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Apidologie (2015) 46:10–22 Review article

* The Author(s), 2014.

This article is published with open access at
DOI: 10.1007/s13592-014-0298-x

Application of continuous monitoring

of honeybee colonies

USDA-ARS, 2000 E. Allen Rd, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Forsøgsvej 1, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark

Received 7 January 2014 – Revised 24 April 2014 – Accepted 3 June 2014

Abstract – Monitoring physical variables associated with honeybee colonies, including weight, temperature,
humidity, respiratory gases, vibration, sound, and forager traffic, in a continuous manner is becoming feasible
for most researchers as the cost and size of electronic sensors decrease while their precision and capacity
increase. Researchers have taken different approaches to collecting and analyzing the resulting datasets, with a
view toward extracting information on colony behavior and phenology. The objective of this review is to
examine critically the different kinds of data and data analyses, providing researchers with better-informed
options for obtaining information on colony phenology in the field without disturbing the hive, and for
combining information from different kinds of sensors to obtain a more complete picture of colony status.
Wireless sensor networks and powering sensors are briefly discussed.

continuous hive weight / colony temperature / colony humidity / forager traffic / hive vibration

1. INTRODUCTION remotely, and with little manpower. Once sensors

have been installed, hives can be monitored without
Interest in monitoring honeybee colonies on a disturbance, including during periods when invasive
continuous basis, defined here as data gathered from hive inspections are contraindicated, such as during
the colony (as opposed to individual bees) hourly or winter or times of colony stress.
more often for periods exceeding 2 days, is not new. Honeybee colonies present particular advan-
Gates (1914), for example, reported hourly temper- tages as subjects for continuous monitoring,
ature data over several days collected from a especially when kept in hives where all parts of
beehive in 1907. However, sensor technology has the colony are easily separated, measured, and, if
changed a great deal, and its application to both bee need be, modified. Honeybee colonies are active,
research and general beekeeping is increasing. in one way or another, all day every day and have
Smaller, cheaper, and more accurate sensors, along been considered as “superorganisms” (Southwick
with easier connections to computers and the and Mugaas 1971; Moritz and Southwick 1992;
Internet (Faludi 2010), have made it possible for Schmolz et al. 1994) with individual bees playing
bee researchers and beekeepers to monitor many roles analogous to cells in a multicellular organism.
physical aspects of bee colonies continuously, Bees behave collectively in ways that isolated or
solitary bees do not, such as by regulating
temperature and humidity (Human et al. 2006),
and by protecting the colony against diseases and
Corresponding author: W.G. Meikle, pests (Evans and Spivak 2010). How effectively a given colony performs these collective, complex
Manuscript editor: Peter Rosenkranz behaviors can be used as indicators of colony
Application of continuous monitoring of honeybee colonies 11

genetics, phenology, and health. The capacity of a variables examined in these studies can be
colony to regulate colony temperature, for exam- considered either state variables (weight, temper-
ple, has been found to be a function of the bee ature, humidity, gases) or rate variables (forager
subspecies (W-Worswick 1987), the within-colony traffic), which offer different options for statistical
genetic diversity (Jones et al. 2004), and pheno- analysis and biological inference. Among the state
logical status (Stalidzans and Berzonis 2013). variables, colony weight at any particular moment
Healthy honeybee colonies maintain, in many is merely a physical characteristic with little
respects, a stable environment within at least part of information on colony status per se, but first-
the hive, but that environment is still subject to and second-order changes in weight over time are
changing biotic and abiotic factors. A local nectar informative. Temperature, humidity, and respira-
flow can rapidly boost the colony’s food reserves tory gas concentrations are somewhat different
(Gary 1992), or a sudden exposure to pesticide in a since these variables are directly related to the
field nearby may suddenly reduce the number of metabolism of the bee colony (Kronenberg and
foragers (Rortais et al. 2005). A sudden period of Heller 1982; Van Nerum and Buelens 1997).
unusually cold weather may reduce forager activity There are often temperature and gas gradients
and brood production (Hoopingarner and Waller within a hive, so data depend on the location and
1992). Internal events, such as the death of the queen precision of the sensor. Vibration and sound are
or reproductive swarming, may cause abrupt chang- difficult to categorize as state or rate as they can be
es to colony dynamics (Gary 1992). By monitoring considered in both time and frequency domains.
colonies continuously, a researcher conducting field Bees use vibration and sound to communicate, but
experiments can account for such factors when they also produce vibrations and sounds they
evaluating treatment effects. Studies that addressed likely do not use (Atauri Mezquida and Llorente
bee health and behavior only outside the hive, such Martínez 2009) and may not even detect, although
as foraging activity measured at flowers (e.g., Sabara those may provide information about the hive. A
and Winston 2003) or at feeding dishes (e.g., Colin final section discusses the application of wireless
et al. 2004), were not considered here. networks to continuously monitored systems.
Here, we present early and recent studies
employing continuous monitoring of physical 2.1. Colony weight
parameters of honeybee colonies and discuss
method application and data interpretation. Placing a honeybee hive on a scale to weigh it
Continuous monitoring provides longitudinal data disturbs the hive very little—and if the hive is kept
that allows correlation of hive events, such as on the scale, then weighing it does not disturb the
changes in forager activity, with changes in hive bees at all. Occasional weighing (weekly or even
health, phenology, and queen status, and with daily) is usually done to determine when to
external factors, such as weather, nectar flow, or harvest honey or to estimate hive food reserves
pesticide exposure, and it provides an important (e.g., McLellan 1977; Szabo and Lefkovitch
perspective to studies on the interactions between 1991; Harbo 1993). Continuous weighing with a
colony health and the environment. sufficiently precise scale can provide that infor-
mation as well as data on shorter-term changes in
2. LITERATURE REVIEW the hive. Weight data is easy to define and
analyze: a colony has a single weight value at a
The objectives, methods, location (field or given point in time, and scales are widely
laboratory), and duration of studies involving available and easily installed. Most load cells
continuous monitoring of bee colonies have control for temperature variability, at least over a
varied among researchers (Table I). Sensors have given range of values, but some weather factors,
been grouped here into four main types: (1) such as precipitation and wind, can affect the data.
weight; (2) temperature, humidity, and gas; (3) In early applications of continuous monitoring,
sound and vibration; and (4) forager traffic. The Gates (1914) and Hambleton (1925) placed 10-
Table I. Summary of research using continuous monitoring methods. 12

Parameter Method Location No. of replicate Duration of hourly Reference

colonies datasets

Weight and Mechanical balance and in-hive Field 1 1 year: hourly during Gates (1914)
temperature mercury thermometers the day
Weight Mechanical balance Field 2 12 days Hambleton (1925)
Weight Electronic balance Field 1 1 month Buchmann and Thoenes
Weight Electronic balance Field 2–4 16 months Meikle et al. (2006, 2008)
Temperature Electric thermocouples Insulated room 1 5 months; hourly during Phillips and Demuth (1914)
the day
Temperature, [O2] and Electric thermocouples, metabolic Field 1 3 days Milner (1921)
[CO2] chamber with extracted air
passed through external
Temperature Extracted air passed over Field 1 Approx. 5 days Southwick and Mugaas
thermometer (1971)
Temperature, [CO2], In-hive mercury thermometers, Not stated 1 52 h Seeley (1974)
no. of fanning bees extracted air passed through
external detectors
W.G. Meikle and N. Holst

Temperature, [O2], no. Metabolic chamber with Laboratory Not stated Series of 24–48-h Kronenberg and Heller
of fanning bees extracted air passed through experiments over (1982)
external detectors 14 months
Temperature, [O2] and Extracted air passed through Field 10 Not specified; some periods Southwick and Moritz
[CO2] detectors of at least 12 h (1987)
Temperature, [O2] and In-hive temperature sensors; Field and Not stated 18 weeks Van Nerum and Buelens
[CO2], humidity extracted air passed through laboratory (1997)
gas detectors
Temperature In-hive sensors Field 8 2 weeks Jones et al. (2004)
Temperature, humidity In-hive sensors Field 3 (incl. empty 4 days Human et al. (2006)
Temperature In-hive sensors Field 14 1 year Stalidzans and Berzonis
Vibration In-hive sensors Field 2 Approx. 8 months Bencsik et al. (2011)
Application of continuous monitoring of honeybee colonies 13

Danka and Beaman (2007)

frame Langstroth hives on mechanical balances in

Burrill and Dietz (1981)

sheltered locations. About every 3 weeks from

Schneider et al. (2012)

Atauri Mezquida and
October 1907 to September 1908, Gates (1914)
Ferrari et al. (2008)

Llorente Martínez

recorded “by means of assistance” weight and

temperature data hourly for 2 to 3 days but presented
data on daily weight change only for the winter,

including changes caused by rainfall. Hambleton

(1925) established a team of three people, in 8-h
shifts, to manually record the hourly hive weight
changes for several days in September 1922, and for
13 consecutive days in May 1923. He noted the
Duration of hourly

strong daily pattern of weight loss, attributed to

water loss through nectar drying and respiration
10 trials of up to
Approx. 1 year

during the night and to departing foragers early in


48 h each

the morning, followed by weight gain due to

foraging from mid-morning until late evening.
23 days
9 days
270 h

Hambleton (1925) correlated ambient weather

variables, including temperature, relative humidity,
and hours of sunshine, with hive weight changes,
No. of replicate

under the assumption that those factors affect nectar

production which in turn affects colony weight.

Use of manual labor by Gates (1914) and

Hambleton (1925) to record weight data was


dictated by the technology available at the time.

Buchmann and Thoenes (1990) introduced the use
of continuous weight monitoring using a precision

scale linked to a computer to record data every

15 min for 1 month (August 1988) for a single hive



and used the data to link hive abandonment to

tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi Rennie) infestation.
Meikle et al. (2006, 2008) deployed a similar
system: hives placed on precision electronic scales
linked to data loggers. Similar to previous workers,
RFID tags and entrance

data loggers were set to record weight hourly or

Hive entrance sensors
Hive entrance sensors

more often, and weight was recorded for up to four

hives over 16 months. Meikle et al. (2006, 2008)
In-hive sensors

In-hive sensors

calculated the 25-h running average, subtracted


those values from the hourly raw data to produce

“detrended” residuals and then fit sine functions to
these residuals. They showed the effects of
swarming on daily detrended data, and also that
Acoustics, temperature,

Acoustics, temperature

an empty wooden hive has a detectable daily

Table I (continued)

relative humidity

weight change pattern, probably due to moisture

content changes in the wood.
Forager traffic
Forager traffic
Forager traffic

Continuous weighing has been shown to pro-


vide information on weather effects (Gates 1914;

Hambleton 1925; Meikle et al. 2006), colony
growth and consumption (Meikle et al. 2008),
14 W.G. Meikle and N. Holst

swarming (Buchmann and Thoenes 1990; Meikle cluster as bees move and change the size of the
et al. 2006), hive abandonment (Thoenes and cluster during the year and reduce or eliminate
Buchmann 1992), the impact of pesticides on bee them in the winter (Szabo 1989) when gradients in
colonies, changes in nectar and pollen availability, temperature, for example, between exterior and
and differences among honeybee races (Buchmann interior, and top and bottom, are more extreme.
and Thoenes 1990). Continuously weighing hives Arrays of sensors embedded on the surface of hive
provides data on colony-level weight changes but frames would solve this problem but may be
not with respect to colony component (adults, expensive to implement; Owens (1971) described
brood, and food reserves), and while detrended the use of thermocouple arrays in winter hives to
data shows forager activity, this data is confounded monitor cluster location and size. Researchers
at least to some degree with water and pollen gain without access to sensor arrays may need to
and loss, which can be significant at certain times consider involving replicate hives in order to
of the year. For this reason, some measurement of control for variability in brood location. Sensor
colony size and food reserves is useful for placement can be standardized with respect to the
interpreting weight data, although many studies hive, such as on top of a middle frame in the brood
have not provided this. Meikle et al. (2008) box, or with respect to the colony, such as the
evaluated hives every 2 weeks over 6 months in center of the brood cluster. In the latter case,
2005 and 3 months in 2006. By subtracting the sensors may be in a different place in each hive.
weights of the hive parts from the total hive weight, Gases (including water vapor) have been
and analyzing the photographs taken of each side sampled in beehives primarily using one of three
of each frame to determine the percentage of methods: (1) placing the colony in a metabolic
capped brood and food reserves, they estimated the chamber and passing respiratory gases of known
masses of the adult bee and brood populations, the composition through the colony while measuring
food reserves, and the daily food demand. Changes [O2] and [CO2] in the output (e.g., Milner 1921);
in the running average hive weight were correlated (2) removing air samples from the hive using
with colony growth, and the amplitude of sine either pipettes (e.g., Van Nerum and Buelens
waves fit to the detrended data was correlated with 1997) or plastic tubing (e.g., Seeley 1974;
daily colony food demand. Southwick and Moritz 1987) and then measuring
gas in detectors outside the hive; or (3) placing
2.2. Colony temperature, humidity, sensors within the hive (e.g., Human et al. 2006).
and gas concentrations The first approach is ideal for colony-level studies
of gas exchange rather than studies of within-
Like weight data, temperature, humidity, and colony gradients. The second approach allows
gas measurements provide single values per sensor researchers to sample air at very precise locations
at a given point in time, but unlike weight data, within the hive but will likely require hive
there is a range of values within a beehive, modification or some disturbance and may be
depending on the number and placement of the difficult to implement over large numbers of
sensors. The position within the hive of a given hives. The third approach is convenient in that
temperature or gas sensor will determine to what commercially available gas sensors can fit easily
extent it is affected by exterior ambient conditions, between or within frames and large numbers of
and differences among various points within a hive hives can be monitored simultaneously. However,
can be large. Temperature sensors, for example, in the hive, bees tend to cover foreign objects with
within the brood cluster, usually the warmest part propolis or wax which would interfere with air
of the hive (Southwick 1992), will be affected less movement across the sensor, so in-hive gas
by exterior conditions while those nearer the sensors must be checked with some regularity to
exterior of the hive can be expected to be affected ensure that they or their protective covers are
more. Sensors at fixed points may change over sufficiently clean. Care must also be taken when
time with respect to their distance to the brood placing sensors directly on brood, as the sensor
Application of continuous monitoring of honeybee colonies 15

can interfere with comb maintenance and with bee frequency of respiration in addition to the higher-
emergence (WGM pers. obs.). Data from tubes or frequency cycles of air movement. On an even finer
sensors at fixed sites may also be affected by time scale, Southwick and Moritz (1987) observed
movement of the brood cluster. “peaks of tidal air movement” with a frequency of
Measurement of temperature and gas concentra- about 22 s, and irregular periods of 4 to 37 min of
tions has been conducted largely to understand lower amplitude superimposed on the shorter
metabolic processes on the colony level. Milner periods. To exploit daily patterns, Human et al.
(2006) applied cosinor analysis to the half-hour
(1921), after making calculations from temperature
averages in order to evaluate whether relative and
and O2 consumption, determined that the energy
absolute humidity changes exhibited circadian
produced by a colony of bees, even in conditions of rhythmicity and whether that rhythmicity differed
favorable temperatures and low disturbance, among hives. Cosinor analysis involves fitting
exceeded that, when considered per unit weight, sinusoidal waves to datasets using least sums-of-
of a “man when working at hard manual labor” and squares and making statistical comparisons of wave
expected that the energy production would be even parameters, such as amplitude, phase, and mesor
greater under less favorable conditions. Southwick (value about which an oscillation occurs), among
and Mugaas (1971) confirmed observations by treatment groups (Nelson et al. 1979). Human et al.
Gates (1914) that when ambient temperatures were (2006) found that bees can maintain absolute
<5 °C, decreasing ambient temperature was associ- humidity levels well above external levels, with
ated with increasing colony core temperature greater variability near the brood than near the
(mostly 20–32 °C). Seeley (1974) observed chang- nectar and honey stores.
es in the number of fanning bees when [CO2], [O2],
and [N2] were manipulated; only changing [CO2] 2.3. Hive vibration and sound
influenced fanning behavior, presumably because
bees can detect changes in [CO2] but not the other Vibration and sound are physically linked
gases (Southwick and Moritz 1987). Van Nerum phenomena measured at a point in space over
and Buelens (1997) observed that bees actively time, either on the surface of the hive or within the
maintained low (15 %) O2 levels, which caused a hive volume. Vibration and sound data contain
reversible hypoxia and reduced metabolic rate rich spectra of overlapping wave forms and
among the bees which, they hypothesized, allowed require processing to distil biologically meaning-
bees to combine water conservation, energy con- ful information. Vibration of the hive substrate is
servation, and longevity with the ability to increase an important form of communication among bees
energy consumption on short notice if needed for (Nieh and Tautz 2000; Sandeman et al. 1996;
hive defense. By measuring bee fanning activity Schneider et al. 1986), which have specialized
while manipulating temperature, Jones et al. (2004) receptors in their legs for receiving low-frequency
found that temperature variation within a colony signals, generally <300 Hz (Sandeman et al.
was significantly lower in diverse patriline colonies 1996), and the signals are thought to involve
compared to the uniform patriline colonies, sug- recruitment for foraging (Nieh and Tautz 2000).
gesting that genetic diversity among workers may However, bees in a hive produce many frequen-
promote greater temperature stability owing to cies of vibrations, from <10 to >1,000 Hz
different genetic thresholds for action. (Bencsik et al. 2011), and how much of this
Several research groups have observed daily or spectrum is used by bees is unknown. Several
shorter-term temporal patterns in the data. methods have been used to gather vibration data.
Kronenberg and Heller (1982) noted “periodic, Nieh and Tautz (2000) used laser vibrometry,
pulsatile increases in metabolic rate on the overall focusing a laser on the wall of a comb cell next to
daily rhythm” of the bee groups which they thought a dancing bee and measuring the displacement.
might be linked to forager activity, and Southwick The method provided accurate data for single bees
and Moritz (1987) presented data on the change in in a specific part of the comb, but is impractical
[O2] over 24 h, showing a clear diurnal cycle in the for use on entire bee colonies in the field.
16 W.G. Meikle and N. Holst

Vibration data for a beehive, when examined as (2008) took advantage of this by embedding a
amplitude over time, tend to be “noisy” and contain microphone in each of five small (three-frame)
many peaks of different sizes (please see Figure 5 in observation hives and, over the course of about a
Nieh and Tautz 2000). One method to analyze this month, used the microphones to detect a particular
kind of data is to apply a discrete Fourier transform, kind of sound, “piping”. When piping was
which represents the data in the frequency domain detected at a certain threshold rate, in this case at
as the sum of a series of sinusoidal waves of least three signals in 30 s, they switched on video
varying frequencies and amplitudes (Smith 2003) equipment to capture images that were later
and thereby obtain a frequency spectrum. analyzed for bee movement.
Amplitude data in both the time and frequency Long-term sound monitoring of entire hives has
domains can be represented on spectrograms and seldom been reported, probably because the
those spectrograms examined for particular time resulting amount of data tends be very large and
periods, such as waggle dancing (Nieh and Tautz unwieldy. Ferrari et al. (2008) monitored sound,
2000). Researchers have used two main approaches temperature and relative humidity for 270 hours
to process vibration and sound data: (1) apply using within-hive sensors and observed 9
principal components analysis (PCA) to the entire swarming events among three colonies; they
range of resulting frequencies, and then evaluate the observed increases in sound intensity and drops in
components that capture most of the information, temperature and humidity during the swarming.
and (2) focus on the amplitudes of a few frequency Atauri Mezquida and Llorente Martínez (2009)
bands identified beforehand. placed microphones and temperature sensors in up
Bencsik et al. (2011) embedded a vibration to 10 hives between May 2008, and April 2009.
sensor, an accelerometer, in the wall of each of They recorded temperature within and outside the
two hives, linking the sensor to a signal conditioner hive, and for each 8-s sound sample, they
and a computer with considerable disk space. They monitored the power (in W), the “rugosity” (an
collected data almost continuously from November index of noisiness), and the tone and intensity of
2008 to June 2009. Individual bees can be expected the five main sound frequency bands, as deter-
to vibrate at different frequencies and without phase mined by a Fourier transform of the sound sample.
coherence, so to resolve that problem, Bencsik et al. These analyses provided some qualitative data
(2011) maintained a frequency resolution of 20 Hz concerning sound differences between healthy
and examined relatively short data samples of hives and those infected with chalkbrood
510 s. They found that those samples produced (Ascosphaera apis), but the main goal of the paper
power spectra with a satisfactory signal to noise was to introduce methods to analyze continuous
ratio to determine frequency peaks, and they filtered sound data.
much of the data noise by first expressing data in
the frequency domain PCA and then selecting the 2.4. Forager traffic
components with eigenvalues in the top 5 %.
Principal components are orthogonal to each other, Foraging is necessary for food gathering and is
so each component represents a unique source of generally conducted by older bees (Gary 1992;
variance. Bencsik et al. (2011) were thus able to Gould and Gould 1988). Forager traffic will thus
focus on the strongest patterns without losing be affected by food availability, food demand, and
appreciable resolution; they used the PCA-filtered colony age structure (McLellan 1977), and sudden
data to examine vibration frequencies prior to bee changes in that traffic may indicate acute changes
colony swarming. on the colony level. Pham-Delègue et al. (2002)
Sound data is as rich as vibration data, but bee- described forager activity as an important variable
produced sounds are somewhat better understood. to monitor when evaluating the impact of pesti-
Most beekeepers listen to their hives, and the cides on honeybee colony health.
meaning of some sounds is well known (Schlegel Forager activity is described in terms of the
et al. 2012; Seeley 2010). Rangel and Seeley number of bees entering and/or exiting the hive over
Application of continuous monitoring of honeybee colonies 17

a given time period, and so data can be collected, if Streit et al. (2003) introduced the use of radio-
need be, without the use of equipment more frequency identification (RFID) tags to monitor
sophisticated than an observer and a stopwatch. honeybee movement in and out of the hive. The
Kolmes and Sam (1990) observed hives for several tags, which are small and weigh a few milligrams or
minutes per day over 23 days to analyze bee activity less, are attached to adult bees. A detector records
during hive establishment, and Corbett et al. (1993) each time the tag crosses a threshold. To determine
collected data visually on the activity of several whether a given bee is entering or leaving, two
species of social bees with forager counts for several detectors are used in one of two ways: (1) bees are
hours per day over 1–4 days. The use of human restricted to a single entrance hole and two detectors
observation, while likely accurate, clearly limits, arranged so that the order in which the bee crosses
due to fatigue, the amount of time that the hive can the detector determines direction or (2) the entrance
be observed. Automating this has been a goal for is modified so that entering bees are obliged to pass
some time; Faberge (1943) proposed an electrical one detector and exiting bees another. The RFID
counter as an improvement upon one originally systems can provide data on bee life expectancy,
described by Lundie (1925), which depended on foraging time, and other crucial information
bees tripping a balance arm, which produced concerning hive dynamics. Schneider et al. (2012)
electrical impulses that drove a printer. Faberge used the RFID technology to investigate sublethal
discussed the use of photovoltaic cells, but pesticide effects on bee colonies by exposing
dismissed them as too expensive at the time. Later, workers from a small colony of about 2,000 bees
Spangler (1969), Erickson et al. (1975), Liu et al. to contaminated sugar syrup at a feeder (>29,000
(1990) and others developed such counters. trips were observed but the number of bees tagged
Several designs of hive entrance counters have was not reported). Detectors were set up at the hive
been used. Burrill and Dietz (1981) gathered and the syrup feeder, and the effects of pesticide
forager traffic data, using a photoelectric bee exposure were measured as the return rate of
counter (“Apicard”) placed at the hive entrance, foragers from the feeder.
for 30-min periods (data were recorded every 15 s RFID detector and tag systems can be somewhat
and were pooled) over 23 consecutive days from a expensive, and some care must be taken that neither
single colony of bees and analyzed those data with the tags nor the glue to attach them affects bee
respect to ambient weather conditions. Danka and behavior or survivorship. Tags are generally used
Beaman (2007) used commercially available bee once, which adds to the cost of each replicate hive
counters of a design described by Struye et al. and each experiment. Most RFID detectors require
(1994) to measure flight activity among 40 modification of the hive entrance. The detectors
colonies of “Russian” and “Italian” bee races induce an electric current in the tags and need the tag
during blueberry pollination. Part of the objective to pass at a short distance (often 5 mm or less); they
of that study was to determine whether either race are thus sensitive to the orientation of the bee as it
conducted more foraging flights per hour than the crosses the detector threshold. Schneider et al. (2012)
other race after controlling for weather and black modified the entrance to ensure proper orientation.
globe temperature (Corbett et al. 1993). Danka Because forager traffic is closely linked to colony
and Beaman (2007) did observe a problem with food intake and to pollination, it is a particularly
counters installed at the hive entrance: under useful variable for researchers, beekeepers, and
certain conditions, bees tend to cluster around growers. Burrill and Dietz (1981) found that while
the sensor, causing spurious “entrance” and “exit” changes in flight activity were directly proportional
readings, which can have large effects on the data, to environmental temperature changes across the
so they conducted visual counts of forager flights observed temperature range, which was true for
as well. Validating the hive entrance data using changes in solar radiation only to a certain threshold
other means, as Danka and Beaman (2007) did, (0.66 langleys), above which flight activity de-
greatly increases ease of data interpretation. creased with increasing solar radiation. Danka and
18 W.G. Meikle and N. Holst

Beaman (2007) found no significant difference in (1925), although their dedication to the task was
forager activity between the two bee races after impressive. Modern studies involve more elec-
controlling for colony size, but did find significant tronics with a higher sampling frequency for
ambient temperature effects. Schneider et al. (2012) more hive parameters. The use of sensors also
found no effect on forager return success rate at permits hive observation without disturbance;
field-level doses of neonicotinoid pesticides, but gathering field data on colony growth and
they did observe effects at higher doses. phenology from frequent, invasive hive inspec-
tions, for example, to assess treatment effects,
can provoke bee defensive behavior (Breed et
2.5. Wireless networks
al. 2004), enable robbing by other colonies
(Gary 1992), and lose, injure, or kill the queen
Sensors are often used in environmental and
in addition to disrupting the hive environment.
agricultural monitoring, and data collection in
Small, autonomous sensors, particularly those
those fields is often managed using wireless linked to wireless networks, can provide much
networks (Aqeel-ur-Rehman et al. 2014; Hart and information in real time with no disturbance.
Martinez 2006; Ruiz-Garcia et al. 2009; Zerger et Continuous monitoring has been applied to study
al. 2010). Advances in technology and the increas- colony growth, activity, metabolic processes, genet-
ing availability of wireless network access even in ics, and behavior. One objective in continuously
comparatively remote locations have made the use monitoring has been to examine temporal patterns,
of such networks a commonplace among re- but many studies have tended more toward “proof of
searchers, farmers, and land and wildlife managers. concept” with the general application of the results
Where wireless phone networks are not available, being hampered by a low number, or even lack, of
transmitters are available to access satellite phone replicate bee colonies. Low replicate numbers can
networks. Aqeel-ur-Rehman et al. (2014) compare be attributed largely to equipment costs, which are
different kinds of networks in terms of, among not negligible; environmental chambers, respirome-
other aspects, frequency band, cost, energy con- ters, electronic balances, accelerometers, RFID tags,
sumption, and security. Zerger et al. (2010) and associated equipment are expensive by most
provided examples of how sensor networks have standards (temperature sensors less so). Common
been employed in three main application domains: access to cheap and open-source electronics is quite
recent (Faludi 2010), and researchers have often
vegetation, animals, and soils.
resorted to replication through time, if only for one
Clearly, much potential exists for such networks
or a few hives, to compensate for the singularity of
in apiculture. An excellent application of wireless
their monitoring setup. As costs for electronics
technology to create a network of beehives on scales
decrease, the costs of replication will decrease and
can be found on the internet at http://www. thus become more widely applied. Data on hive weight and weight Continuous monitoring involves, by definition,
change, as well as ambient temperature and r.h. are conducting observations over time. While we
available for over 70 sites across Germany, and those restricted the scope of this paper to studies with
data are updated every 5 min. Such region-wide two or more days of data collected at least hourly,
networks will likely prove very valuable for evalu- the length of time a variable could be measured in
ating the impact of regional effects, such as climate a practical sense was in many ways determined by
or large-scale agricultural practices, which would be the technology available and by the variable itself.
difficult or impossible on a smaller scale. Continuous monitoring of any kind is limited
when it depends on constant human attention.
3. DISCUSSION Gates (1914) and Hambleton (1925) exerted what
was surely considerable effort to monitor hives
Methods and technology for continuous hourly without interruption for just a few days at a
monitoring of beehives have changed since time, while Meikle et al. (2006, 2008) produced
Gates (1914), Milner (1921), and Hambleton hourly weight data for 16 months simply using
Application of continuous monitoring of honeybee colonies 19

electronic data loggers. The quantity of data 12 or 24 V DC power or even AC power, which can
produced increases rapidly with sampling frequen- be provided by either wall current or batteries. How
cy and the number of sensors and colonies long a given battery system will last before the
involved. Managing, and extracting useful infor- batteries need recharging depends on the number
mation from, continuous data from experiments and types of equipment drawing current from it,
using large numbers of hives over extended including data loggers, wireless transmitters, and
periods of time can be challenging. Analyses can transformers. Designing the system to only draw
be simplified by exploiting patterns. Some vari- power when a reading is taken would save energy,
ables, such as weight, temperature, and humidity, but constantly rebooting the indicators and signal
have been found to have strong sinusoidal conditioners should probably be avoided.
components (Human et al. 2006; Meikle et al. Researchers with remote hives must either change
2008) owing to circadian rhythmicity; statistical batteries regularly or generate power using solar
analyses can be conducted on curve parameters. panels or wind turbines. Solar power systems can be
Monitoring bee colonies in the field can have placed, theoretically, almost anywhere, but do put
significant logistical requirements. In some cases, restrictions on the amount and form of power
technology has changed a great deal. To measure available. The storage capacity and power draw on
temperature, Gates (1914) and Seeley (1974) used the system will determine the size of the batteries
mercury thermometers; Philips and Demuth and energy generator required, taking into account
(1914), Milner (1921), and Owens (1971) used the need for some “autonomy” in the event that the
electric thermocouples; whereas more recent re- generator cannot function, such as cloudy weather
search has been conducted with small, inexpen- in the case of solar panels or calm in the case of
sive, accurate, battery-powered electronic sensors wind turbines. High-capacity, deep-cycle batteries
(e.g., Human et al. 2006). With battery power, tend to be heavy and expensive.
some sensors can last for months before memory
restrictions require a download and have sufficient 4. CONCLUSIONS
power to last for years. In other cases the changes
in technology have been less drastic. Electronic Continuous monitoring will very likely become
scales sufficiently robust and precise for fieldwork a more common tool as both for research and in
still tend to be expensive and heavy. In addition, practical apiculture as electronic components be-
some sensors might not be readily transferred come easier to deploy in the field, owing to small,
among hives; as noted above, Bencsik et al. (2011) accurate, and robustly designed sensors. Data on
embedded their accelerometers in hive walls, and frequently measured variables, such as weight and
moving those accelerometers among hives might temperature, will likely be more thoroughly
be difficult. Detectors for forager traffic usually exploited for information. Monitoring hive weight
require some modification of the hive entrance, or forager traffic prior to crop pollination would
which may complicate rapid installation and allow beekeepers to observe hive health, and during
removal and may restrict bee activity. pollination, those data could provide a record of
Almost all of the sensors described here require quality control. Monitoring multiple variables
electricity. Commercially available sensors are offers the possibility of synergy, as the information
usually powered by (1) small watch-type batteries, that one method validates or augments information
such as those sensors used by Human et al. (2006); gained simultaneously via another method.
(2) wall current, which requires close proximity of Combining methods may also provide a way of
research hives to electric outlets; or (3) high amp- exploiting data from variables such as vibration, for
hour batteries, often combined with an independent which the biological interpretation is not always
power source, such as solar panels (e.g., Meikle et evident. Sound cues have already been the focus of
al. 2006, 2008). Sensors such as load cells (with commercially available diagnostic tools for bee-
indicators or signal conditioners) and RFID detec- hives. Other anticipated improvements include the
tors have higher requirements and are likely to need following:
20 W.G. Meikle and N. Holst

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