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Poetry Review

Wie es thematisch eingeordnet werden
1. Inhaltsfelder und inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
Klausurteile A und B:
• Politische, soziale und kulturelle Wirklichkeiten und ihre historischen Hintergründe
– Postkolonialismus – Lebenswirklichkeiten in einem weiteren anglophonen Kulturraum
Voices from the African Continent: Focus on Nigeria
– Literatur und Medien in ihrer Bedeutung für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft
• Globale Herausforderungen und Zukunftsvisionen
– Chancen und Risiken der Globalisierung
Voices from the African Continent: Focus on Nigeria
Globalization and global challenges: economic, ecological and political issues
2. Medien/Materialien
Klausurteil A:
• Literarischer Text
Klausurteil B:
• Sach- und Gebrauchstext

Outline the speaker’s views of Africa.

fasst die Einschätzung des lyrischen
Ichs bezüglich der gegenwärtigen
Situation seiner Heimat Afrika
den Reichtum an landschaftlicher
Schönheit und Vielfalt
Africa of high and low lands,
Africa of thick forest and shrubs,
Africa in which abound many rivers,
And natural wealth
Bountiful and splendid
die innere Zerrissenheit und das Fehlen
klarer Entwicklungsperspektiven
A race struggling within
For a place in the sky;
Wither do you go now?
die damit verbundene Stagnation

• Different parts of the text

• For example
• You strangulate between them (l.34)
• You are in great confusion(l.42)
• Knowing not how to mend the rags(l.49)
stellt die vom lyrischen Ich genannten
Gründe für die sich in unterschiedlichen
Lebensbereichen manifestierenden
gegenwärtigen Konflikte sowie die sich
daraus ergebende Schlussfolgerung dar
die Kolonialisierung als Ursache aktueller
When the white race
Had lunged upon you
A cloud overshadowed you,
In a wave of cultures
Like the mighty roars of the Atlantic
Across the beaches of Lagos.
You were torn apart,
Body and soul,
In bits of disgusting rags…
→an important argument regarding the effects of colonialization
→Unnatural borders were drawn to divide the land up among the colonial powers
French caricature (from 1885): German chancellor Bismarck divides the African continent among the colonial powers
die unreflektierte Übernahme westlicher
Einflüsse und Vermischung mit traditionellen
afrikanischen Lebensweisen
• For example:
When believers and ministers of imported religions
Go back to their African roots
You are an edifice of tattered cloths
When teachers and students of white knowledge
Go up and down in the mystery of the same
You are an effigy of the past.
When the series of the western trials
Have failed us as we have failed them.
You are in chaos.
When orthodox medicine swallowed tradomedics
Struggling to re-emerge.
You strangulate between them.
die nicht hinterfragte Rückbesinnung auf
althergebrachte Wertvorstellungen
When laws are turned upside down
And jungle justice and witchcraft reign.
You too are turned to rags
Metaphysical science still
Has a place in our wars.
When tradition goes on
In the presence of a foreign marriage.
You are in a great confusion.
die Notwendigkeit eines Aufbruchs in eine
selbstbestimmte Zukunft
And now, arise, Africa!
Wake up from your slumber, Africa!
You either be up or down the ladder
The present midway takes your breath.

Analyze how the speaker’s views are presented. Focus on

structure, use of language and poetic devices.
Analysis cf.

Three focal
points of the
• All of you have probably dealt with AI in general or with
ChatGPT. (AV)

• Lipton uses a specific use of language to emphasize

drastic and important information. (KT/AV)
• Are these measures set up too high? (AV, German)
• First of all, it becomes clear that Lipton is not in favor of
autonomous weapons. (KT)
• Everyone with a technical device is able to sign into the
Microsoft‘s AI program and can ask for AI generated
pictures according to their wishes. (AV)
• The imagery of a window, which is rapidly closing, shows
that the nations have to stop the unlimited use of AI-
controlled drones and weapons as soon as possible
before the window is closed and before major powers (US,
Russia, China) have and use such weapons.

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