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Check the Programme Pattern

 Login your Student Intranet Portal (

AD students

HD & DIP students

 Activate your account following the account slip issued on
Registration Day.
 Input your “User Name” (Lingnan email account) & “Password”
(your email account password).

Input Login account

Core Course


Free Elective
Check Registration Information
 Login your Student Intranet Portal (

AD students

HD & DIP students

Core Course
Programme Elective
& Free Elective
Important Notes for
Course Registration
Important Notes
 Complete all course(s) registered in the
class schedules. A FAIL grade will be
granted for any attempted but registered

 Register and complete all courses

according to the programme pattern.
Important Notes
 All CORE courses have been
REGISTERED for the students.

 You are required to register Elective

Course(s) & Programme Elective
Course(s) only.

**Failure to do so may lead to late

graduation or non-graduation.**
Add/Drop Process
 Go to Lingnan University main page (
 Select “myLingnan Portal” at top of the page
 Activate your account following the account slip issued on
Registration Day.
 Input your “User Name” (Lingnan email account) & “Password”
(your email account password).

Input Login account

 Select the “Academics” tab
 In the page of “Banner Self-Services”, click “Registration”
 Before courses add/drop, you can check your
registration status: The system displays your
curriculum information, and any restriction that
prevents you from registering courses for a term, if any.
 Check your registration time ticket:
 Time ticket is assigned to allow a student to register
classes online during a certain periods of time only.

Sep 4,2017 09:00 am Sep 4,2017 09:59 am

Sep 6,2017 09:00 am Sep 13,2017 23:59 pm
Click “Select Term”
 Choose the correct term from the pull down menu
 Press the “Submit” button
Click “Add/Drop Classes” to start course registration
Simple Mode
 Enter CRNs that you would like to register, then press “Submit”


Advanced Mode
 Click “Look up Class to Add” under Student Services, type
the course code to search. And then other criteria can be
Use F5 to refresh the remaining
quota. DO NOT use “add CRN” to
check quota.

 “Rem” = Remaining quota of a CRN

Common error Messages
Messages appear in the Descriptions
Status Column
Closed Session or
The course has been fully enrolled.
Reserved Closed
The course has a time clash with a registered
Time Conflict with XXX
course. XXX is the CRN of that course.
The course is not open to the student’s level of
Level Restriction
The course is not open to the student’s
Program Restriction
programme of study.
For “Lecture-cum-Tutorial” mode courses,
Link Error students have to add/drop both the lecture
and tutorial sections at the same time.
Common error Messages
Messages appear in the Descriptions
Status Column
The course has been registered in the student’s
Repeat Count Exceeds
academic history or current enrollment record.
Maximum Hours Exceeds Maximum credit limit is reached.

** A submission of add/drop of a CRN, no matter successful

or not, is counted as 1 action; a change of CRN by dropping
one number and adding another number is therefore
counted as 2 actions**
Check & Print the class schedule
 Student Schedule by Day & Time

 Student Schedule in Detail

 For enquiries regarding course registration
issues, please contact LIFE Registry Office :
Tel: 2616 8274
 Office hours:
 Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
 Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
 If you cannot login to Intranet Portal, please
call service hotline of Information
Technology Services Centre (ITSC):
Tel: 2616 7995
Service Hour of ITSC Hotline:
 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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