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Activity # 1(Written Work 3)

Name: Felicity Bernadette Maestro

Strand and Section: HUMSS 12 E SINAI

Directions: Respond to this question comprehensively. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
in three or five sentences and submit it online.

1. What business do you want? Why? (10 Pts.)

If I would start a business I want it to be relevant to today's trend specially something that is more
enticed to the youngster. Because young individuals are often more easily persuaded by things that
they observe in other people in their age group. Their desire to blend in from their peers increases
their sensitivity to marketing strategies and trends. One of the businesses I can think of that would get
a lot of consumer is a clothing shop, not just a typical clothes but a trendy type of clothes. Like Korean
tops, Japanese style clothes, coquette tops, acubi style, and more. I will make variety of clothes and
styles so that youngster who all has a different type of fashion style can pick or mix and match their
clothes. And since sewing is also my father's business and also one of my hobby, I think is the most
suitable business for me, because I won’t just think of the money I can get but also the enjoyment of
doing it.

2. Do you believe that an entrepreneur is a risk taker? Why? (10 Pts.)

Yes, I think that entrepreneurs are a risk taker; it takes up a lot of courage to start something that you
don’t know if it will be successful. But as an entrepreneur you need to be brave and smart and have a
very god plan to pull off a business, they carefully prepare, study, and assess. But, entrepreneurship
involves more than just taking risks; it also involves value creation and problem-solving.
Entrepreneurs are creative thinkers who recognize needs and overcome obstacles. They are
persistent, flexible, and committed to creating long-lasting businesses. To put it simply, risk is an
essential part of being an entrepreneur. They are willing to face the risk of failure, take risks, and
make brave choices. And what I think the set entrepreneurs apart from other people is their
willingness to go outside their comfort zones and take on difficulties directly.

3. Differentiate Retailing and Wholesaling. (10 Pts.)

The difference between retailing and wholesaling is that, retailer sells products directly to people for
home or personal use. It is done through shops in person or online marketplaces and retailers offer a
wide variety of while attending to the needs and preferences of specific customers. While in
wholesaling it includes serving as a reseller between producers and consumers by selling goods to
businesses in bulk. And larger-scale suppliers of lower goods and services including bulk packaging
and enable the effective delivery of goods to companies.

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