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When did the revolution take place?

The demerara Revolution of 1831 took place on August 17th. ( some sources stated the 18th or 19th)

Where the revolution took place-

It mainly took place on plantation Success.

The leaders associated with the demerara revolution are Jack Gladstone and is father Quamina
Gladstone. Quamina was a skilled carpenter at Plantation Success. He had become a Christian in 1808
and was later appointed a deacon. He was trusted and relied upon by both Rev Smith and his predecessor
Rev Wray in church affairs. He was enslaved from birth, a proud and dignified man and a dedicated
worker. He had suffered, like all others enslaved, from severe punishment by way of beatings and

Jack Gladstone was deeply intolerant of his condition of enslavement. After word began to spread that
new laws ameliorating the conditions of slaves had been made but that the authorities were suppressing
them, general agitation spread and Jack Gladstone became incensed. He was determined that the enslaved
should not be shortchanged and should receive the benefit of the new laws.

Quamina was the recognized leader of the rebellion while Jack Gladstone was its principal organiser. He
travelled secretly and at night to estates, agitating and encouraging fellow enslaved to rise up. He planned,
organised and established teams and systems. His father, Quamina, had been hesitant but came on board
later. His prestige added support for the rebellion. He wavered toward the end because of uncertainty as to
its success, but still held firm and eventually refused to surrender, walking away with head held high in
response to a shout from a soldier to stop.

Why it happened-
Following the arrival of news from Britain that measures aimed at improving the treatment of slaves in
the colonies had been passed, Jack had heard a rumour that their masters had received instructions to set
them free but were refusing to do so.

Christianised slaves played a prominent role. One of the main grievances of these slaves was the
imposition of restrictions on the practice of their religion by their masters, who refused give them
permission to attend church or hold religious meetings on their plantations night. They were also
prompted to rebel by the effect of certain Christian teaching, especial the doctrines of the equality of man
in the sight of God and Christian brotherhood.

Despite being one of the most non violent revolts (non violence from the side of the enslaved) , it
ultimately ended in tragedy. White troops led by colonel leahly murdered countless people. During trial
Quamina was sentenced to death and Jack was deported to Saint Lucia.


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