Matriculation Oath (1) 2

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Matriculation No: 242941

Faculty: Law

Course of Study: Law

Hall of Residence:-


I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(full name; surname first in Block Capital)

On admission to membership of the University of Ibadan, do solemnly and sincerely promise and
declare that I will pay due respect and be obedient to the Vice-Chancellor and other officers of the
University and that I will faithfully observe all regulations which may, from time to time, be issued
by them for the good order and governance of the University, including an order that I personally
and/or in conjunction with the Students Union should make restitution for damage done by
students to public property. In addition, I faithfully promise to refrain from any act of violence and
other actions calculated to disrupt the work of the University or likely to bring the University into
disrepute including an order of withdrawal for acts of admission irregularity and/or examination

So help me God.

………………….… ………………………..…………

Date Signature of Student

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