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Name: __________________________ Class: _____________

1. Please meet our principal for more ________________. (inform)
2. ________________, the typhoon didn't cause any damage. (luck)
3. Her clothes look very modern and ________________. (fashion)
4. They can't find out any ________________reasons for their absence. (persuade)
5. The test must be done ________________. (care)
6. He can't pass the exam because of his ________________voice. (nature)
7. He is a famous _______________ . (correspond)
8. She was really ________________by the beauty of the city. (impress)
9. Hanoi people are very ________________. (friend)
10. Their ________________made me happy. (friend)
11. Many ______________come to Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum every day. (visit)
12. We enjoyed the ________________atmosphere in Dalat city. (peace)
13. He is very poor, so he has to live ________________on his parents. (depend)
14. Hanoi is not ________________from Kuala Lumpur. (difference)
15. That's an ________________city. (industry)
16. The ________________ language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia. (nation)
17. In Malaysia, ________________is free. (education)
18. What's the main language of _______________in that school? (instruct)
19. He is one of the most famous ________________in Vietnam. (poetry)
20. The Ao dai is the ________________dress of Vietnamese women. (tradition)
21. Vietnamese women today preferred to wear modern clothing at work because it is more
________________. (convenience)
22. It's too ________________to call anyone at night. (convenience)
23. Many designers took ______________ from Vietnam's ethnic minorities. (inspire)
24. What a ________________.T-shirt! (color)
25. He always wears the ________________shirts. (stripe)
26. In the 18 century, Jean cloth was made ________________from cotton. (complete)
27. Wearing casual clothes makes students feel ________________ . (comfort)
28. They have just __________________a new style of Jeans in the USA. (introduction)
29. We have to _______________ all the schools in our city. (improvement)
30. Wearing uniform is ________________in that school. (compel)
31. My house is ________________ situated far from school and market. (convenience)
32. The twins are so alike that it is difficult to ________________one from the other. (distinct)
33. She _______________ Maryam to Hanoi last year. (invitation)
34. He is a famous stamp ________________ . (collect)
35. He has 2 fine stamp _______________. (collect)
36. It is an ________________journey. (interest)
37. He is ________________in playing basket-ball. (interest)
38. What an ________________day! (enjoy)
39. She wishes she could sing _______________. (beauty)
40. They couldn't pass the final ________________. (exam)
41. He is a strict ________________. (exam)
42. This school has an excellent _______________. (repute)
43. We often take part in many ________________activities at school. (culture)
44. If you want to______________ your English, we can help you. (improvement)
45. We have many well ________________teachers here. (qualification)
46. Please phone this number for more ________________. (inform)
47. I want to ________________for selling my house. (advertisement)
48. He is an ________________ of the Vietnam News. (edit)
49. This shirt costs ________________ 99,000 VND. (approximate)
50. She broke the vase because of her ______________. (care)
51. He took the bus to the ________________district. (commerce)
52. Many T.V ________________like watching this program. (view)
53. This magazine is read ________________by both teenagers and adults. (wide)
54. That film is too ________________. (violence)
55. The telegraph was ________________in the late 19 century. (invention)
56. The Internet has ________________developed since 1990s. (increase)
57. Please ________________to these questions before next Sunday. (response)
58. The air in this city is very ________________. (pollute)
59. The next stage in the development of television is ________________TV. (interact)
60. UFOs are just the ________________of some writers. (imagine)
61. The accident often happens because of driving ________________. (care)
62. She has ________________provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind)
63. I'm very ________________that they have spoiled this area. (disappointment)
64. You should work ________________. (hard)
65. We'll make this beach clean and ________________again. (beauty)
66. If the ________________goes on, what will happen? (pollute)
67. There is a ________________faucet in the bathroom. (drip)
68. We can protect the environment by ________________air pollution. (reduction))
69. I'm very ________________because they use electricity to catch fish. (worry)
70. We want to see the ________________of environment from you. (protect)
71. She was ________________pleased that she passed the exam. (extreme)
72. The old man is walking ________________to the park. (slow)
73. That's _______________! I'm pleased that you're working hard. (wonder)
74. The Sun can be an ________________source of power. (effect)
75. Solar energy doesn't cause ________________. (pollute)
76. This product will not only work _____________but also save energy. (effect)
77. ________________accounts for 10-15 percent of the electricity. (light)
78. There are many ________________in our country nowadays. (innovate)
79. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save ________________. (electric)
80. We must save our ________________resources. (nature)
81. You should have a mechanic check your motorcycle ______________. (regulation)
82. They don't have enough money to buy ________________equipment. (necessity)
83. There are many ________________throughout the year. (celebrate)
84. He wants to ________________ his room. (decoration)
85. Tet is a ________________festival of Vietnamese people. (joy)
86. He took part in many different charity ________________. (act)
87. He is very ________________. (humor)
88. I'm very ________________of my father. (pride)
89. We often go to the ________________house. (culture)
90. Thousands of people were ________________killed in that morning. (disaster)
91. There will be storms over the ________________highlands. (center)
92. Buy me some ________________food, please! (can)
93. Swimmers should be careful with strong ________________. (tidal)
94. The ________________of the volcanoes is always disastrous. (erupt)
95. He is one of the best ________________in the world. (science)
96. She has many ________________projects. (science)
97. The most ________________earthquake in Japan occurred in 19th century. (disaster)
98. “UFOs” means ________________Flying Objects. (identify)
99. Most of films are produced for ________________. (entertain)
100. The story about UFOs caught the _____________of the whole class. (imagine)
101. He is a famous ________________of CNN. (report)
102. She wishes she could sing ________________ (beauty)
103. The volcano Pinatubo in the Philippines ________________ again in 1991. (eruption)
104. At Passover, Jewish people celebrate ________________from slavery. (free)
105. In ________________language, typhoon means "big wind". (China)
106. Heavy rain made them drive ________________. (safe)
107. Computers are becoming ________________popular. (increase)
108. Most modern buildings have underground ________________lots. (park)
109. It is raining ________________, so I can't go out with you. (heavy)
110. He looked at me ________________when I broke the vase. (anger)
111. Is she really ________________that you couldn't come? (disappointment)
112. Let me congratulate you on the new ________________. (nominate)
113. Air _____________is our problem nowadays. (pollute)
114. ________________air makes people sick. (pollute)
115. What can we do to ________________the air pollution? (minimum)
116. She cooks very ________________. (good)
117. I'm ________________that they have spoiled the beach. (disappointment)
118. It's ________________that our environment is more and more polluted. (disappointment)
119. It is ________________, so the flight will be delayed. (fog)
120. Vegetables will become _______________and inedible if we use too much pesticide on them.
121. They have just ________________their house for Tet. (decoration)
122. The sense of humor ________________him from others. (distinct)
123. The bus is ________________with passengers. (crowd)
124. You should learn by heart all English ________________verbs. (regulation)
125. He is a skillful ________________. (electric)
126. The air in the countryside is very ________________. (purity)
127. Oxford is a university with an excellent ________________in England. (repute)
128. He has ________________in giving up smoking. (success)
129. He worked for an ________________bank in HCM City. (nation)
130. By learning English, we can get access to the world's _____________. (develop)
131. He was ________________in 1950. (prison)
132. He can't find out any ________________ reasons for his absence. (persuade)
133. To learn English is very ________________ (necessity)
134. This is one of the most serious ________________I have ever seen. (disastrous)
135. The scientists warned us about the ________________of the earthquake. (dangerous)
136. Water is a ________________liquid. (color)
137. Marconi, an Italian ________________, invented the radio. (science)
138. Computers are becoming _______________popular. (increase)
139. They ________________not to go to the seaside yesterday. (decision)
140. He ________________in passing last examination. (success)
141. She wants to become a ________________. (sing)
142. In the USA, Halloween Day is very ________________with children. (popularity)
143. What's your________________? (nation)
144. She's just ________________her house for Tet. (decoration)
145. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are ___________disasters. (nature)
146. He can't pass the examination without ________________ (prepare)
147. Nha Trang is ________________for its beaches. (fame)
148. Scientists have made many interesting ________________. (discover)
149. Earthquakes often come together with ________________eruption. (volcano)
150. The traffic had to stop because of the ________________weather. (wind)
151. In 1978, a pilot's ________________shocked the world. (appear)
152. Despite the ________________weather, the flight wasn't cancelled. (storm)
153. Teenagers are now ________________dressed. (fashion)
154. After working, he ________________with a cup of coffee. (relaxation)
155. They had some ________________in repairing that truck. (difficult)
156. You can give your parents ________________by passing the exam. (satisfy)
157. I have just received an ________________card from my friend. (invite)
158. The rose ________________the love. (symbol)
159. I want to ________________at that course. (attendance)
160. There is no ________________about that English course. (inform)
161. The word "byte" was ________________by computer specialists in 1959. (invention)
162. He was ________________because he couldn't pay his debts. (prison)
163. He is famous for his ________________. (generous)
164. You will be greeted ________________in our party. (warm)
165. Education is the top ________________in the USA. (prior)
166. I'm looking forward to seeing your ________________. (respond)
167. We ________________participated in many outdoor activities. (action)
168. Is her grandmother ________________or alive? (die)
169. We were very ________________that he refused to help us. (surprise)
170. She ________________answered my questions. (intelligence)
171. Everyone should do something to ________________the air pollution. (reduction)
172. They are very ________________that they couldn't win the match. (disappoint)
173. The students look very ________________before the interview. (nervousness)
174. I want to see the ________________of the environment from you. (protect)
175. Bahasa Malaysia is known ________________as Malay. (simple)
176. What is the official ________________in Thailand? (religious)
177. She can do this test in spite of its ________________. (difficult)
178. _____________-saving bulbs should be used to save electricity. (energetic)
179. There will be a ________________of fresh water in a few decades. (short)
180. How ________________she is singing! (beauty)
181. We should use energy ________________to save our natural resources. (economic)
182. I admire for his ____________in business. (succeed)
183. My brother's English is good enough to make a________________. (speak)
184. TV _____________can watch many programs on different channels. (view)
185. Our lives have improved since the Internet was _______________. (invention)
186. If you don't understand the problem. I'll________________it again. (explanation)
187. I can complete a ________________English test if you want. (speech)
188. These animals should be fed ________________. (regulation)
189. Tom laughed ________________because of the funny story. (happiness)
190. I want to _____________you on your excellent exam result. (congratulation)
191. What __________________did you take part in at school? (action)
192. The sense of _______________distinguishes him from others. (humorous)
193. The storm has ______________changed the direction. (abrupt)
194. Easter is one of the most ______________celebrations in the world. (popularity)
195. He is an excellent ________________in that restaurant. (cook)
196. The streets are _______________with people on Christmas's Day. (crowd)
197. Although she was very poor, she lived in ________________.. (happy)
198. I want to ________________my English. (improvement)
199. Nowadays, many ______________works can be carried out by robots. (danger)
200. He is one of the effective ________________in that volunteer program. (activity)

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