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Bruce Cervon’s DIRTY - DEAL This great classic from Bruce Cervon, has stood the test of time. So great of a trick, Ken Brooke secured British distribution rights immediately & called it “one of the world’s great tricks. One of the greatest display card tricks I have handled in fifty years in the business. It has action throughout, a knock out climax, and, so important to the working pro, it is ALWAYS READY.” We were delighted when Jay Marshall allowed us to bring this great trick back out. You will note that we are producing Dirty Meal in Poker size cards, and we have reset the instructions so that everything will be crystal clear. Do give this trick the proper practice and you will have a real winner ‘on your hands. Each set is made up and packaged ready to work. You will also note that your set may differ than those in these instructions. If your set differs, just pencil in the cards that are supplied in your set, next to the set up cards in these instructions. SUPPLIED; There are 9 cards supplied with the outfit in the plastic case. Three of the cards are in one side under the opaque section. These three cards are double backed cards set up as follows according (o the set being used to illustrate these instructions; bottom card-Rlne Tally-Ho Fan, middle card- Blue Tally- Ho Circle #9, top card-Las Vegas Back. See Fig. | The other set of cards consists of 6 cards under the clear section of the wallet, The cards ate face up when set in the clear section. Face down from the top to the bowom these cards ue; Regular face down Red Tally-Ilo Circle #9 (6 of hearts on face) Double backed card with Red Tally-Ho Cirele #9 uppermost (Bulldog Squeezer Rack on reverse) Las Vegas Back (6 of clubs on face) Blue Tally-Ho Circle #9 (6 of spades on face) Blue Tally-Ho Fan (6 of diamonds on face) Angelback Squeezer (King of Diamonds on face) Sce Fig, 2 SFT-UP; ‘The three double backed cards are inserted in the wallet under the opaque section with the Las Vegas backed card on top as in Fig. 1 the other set of cards are placed face up in the wallet under the clear section, King of Diamonds facing you as you open the wallet. PRESENTATION: ‘The wallet is opened and the packet of six cards are removed from under the clear section and kept face up. the single odd card, the king of diamonds is dealt face up on the table. The other five cards are shown as four of a kind usig the buckle count. tum the packet face down and hold it in the left hand. Now pick up the odd card (king of diamonds) and insert it third from the top, face up. An easy way to do this is to pull down on the small packet with the left little finger. The packet will split at the thick card which is second from the top and the odd card is inserted at this point. See Fig. 3 Another method is to allow the left thumb to rest on the top left corner, release its hold, and the packet will break at the thick card in the upper left corner. The order is nuw two Red backed Tally-IIo Circle #9’s on top of the odd card (king of diamonds). You will now show that all the cards have red backed ‘lally-Ho Circle #9 hacks using the Hamman count, HAMMAN COUNT: Grasp the six cards face down in the right hand with opposite ends ‘between the thumb (al the inne: end) and second finger (at the outer end, the index finger resting lightly on the back of the top card). With the left thumb draw off the top card into the left hand, placing the card well forward on the left fingers See Fig.4 and not into the crotch of the thumb. ‘The reason for this will be apparent later. Draw off the next card in the same manner, placing it squarely on top of the first card. On the third card (fuce up odd card-king of diamonds) comes the swindle Instead of drawing off the third card, place all the remaining four cards deep into the cratch of the left thumb so that the left thumb grips all four cards instead of just the third card. As the left thumb grips these cards, the right third finger and thumb grip the opposite ends of the two cards just counted and withdraws with them as the hands are seperated in the natural manner of legitimately counting cards. there should be no change in the rhythm of the count. You now have three odd backed cards covered with a face up card in the left hand. Continue to count legitimately with no change of pace the previously counted cards, this shows 4 cards all with Red Tally- Ho Circle #9 backs and one odd card (king of diamonds). Deal the top card face down to position #1 in Fig. 6. Now remove the face up card by pulling the top card back slightly, and pushing the face up card forward and then square the top card. See Fig. 5. remove the protruding face up card and put it on top of the packet in the left hand. Now reach into the opaque section of the wallet and remove the bottom card. Show that it has a Blue Tally-Ho fan back, put it on top of the packet in the left hand and snap the fingers for effect. ‘Your left fingers now slide out the bottom lowermost card of the packet and put it on top. Do the Hamman count again showing that all the cards now have Blue Tally-Ho Fan backs. Deal the top card face down at position 42 in Fig. 6 Now put the face up odd card (king of diamonds) on top as described above and illustrated in Fig, 5 Reach into the apaque section again and remove the bottom card. Show that it has a Blue ‘Vally-Ho Circle #9 back, put it on top of the packet in the left hand and snap the fingers for effect. ‘Your left fingers now slide out the bottom lowermost card of the packet and put it on wp. Do the Hanan count again showing that all the cards now have Blue Tally-Ho Circle #9 backs. Deal the top card face down at position #3 in Fig 6 Now put the face up add card (king of diamonds) on top as described above and illustrated in Fig. 5 Reach into the opague section again and remove the last card. Show that it has a Las Vegas back, put it on top of the packet in the left hand and snap the fingers for effect. Your left fingers now slide out the bottom lowermost card of the packet and put it on top. Do the Hamman count again showing that. all the cards now have Las Vegas backs. Deal the top card face down at position #4 in Fig. 6 Now put the face up odd card (king of diamonds) on top as described above and illustrated in Fig. 5 Deal the face up odd card face down at position #9 in Fig. 6 with the right hand. As the right hand moves forward to place this card at position #9, the left hand turns the packet it is holding over. (the bulldog squeezer will be facing you at this point on top) Now deal the cards off the top into position #5- #6- #7 & #8 respectfully. Fig. 6 now shows you the ending layout showing 9 cards each with a different color back. ‘This is the climax that fools magicians as much as the lay audience. RE-SETTING THE CARDS: In order to re-set quickly, Pick up #5 placing it on top of card #6, these go on top of card #7, these go on top of card #8. All of these cards go on top of card #4, these go on top of card #3, these go on top of card #2 and these go on top of card #1, Finally all of these cards are placed on top of card #9. Fan over the top four cards (these cards are all double backed caids) remove the lowermost 5 cards and tun them face up and place them on top of the 4 double backers. Turn the entire packet over and slide the top three cards (set in order as in Fig. 1) slide these three cards into the opaque section of the wallet. Tur the packet in the left hand face up, remove the card second trom the face, and put it on the bottom at the rear of the packet. Slide this packet face up into the clear section of the wallet and you are all sct ready to work this miracle again ata moments notice. Special Thanks (0 Magic Inc. of Chicago, Ilinois for permission 10 manufacture this great classic of card magic. The Hamman count- courtesy of Magic Inc. Chicago, Illinois. from the book “Card Magic of Brother John Hamman” Copyright 1998 Martini’s Magic co. P.O.Box 189 Delta, Pennsylvania 17314 a eet GOLDEN ier eae Ls

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