon mine and my family’s lives and our city
Bulawayo; so that Your ways may be known in our communities – in the
name of Jesus.
4. I praise you Heavenly Father; may all the people of our city Bulawayo
praise You, for as we praise You, then our land Matabeleland will yield its
harvest, and You, Lord, will bless us. Psalm 67:1 – 4
5. Lord, we give you our Land in Matabeleland, we give you our homes, we
give you our labour and we give you our city Bulawayo, to protect our
leaders and people in this territory, and enrich our land so that we may be
a blessing to others. We pray that you would be honoured and lifted up in
our communities – in the Name of Jesus.

Proverbs 8:15 – 17 “By Me (Wisdom), kings reign and rulers make laws that are
just; by Me, princes govern and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who
love me, and those who seek me find me.”

6. Lord, we thank you for all our civil servants. Thank you for their hard work
and for their sacrifices. Lord, may you continually bless them, may You
generously give to each of them wise and discerning hearts to skill-fully
govern the people in our city Bulawayo – in the name of Jesus.
7. Lord, give the mayor, the city leaders, the city staff and all the city
council wisdom, so that they may solve problems, distinguish between

right and wrong, and bring order, stability, and prosperity to our
communities win this city – in the name of Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 7:19 “Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers
in a city.”

8. Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Wisdom. As citizens of Heaven,

we ask You to fill us with Wisdom, Revelation, Discernment and
Understanding by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, enable us to know
you better, to know Your Will and Your plans for our lives – in the name of
9. Lord, give us hearts of Wisdom. May Your Wisdom produce in us creative
ideas, solutions to problems, new technologies and products. Lord, may
you give us sound counsel and good judgment to help us make good
decisions. May you also give us greater knowledge, Understanding,
Revelation, Discernment and Power so that we may live skill-fully and
give back what is good and excellent to our communities, and that our
spiritual ears will be opened to hear and know when agents of satan are
being sent into our midst – and that our spiritual eyes will be opened to
see them and know who they are – in the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 29:4 “By justice a king gives a country stability, but one who is
greedy for bribes tears it down.”

10. Lord, we thank You for our mayor, the city council, our police and
leaders at every level in our city Bulawayo. Lord, give them grace to bring
truth, justice and stability to our region of Matabeleland. Lord, give them
power to do what is right and to rule in fairness. Lord, may our
communities be known for justice, and always prosper from the influence
of good men and women – in the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 22:22 “Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not
crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will plunder
those who plunder them.” Proverbs 28:19 “to show partiality is not good …”

11. Thank You Lord, that you desire justice for everyone. Lord, help us
to be attentive to the cries of the poor, help us to share their burdens and
to come to their aid. Lord, may we treat the poor among us with mutual
respect, with fairness and with love. Help us to discern those that need
our help and those that are taking advantage of us when they can do
something. Lord, let Your Love through us bring them hope,
encouragement and freedom. Let there be equality among us and equal
application of the laws of the land – in the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 11:10 “When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the
wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.” Proverbs 11:11 “Through the blessing
of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.”

12. Heavenly Father, we thank You for empowering us, Your people to
preach The Good News in our city Bulawayo. Lord, let more people open
their hearts to Jesus. Lord, may You revive our city Bulawayo with new
life. May every person, marriage, family, school, hospital, business in our
community enjoy the blessings of You Almighty God. Lord, let the benefits
of us Your people, influence our city Bulawayo – in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 33:1, 3 “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in
unity! … For there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore.”
Ephesians 4:3 “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the
bond of peace.”

13. Lord, give us and Your’ people in our communities a spirit of unity as
we follow You, so that with one heart and with one mind we may work
together for the good of our city Bulawayo and glorify Your Name. Lord,
give us your humility, and let all barriers, walls, strongholds and divisions
that keep us separated from You and from one another come down in the
Mighty Name of Jesus.

John 14:14 “When two or more are gathered together, the Lord is present. He
is especially eager to do His will and He promises to grant whatever we ask in
His Name.” Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the Throne of Grace with
confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time
of need.”

14. We are truly grateful and very thankful to You, Heavenly Father, for
answering our prayers that we will be praying for our lives, for our church
ALCC, for our city Bulawayo and our region Matabeleland.
15. In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke doubt and unbelief out of our lives as
we pray. I decree that we will stand in belief that You Almighty God are
able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can imagine or
think according to Your Power.
16. Pray for the preservation of the family unit. Genesis 2:24
17. Pray for a hedge of protection around our lives, families and homes.
Job 1:10
18. Pray for the safety of all in our households. Proverbs 18:10
19. Pray for our children and our youth. Psalm 127:3
20. Pray that the Lord will deliver our children from captivity of
rebellion, sexual immorality and drug addictions. Isaiah 49:25

21. Pray that our children will be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit to
do the work of the Lord. Joel 2:28
22. Pray that our children, the next generation our grandchildren, will
have the keys to the nation (God’s divine will to Zimbabwe’s prosperity).
Isaiah 22:22
23. Pray for unity among our leaders and citizens. Ephesians 4:3
24. Pray for wisdom and discernment for our leaders in the city of
Bulawayo. James1:5
25. Pray that Gods people will know how to effectively wage spiritual
warfare. Ephesians 6:10-11
26. Pray for restoration in spiritual matters in our lives. Amos 9:14
27. Pray for protection of children and vulnerable groups. Matthew
28. Pray for the ending of corruption in our city Bulawayo and in
Matabeleland. Deuteronomy 16:19.
29. Pray for the protection of the environment in Matabeleland. Psalm
30. Pray for the promotion of peace and harmony among different ethnic
and religious groups in our territory. Matthew 5:9
31. Pray that the Church will reach the poor needy and imprisoned in
our territory. Hebrews 13:3
32. Repent for allowing dirt, poverty, greed laziness, bribery corruption,
lawlessness, bondage, fear of lack, tribalism, racism, murmuring and
complaining in the people of Bulawayo and Matabeleland.
33. We pull down every stronghold of dirt, poverty, greed laziness,
bribery corruption, lawlessness, bondage, fear of lack, tribalism, racism,
murmuring and complaining in the name of Jesus. We send the fire of God
to burn you to ashes you spirit of poverty in our city never to rise again in
the name of Jesus.
34. We command every satanic embargo on our city Bulawayo to be
scattered in the name of Jesus.
35. We withdraw the staff of office of the strongman of poverty and dirt
delegated against our city Bulawayo in the name of Jesus.
36. We bind and paralyse the spirits and activities of wasters in our city
Bulawayo in the name of Jesus. Psalm 24:7-10, Psalm118, Psalm 149:1-9,
Obadiah 1:17.
37. We bind every spirit of bondage fashioned against the city of
Bulawayo in the name of Jesus
38. We bind every spirit of dirt, poverty, greed laziness, bribery
corruption, lawlessness, bondage, fear of lack, tribalism, racism,

murmuring and complaining in Bulawayo and the entire territory of
39. We revoke every stance decreed upon the city of Bulawayo and the
people of Matabeleland in the name of Jesus
40. Let the rain of God’s fire fall on the camp of every hardened enemy
fashioned against our lives and the people of Bulawayo in the name of
41. We frustrate and disappoint every instrument of the enemy
fashioned against our lives and the people of Bulawayo in the name of
42. We hold the blood of Jesus against the demonic spirits of vagabond,
dirt, poverty, greed laziness, bribery corruption, lawlessness, bondage,
fear of lack, tribalism, racism, murmuring and complaining and satanic
prophecies in the name of Jesus.
43. Let the blood of Jesus minister defeat on every work of the enemy
against our lives and the people of Bulawayo in the name of Jesus
44. You evil powers of filth, dirt, poverty, greed, laziness, bribery
corruption, lawlessness, bondage, fear of lack, tribalism, racism,
murmuring and complaining we send the fire, lightening and thunder of
God against you and we cast you into the abys never to return again.
45. Let the Blood of Jesus speak destruction into every evil growth in
our City Bulawayo in the Name of Jesus.
46. Let every demonic power controlling our city Bulawayo be paralysed
in the name of Jesus.
47. Today, I take authority and dominion over my city Bulawayo in the
mighty name of Jesus and as a citizen of Bulawayo, I repent for allowing
the unclean spirits to freely roam and operate in my city.
48. I repent for filthiness in the city – I repent for defiance – I repent for
lawlessness – I repent for corruption – I repent for bribery and I repent for
allowing a spirit of fear into the city.
49. Every demon of filth that has been released in the spiritual realm
which is made manifest on the streets of Bulawayo, I break your hold and
I cast you out of my city in the mighty name of Jesus.
50. I break every demonic spirit of defiance in my city that goes with
disobedience, rebellion, stubbornness, and pride, I cast you out of the city
through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the resurrection.
51. As a citizen of Bulawayo, I submit myself to God’s authority and I
am obedient to God’s instructions and to all the city regulations James
4:7 1Samuel 15:22

52. I come against lawlessness and callousness, I cast you out of our
city Bulawayo in the mighty name of Jesus. I take back our city Bulawayo
and I decree that law and order shall prevail in the name of Jesus. I break
the spirits of corruption in Bulawayo, especially in the police force that
has cultivated lawlessness and distorted justice. Deuteronomy 16:19
1Timothy 6:10
53. I bind every spirit of greed, I cast you out of our city Bulawayo – and
I release a spirit of contentment in the mighty name of Jesus.
54. I come against the spirit of fear that operates in the fear of lack,
fear of authority, fear of failure in the lives of the citizens of Bulawayo.
55. Every bondage that the citizens of Bulawayo have been subjected to
by the spirit of fear, I break you and I bind you and cast you out, in the
name of Jesus.
56. Every enchantment, divination, sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo and
invocation of fear being made against my city Bulawayo, I neutralize you
and I command that you fail in all your endeavours in the mighty name of
57. I decree and I declare that this city can never fail and the doors of
blessings, victory and breakthroughs are wide open in Jesus’ mighty
58. Oh Lord send Your axe of fire to the foundations of Bulawayo and
destroy every evil foundation and pollution in the name of Jesus.
59. Power of foundational power burn by the fire of God in the name of
60. Fire of God destroy the ladder of bondage and poverty in our lives
and in our City Bulawayo the name of Jesus.
61. Bondage, poverty, fear, and laziness break by the power of the blood
of Jesus.
62. God arise and damage every bondage in our lives and in our city
Bulawayo today, in the name of Jesus.
63. Sword of the Lord’s deliverance deliver our lives and our city
Bulawayo by your fire in Jesus’ name.
64. Every door opened to demonic spirits in our city, be closed in the
name of Jesus.
65. Every alter of poverty in our city burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
66. Thank you, Lord, for deliverance that has come to our city Bulawayo
in the name of Jesus.
67. Father thank you for giving us our land Bulawayo Zimbabwe for our
possession we receive by faith the land and the people in the name of
Jesus. Joshua 1:2

68. Lord Your word declares that the earth is Yours and the fullness
thereof. This people and this land belong to you by creation and
allotments in Jesus’ name.
69. We decree and declare that Jesus is Lord over our people and our
land. John 17:2
70. We ask you Lord to send a host of Your mighty Angels into our land
to begin to discomfort any demonic entities in our land in the name of
71. Lord send with us Your divine presence like you did with Moses and
Joshua to claim our city Bulawayo for You in the name of Jesus.
72. Lord we ask that the people’s hearts of Bulawayo will be receptive
to You and the message of the cross in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:4. We
pray that their hearts, eyes, and ears will be opened to receive God’s
word in the name of Jesus. Matthew 13:15, 2Corinthians 4:4.
73. We bind and cast out every blinding demon that stops people from
seeing the truth and the light of Christ in the name of Jesus.
74. We break and bind every spirit of violence and resistance to the
Word of God in the name of Jesus.
75. God, we thank you that Your word prevails over our city Bulawayo.
76. Lord may Your name be glorified in our city Bulawayo
77. We thank you for protection over our families and loved ones as we
pray these prayers, I plead The Blood of Jesus over their souls and
78. Every religious Spirit that has bound our city Bulawayo break into
pieces in the name of Jesus.
79. We thank you Holy Spirit as we pray around our city that you would
flood it with Your presence in the name of Jesus
80. We thank You Lord that Bulawayo is saturated by Your blood and
Your presence.
81. We plead the Blood of Jesus over our land, and that Your Blood will
break every curse on the land resulting from sin and covenants with
satan and his demons. We thank you Lord that from today Revival has
sprung forth in Bulawayo.
82. Let the cry of the blood of Jesus break the spell of evil spirits over
our lives and our Church ALCC in the name of Jesus.
83. The enemy will not abort the vision that God has given to Apostle
and Pastor Bismark to build an altar of covenant prayer, in the name of
Jesus. Negativity shall not prevail in our lives and in ALCC in the name of
Jesus. No evil word will come against the strategy that God has given

Apostle and Pastor Bismark and those in covenant prayer, in the name of
84. We cover and envelope Apostle and Pastor Bismark and ALCC and
all our families with the blood of Jesus as we go into these prayers.
85. We command every foundational handwriting fuelling the altars of
ALCC family’s problems to be deleted now and forever in the name of
Jesus. Altar of God arise and swallow every satanic altar from the
spiritual and satanic agents in the mighty name of Jesus.
86. I set on fire every negative altar working to overthrow the Kingdom
of God, destroy our destinies and steal our stars in the mighty name of
87. Every diviner’s fee paid on our heads to destroy us be cancelled in
the name of Jesus.
88. I destroy by fire every argument between Ballam and Balak to curse
us and to hinder our covenant prayers in the name of Jesus.
89. We lose ALCC families from the grip of any evil altar holding ALCC or
the city of Bulawayo down in the mighty name of Jesus.
90. I stand on the authority in the name and the blood of Jesus to burn
any evil altar created anywhere on earth’s surface working to deny ALCC
and the city of Bulawayo of Gods blessings in the name of Jesus.
91. I render every aggressive altar impotent in the mighty name of
Jesus. Every evil altar erected against Apostle and Pastor Bismark and all
the people of ALCC be disgraced in the name of Jesus.
92. Anything done against ALCC under demonic anointing be nullified in
the name of Jesus. I curse every local altar fashioned against ALCC, our
families and Bulawayo in the name of Jesus.
93. Let the hammer of the Almighty God smash every evil altar erected
against my family in the name of Jesus.
94. O Lord send Your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against
ALCC and Bulawayo in the name of Jesus.
95. Every evil priest ministering against ALCC and our city Bulawayo
receive the Sword of God in the name of Jesus.
96. Let the thunder of God smite all evil priests ministering against
ALCC and Bulawayo at any evil altar burn to ashes in the name of Jesus
97. Let every evil priest ministering against ALCC and Bulawayo at any
evil altar fall down and burn by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.
98. Lord release your fire in our city Bulawayo and burn the works of
darkness over Bulawayo.
99. Your Word is preached with fire in ALCC and in our city Bulawayo in
the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 23:29.

100. I release the fire of God to burn idols in our city Bulawayo in the
name of Jesus.
101. Jesus Your fire be released in our city Bulawayo in the name of
102. Spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed in our lives by the fire of
God in the name of Jesus. Genesis 19:27
103. Lord in Jesus name open our spiritual eyes to see what our natural
eyes can not see. 1Corinthians 2:10.
104. Father we repent for allowing idols to come into our lives and we
ask that Your fire will burn them to ashes in the name of Jesus. Ezekiel
14:6, Psalm146:8.
105. Let every veil covering our spiritual eyes catch fire and burn by the
fire of God in the name of Jesus. 2Corinthians 3:16
106. Holy Spirit allow us to see into the spiritual realm with Your
understanding in the name of Jesus. Daniel 2:22
107. Holy Spirit help us to discern things that we do not understand and
cannot see in the name of Jesus. 1Corinthians 4:14.
108. Holy Spirit fix our eyes on Jesus and the things of heaven in Jesus’
name. 2Corinthians 4:18
109. Lord Jesus thank You for giving us ears that hear and eyes that see
in Jesus’ name – open our spiritual ears to hear what The Holy Spirit is
saying to the church in this day and hour in the name of Jesus. Matthew
110. Thank You Jesus that our spiritual eyes will not be dim and our
spiritual ears will listen in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 32:3
111. Thank you, Jesus, that ALCC leadership is sensitive to the divine
signals in the Name of Jesus. Psalm 119:18, Ephesians 1:18
112. By faith we receive our spiritual sight, we thank you Holy Spirit for
restoring it, in the name of Jesus. 1Corinthians 2:5
113. Lord, in the name of Jesus and by the power of Your Blood, I break lack of
honour off my life and off my family’s lives – and I thank you that honour will flow
in our families, in our city and in our communities.
114. I ask you Lord to forgive me for a lack of respect and also for not
having any self-respect.
115. Forgive me Heavenly Father for being self-centred and for allowing
blindness, the failure to see the wrong of what others are doing then in
turn normalizing it and making it normal when it is a sin.
116. Forgive me Heavenly Father for having a vagabond spirit – for
moving and for also coming into agreement with others to move to other
church’s and to other cities and countries, when it is not Your will and I

have moved together with covenant breaking spirits – forgive me
Heavenly Father for this wrong.
117. Forgive me Heavenly Father for having a spirit of an orphan and for
taking this spirit into my life when I should know that I am Your child with
all the benefits and promises.
118. 2Timothy 1:7 Heavenly Father I thank you that You have not given
me the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.
119. Galatians 5:1 thank you Jesus that you have set me free from the
bondage and the yoke of the spirit of lack – in the name of Jesus.
120. Isaiah 10:27 I decree and I declare that the anointing of Jesus
Christ destroys ever yoke and burden that has been weighing me down.
121. Mark 2:22 My mind is being reshaped and my body is being renewed
to execute Your ways Heavenly Father – in the name of Jesus.
122. Luke 10:19 I tread upon all the tricks, traps, devices and
programmes of the enemy, for Christ Jesus has set me free and given me
the dominion.
123. 2Corinthians 10:4 The weapons of my warfare are mighty in Christ
Jesus, to the pulling down of strongholds and all the strategies of the
enemy – in the name of Jesus.
124. Proverbs 3:5 – 6 I completely put my trust in my God, and He will
direct my steps.
125. Isaiah 54:17 Although the enemy forms the weapon, it will never
ever impact my life, my family or my house in the name of Jesus.
126. 2Timothy 4:18 My God is delivering me from every evil plan that the
enemy has against me, in the mighty name of Jesus.
127. Deuteronomy 23:14 Lord I repent for allowing demons in my city
Bulawayo – I pray that as a city we will take it upon ourselves to keep our
city clean. I pray that our city council will attend on time to sewage pipes
that burst. I pray that we will keep our homes and neighbourhoods clean
in reverence to You Almighty God.


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