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Point 1:

In the year 2023, Vice President Sara Duterte declared that it will no longer be
compulsory for public schools to wear uniforms, there are many who agree with his
statement and many who do not and I am one of them. As a student, I do not agree
that it should be implemented because there may be disadvantages to wearing it but
there are still more advantages to wearing it. First is the discipline of the
child, we can see that the child is disciplined when he follows this rule. This is
the first way to see and discipline the student.Thia is also a way to know that you
are a legitimate student at that school. It is good to look at a university or
school that you attend with the same clothes because it will look clean and you
will in my point of view they can save more money because they only buy one
uniform and can use it all year or the next year whereas when without a uniform,
you will think about what your child will wear every day. In addition, as I said
earlier, it can be a cause of bullying because people's life styles are not equal
and they can be bullied for the clothes they will wear just because a student is
wearing more fancy and beautiful clothes. I'm not saying to tolerate the behavior
of bullying because of the clothes and it's like the clothes are the fault of why
the student is being bullied. My point here is that we cannot control the mind of
every student and not all students are open minded so we cannot stop each one of
them. My only concern is the student's peace of mind. their attention should be
focused only on learning and not on what their classmates are saying. In short,
school uniforms keep student focused on their education or study, not their
clothes. As a student who always wear a uniform, it is better if a student wears a
uniform. You will look professional when you wear it. By wearing it, you will not
look different from other students, you are all equal, nothing is too much, nothing
is lacking. So when I wear my uniform I feel more confident when I come to school
and I know I'm not the only one because all my classmates feel the same
uniform can increase safety inside and outside school because they carry the symbol
of the school they attend. Students who wear uniform will realized how to respect
others, What I mean here is in that school you entered you are all equal, everyone
is belong in that school they entered. In addition to that, outsiders who do not
attend that school can be quickly recognized just by looking at their
uniforms.There are so many advantages to wearing a uniform and the most highlighted
reason for me is the safety of the student whether outside or inside the school.
Because when I was in the middle of elementary school, there was a scenario that
gave me anxiety, fear but at the same time it also taught me a lesson. And I want
to share that here so I'm not the only one who realizes it. In the story I'm going
to share, I want to share with you the lesson I got here and my realization. How it
changed my beliefs about wearing a uniform and how thankful I am for wearing it.Not
only to the person who helped me that day but also to the guardian, teacher, who
forced me to wear a uniform during those times, besides that I am also thankful to
DepEd who declared it. Because because of that uniform he saved my life. He changed
my belief and this is who I am today. I also want to share what I learned from that
incident, may you after reading this get a lesson like me and realize how important
it is to wear a uniform.

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