Lec 5 Revised Combustion of Gaseous Fuels - 001

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■ Combustion is a unit process in which oxidation of a fuel with

oxygen takes place. The process is commonly employed for heat
■ Fuel can either be gaseous, liquid, or solid. Some fuels occur
naturally while the majority are products or by-products of
industrials processes.
I. Complete combustion
■ The complete combustion of a fuel means that all combustible components
are gasified: all carbon (whatever form it may exist in the fuel) is burned to
CO2; all hydrogen is converted to water and all sulfur to SO2.
■ The following reactions are considered for complete combustion:
C + O2 → CO2
H2 + O2 → H2 O
S + O2 → SO2

■ The general combustion of any organic fuel (CwHxOySz) is given by

1 x x
Cw Hx Oy Sz + 2w + + 2z − y O2 → wCO2 + H2 O + zSO2
2 2 2
Theoretical Oxygen and Theoretical Air

■ Theoretical oxygen is the stoichiometric amount of oxygen

required for complete combustion of a fuel.
■ Theoretical air is the amount of air that contains the exact
amount of theoretical O2. For most calculations, air is
assumed to be 21% by mole O2 and 79% N2. N2 is non-
combustible and acts as diluent to O2 in air.

■ Determine the theoretical moles of dry air required for the

combustion of 100 moles of refinery gases containing 6% H2S,
5% H2, 57% C3H8, 2% CO2, and 30% C4H10.
Approach 1
■ Basis: 100 mole of gas
■ Write individual reaction of each combustible gas and relate stoichiometric amount of O2:
H2S + 3/2O2 → SO2 + H2O
1.5 mol O2
6 mol H2 S = 9 mol O2
1 mol H2 S
H2 + 1/2O2 → H2O
0.5 mol O2
5 mol H2 = 2.5 mol O2
1 mol H2
C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O
5 mol O2
57 mol C3 H8 = 285 mol O2
1 mol C3 H8
C4H10 + 13/2O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O
6.5 mol O2
30 mol C4H10 = 195 mol O2
1 mol C4H10
Approach 1

■ Add the stoichiometric amounts of O2 from each reaction to get

the theoretical O2. Get the theoretical air from its assumed
composition (21% O2, 79% O2).

Theo O2 = 9 + 2.5 + 285 + 195 = 491.5 mol O2

100 mol air

Theo air = 491.5 mol O2 = 2340.48 mol air
21 mol O2
Approach 2
■ Basis: 100 mole of gas
■ Break down fuel into corresponding atoms of C, H, S, and O. One mole of C requires 1 mole
of O2, one mole of S requires 1 mole of O2 and one mole of H require ¼ mole of O2. The
total moles of O2 in the fuel is subtracted from the O2 requirements to give the theoretical
moles of H
Theo O2 = moles of C + moles of S + − moles O2

Gas Mole Mole C Mole H Mole S Mole O2

H2S 6 0 12 6 0
H2 5 0 10 0 0
C3H8 57 171 456 0 0
C4H10 30 120 300 0 0
CO2 2 2 0 0 2
Total 100 293 778 6 2
Approach 2

■ Using the formula for theoretical air on the given fuel:

Theo O2 = 293 + + 6 − 2 = 491.5 mol O2
Get the theoretical air from its assumed composition (21% O2,
79% N2).
100 mol air
Theo air = 491.5 mol O2 = 2340.48 mol air
21 mol O2
Excess Air
■ In actual practice, theoretical air is not sufficient to get complete
combustion. Excess air is the amount of air supplied over that is
theoretically needed for complete combustion. Excess O2 is the
corresponding amount of O2 in the excess air.

Excess O2 = 𝑆upplied O2 − Theo O2

■ Percentage excess air is the ratio of excess O2 over the theoretical O2,
expressed in percentage. It is equivalent to percentage excess O2.

Excess O2 Supplied O2 − Theo O2

% Excess Air = x100 = x100
Theo O2 Theo O2
■ One hundred mol/h of butane (C4H10) and 5000 mol/h of air are fed
into a combustion reactor. Calculate the percent excess air.
Basis: 1 hr of operation (100 moles C4H10 and 5000 moles air)
Reaction: C4H10 + 13/2 O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O
6.5 mol O2 100 mol air
Theo air = 100 molC4H10
1 mol C4 H10 21 mol O2
= 3095.24 mol air

5000 − 3095.24
% excess = x100 = 61.5%
II. Incomplete combustion

■ Incomplete combustion occurs when the carbon is not

completely burnt to CO2, sulfur is not completely burnt to SO2,
and there are unburned combustibles from the fuel. During
incomplete combustion, the following combustion reactions are
also occurring
C + 1/2O2 → CO
S + 3/2O2 → SO3
■ Incomplete combustion represent loss of heat from the fuel
since this should have been given off for additional power use
had the fuel been completely burnt.
Gaseous Fuels

■ Gaseous fuels of value in commerce include natural

hydrocarbon gases manufactured solely for use as fuels and
gases obtained as by-products of some industries.
■ Classification of gaseous fuels
a) Natural gas
b) Manufacture gas
Natural gas

■ Natural gas are naturally-occurring gases associated with

petroleum oil deposits, with coal seams or with the decay of
organic matter.
■ Common composition of natural gas includes hydrocarbons like
methane, ethane, and propane.
Manufacture gases
■ Manufacture gases are obtained as by-product (4) From petroleum and oil shale
from industrial processes.
(i) by cracking (refinery gas)
(1) From wood – by distillation or carbonization
(ii) by hydrogenation (oil gas)
(wood gas)
(iii) by water gas reaction (oil gas)
(2) From peat – by distillation or carbonization (peat
gas) (iv) by partial oxidation (oil gas)
(3) From coal – by carbonization (coal gas) (5) From carbides with water (acetylene)
By gasification: (6) From electrolysis of water (H2 gas)
(i) in air (producer gas)
(ii) in air and steam (water gas)
(iii) in O2 and steam (Lurgi gas)
By hydrogenation: as by-product of ore reduction –
(blast furnace gas)
Combustion of gaseous fuel
■ Fuel gas enters the combustion chamber and is burned with air
supplied in excess. The product gas leaving the chamber is
called a flue gas or stack gas.
■ Composition of flue gas may be reported on a wet or dry basis.


Fuel gas Flue/stack gas
Dry and wet basis

■ Gas composition can be reported on a dry or wet basis.

■ Composition in wet basis reports the component mole fraction of
each component, including water.
■ Composition in dry basis (also referred to as Orsat analysis)
reports the composition mole fraction of each component,
excluding water.
Orsat gas analyzer
■ An Orsat gas analyzer is an instrument
used to analyze gas samples for its O2, CO,
and CO2 content.
■ The apparatus consists of calibrated
water-jacketed glass burette connected to
three absorption pipettes by glass tubing.
■ The absorbents used are:
(1) Potassium hydroxide (for CO2)
(2) Pyrogallol (for O2)
(3) Ammoniacal cuprous chloride (for CO)
■ An Orsat analysis yield the following dry basis composition:
Gas Mole percent
N2 65
CO2 14
CO 11
O2 10

A humidity measurement shows that the mole fraction of H2O in the

stack gas is 0.0700. Calculate the stack gas composition on a wet
■ Basis: 100 moles of dry gas
mol H2 O mol dry gas
0.0700 → 0.930
mol wet gas mol wet gas
0.0700 mol H2 O/mol wet gas mol H2 O
= 0.0753
0.930 mol dry gas/mol wet gas mol dry gas
Hence the gas in the assumed basis contains:

mol H2 O
100 mol dry gas 0.0753 = 7.53 mol H2 O
mol dry gas
mol N2
100 mol dry gas 0.650 = 65.0 mol N2
mol dry gas
100 0.140 = 14.0 mol CO2
100 0.110 = 11.0 mol CO
100 0.100 = 10.0 mol O2
■ Getting the total moles of wet gas:
mol wet gas = 7.53 + 65.0 + 14.0 + 11.0 + 10.0 = 107.5 mol wet gas
The mole fraction of each component in the flue gas is calculated as follows:
y H2 O = = 0.070

yN2 = = 0.605

yCO2 = = 0.130

yCO = = 0.102

yO2 = = 0.093
Calculations Based on Fuel Analysis

a) From the complete analysis of the fuel, the theoretical oxygen

and the calorific value can be determined.
b) If data on air (% excess air or amount of air supplied) is given
together with the degree if completion, the following can be
(1) Composition analysis (wet or dry basis)
(2) Air-fuel ratio
(3) Stack gas-fuel ratio
Example 1

■ Pure ethane (C2H6) is burned completely in 20% excess air. Air is supplied
at 25oC and 740 mmHg and is substantially dry. Calculate:
a) the Orsat analysis of the flue gas
b) kg dry air supplied/kg of fuel gas
c) m3 of air/kg ethane
d) m3 of flue gases measured at 400oC and 100 kPa/kg ethane
e) partial pressure of water in the flue gas
■ Basis: 1 kmol C2H6 (30 kg C2H6) ≈ 2C kmol ≈ 6H kmol ≈ 3H2 kmol
■ Process Flowchart:

20% excess
25oC, 740 mmHg Combustion Flue gas
chamber 400oC, 100 kPa

Fuel gas
1 kmol C2H6

1 kmol O2 1 kmol O2
Theo O2 = 2 kmol C + 6 kmol H = 3.5 kmol O2
1 kmol C 4 kmol H
Supplied O2 = 3.5 1.2 = 4.2 kmol O2
Supplied N2 = 4.2 = 15.8 kmol N2
Free O2 = Excess O2 = 4.2 − 3.5 = 0.7 kmol O2
CO2 formed = 2 = 2 kmol CO2
a) Orsat analysis of the flue gas
Gas Moles Mole percent
CO2 2 10.81
O2 0.7 3.78
N2 15.8 85.41
Total 18.5 100.00

b) kg dry air/kg fuel

kg dry air 4.2 + 15.8 29 kg dry air
= = 19.33
kg fuel 30 kg fuel
c) m3 dry air/kg ethane
760 273 + 25
m3 dry air 4.2 + 15.8 22.4 m3 dry air
740 273
= = 16.74
kg ethane 30 kg ethane
d) m3 of flue gases measured at 400oC and 100 kPa/kg ethane
mole H2 O = 6 = 3 kmol H2 O
Total no of moles=18.5 + 3 = 21.5 mols of flue gas

101.325 273 + 400

m flue gas 21.5 22.4 m3 flue gas
100 273
= = 40.1
kg ethane 30 kg ethane
e) partial pressure of water in the flue gas
PH2 O = yH2 O P = 100 = 13.953 kPa
18.5 + 3
Example 2

■ Pure methane is burned with 40% excess air and 25% of its carbon content
is converted to CO, the rest to CO2, 90% of its hydrogen burns to water and
the rest remains as unburned H2. Air is supplied at 23oC, 758 mmHg with
80% RH. Calculate:
a) Orsat analysis of the combustion products
b) m3 of air supplied per kg of methane
c) m3 of combustion products at 350oC and standard atmospheric pressure
per kilogram of methane
■ Basis: 1 kmol CH4 (16 kg CH4)≈ 1 kmol C ≈ 4 kmol H≈ 2H2 kmol
■ Process Flowchart:
40% excess, 80% RH
23oC, 758 mmHg Combustion Flue gas
chamber 350oC, 1 atm
Fuel gas
1 kmol CH4
Theo O2 = 1 + = 2 kmol O2
Supplied O2 = 2 1.4 = 2.8 kmol O2
Supplied N2 = 2.8 = 10.53 kmol N2
CO formed = 0.25 1 = 0.25 kmol CO
CO2 formed = (0.75) (1) = 0.75 kmol CO2
1kmol H2 1 kmol H2 O
H2 O formed = 4 kmol H 0.9 = 1.8 kmol H2 O
2 kmol H 1 kmol H2
Unburned H2 = 2 0.1 = 0.2 kmol H2
𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑂 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑡 𝐻2 0.25 0.2
Free O2 = Excess O2 + + = 0.8 + + = 1.025 kmol O2
2 2 2 2
Actual Combustion

1 C + 1 O2 → 1 CO2
0.75 0.75 0.75
1 C + 1/2 O2 → 1 CO
0.25 =(0.25)/ 0.25
1 H2 + 1/2 O2 → 1 H2O
=2(0.9) =(1.8)/2
= 1.8 = 0.9 1.8
Total 1.775

Free O2=O2 supplied – O2 used for actual combustion=2.8-1.775=1.025 kmol

a) Orsat analysis of the flue gas

Gas Moles Mole percent

CO2 0.75 5.88
CO 0.25 1.96
H2 0.20 1.57
O2 1.025 8.03
N2 10.533 82.56
Total 12.758 100.00
b) m3 air/kg methane
The vapor pressure of water at 23oC can be calculated from the Antoine equation:
log10 P mmHg = 7.96681 − o
T( C) + 228
Pwsat 23o C = 20.92 mmHg
Pw Pw
%RH = sat x100 = 80 = x100
Pw 20.92
Pw = 16.736 mmHg
Pw 16.736
moles water from air = ndry air = (2.8 + 10.533)
Pdry air 758 − 16.736
moles water from air = 0.301 kmol H2 O

760 273 + 23
m3 air 2.8 + 10.533 + 0.301 22.4 𝑚3 𝑎𝑖𝑟
758 273
= = 20.75
kg methane 16 𝑘𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑒
c) m3 flue gas/kg methane

moles of H2 O in flue gas = 0.301 + 1.8 = 2.101 kmol H2 O

273 + 350
m3 flue gas 12.758 + 2.101 22.4 𝑚3 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑔𝑎𝑠
= = 47.47
kg methane 16 𝑘𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑒
Example 3

■ Coal gas at 15oC, 760 mmHg and saturated with water vapor is burned in a
furnace. Air with 60% RH is supplied at a rate of 5.7 m3/m3 coal gas and
enters at the same temperature and pressure as the coal gas. The coal gas
analyzes 1.4% CO2, 2.7% C2H2, 0.7% O2, 5.8% CO, 53.2% H2, 29.6% CH4,
and 6.6% N2. The molar ratio of CO2 to CO in the stack gas is 10:1. All the
H2 in the fuel is burned to water. The stack gas leaves at 400oC and 100
kPa. Calculate
a) % excess air
b) Orsat analysis of the stack gas
c) m3 stack gas/m3 of coal gas
■ Basis: 10000 m3 coal gas
■ Process Flowchart:

5.7m3/m3 coal gas
60% RH Combustion Flue gas
chamber 400oC, 100 kPa
Coal gas
760 mmHg (saturated)
1.4% CO2
2.7% C2H2
0.7% O2
5.8% CO
53.2% H2
29.6% CH4
Basis: 10000 m3 coal gas
air volume = 57000 m3
The vapor pressure of water in air at 15oC is calculated from the Antoine
log10 Pw mmHg = 7.96683 −
228 + 15
Pwsat = 12.64 mmHg

1 760 − 12.64 273

moles dry coal gas = 10000
22.4 760 273 + 15
= 416.14 kmol

moles H2 O from coal gas = 416.14 = 7.04 kmol H2 O
Gas Mole Mole C Mole H Mole O2
CO2 5.83 5.83 0 5.83
C2H2 11.24 22.48 22.48 0
O2 2.91 0 0 2.91
CO 24.14 24.14 0 12.07
H2 221.39 0 442.78 0
CH4 123.18 123.18 492.72 0
N2 27.47 0 0 0
Total 416.14 175.63 957.98 20.81
Theo O2 = 175.63 + − 20.81 = 394.32 kmol O2
1 273
Moles wet air = 57000 = 2412.11 kmol wet air
22.4 273 + 15
760 − 12.64 0.6
Moles dry air = 2412.11 = 2388.04 kmol dry air
mol O2 from air = 0.21 2388.04 = 501.49 kmol O2
mol N2 from air = 0.79 2388.04 = 1886.55 kmol N2
mol H2 O from air = 2412.11 − 2388.04 = 24.07 kmol H2 O
a) % excess O2
501.49 − 394.32
% excess = 𝑥100 = 27.18%

mole CO2 formed = 175.63 mol C = 159.66 kmol CO2
mole CO formed = 175.63 = 15.97 kmol CO
Free O2 = 501.49 − 394.32 + = 115.16 kmol O2
moles N2 = 27.47 + 1886.55 = 1914.02 kmol N2
b) Orsat analysis
Gas Moles (kmol) Mole percent
CO2 159.66 7.24
CO 15.97 0.72
O2 115.16 5.23
N2 1914.02 86.81
Total 2204.81 100.00
moles H2 O from combustion = = 478.99 kmol H2 O

moles H2 O total = 478.99 + 24.07 + 7.04 = 510.1 kmol H2 O

c) m3 stack gas/m3 coal gas

101.325 273 + 400
m3 flue gas 2204.81 + 510.1 22.4 100 273
3 = = 15.19
m coal gas 10000
Calculations Based on Flue Gas Analysis
a) If the N2 in the fuel is negligible, the N2 in the flue gas may be assumed to be
all coming from air.
mole CO mol H2
b) Excess O2 may be calculated as: Excess O2 = mole free O2 − 2 − 2
c) An O2 balance will determine the unaccounted O2. This O2 is used to burn H2 to
water and is not included in the Orsat analysis.
d) When losses of combustible matter such as soot are small, all carbon in the
fuel are accounted for in the stack gas.
e) The net hydrogen is the hydrogen in the fuel that uses O2 from air for
combustion. The net hydrogen is equal to the total hydrogen in the fuel if no O2
is present in the fuel.
Example 1

■ A pure saturated hydrocarbon (CnH2n+2) is burned with excess air. Orsat

analysis of the products of combustion shows 9.08% CO2, 1.63% CO,
5.28% O2 and no free H2. Calculate:
a) the formula of the hydrocarbon
b) % excess air
c) kg dry air/kg of hydrocarbon
■ Basis: 100 kmol flue gas
■ Process Flowchart:

Air Flue gas, 100 kmol

Combustion 9.08% CO2
1.63% CO
Fuel gas 5.28% O2
mol N2 = 100 − 9.08 − 1.63 − 5.28 = 84.01 kmol N2
mol O2 from air = 84.01 = 22.33 kmol O2
unaccounted O2 = 22.33 − 9.08 + + 5.28 = 7.16 kmol O2
net H2 = H2 in the fuel = 7.16 2 = 14.32 kmol H2
total mol H in the fuel = 14.32 2 = 28.64 kmol H
total mole C in the fuel = 9.08 + 1.63 = 10.71 kmol C
mol C 10.71 n
= =
mol H 28.64 2n + 2

a) Formula of the hydrocarbon
Since n = 3, the formula of the hydrocarbon is C3H8 (propane).

Excess O2 = 5.28 − = 4.465 mol O2
b) % excess air

% excess air = x100 = 25%
22.33 − 4.465

c) kg dry air/kg hydrocarbon

kg dry air (84.01 + 22.33)(29)

= = 19.62
kg hydrocarbon 10.71 12 + 28.64
Example 2

■ Orsat analysis of the stack gas from the combustion of a gaseous mixture
of acetylene and methane shows 9.82% CO2, 1.37% CO, 0.69% H2, 5.43%
O2 and 82.69% N2. Determine:
a) % excess air
b) composition of the fuel used
c) mole percent composition of the gaseous fuel
d) m3 wet air supplied at 26oC, 765 mmHg and 70% RH per kg of fuel
■ Basis: 100 moles of dry flue gas
■ Process Flowchart:
Flue gas (dry basis)
26oC, 765 mmHg
70% RH Combustion 9.82% CO2
1.37% CO
Fuel gas 0.69% H2
C2H2 5.43% O2
CH4 82.69% N2
a) O2 from air = 82.69 = 21.98 mol O2
1.37 0.69
Excess O2 = 5.43 − − = 4.4 mol O2
2 2
Unaccounted O2 = 21.98 − 9.82 + + 5.42 = 6.045 mol O2
Net mole H2 burned to H2 O = 6.045 2 = 12.09 mol H2
Total moles H2 in fuel = 12.09 + 0.69 = 12.78 mol H2
Total moles H in fuel = 12.78 2 = 25.56 mol H
Total mole C in fuel = 9.82 + 1.37 = 11.19 mol C
b) Let x = moles C2H2, y = mole CH4
C balance:
2x + y = 11.19
H balance:
2x + 4y = 25.56
Solving these equations simultaneously
x = 3.2 mol C2 H2 , y = 4.79 mol CH4

% C2 H2 = x100 = 40.05%
3.2 + 4.79

% CH4 = x100 = 59.95%
3.2 + 4.79
The vapor pressure of water 26oC is calculated from the Antoine equation:
log10 Pw mmHg = 7.96681 −
228 + 26
Pwsat = 25.06 mmHg

moles of H2 O from air = 21.98 + 82.69 = 2.457 moles H2 O
765 − 25.06(0.7)
c) m3 wet air/kg fuel
760 273 + 26
m3 wet air 21.98 + 82.69 + 2.457 22.4
765 273
= = 16.335
kg fuel 4.79 16 + 3.2(26)
Calculations Based on Partial Analysis of
Flue Gas

a) From the complete analysis of the fuel, the theoretical O2 can be

determined: O2 and N2 from air can be expressed in terms of the
theoretical O2 and the unknown excess O2.
b) Carbon is used as a tie substance to relate the fuel with the stack gas.
Example 1

■ The burning of pure butane with excess air gives a stack gas which
analyzes 11.55% CO2 on a dry basis. Assuming complete combustion,
a) % excess air
b) Orsat analysis of the stack gas
■ Basis: 100 moles C4H10≈ 400 mol C≈ 1000 mol H
■ Process Flowchart:
Combustion Flue gas (dry basis)
chamber 11.55% CO2
Fuel gas
Theo O2 = 400 + = 650 mol O2
Let x = excess O2
O2 from air = x + 650
N2 from air = x + 650
Free O2 in flue gas = x
The tie substance is C:
400 = (0.1155)(mol dry flue gas)
mol dry flue gas = 3463.2 mol dry flue gas
Dry flue gas balance:
3463.2 = 400 + 𝑥 + 650 + 𝑥
𝑥 = 129.77 mol O2
a) % excess O2
% excess air = 𝑥100 = 19.96%
b) Orsat analysis
Gas Moles Mole percent
CO2 400 11.55
O2 129.77 3.75
N2 2933.43 84.70
Total 3463.2 100.00
Example 2

■ A gaseous fuel at 22oC, 763 mmHg and saturated with water vapor is burned
with excess air. Air with 60% RH is supplied at the same temperature and
pressure as the fuel. The composition of the fuel shows 9.2% CO2, 0.4%
C2H4, 20.9% CO, 15.6% H2, 1.9% CH4, and 52% N2. The stack gas leaves at
400oC and 735 mmHg and contains 13.16% CO2 and 1.84% CO on a dry
basis. Calculate:
a) % excess air
b) complete analysis of the stack gas
■ Basis: 100 kmol of gaseous fuel
■ Process Flowchart:
Combustion Flue gas (dry basis)
chamber 13.16% CO2
Fuel gas 1.84% CO
22oC, 763 mmHg (sat’d) 400oC, 735 mmHg
9.2% CO2
0.4% C2H4
20.9% CO Gas Mole Mole C Mole H Mole O2
15.6% H2
CO2 9.2 9.2 0 9.2
1.9% CH4
52.0% N2 C2H4 0.4 0.8 1.6 0
CO 20.9 20.9 0 10.45
H2 15.6 0 31.2 0
CH4 1.9 1.9 7.6 0
N2 52 0 0 0
Total 100 32.8 40.4 19.65
Theo O2 = 32.8 + 40.4 − 19.65 = 23.25 mol O2
Let y = excess O2
O2 from air = y + 23.25
N2 from air = y + 23.25
C balance of dry flue gas:
0.15 mol dry flue gas = 32.8
mol dry flue gas = 218.67 mol
mol CO2 in flue gas = 0.1316 218.67 = 28.77 mol
mol CO in flue gas = 0.0184 218.67 = 4.023 mol
Free O2 = y +
mol N2 = 52 + y + 23.25
Dry flue gas balance:
4.023 79
218.67 = 28.77 + 4.023 + 𝑦 + + 52 + 𝑦 + 23.25
2 21
𝑦 = 9.324 mol O2
b) % excess air
% excess air = x100 = 40.1%

The vapor pressure of water at 22oC is obtained from the equation:

log10 Pw mmHg = 7.96681 −
228 + 22
𝑃𝑤𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 19.6775 mmHg
mole H2 O from fuel = 100 = 2.647 mol H2 O
763 − 19.6775
9.324+23.25 19.6775 0.65
mole H2 O from air = = 2.438 mol H2 O
0.21 763− 19.6775 0.65
H2 O from combustion = = 20.2 mol
mol H2 O in flue gas = 20.2 + 2.438 + 2.647 = 25.285 mol H2 O
c) Complete analysis of stack gas

Gas Moles Mole percent

CO2 28.77 11.79
CO 4.023 1.65
O2 11.336 4.64
N2 174.54 71.52
H2O 25.285 10.4
Total 243.954 100.00
Answer problems from felder

■ Test Yourself p. 145, 146

■ Problems 4.69, 4.73, 4.77

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