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Chapter 6: Greek Civilization

Long questions:

Q no 1: What does the modern world owe to the ancient Greeks?

Answer: The modern world owes a lot to ancient Greece. They gave us democracy, where people have a say in decisions.
Greek philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle shaped how we think about life and knowledge. They also laid the
foundation for math and science. Greek art and architecture inspired our buildings and art today. Their language and
education system influenced how we learn. They also started the Olympic Games.

Q no 3: Describe the discoveries and inventions made in ancient Greece.

Answer: Ancient Greeks were pioneers in many areas. They made discoveries in math, like the Pythagorean theorem.
Greek philosophers shaped how we think today. They also improved medicine, astronomy, and engineering. Greek art and
architecture set new standards. Their democracy was groundbreaking. Also, Alexander the Great's military leadership
spread Greek culture far and wide.

Q no 5: How far, do you think, were the ancient Greeks really democratic?

Answer: The ancient Greeks had a form of democracy, but it was limited compared to modern standards. Only free male
citizens could participate, excluding women, slaves, and foreigners. Decision-making was direct, but often influenced by
influential individuals. Despite its limitations, ancient Greek democracy laid important foundations for democratic
principles that continue to evolve today.

Q no 6: How Why are Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates famous even today?

Answer: Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates are famous today because of their profound contributions to philosophy. Socrates
asked questions to stimulate critical thinking. Plato wrote about ethics, politics, and metaphysics, founding the Academy.
Aristotle, Plato's student, covered logic, ethics, biology, and politics, influencing philosophy, science, and politics. Their
important ideas about life stay relevant for everyone today.

Q no 7: What was Alexander’s role in the spread of Greek influence and literature?

Answer: Alexander the Great played a significant role in spreading Greek influence and literature throughout the ancient
world. As he conquered vast territories, he promoted Greek culture, language, and literature among the peoples he
encountered. He founded many cities, which served as centers for the dissemination of Greek ideas, literature, and
language. Additionally, Alexander's patronage of scholars and intellectuals facilitated the exchange of knowledge between
Greek and non-Greek cultures, further contributing to the spread of Greek influence and literature.

Q no 8: Alexander wanted to conquer the known world: did he succeed? Name the empires he fought with and

Answer: Alexander the Great aimed to conquer the known world and largely succeeded. He fought and conquered the
Persian Empire, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Israel, and parts of the Indian subcontinent, including the Indus Basin. His
conquests resulted in the creation of one of the largest empires in history.

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