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Validation and verification of measurement

methods in clinical chemistry

The present overview of validation and verification procedures in clinical chemistry focuses on the use of harmonized
concepts and nomenclature, fitness-for-purpose evaluations and procedures for minimizing overall measurement
and diagnostic uncertainty. The need for mutually accepted validation procedures in all fields of bioana­lysis becomes
obvious when they implement international accreditation and certification standards or their equivalents. The guide
on bioanalytical method validation published by the US FDA in 2001 represents a sensible compromise between
thoroughness and cost–effectiveness. Lacking comprehensive international agreements in the field, this document
has also been successfully adapted in other fields of bioana­lysis. European and international efforts aiming for
consensus in the entire field of bioana­lysis are currently being made. Manufacturers of highly automated in vitro
diagnostic methods provide the majority of measurement methods used in unmodified in clinical chemistry. Validated
by the manufacturers for their intended use and fitness-for-purpose, they need to be verified in the circumstances
of the end-users. As yet, there is unfortunately no general agreement on the extent of the verification
procedures needed.

Validation and verification of measurement The pharmaceutical industry has been and is Elvar Theodorsson
methods are procedures that aim to establish still a driving force in the development of valida- Clinical Chemistry, Department of
realistic expectations with the analyst and con- tion practices given the regulatory environ­ment Clinical & Experimental Medicine,
fidence with the end-user that the methods are they have been subject to early on. Clinical labo- Faculty of Health Sciences,
Linköping University, County
fit for their intended purposes. Different fields ratories are increasingly being accredited or certi- Council of Östergötland, Linköping,
of bioana­lysis have historically lacked a common fied according to ISO 17025, ISO 15189 or other Sweden
Author for correspondence:
theoretical and practical ground due not only similar quality systems. These laboratories are Tel.: +46 1328 6720
to differences in the tasks at hand, but also to therefore in need of generally accepted and cost- Fax: +46 1010 33240
differences in terminology and in calibration, effective protocols for validation. Theoretically, E-mail:

validation and quality control practices. Recent there are no limits to the extent of validation and
harmonization efforts in these areas [1,101,102] verification procedures. However, in practice,
confirm that all fields of bioana­lysis can share there are time and economic constraints. It is
the same principles and nomenclature cater- therefore crucial that validation and verification
ing for extensive harmonization of guidelines, efforts are optimized in order to maximize the
standards and practices. value gained for the resources spent.
In the early 1990s, the US FDA initiated This brief overview of validation and veri-
and supported conferences and harmonization fication methodologies in clinical chemistry
work on bioanalytical method validation [2,3] attempts to adhere to the currently accepted
that, in 2001, resulted in the ‘FDA Guidance guidelines in terminology and bioanalytical
for Industry – Bioanalytical Method Validation’ validation methodologies. The probable over-
guidelines [4,101] . They have been widely used, emphasis on certain aspects, for example, on
being suitable not only for the needs of the verification procedures and fitness-for-purpose
pharmaceutical industry but also for bioana- investigations, may be explained by the authors’
lytical methods in general [4] . In fact, lacking background in laboratory medicine and basic
similar international guidelines, this FDA docu- research. The current already extensive and
ment is widely used as standard reference for increasing use of commercially available meas-
validation of bioanalytical measurement meth- urement instruments and methods underscores
ods. European efforts in the field of validation the need for agreement on reasonable, but suf-
(European Medicines Agency’s Guidelines on ficient, methods for end-user verification of the
Validation of Bioanalytical Methods) [5] are manufacturer’s performance claims.
currently in progress.

10.4155/BIO.11.311 © Elvar Theodorsson Bioanalysis (2012) 4(3), 305–320 ISSN 1757-6180 305
R eview | Theodorsson

Terminology Measurement trueness is a qualitative con-

Bioanalytical method validation procedures cept, the ‘closeness of agreement between the
are used to test whether methods for measur- average of an infinite number of replicate meas-
ing concentrations of measurands in biological ured quantity values and a reference quantity
matrices are accurate and fit for the intended value’ [102] . Trueness is thus inversely related
purpose. Bioanalytical verification procedures to the measurement bias and a measure of
test whether the performance data obtained systematic error.
by manufacturers during method validation Measurement accuracy is a qualitative concept
can be reproduced in the environment of an describing the “closeness of agreement between
end-user. a measured quantity value and a true quantity
Validation and verification of measurement value of a measurand” [102]. It encompasses both
methods depend on detailed procedures writ- systematic and random error components.
ten using well-defined and generally accepted A measurement is more accurate when it offers
concepts and terms. The results of the validation a smaller measurement error, more true when the
and verification efforts also need to be summa- bias is small and more precise when the random
rised using concepts and terms understood by error is small. Precision is a qualitative concept
all in the same way. Lack of harmonization in and can only be expressed quantitatively as its
terminology has hampered development in these opposite – imprecision.
fields for a long time [6] , but the results of pain­ The SD is commonly expressed as relative
staking international work are slowly but surely SD/CV.
gaining wide acceptance [102–104] .
Amongst the most important terminology
CV% = c SD m # 100
concepts are the ones describing measurement x
error, uncertainty and their components. Equation 1
Menditto et al. recently published a figure
reproduced below (Figure 1) , which summa- Its advantage over the SD is that its size is
rizes the main concepts used in method valida- corrected for the position of the values on the
tion and verification in an intuitive manner in measurement scale. When the measurement
full harmony with the internationally accepted uncertainty is the same when measuring on the
nomenclature [7,102] . The total error consists both scale around 100 as on scale around 10, the SD is
of random and systematic components. These much higher when measuring around 100. This
two error components can be described quali- is compensated for in the coefficient of variation
tatively as precision and accuracy, respectively, by dividing the SD by the mean ( x ).
and measured/expressed quantitatively as SD Measurement uncertainty is a quantita-
and bias. tive expression of the measurement quality. Its

Performance Quantitative expression

Type of errors
characteristics of performance characteristics

Systematic error Trueness Bias

(Total) error Accuracy Measurement uncertainty

Random error Precision Standard deviation

(repeatability, reproducibility)

Figure 1. Qualitative and quantitative expressions of the type of error and their
combination. Since bias should be eliminated whenever possible, a dotted line is drawn between it
and measurement uncertainty.
Adapted with permission from [7] © Springer Science+Business Media.

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Temperature Lot-number changes

Reaction cell
Reagent Matrix effects
Measurement uncertainty

Different meaurement instruments Education level

Different measurement principles Length of employment

Laboratory Operator

Figure 2. Fishbone/cause and effect/Ischikawa diagram depicting common causes of

measurement uncertainty in laboratory medicine. Some of the components can be controlled
(e.g., the temperature) whereas, for example, bias due to lot-to-lot variation resulting from
production processes of the manufacturer cannot be controlled by the end-user laboratory.

components can be measured and/or estimated or variance component ana­lysis of the data. The
and added according to general rules for error top-down approach can identify components
calculation [105] . The uncertainty concept pub- of variation caused by different laboratories in
lished in 1993 as the ‘Guide to the expression of the same organisation, different measurement
uncertainty in measurement’ (GUM) [105] was instruments, different chemical principles in
the result of many years of dispute and delibera- measurement, different reagent lots, and so forth.
tions under the auspices of several international
organizations and replaces the former ‘error’ Validation or verification?
concept. According to International Vocabulary of
The components of variation are preferably Metrology 3 (VIM3), verification is ‘provision
depicted as fishbone/cause and effect/Ischikawa of objective evidence that a given item fulfils
diagrams (Figure 2) . Adding the contributions of specified requirements’ [102] and validation is
individual components of variation are appropri- ‘verification, where the specified requirements
ate when the components are well known and are adequate for the intended use’ [102] . If the
when their individual contribution to the over- method (reagents, procedure and the measure-
all measurement uncertainty can be measured ment instrument) is manufactured by a company
(bottom-up approach). or other reliable source that has performed proper
In laboratory medicine, measurement instru- method validation and who is providing you with
ments and reagents are commonly designed by the detailed results, a single laboratory method
the manufacturers as ‘black boxes’ precluding validation is not needed. Method verification as
the end-user controlling or measuring individ- described below is then appropriate.
ual components influencing the measurement
process. In these cases the end-user cannot Validation of measurement methods
measure the individual components of measure- Method validation is a specific kind of validation
ment uncertainty independently, and is unable “the process of defining an analytical requirement,
to add them using the bottom-up approach. A and confirming that the method under consid-
top-down approach for estimation of measure- eration has performance capabilities consistent
ment uncertainty can be used in this case and with what the application requires” [106] . Method
is also endorsed by GUM [105] . It measures the validation includes procedures that both establish
combination of the individual components of the performance characteristics and limitations
variation using a stable control material and of a measurement method (e.g., trueness, preci-
Key Term
can elucidate its individual components using sion, recovery, linearity, robustness) and establish
classical principles of experimental design and whether the performance characteristics of the Method verification:
Procedures to test to what
variance component ana­lysis. The same batch of measurement method being investigated are fit extent the performance data
a stable control material is measured daily or sev- for the intended purpose [8,9,106] . obtained by manufacturers
eral times daily over long periods of time, com- Method validation is performed to a varying during method validation can be
monly in the order of 2 years, and measurement extent depending on its intended use. Single reproduced in the environments
of end-users.
uncertainty estimated using ana­lysis of variance laboratory method validation [10] is appropriate

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Key Term where the method is used for a specific purpose n The method should be fully developed and
Full method validation:
in a specific laboratory by personnel with the optimized;
Consists of both a technical part appropriate training. Full method validation
n A written standard operating procedure for
and fit-for-purpose studies. includes, in addition to the procedures employed
the method should be available;
in single laboratory validation, an interlabora-
tory study (collaborative study/collaborative n The measurement instruments to be used
trial), which usually includes in the order of ten should be regularly technically controlled and
laboratories with many measurement instru- well maintained;
ments, several operators and so forth. The per-
n The persons performing the measurements
formance characteristics of the measurement
should have sufficient training and experience
method over extended periods of time are also
for the task;
studied in full method validation, including the
effects of lot-to-lot variation. n Appropriate calibrators should be available
Several national and international organi- and a supply (for at least 1 year) of suitable
sations have published general guidelines on stable materials (for at least two concentration
method validation [3,4,6,11–37,101,106–114] and spe- levels) for internal quality control purposes;
cific literature are available in analytical chem-
n The needs of the end user regarding fit-for-
istry [18,19,21,38–40] , toxicology [41] , clinical chem-
purpose of the method should be known.
istry/pathology [42–50,115,116] , the food industry
[10,50,51] and the pharmaceutical industry [52–57] .
Results of measurements of biomarkers regu- Measurement precision
lated by ISO 17025, ISO 15189 or by CLIA [117] Measurement precision is the “closeness between
can and are extensively used in the development indications or measured quantity values obtained
of pharmaceuticals. by replicate measurements on the same or similar
objects under the specified conditions of meas-
„„Single laboratory method validation urement” [102] . The quantitative expression of
Single laboratory method validation is appropri- precision is the SD or CV/CV%. The SD of the
ate when the method is to be used in a single estimate of the SD is:
laboratory for a well-defined group of custom-
ers who are using the particular laboratory and
SDs = 0.71 # SD
measurement method and no other. Single N
laboratory method validation is appropriate Equation 2
in the pharmaceutical industry where a single
laboratory and method is used for measuring all and is thus inversely proportional to the square
samples in a specified study, or in research labo- root of the number of replicates. Furthermore,
ratories where a single laboratory and method the computed SD (even when using N-1 in the
is used for the same study. In healthcare, the denominator – the Bessel’s correction) under-
samples from a patient are, over time, likely to estimates the true population SD, especially
be measured in different laboratories using dif- when the number of observations in the sam-
ferent methods as the patient visits primary care ple is low [58] . Therefore a ‘c4 correction’ [118]
and different levels of hospital care. In this case, is appropriate when estimating the population
full validation of all the methods a patient is SD from small samples. When N = 2 the SD is
likely to encounter is crucial, including efforts to too low by approximately 20%, when N = 10 it
minimize measurement uncertainty, in particu- is low by approximately 3%, and only low by
lar the effects of bias, which usually is by far the approximately 2% when N = 15.
major component contributing to measurement Measurement precision falls into one of the
uncertainty. If this not feasible, samples from following three following types: repeatabil-
the same patient should be measured using the ity, intermediate measurement precision and
same measurement method and measurement measurement reproducibility.
instrument over time using reference intervals
established for that particular method. Repeatability precision
Repeatability measurement precision is esti-
The basic prerequisites for method validation mated when ‘the same measurement procedure,
Before initiating method validation the following same operators, same measuring system, same
prerequisites should be fulfilled: operating conditions and same location, and

308 Bioanalysis (2012) 4(3) future science group

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replicate measurements on the same or similar measuring systems, and replicate measurements
objects over a short period of time’ [102] are used. on the same or similar objects” [102] . Validating
A short period of time is usually less than a measurement reproducibility is done as part of
working day of 8 h. Example of repeatability full method validation and described under that
condition is when a stable control material or heading below.
the same unknown sample is measured repeat-
edly on the same day. A prudent and cost-effec- Measurement bias
tive number of replicate measurements for esti- Systematic measurement error is the “closeness
mating repeatability precision are in the order of agreement between the average of an infinite
of 15, considering the relation of its uncertainty number of replicate measured quantity values
to the inverse of the square root and the c4 and a reference quantity value” [102] and measure-
correction. ment bias is the quantitative “estimate of a sys-
tematic error” [102] . The causes of bias are numer-
Intermediate measurement precision ous and their relative importance varies between
Intermediate measurement precision is measured measurement methods. They may include:
when “a set of conditions that includes the same
measurement procedure, same location, and n Bias in the preparation of the calibrator,
replicate measurements on the same or similar including erroneous volume measurements or
objects over an extended period of time, but may weighing of calibrators;
include other conditions involving changes” [102] . n Using sample matrix for the calibrators, which
The concept of between-days, between-series, differs from the matrix in the samples;
inter-series imprecision has earlier been used to
describe this type of imprecision. Intermediate n Interferences/matrix effects in the samples, for
measurement imprecision includes variation example, the colour of bilirubin and hemo-
due to new calibrations, new reagent lots, new globin in icteric and hemolytic samples in
operators and so forth. laboratory medicine or the presence of high
Intermediate imprecision is usually measured concentrations of lipids or proteins in the sam-
using stable control materials in two different ple (hyperlipidemia or myeloma). Manufac-
concentrations that are measured routinely/ turers commonly use samples from healthy
daily over extended periods of time for at least subjects for their validation studies, and the
1 year, but preferably during 2–3 years. It is real influence of matrix effects on the methods
crucial that all sources of variation included in may be fully evident only when the methods
intermediate imprecision, including lot-number are fully introduced in diagnosing and
changes are included in sufficient/appropriate monitoring seriously ill patients;
number of occurrences [59] . Laboratories using
homemade or commercially available competi-
n The presence of molecules in the sample spe-
tive radio immunoassays have ample evidence cifically interfering with the reagents used in
that intermediate imprecision may exceed 30% the measurement process, for example, hetero­
during observation periods of more than 1 year. philic antibodies (e.g., human antibodies
If the numbers of results obtained in each against mouse IgG frequently used in
series/day are the same, common two-way immunoassays);
ana­lysis of variance can be used to calculate n Uncorrected loss of measurand at extraction;
the total SD and its components of SD within
and between series. However, as is commonly n Instability of the sample during transport or
the case in clinical laboratories, the number of storage.
replicate observations in the series is unequal,
more advanced analysis of variance and variance Determining measurement bias
component ana­lysis models catering for unequal Measurement bias can be determined using one
number of observations each day/series should or more of the following approaches:
be used [60–63] .
n Purchasing certified reference materials from
Measurement reproducibility companies or organizations of high metro-
Measurement reproducibility is measured when logical competence and comparing the stated
“condition of measurement, out of a set of condi- concentration with the concentration your
tions that includes different locations, operators, own methods shows;

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n Comparing the concentrations your method Treatment of measurement bias

measured in natural samples with the conc­­ Proper treatment of measurement bias is cru-
entrations a reference method measured in the cial for comparability of measurement results.
same sample; GUM makes a case for the elimination of bias
[64] whenever feasible. Proponents of the ‘total
n Participating in programs for external quality
error concept’ are critical to the GUM – con-
control. Most of these programs are based on
cept and include bias in their calculations [65–70] .
consensus concentrations in modified control
Magnusson and Ellison have pointed out that
samples, but some are based on comparison to
situations are common where bias is known but
reference methods. The latter are frequently
where specific corrections cannot be justified.
They have reviewed methods for treatment of
n Measuring the recovery of the measurand in uncorrected bias and for the proper calculation
spiked natural samples; of its uncertainty [71] .
The presence of icterus, hemolysis, hyper-
n Comparing the serial dilution of a natural
lipidemia and hyperproteinemia is usually evi-
sample or that of a spiked natural sample with
dent and the information about intake of drugs
the serial dilution of the calibrator in the
interfering in the measurements can be acquired.
calibration curve;
The presence of matrix effects resulting in dif-
n Making studies of possible interferences/selec- ferent concentrations using different methods is
tivity. This is evidently very different amongst however harder, but not impossible to deal with.
different measurement methods and fields of Clinical laboratories handle a large number of
study. In laboratory medicine the studies of patient samples every day that are destroyed after
interferences by bilirubin, hemoglobin, lipids, the normal measurement procedure. These sam-
proteins and drugs are amongst the most ples can be used to estimate bias in case they are
important. VIM 3 defines selectivity as the sent to a ‘mentor laboratory’. A mentor laboratory
“property of a measuring system, used with a is one of the laboratories amongst a conglomerate
specified measurement procedure, whereby it of laboratories, usually within the same organi-
provides measured quantity values for one or sation, and connected by the same laboratory
more measurands such that the values of each information management system. This mentor
measurand are independent of other measur- laboratory has especially well calibrated and con-
ands or other quantities in the phenomenon, trolled methods and well educated and dedicated
body, or substance being investigated” [102] . personnel for the purpose of calibration and

Adept method
in an outpatient department

Adept method Natural patient samples

in small hospital laboratory Adept method
in a hospital ward
Natural patient samples

Adept method Mentor method Adept method

in small hospital laboratory e.g., in large hospital laboratory in an intensive care unit

Natural patient samples

Adept method
Adept method in primary healthcare
in small hospital laboratory Natural patient samples

Adept method
with individual patients

Figure 3. Mentor (split sample) technique used to monitor bias between a mentor
laboratory and its adept laboratories. Amongst the characteristics of the mentor laboratory are
highly motivated personnel and optimal calibration, traceability, internal quality control and external
proficiency testing. A perquisite for a practical system like this is appropriate information
technology [119] .

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Figure 4. Broad overview of mentor (split sample) results from several measurands and measuring instruments in a large
laboratory organisation.

quality control. After measurement in any of the the Levy–Jennings plot by a linear regression
other laboratories in the conglomerate, the sam- and bias plots showing the relation between bias
ple is sent to the mentor laboratory (split sample and the measurement level (Figure 6) .
technique) for ana­lysis in order to measure bias
(Figures 3 & 4) [119] and to estimate the relative Measuring interval
contribution of bias and random error of indi- The measuring interval/working interval/work-
vidual methods and measurement instruments to ing range/measuring range/measurement range
the measurement uncertainty (Figure 5) . is a “set of quantities of the same kind that can
In order to monitor the bias over time using be measured by a given measuring instrument
graphs it is an advantage to normalize the results or measuring system with specified instrumen-
in the following manner: tal uncertainty, under defined conditions” [102] .
The measuring interval is therefore dependent
Adept - Mentor on the extent to which the measuring system
Normalized = c m # 100
Mentor can produce results that are fit for the intended
Equation 3 purpose.
expressing the results of the adepts as percent- The lower limit of the measuring interval
age deviation from the 100% measured by the coincides with the LOQ (the lowest concentra-
mentor. The advantage of this is the ability to tion of the measurand that can be measured with
monitor changes of the bias over time using an acceptable uncertainty), which is higher than
Levey–Jenning plot to detect trends and monitor the LOD.
deviation using standard process/quality-control
methodologies (Figure 4) . The disadvantage is Linearity
that the level on the measurement scale is lost. There is a linear relationship between the con-
This can be compensated for by complementing centration and the signal in most, but not all

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Mtd Inst ColD Mean CV total% CV treat% CV error% CV% n
M1 2454 PPI 336.3 2658 2086 1804 2325 7
M1 2455 PPI 335.1 3126 07115 3180 4963 13
M1 3111 PPI 350.8 4719 2319 4222 4214 20
M1 3311 PPI 332.8 3546 2992 1946 2042 24

Figure 5. Mentor (split sample) and multivariate ana­lysis techniques used to estimate bias
(CV treat%) and random error (CV error%) components of measurement uncertainty for
several hematology measurement instruments measuring mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration in whole blood samples.

(e.g., competitive immunoassays) measure- Selectivity

ment methods. Evaluation of linearity is more The selectivity of a measuring system is a
often done to satisfy regulatory requirements “property of a measuring system, used with a
than as an integral part of the quality systems specified measurement procedure, whereby it
of laboratories. At least five, preferably ten provides measured quantity values for one or
samples spanning the measuring interval are more measurands such that the values of each
needed – five replicates of each sample. A serial measurand are independent of other measur-
dilution in an appropriate matrix of a sample ands or other quantities in the phenomenon,
containing high concentration of the measur- body, or substance being investigated” [102] .
and is suitable, or alternatively, commercially Selectivity is a qualitative concept describ-
available samples are prepared for the purpose. ing absence of interference/confounders in
An initial assessment of the linearity should be the measurement method in general, includ-
performed by constructing a scatter plot and a ing substances that cross-react in the meas-
linear regression of the response versus the con- urement, matrix effects in general and other
centration. Furthermore, a plot of the residu- effects, including the effects of heterophilic
als versus the concentration should be made. antibodies. The analyst should use her/his
Several formalized tests of linearity have been own experience and data from the literature in
proposed [39,72,73] , which are advantageous to order to systematically test for the interferences
visual estimation. that are most likely to affect the measurement
method in question [74,75] . Basic requirements
Sensitivity in clinical chemistry include tests for interfer-
The sensitivity of a measurement system is the ence in icteric, lipemic or hemolytic samples. It
‘quotient of the change in an indication of a is also highly valuable to test samples that have
measuring system and the corresponding change previously shown interference in other meth-
in value of a quantity being measured’ [102] . In ods. Such samples are prevalent, for example,
brief, sensitivity is the slope of the calibration in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases due to the
function. presence of heterophilic antibodies.

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n Repeated measurement of aliquots of a sample
The LOD is “measured quantity value, obtained with concentration near to the LOD: perform
by a given measurement procedure, for which the all steps of the measurement procedure on ten
probability of falsely claiming the absence of a aliquots of one or more sample(s) with con-
measurand in a material is b, given a probability centrations near to the LOD of the method,
a of falsely claiming its presence” [102] . each aliquot from each sample on separate
The LOD in qualitative methods is deter- days. Report LOD = 3.3 × SD [39] or use the
mined by spiking the blank solution by the order method proposed by Thienpont et al. [15] ;
of five different concentrations (e.g., five 1/2 n Using data from a linear calibration function:
dilutions) expected to have concentrations near calculate the LOD as:
to the LOD of the method. To determine LOD,
measure ten replicates of each of five different a + 3 = SD yx
concentrations in randomized order (the tool equation 4 been shown to be truly where a is the intercept on the x-axis and SDyx
random, and is a personal favorite), and deter- is SD of the residuals around the calibration
mine the concentration at which the percent curve [76] .
positive or negative becomes unreliable.
There are several alternative acceptable meth-
ods for determining the LOD which are pre- LOQ
ferred depending on the basic technology being The LOQ is not a concept defined in VIM3,
validated: but has been defined as “the lowest concen-
tration of measurand that can be determined
n Repeated measurement of blanks: for methods with an acceptable level of repeatability preci-
yielding fair signal when measuring blanks, the sion and trueness” [106] . It is commonly taken
following method can be used. Perform all steps to be 10 × SD where SD is the SD of the blank
of the measurement procedure on ten aliquots or of a sample containing very low concentra-
of a blank sample and report LOD = 5 × SD; tions of the measurand. Perform all steps of the

Figure 6. A mentor (split sample) technique used to estimate bias between a mentor
laboratory and one of its adept laboratories regarding measurement of the
concentration of hemoglobin in whole blood. (A) A traditional Levy–Jennings internal quality
control plot of the mentor results around the optimum of 100%. Each horizontal line represents
one SD. (B) A linear regression of the concentrations measured by the mentor in relation to the
corresponding concentration measured by the adept. (C) and (D) Bias plots of the absolute and
relative deviation of the results in relation to the mentor results.

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measurement procedure on ten aliquots of one back-calculated values for the standards at the
or more sample(s) with concentrations near to appropriate concentrations from the first day of
the LOD of the method, each aliquot from each long-term stability testing” [101] .
sample on separate days. Report LOD = 10 × SD
[39] or use the method proposed by Thienpont Sampling techniques
et al. [15] . The diagnostic relevance of “the accept- Patient preparation and preanalytical influences
able level of repeatability precision and trueness” on measurands in biological matrices are beyond
in clinical chemistry is not generally agreed, and the scope of the present presentation. They have
establishing the clinical use of diagnostic mark- been comprehensively dealt with, for example, by
ers is far from being only a technical matter, but Guder et al. [39] . The presence of coagulation pro-
rather is the subject of extensive clinical studies teins may interfere with the measurement method,
in patients [77] . making serum preferable to plasma. Similarly, anti-
coagulant additives may interfere in the measure-
Robustness ment process and their influence must therefore be
Robustness/ruggedness is “the ability of the meas- tested. Various enzyme inhibitors may be needed
urement method to withstand small changes in to stabilize the measurand, bur their influence on
its operating conditions” [39] . Robustness regard- the measurement procedure itself must also be
ing crucial measurement parameters particular investigated. The wealth of specialized literature
for the method, for example temperature or pH, should be consulted regarding each measurand and
should be tested systematically during validation the matrix in which it is to be measured.
preferably using one of the several available tools
for systematic experimental design [74] . Measurement uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty is a “non-negative
Storage stability of the measurand in the parameter characterizing the dispersion of the
sample matrix quantity values being attributed to a measur-
Stability of measurands in biological matrix and, based on the information used” [102] . It
depends on the properties of the measurand, includes both systematic and random compo-
the matrix and the storage conditions, includ- nents (Figure 1) . The initial estimate of meas-
ing the sample container, storage temperature urement uncertainty sufficient for single labo-
and exposure to light. A particular concern ratory method validation can be obtained from
regarding measurands in biological matrix is the method validation data [78,79] , but highly reliable
freeze–thaw cycles. estimates of measurement uncertainty are only
obtained after months and years of measur-
Freeze–thaw stability ing single batch of stabilized control materials,
The FDA recommends that “at least three aliq- including the contribution from all causes of
uots at each of the low and high concentrations variation (e.g., calibrations or changes of rea-
should be stored at the intended storage temper- gent lots) as part of full method validation. This
ature for 24 h and thawed unassisted at room was already emphasised by Walter Shewhart in
temperature” [101] . the 1930s [59] and needs to be rediscovered and
applied in practice by all engaged in measuring
Short-term temperature stability and monitoring variation.
The FDA validation document recommends that Since measurement methods are prone to
“three aliquots of each of the low and high con- matrix effects in stabilized control materials,
centrations should be thawed at room tempera- estimates of measurement reproducibility using
ture and kept at this temperature from 4–24 h these samples overestimate the uncertainty. Split-
(based on the expected duration that samples sample techniques using natural patient samples
will be maintained at room temperature in the as described in ‘Measurement reproducibility’
intended study) and analyzed” [101] . provide uncertainty estimates more close to the
real uncertainty experienced in healthcare [119] .
Long-term stability
The FDA document recommends “storing at least „„Full method validation
three aliquots of each of the low and high concen- Full method validation consists both of a techni-
trations under the same conditions as the study cal part and of fit-for-purpose studies – studies
samples. The concentrations of all the stability of the methods diagnostic properties in clinical
samples should be compared with the mean of chemistry.

314 Bioanalysis (2012) 4(3) future science group

Validation & verification of measurement methods in clinical chemistry | R eview
Full technical method validation It is therefore essential, whenever possible, to Key Term
Full technical method evaluation is performed as eliminate bias between measurement methods Full diagnostic method
described under single laboratory method valida- [64] in order to avoid separate reference inter- validation: Investigates the
tion extended to all measurement instruments vals and confusion and errors regarding medical diagnostic properties of the
and methods measuring the same measurand. decisions when monitoring disease and treat- method and the added value it
brings to the clinical diagnosis
Basically, it aims at minimizing measurement ment effects. This is an especially daunting task and monitoring of treatment
uncertainty and matrix effects for all methods when many measurement methods and laborato- effect.
that a patient sample is likely to encounter. Full ries are used in clinical diagnosis compared with
diagnostic method validation is seldom done by organisations where fewer centralized laborato-
routine end-user laboratories, and is commonly ries are used. A major contributor to measure-
done as a part of diagnostic research projects. ment uncertainty is bias caused by difference
All laboratories need to continuously monitor in calibrations, lot number changes and matrix
their measurement uncertainty in order to make effects, as described below.
sure that the uncertainty established during full
method validation is not exceeded. This is espe- Full diagnostic method validation
cially important since the evaluation of fit-for- Full diagnostic method validation in laboratory
purpose/diagnostic evaluation is dependent on medicine means investigating the diagnostic
the measurement uncertainty. properties of the method and the added value
Healthcare laboratories are frequently organ- it brings to the clinical diagnosis and monitor-
ised into larger laboratory organizations encom- ing of treatment effects. Galen and Gambino
passing several physical laboratories catering for established the statistical and epidemiological
diagnostic services for a defined region/popula- principles of full diagnostic method validation
tion. This caters for important new opportuni- and showed that ‘common sense’ interpretation
ties for redefining the concept of a ‘laboratory’ of data prevalent in clinical medicine should be
to encompass all laboratories and measurement replaced by rational principles [80] . Recent excel-
methods measuring the same measurand for a lent literature in the field includes the books by
population of patients. In order to make meas- Pepe [81] and Zhou et al. [82] .
urement results comparable, bias should be min- The basis of characterizing diagnostic per-
imized or eliminated and measurement uncer- formance is to have a well-accepted gold stand-
tainty properly evaluated for all methods used ard for diagnosis and estimating how well the
for a particular patient population. The meas- diagnostic method being validated performs in
urement as well as diagnostic uncertainty can relation to the gold standard method. Data are
be evaluated from internal and external quality depicted in a classical 2 × 2 table (Figure 7) and
control results using stabilized control materials the parameters/concepts depicted and defined
or natural patient samples. in table 1 are calculated.
The first important issue for making meas-
Measurement reproducibility urement results comparable is to eliminate
Measurement reproducibility is a “condition bias between measurement methods. This is
of measurement, out of a set of conditions that an especially daunting task when measure-
includes different locations, operators, measur- ment methods are used in clinical diagnosis
ing systems, and replicate measurements on the compared with fields where fewer centralized
same or similar objects” [102] .
In healthcare, a single patient may encounter Participants
results obtained over time from several differ-
ent measurement principles and methods as he With disease Without disease
False positives
visits different hospitals, outpatient departments Positive test True positives
(type I error) Total positive [PPV]
or when he makes his own measurements. In False negatives
many cases measurement results from different Negative test True negatives Total negative [NPV]
(type II error)
laboratories suffer from bias making it impos- Total with disease Total without
sible to draw any conclusions from the differ- disease
ences between measurement results. This is [Sensitivity] [Specificity]
frequently practically and partially remedied by
using establishing separate reference intervals for Figure 7. A 2 × 2 table serving as the basis for calculating sensitivity,
each measurement method, at high cost to the specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios (Table 1).
PPV: Positive predictive value; NPV: Negative predictive value.
patients and the healthcare system.

future science group 315

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Table 1. Definition and calculation of parameters/concepts describing diagnostic properties of measurement

Parameter/concept Formula/explanation
Diagnostic sensitivity is the proportion of those with disease who Number of true positives
Sensitivity =
have positive test results Total with disease
Diagnostic specificity is the proportion of those without disease Number of true negatives
Specificity =
who have negative test results Total without disease
The positive likelihood ratio is the ratio of the true-positive to the Sensitivity
LR + =
false-positive rate 1 - Specificity
The negative likelihood ratio is the ratio of the false-negative rate 1 - Sensitivity
LR - =
to the true-negative rate Specificity
DOR combines the concepts of sensitivity, specificity and DOR = LR +
likelihood ratios into a single number, this is particularly useful for LR -
combining study results in systematic reviews
ROC curves ROC curves show diagnostic properties of a measurement method
used to classify persons with or without disease as the decision limit
between health and disease is changed
PPV is the proportion of those with a positive test result who have Number of true positives
the disease; takes into account the prevalence of disease in the Total number of positives
target population
NPV is the proportion of those with negative test results who do Number of true negatives
not have the disease; takes into account the prevalence of disease Total number of negatives
in the target population
It should be noted that the prevalence of disease in the intended population is crucial for the predictive values, but not for the other parameters.
DOR: Diagnostic odds ratio; NPV: Negative predictive value; PPV: Positive predictive value; ROC: Receiver operating characteristic.

laboratories are used. Bias between results of ongoing quality control using patient samples
individually calibrated measurement methods analyzed at the different locations within the
in healthcare systems is a major contributor ‘laboratory’ [83] .
to diagnostic uncertainty when diagnosing
diseases and when monitoring the effects of Verification of measurement methods
treatment. The second issue for making meas- Measurement methods and instruments used
urement results comparable is stating the meas- in laboratory medicine in general, and clinical
urement uncertainty as well as the diagnostic chemistry in particular, are overwhelmingly
uncertainty. manufactured by large international companies.
By tradition, a laboratory is taken to be a These companies are responsible for the valida-
coherent single physical entity within, for tion of these methods for specific diagnostic or
example, a hospital. Laboratories are increas- monitoring purposes [84,101,120] , but customers
ingly joined into larger laboratory organizations are responsible for verifying that the character-
encompassing several physical laboratories. istics shown during validation can be reproduced
This caters for important new opportunities in the practical clinical situation.
for redefining the concept of a ‘laboratory’ to Local verification practices have commonly
encompass all laboratories and measurement been established over time and are frequently
methods measuring the same measurand, for influenced by accreditation and certification
all levels of healthcare within a geographical authorities. Published practices for end-user
area caring for a defined population in the verification officially endorsed both by the end-
order of 0.5–1 million inhabitants. In order users and by the companies have appeared only
to make measurement results comparable a recently [115,116] .
measurement uncertainty has to be evaluated In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices
for measurement results from this ‘laboratory’. are regulated in Europe by a third Medical
A major task in addition to all the routines Device Directive, the IVD Medical Device
already implemented would then be the task Directive 98/79/EC [120] , which has been
of minimizing the bias between results for mandatory since December 2003. Validation
patient samples transported between differ- of the performance of instruments and reagent
ent locations within the ‘laboratory’. In the kits are performed by the manufacturer. In the
clinical area, the bias can be monitored by an case of a measurement method established by a

316 Bioanalysis (2012) 4(3) future science group

Validation & verification of measurement methods in clinical chemistry | R eview
local laboratory, the same requirements apply if samples may also be used, and this may actu-
the method is meant to be used in healthcare. ally be an advantage when the medical deci-
The validation includes establishing compre- sion point is close to the LOD of the method.
hensive specifications for the instrument and/ Suitable stable materials for internal quality
or the reagent set and method, and should be control are measured at two levels in at least two
available to the end-user. The validation needs replicates for at least 5 consecutive days for esti-
to include reagent volumes, calibrator choice mating imprecision and for establishing initial
and performance, reagent composition, con- control limits for the internal quality control
trol material, interferences and so forth, as procedures. Linear regression [86,87] , bias-plot
appropriate. Last, but not at least, the clinical [88,89] and ana­lysis of variance [60] techniques
value of the results, for instance in terms of are used to determine bias, imprecision, matrix
diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, need to effects, and so forth (Figures 4 & 5) .
be sufficiently validated. The European IVD
directive [84,85,120] stipulates that measurement Future perspective
methods, reagents and instruments should be The need for mutually accepted validation
manufactured in such a way that they will not and verification procedures in clinical chem-
compromise the clinical condition or safety of istry as in all fields of bioana­lysis are obvious
the patients, the safety or health of users or, as international accreditation and certification
where applicable, other persons, or the safety standards or their equivalents are implemented.
of property. In addition, the Directive requires However, internationally agreed measurement
that the in vitro diagnostic device in the hands units and nomenclature are fully implemented
of its end users must achieve the performance only painfully slowly, as exemplified by the SI
stated by the manufacturer, including ana- system of units and the VIM. The entire world
lytical sensitivity, LOD, diagnostic sensitivity, is already extensively technically and economi-
analytical specificity, diagnostic specificity, cally integrated and in need of further harmo-
accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility and nization in the field of bioana­lysis. Hopefully,
control of known relevant interferences. such extensive harmonization is not more than
In practice, verification is usually restricted to a generation away.
comparison of methods experiments to establish
inaccuracy or bias, replication experiments to Financial & competing interests disclosure
establish imprecision and a linearity check to The author received financial support from The County
determine the reportable range and sometimes Council of Östergötland, Sweden. The author has no other
collecting reference values to verify the reference relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
range. Clinical laboratories commonly measure organization or entity with a financial interest in or finan-
in the order of 20–200 natural patient samples cial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed
having as wide concentration range as possi- in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
ble, using both the method being replaced and No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
the new method. At least two pooled patient this manuscript.

Executive summary
„„ Despite important developments during recent years, there is as yet no comprehensive agreement on validation and verification
procedures amongst the different fields of bioana­lysis.
„„ The need for mutually accepted validation procedures becomes obvious when international accreditation and certification standards or
their equivalents are implemented.
„„ A giant leap forward could be accomplished if all fields of bioana­lysis fully accept and implement the agreements and fundamental
documents in metrology – the mother discipline of all branches of bioana­lysis.
„„ The principles of metrology can be, and are being, implemented in the field of clinical chemistry, a field of bioana­lysis where common
validation procedures need to be extended by investigating the diagnostic properties of methods, and the added value they bring to the
clinical diagnosis of human disease conditions and to the monitoring of treatment effects.
„„ Measurement methods and instruments used in clinical chemistry are overwhelmingly manufactured by large international companies.
Such companies are responsible for the validation of these methods for specific diagnostic or monitoring purposes, but the customers
are responsible for verifying that the characteristics shown during validation can be reproduced in the local clinical situation. Proposals
for end-user verification officially endorsed both by the end-users and by the companies have appeared only recently.

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