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C799 Healthcare Ecosystems C799 Task 1 The

Centers for Me

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C799 Healthcare Ecosystems C799 Task 1 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMS) has impacted healthcare in many ways and not all positively. For physicians, the
choice of which field to be licensed in has been affected due to the manner CMS operates.
Many clinical students are, at least in part, looking at the reimbursement amount and time
when participating with the CMS. CMS has conditions of participation that include accepting
an amount for services that is significantly lower than other methods of reimbursement and
takes quite a bit more time for reimbursement. Because of this, students are choosing to go
into medicine specialties as reimbursement is greater. They come out of school with debt that
is mountainous, besides having to pay their monthly living expenses. Specialists command
more revenue. Therefore, CMS has driven physicians to acquire more debt, by

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