Eex 4294 Di-Udl-Lessontemplate

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Lesson Title: A Modest Proposal in Forming Arguments

Content Area: English Language Arts Grade Level: 10

Standards: (List the state or national standards that you are guiding in this lesson.)
ELA.10.R.2.4 Compare the development of two opposing arguments on….
ELA.10.C.1.3 Write to argue a position, supporting claims using….
ELA.10.C.4.1 Conduct research to answer a question, refining the scope
ELA.10.5.1 Create digital presentations to improve understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence
Found at:
Goal(s): As a result of this lesson students will…(understand, know, be able to do)
(Be sure to write a S.M.A.R.T. goal)
After reading “A Modest Proposal,” students will be able to write and research their own questions through their
scope in order to create a convincing argument that can be defended by their presentation at the end of the two wee

Materials and Resources:

A copy of “A Modest Proposal”
Paper and pens/pencils
Model materials (depends on group choice of presentation)
What will I differentiate? (Include only those that apply)
Content – Process – Product – Learning Environment – Affect
Content will be differentiated by allowing students to choose their own research topic that fits within the theme and
is appropriate.
Product will be differentiated by allowing students to choose their own type of visual presentation that will be used to
defend their research.
Learning environment will be differentiated by having students in small groups of 3-4 classmates, and them choosing
how much they collaborate on their scopes after picking a research question.
How will I differentiate? (Include only those that apply)
Student Readiness – Student Interest – Student Learning Profile
This is a lesson that relies on student interest. The areas where students have the option to choose are their research
topic, perspective, solution, and final presentation type/style.
The student learning profile will also be used to differentiate by having the final grade depend on both the individual
and group work assigned so that their personal learning needs can be enhanced by other students, but does not
penalize the group if they do not participate.

What UDL elements are included? (Include only those that apply)
I am differentiating through engagement by having students exhibit autonomy through choosing their own topic and
presentation style. They are collaborating with group members to form challenging goals by using various resources.
I am differentiating through representation by using background knowledge of argumentation to help guide them
through their research. Multiple forms of media are being used: lecture, online research, physical models, paper
I am differentiating through action and expression by having students plan their project together. They have the
choice on how to communicate through media, essay and presentation, and how to construct their final presentation
with various technologies available.

Instructional Grouping(s): (Whole group, small group, partners, homogeneous, heterogeneous)

The groups will be small and heterogenous, consisting of 3-4 students that are assigned randomly. This ensures that
each group has a different learning profile present and has a different perspective to contribute.
If this assignment took place at the end of the year after I am familiar with their work and how the students work
together in class, I would let the choose groups if it would not cause distraction or unfairness in work ethic.

Pre‐Assessment (How will you find out about where your students are at for this lesson? What will your
pre‐assessment look like?)
The pre-assessment would consist of reading “A Modest Proposal.” A class discussion will take place to evaluate the
students’ understanding of how to form an effective argument and use supporting points/information to validate an
argument. At the end of the discussion, I will create further instructions for the upcoming assignment for areas they are
struggling will, i.e how to conduct academic research or how to form a researchable question.
Steps in the Lesson (How are you facilitating learning? Include how UDL is used; how you’re differentiating
activities; formative assessment, etc.)
1. We will read the short story, discuss, and analyze as a class; answer ‘what makes a good argument?’; discussion
based pre assessment.
2. After pre-assessment, a mini lecture will take place to explain and elaborate on any issues or misunderstandings.
3. Students began working in groups to create a research question about a problem in the world.
4. Students pick a perspective to individually research this issue (historical, environmental, political, etc.)
5. Students will write a well-developed argument supporting their perspective to answer their original question. Their
essays are individual but have the option to use group members to discuss ideas or ask for opinions.
6. After the essays are complete, groups will come together and share their findings for their chosen perspective.
7. They will work together to create a solution to this issue addressed in their group question that is supported by their
research (think like spray on shoes in “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” when the MC could not tie his laces or
inventing a new GMO crop to solve world hunger). The solution can be as creative/imaginative or plausible as the
group wants as long as they can support their solution with evidence.
8. The group will create a visual presentation (powerpoint, model, etc) to demonstrate their solution and present their
research. This will act as the formative assessment in part with the final essay.

This lesson is supposed to take place over two weeks. Students have the option to work on it at home, but there is enough
class time given to have it all completed at school.

Closure Activity/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals of the lesson.
The students will present their findings and solutions to the class and have an anonymous vote to determine the project
with the best argument for their solution to their question.

Post‐Assessment: How will you determine students understanding, knowledge, and skill based on the
lesson? (This should align with the S.M.A.R.T. goal, UDL principles, and differentiation used)
Students’ understanding, knowledge, and skills gained with be evaluated by both the essay and the final presentation. Both
will be taken into account because some students do better with writing than public speaking and vice versa. This is done to
ensure students will have a grade based on their stronger skill and their weaker skill to create a reflective final grade. These
assignments both showcase what they have learned individually through research, what they have gained with their group,
and whether the can effectively form a well-supported argument.

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