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Chem113L Dimethyltryptamine College of

Engineering and Tec


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Chem113L Dimethyltryptamine College of Engineering and Technology, Grand Canyon

University Chem113L: General Chemistry Lab Abstract In more recent years science has
taken a turn in current studies and focused more attention on unknown substances within our
world. One of these substances which recently has skyrocketed in popularity is the
psychedelic substance dimethyltryptamine. Dimethyltryptamine or DMT is a chemical
substance part of the indole alkaloid family; DMT is a psychoactive psychedelic which has
intense visual and auditory hallucinations and has been used for centuries by cultures all
around the world for œSpiritual awakening. DMT is naturally produced in the body in
which the body also biosynthesizes the substance, however, this biosynthesis can be further
examined and preformed in a lab. Since so much is unknown about the substance science is
continuing research to ans

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