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Colegio Manquemávida

Santa Cruz Points:______/37

3rd Grade English Test Unit 7 Grade:

Name_____________________________________ Grade: A – B—C Date:_________

I. Listen and write the number. 6 pts.

II. Look at the pictures and describe them. (10 points)

boy –woman – dog – man – girl - baby

1. A_________________ and a _______________________

2. A_________________ and a _______________________

3. A_________________ and a________________________

4. A_________________ and a________________________

5. A_________________ and a________________________

III. Read and circle 6 pts.

a) a young woman a) a thin boy a) a tall woman

b) an old woman b) a fat boy b) a short woman
c) an old man c) a thin girl c) a long woman

a) a tall fat man a) a short fat man a) a tall young woman

b) a tall fat boy b) a small fat man b) a short young girl
c) a tall thin man c) a long fat man c) a small young
Colegio Manquemávida
Santa Cruz

IV. Write the name. 6 pts.

Jane Tom Mary
Anna Peter Lisa

1. ________________ He’s a tall young man. He’s got short black hair. He’s thin.
2. ________________ She’s a thin girl. She’s got short blond hair.
3. ________________ He’s a tall thin man. He’s got long black hair.
4. ________________ She’s a short fat girl. She’s got long black hair.
5. ________________ She’s a girl. She’s tall. She’s got long black hair.
6. ________________ She’s a short and thin woman. She’s got long black hair.

V. Write (9 points)

a) Is Homer a woman? __No, he’s a __________________________

b) Is Ali a man? __No, she’s a__________________________
c) Is Zack old? ___No,________________________________
d) Is Betty thin? ______________________________________
e) Is Homer short? ______________________________________
f) Is Ali young? ______________________________________

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