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Department of Physics

• The goal of this module is to introduce student to physics
laboratory work, with little bit of independence.

• Student to obtain a clearer understanding of the physical

concepts and theory covered in the theory modules.

• Student to acquire experimental skills.

• Student to learn the skills of writing up a report.

• Student to work effectively in a small group.

Lab. work

Hands-on learning activity: Verifying and disproving

• Involves - Setting objective(s),

- establish a valid procedure

- perform the experiment

- get the results

- interpret the outcome and

- present the findings

Report Writing
Mark allocation for reports (rough guide only):

1. Heading
1.1 Date, Title, Author’s name and student number (4)
2. Abstract: Summary of the whole report (short
description of the aim, what was done, and the most
important results and conclusion). (6)
3. Introduction: should contain only the goal of the
experiment and an indication and relevant background
remarks. (6)
Report Writing
4. Theory: should contain the theory and/or physical principles
to be practically demonstrated or verified (relevant theory only)
5. Method
Procedure (10)
6. Results
1. Tables
2. Graphs
3. Calculations (40)
7. Discussion and conclusion (24)
Total mark: [100]
Report writing cont.
1. Heading
Date : 17 July 2018 Title: Measurement of resistance Name: M.S Dhlamini , Lab. Partner: B.M

2. Abstract:
Summary of the whole report.

3. Introduction:
In this experiments Ohm’s law was verified using the resistor of unknown magnitude. The current
across the resistor will be measured as the voltage is varied.

4. Theory
- theory to be tested
- the quantities to be measured
- expected results including theoretical values expected to be obtained.
- Definition of terms
- Relevant formulae
Report writing cont. EXAMPLE

• The resistance of an unknown electrical component will be measured

using Ohm’s law which states that the voltage (V), across a resistance
(R) and the current (I) through it are related by
V = IR.

It can be noticed from the above equation that voltage is directly

proportional. Thus, slope obtained from the linear relationship will give
• According to theory the discharge voltage varies according to

where V is the voltage across the capacitor, V0 is the voltage at time t =

0, R is the resistance of the circuit and C the capacitance. It can be
notice that voltage varies exponentially with time.
5. Method / Procedure

• List all apparatus used

• Draw diagram(s) to show the experimental setup
• Show quantities measured
• Briefly describe how the quantities were measured (in paragraphs,
NOT point form)
• Record electronic setting if applicable

(Sometimes your procedure will be different to the manual)


The following circuit was constructed. The voltage was varied from 0 to
10 V. The multimeter was used to measure the current and the voltage,
6. Results

• To be entered directly into your log-book

• Clearly present results (table)

• All measurements have errors. Explain where errors come from

• Pertinent comments on experimental results or other observation

• Mistakes should be explained, not erased

• Remember to include units and multiplicative factor, in the first raw, if
Voltage (V) Current (A)
(± 0.1 V) (±0.01A
1.0 0.10
2.0 0.20
3.0 0.30
4.0 0.40
5.0 0.50
6.0 0.60
7.0 0.68
8.0 0.78
9.0 0.88
10.0 0.92
1. Plot one graph per page (use ¾ ~75% of the page)

2. Use sensible scale

3. Label the axes

4. Units at quantities on axes (Also multiplicative factor)

5. Error bars if required

6. Heading

7. Calculations or sample calculations of the same analysis need to be

- Graph paper and linear regression
7. Discussion and conclusion

- Analysis of your results including errors

- Compare your results with the theory: Is this the trend you expected?
Is this value within the error bounds of your results? If not, why not?

Here you have to demonstrate your understanding of the physics

involved and the limitations of the experiment

• Brief summary of your findings

• Success of theory- do your results concur with the theoretical one?

• Limitation of the experiment

• Unexplained results

• Suggestions for improving the results and technique for further


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