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Vietnam's socio-economic development plan for the period 2015-2020 has been completed in all aspects and achieved many impressive results.
GDP growth recovered clearly after the period 2011-2015, maintaining a high speed. The IT and telecommunications industry has become an
important economic sector of the country(T. An, 2020). In 2019, revenue is estimated to reach 112 billion USD, contributing 14% to the
country's GDP (Boratyska 2019). With the rapid development of the economy, people and businesses tend to use more telecommunications
services. This can help Viettel increase sales, revenue and profits. In addition, economic development supports investment in telecommunications
infrastructure, including building coverage towers, expanding networks and providing better services. Having better telecommunications
infrastructure helps Viettel provide services that meet customer needs and expand the market. Vietnam's average inflation rate is basically
maintained at a low level, in 2017 and 2018 it was 1.41% and 1.48% respectively, and in 2019 it was 2.01%(S. Duchek, 2020). The average
consumer price index in 2020 increased by 3.23% compared to the previous year, achieving the goal of controlling inflation. This will stimulate
Viettel to increase investment, causing production to expand. Expanded production will create more jobs, reduce unemployment and increase
people's income.

In recent times, many new legal documents have appeared with important mechanisms and policies to promote internal resources, open
integration, promote investment, promote competition, and develop the network environment such as the Law on Enterprises. Enterprise,
Investment Law... This helps Viettel businesses reduce time and costs in complying with regulations related to business activities. And also
contributes to helping Viettel improve effectiveness and efficiency and ensure state management goals and promote business development.
According to Law No. 16/2012/QH13 of the National Assembly(Reuver, 2017): The Law on Advertising encourages organizations and
businesses to apply modern science and technology in designing and building advertising products and investing effectively. effective in
advertising. This helps Viettel businesses have a great advantage as a company specializing in IT and Telecommunications, promoting its
potential in marketing services to customers. With Viettel operating in the field of telecommunications and information technology, it must
comply with legal regulations related to this industry.
The technology environment has a great impact on Viettel company as well as other technology companies. First, the technology environment
creates new opportunities such as new technology trends, mobile phones, 5G networks, artificial intelligence and cloud. Therefore, Viettel has
taken advantage of these opportunities to develop new products and services as well as expand the market. Besides, the technology environment
is very competitive, with many technology companies and suppliers participating. This leads to Viettel having to find every way to maintain
competition, from providing better products and services, improving performance and reducing costs. In particular, the rapid development of
technology requires Viettel to ensure that its human resources are always updated with new knowledge and skills. This requires Viettel to invest
more in employee training as well as attract and retain talent in the technology industry.

Attitude towards tax: Starting from 2016 until now, the corporate tax rate has decreased and continues to remain at 20%. This is the lowest tax
rate in nearly 20 years (Trade Economics, industry competitors. 2023). With a low corporate tax rate, this is a favorable condition for Starbucks
to operate in Vietnam because the company can reduce its tax burden. This helps Viettel have more resources to reinvest in other company
activities such as service development, business expansion, etc. thereby increasing competitiveness with competitors.

Today people around the world are connected to each other through the Internet. Everyone from businesses, farmers, students, civil servants to
students all need to use high-speed Internet, which has stimulated demand for the telecommunications services industry. And the mobile future is
turning to a new page, when digital transformation has become an inevitable trend. Therefore, in the new phase, Viettel aims to convert to digital
telecommunications services, improve customer experience, explode smartphones to 100% of people, and provide universal Internet connection
services. object – IoT. This is a huge opportunity but there are also many challenges that require Viettel to strongly digitally transform, build a
digital culture, and build a digital service ecosystem for customers.


Answer all multiple-choice questions related to Porter's Five Forces:

1. Which of the following is NOT one of Porter's Five Forces?

d) Market segmentation (x)

2. Which force examines the power of customers to influence prices and demand?

c) Bargaining power of buyers (x)

3. Which force represents the likelihood of new competitors entering the market?

b) Threat of new entrants (x)

4. Which force evaluates the ability of suppliers to raise prices or reduce the quality of goods and services?

a) Bargaining power of suppliers (x)

5. Which force considers the availability and attractiveness of alternative products or services?

c) Threat of substitutes (x)

6. The intensity of competitive rivalry is typically high when:

c) There is low product differentiation (x)

7. Which force examines the extent to which customers are loyal to a particular brand or company?

b) Threat of substitutes (x)

8. Which force considers the influence of government regulations and policies on the industry?

d) Bargaining power of buyers (x)

9. Which force evaluates the potential impact of technological advancements on the industry?

c) Threat of substitutes (x)

10. Which force examines the ability of buyers to negotiate lower prices or higher quality?

c) Bargaining power of buyers (x)

11. In the aircraft manufacturing industry, at least for large commercial jets, Boeing and Airbus are the only competitors. There is not a
significant threat of entry because:

d. entering the aircraft manufacturing industry means violating government policies. (x)

12. Which of the following features about a buyer indicates that the buyer has high bargaining power?
d. When the buyer operates in an industry where products are undifferentiated. (x)

13. The relative bargaining power of suppliers is high when:

a. suppliers provide products that are differentiated. (x)

14. When fashion magazines face competition from fashion blogs on the web, which of the following forces in Michael Porter's five forces
model primarily gets stronger?
d. The threat of substitutes (x)

15. Competitive rivalry will be high if:

c. There are a few strong players in the industry (x)

1. The development of digital technology

The growing importance of 5G, Metaverse, impact of expanding broadband technology worldwide, Big Data, Blockchain, Internet of Things
( IoT) has been changing the world in which we live. This situation has led to a highly competitive market environment where innovation is
crucial for survival. Additionally, worldwide information technology spending is predicted to total $4.6 trillion by 2023, up 5.1% from 2022,
according to Nam(2022). The world's leading information technology research and consulting company). In general, in the current context,
technology experts interviewed by Vietnam Report all agreed that the online trend is the main trend and to do that, it is necessary to further
develop cloud technology ( Cloud), 5G telecommunications infrastructure, Fiber optic cable, Data Center, Mobile Web. This has opened up
many development opportunities for Viettel company

Viettel's response: With advances in digital technology, Viettel has been able to expand coverage and improve connectivity nationwide. This
includes the expansion of 4G and the deployment of 5G networks, allowing customers to access the Internet faster and more reliably. Besides,
Viettel has deployed digital services to meet the ever-changing needs of customers. The development of digital platforms and applications such
as ViettelPay (e-wallet), My Viettel (automated customer care) and Viettel Television (OTT entertainment) has allowed Viettel to diversify its
services and Penetrate into the digital services market(baochinhphu, 2022). Digital technology has revolutionized communication channels and
Viettel has taken advantage of these developments to improve product quality, giving customers the best experience. Through technological
innovations, Viettel has established itself as a leading company in the digital ecosystem, serving the growing needs of customers in Vietnam and

2. The importance of sustainability in the context of climate change:

Deloitte predicts that telecommunications companies worldwide will be able to reduce their carbon emissions by 2%, or 12 million tons of
carbon dioxide (CO2e), by 2024 and do the same again next year(VCCI, 2022) 2025. The telecommunications industry is not a particularly
egregious emitter: It connects more than 95% of the planet's people via wired and wireless networks but is directly responsible for only about
1.6% of emissions globally by 2022(VCCI, 2022).. The above has brought many opportunities for Viettel to develop because it has positively
impacted Viettel and brought long-term benefits to the company and the environment.

Viettel's response: Viettel has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability and climate change through implementing projects and programs to
reduce emissions and save energy, as well as promote technology development. green turmeric and limit the use of non-renewable
materials(Phạm, 2022). This shows that sustainability has been having a positive impact on Viettel and bringing long-term benefits to the
company, the community and the environment. First, implementing sustainable solutions can help reduce emissions and impacts caused by
business activities. This not only creates an efficient operating system but also helps Viettel participate in minimizing negative impacts on the
environment and climate. Second, it can create new business opportunities and strengthen Viettel's competition in the market.

3. The role of changing consumer graphs

The world's population today (2020) is growing at a rate of about 1.05% per year (down from 1.08% in 2019). The current average population
change is estimated at 80 million people per year. The world's population doubled (100% increase) in the 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999
(6 billion) (Kegan, 2020). It is estimated that it will take another 40 years for the world population to increase by another 50%, and will reach the
9 billion mark by 2037. The increase in population over the years brings many opportunities for Viettel company. As the global population
increases, this can lead to increased consumer demand in different sectors, which helps Viettel expand its different customer base and increase
profits for the company.

Viettel's response: Viettel has formed 6 key areas to create a digital society including: Digital infrastructure; Digital solutions; Digital content;
Digital Finance; Cyber Security and High-Tech Industrial Production Research(ITEP, 2021). By the end of 2020, all 6 of these areas of Viettel
have truly formed in terms of strategy, operating system and actual products and services provided to society. The company has invested heavily
in developing network infrastructure, developing advanced technology applications and enhancing telecommunications services. In essence,
Viettel has truly transformed from a telecommunications service provider into a digital service provider. Therefore, repositioning the brand to
suit the organization and customer needs. Applying information and communications technology to business processes has helped Viettel
strengthen management, optimize processes and improve work productivity.

4. Complexity of geopolitics

The tumultuous world of 2022: the Covid-19 pandemic, US-China strategic competition, Russia-Ukraine armed conflict... have been making the
world situation change rapidly and complicatedly, difficult to predict(IPC, 2020). Peace, cooperation and development are still major trends, but
they are facing many obstacles and difficulties, increasing risks to the political environment and international security, affecting Vietnam's
security and politics. Male. In the face of major changes in the world, Vietnam does not choose sides, but chooses justice, peace, dialogue and
international law, is diverse, flexible but has principles, puts national interests first. above all, for the peace and development of the country.
Therefore, this is a big challenge for Viettel in its operations and development in other countries around the world.

Viettel's response: when a country with political conflicts imposes measures to restrict investment and business from foreign companies. This
may affect Viettel's ability to expand and develop internationally. Besides, Viettel will encounter difficulties in operating and developing
international network services because countries implement strict network protection measures to ensure national security. In addition, Viettel
will suffer some serious impacts on its supply chain as well as the flow of goods and services. This directly impacts Viettel's operations because
the company depends on importing and exporting its telecommunications infrastructure.

5. The inevitability of structural transformation in the post-pandemic period

The pandemic is a global factor, it has seriously affected many sectors of companies, including the telecommunications industry. Many
telecommunications companies experience growth due to greater demand for services. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 1 in 5 workers in
the US worked primarily from home (Reuver, 2021). Now, 71% of that workforce has some type of hybrid or remote schedule(Reuver, 2021).
More remote employees means increased demand for communications solutions, a key factor driving growth in the telecommunications services
market. COVID-19 has accelerated our use of technology at work and at home. This has unintentionally become an opportunity for
telecommunications companies like Viettel because of increased customer demand. This helps the company expand its existing customer base
and improve company revenue.

Viettel's response: Viettel focuses on the group of goals of increasing customer experience through digital interaction channels, introducing
Callbot and Chatbot virtual assistant systems into sales and customer care activities. Currently, Viettel has shifted 97% of traffic and 89% of
users from traditional support channels to channels performed by virtual assistants(Reyns, 2021). In addition, Viettel has developed new services
on digital platforms, creating new sources of revenue growth such as Multisim service (allowing one SIM to be used on many devices), IoT
(internet of things technology). ), eSport (online sports) tournament, expanding the Viettel pay electronic payment ecosystem with 15 essential
industries and fields of life such as payment of electricity, water, telecommunications, online learning, etc. .. In foreign markets, Viettel also
promotes super application platforms, creating new customers for many markets such as Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar...

1. Development of digital technology:

Kpi 1 Viettel improves the security system to optimize the operating process

Cyber Security Viettel has built and developed a new generation security method based on cloud computing platform, applying new technologies
- SOC-as-a-Service. To help businesses solve security issues, reduce the burden of infrastructure costs, train and deploy human resources, and
improve response processes to cyber attacks. Besides, Viettel has developed a comprehensive set of information security monitoring solutions
suitable to the capacity of the business. and business needs.

2. The importance of sustainability (Climate change):

. KPI 4: Viettel complies with regulations on environmental protection laws

Viettel has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability and climate change through the implementation of projects and programs to reduce
emissions and save energy as well as promote technology development. green turmeric and limit the use of non-renewable materials. This shows
that sustainability has been having a positive impact on Viettel and bringing long-term benefits to the company, the community and the
environment. This not only creates an efficient operating system but also helps Viettel participate in minimizing negative impacts on the
environment and climate.

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