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Dark Street is a book about Tom Casey, a Detective who is going to meet Anna

Brodsky, a reporter. they go to a restaurant. they talk about crime.

in some other place, a man named Buck is trying to steal a car.

meanwhile, Tom and Anna talk about what a good detective does. he says that a
good detective tries to think like a criminal.

in the other part of the city Nancy green and her husband Paul are working late in
their shop when they realize someone is trying to steal their car. of course buck
is robbing. when Buck tries to run away he hits Paul green.

suddenly, Tom receives a phone call. he has to go, but Nancy wants to go with
him. both of them go to meet paul and Nancy green. Paul says the gas tank in the
car is almost empty. in that moment buck the thief stops to buy gas. the boy at
the gas station looks at the gold ring on bucks middle finger.

Anna and Tom think about where the thief could have gone. they decide to follow
their instincts. and they get to the gas station where they ask about the stolen
BMW. when the young man at the gas station described the thief, long red hair, a
gold ring, Tom realized it was Buck Jackson. Tom thought Buck wanted the car to
commit another crime for example rob a bank.

Buck hid in a factory where he met the Moran Brothers, famous bank robbers.
they are planning something.

Anna is in Tom's office. but two officers report they saw buck the Moran
Brothers and this stolen car in an old factory.

at 6:15 in the morning Tom receives a phone call saying buck has changed the
license plate to the same BMW car. they wonder why are they living at this time
it's too early. but Anna knows where are they going. they they are going to rob
the Central Security Company truck. so they go to the bank where the truck is
going and wait for the BMW, buck and the Moran brothers. when they arrive the
officers are waiting for them so they get arrested. In the end, Paul asks Anna to
go on a date.


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