Investment Proposal Details Letter

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Gosling Estates

James Gosling
Company Director
07419 736803

Property Flip Investment Opportunity

This project has the scope to create a lovely home for a family and bring up the street value, it also
provides a great opportunity for a short-term investment for somebody looking to have their money work
for them and provide a better return than what the banks can.

The project term is estimated to be 6-9 months, meaning this is an opportunity to earn a nice sum of
money from your capital over a short period with no work required which is substantially higher than any
savings account will give you.

The opportunity consists of an investment starting at any sum, up to £90,000 - the investment ROI will be
1% per month, this can be paid either monthly or in a lump sum at the end of the project.

● Investment Type - cash ROI

● Investment Amount - £25,000 - £60,000

● Investment Term - 3-6 months with the option to re-invest or to pull your capital and interest out

● Interest - Interest can be paid monthly or in one sum at the end

● Security - The investment will be legally guaranteed through a loan agreement contract, which
has safety elements built in for the investor, also if required, I can arrange a 2nd charge on the


Next Steps - If you are interested in taking advantage of this amazing opportunity please contact James
Gosling using the details at the top of this page.

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