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For the year starting 2023 here is our strategy and objectives. This is an internal

To fully understand the operation aspect of our strategic plan we have created this
document is a working document for that purpose. This is an internal document only to
be shared with permission from the Executive Staff. We welcome input and clarification
from all staff and team members of ALY & OKAVATE A true strategy has the flexibility to
pivot and expand as need to accomplish the preset goals of the entire organizations.

In this document we will outline several key points and then there will be detail of each
area of targeted planning, such as:

 Manufacturing objectives
 Service and support, field support and maintenance
 Deployment and logistics
 Technology applications and partnerships
 Acquisitions and Joint Ventures
 Secondary tool sets and product developments
 Division and secondary support organizations
 Initial Public Offering, IPO

Strategic planning is a systematic process to be undertaken by our organization to set its

long-term direction, make decisions on allocating its resources, and define strategies and
action plans to achieve its goals and objectives. It involves analyzing the current
situation, identifying future opportunities and challenges, and developing strategies and
plans to effectively navigate the organization towards success.

Here are our key steps in our strategic planning process:

1. Vision and Mission: Define our organization's vision (long-term desired state) and
mission (purpose, goals, and values and partnership with international

1. We are water solutions organization comprised of decades of business

experience that will be brought to bare in a mission to solve water issues
around the world. We will incorporate technology, science, administration
and passion to make water a viable commodity for all.
2. Our purpose is to evaluate and determine the best use and highest value
related to water solutions for every situation, being purposed riven to
solve water issue for all is what drives our team and drives our efforts.
3. We value water. We value what water is and can be, for all. We value the
resource and the policies that surround water in all of it forms. We value
1. We are organization poisoned to transform community and a
modernized condition to give residence a comfort with with luxury brand
solutions. We will incorporate technology, science, passion to make
environment attractive and breath-taking.

2. Our purpose is elevate and bring the hidden beauty side of Africa
through development and scientific researches.

3. Twenty 1 century the global modernization era, modern development of

Africa recoveries of global climate change.
2. Environmental Analysis:
1. We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external
environment to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT analysis), and assess market trends, customer needs, and
competitor activities.
2. We will be the market leader in Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) in
the world by applying the analysis appropriately and with standards that
have not yet been established in our industry.
3. Goal Setting:
1. We will establish clear, measurable, and achievable goals and objectives
that align with the organization's vision and mission.
2. These goals will encompass the corporate, the individual, the division and
the conduct towards everything we are involved in and with.
4. Strategy Development:
1. We will develop strategies to achieve the goals and objectives, taking into
consideration the findings from the environmental analysis. This may
involve identifying strategic priorities, allocating resources, and
determining action plans.
2. Strategy will incorporate all aspects of our organization, all personnel and
perspectives. Ideas are spawned from strategy, those ideas are at the
core of how we look at the world and how we develop our organization.
5. Implementation Planning:
1. Every department and person within the organization will be tasked with
the create detailed plans to implement the strategies, including assigning
responsibilities, setting timelines, and defining performance indicators.
2. Implementation is a team effort and support and encouragement are at
the center of our strategy for implementation.
6. Monitoring and Review:
1. Each person in the organization will be tasked with regularly monitoring
progress towards the goals and objectives, review the effectiveness of the
strategies, and adjust as needed.
7. Execution and Evaluation:
1. As in any organization execution is vital to the long and short term
success of not only the strategy design and related tasks, but the overall
strategies and action plans, progress, and evaluation of outcomes. This
may involve measuring performance, conducting reviews, and making
necessary adjustments to improve results.

Strategic planning will help our organizations make informed decisions, allocate
resources effectively, adapt to changing circumstances, and achieve long-term success.
It is an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustment to remain relevant
and effective in our dynamic business environment.

Thoughtful and detailed strategic planning will ensure that the Okavate & Aly
organization are focused on proactively shaping our future and stay ahead of any
potential competition. So, it is an essential process for sustained growth and success.
Additionally, our strategic planning will not be limited to supply chains, manufacturing
and other tangible assets that are part of the core objective of the organization. We will
apply the same methods and practices to the soft side of the organizations, such as,
personnel, human resources, training, personal development, mentorships and skill
development, both internal to the organizations as well as external to our partners.

Properly executed strategic planning will provide a roadmap for our organizations to
achieve their desired outcomes and thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive
world. It involves the thoughtful consideration of internal and external factors, careful
planning and execution, and ongoing evaluation and adjustment to keep the
organization on track towards its long-term goals.

When done well, strategic planning can position an organization for sustainable growth
and success in today's competitive landscape. However, it requires commitment,
resources, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances to ensure its
effectiveness over time.

A solution-oriented approach refers to a mindset or strategy that focuses on

identifying and implementing effective solutions to challenges or problems. It involves
shifting the focus from dwelling on problems or obstacles to actively seeking and
implementing solutions that can lead to desired outcomes. It is the method of seeking
possibilities from every situation.

Our solution-oriented approach will involve the following key principles:

1. Positive mindset: Emphasizing a positive and optimistic mindset that views

challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement, rather than obstacles to
overcome. This involves reframing problems as opportunities to find innovative
solutions and leveraging strengths and resources to address them.
2. Goal alignment: Ensuring that solutions are aligned with the overall goals and
objectives of the organization or individual. This involves considering how the
proposed solutions can contribute to the desired outcomes and aligning them with
the strategic direction of our organization or individual.
3. Collaboration and teamwork: Encouraging collaboration and teamwork to
leverage diverse perspectives, skills, and expertise in finding solutions. This will
involve engaging stakeholders, seeking input from different sources, and fostering
a collaborative culture that encourages open communication and shared
ownership of solutions.
4. Innovation and creativity: Encouraging creativity and innovation in identifying
and implementing solutions. This may involve thinking outside the box, exploring
unconventional approaches, and being open to new ideas and perspectives.
5. Action-oriented: Focusing on taking action and implementing solutions rather
than getting stuck in analysis paralysis or dwelling on problems. This involves
setting clear action plans, allocating resources, and taking concrete steps towards
implementing the identified solutions.
6. Continuous improvement: Emphasizing a continuous improvement mindset that
involves monitoring the effectiveness of solutions and adjusting as needed. This
will involve collecting and analyzing data, soliciting feedback, and making iterative
improvements to optimize the impact of the solutions.
7. Results-driven: Keeping a results-oriented focus on the outcomes and evaluating
the success of the solutions based on their effectiveness in achieving the desired
results. This involves setting measurable metrics, monitoring progress, and making
data-driven decisions to ensure that the solutions are delivering the intended

A solution-oriented approach can be highly effective in addressing challenges and

achieving desired outcomes. By focusing on solutions rather than problems,
organizations and individuals can foster a proactive and innovative mindset that drives
continuous improvement and progress. It encourages collaboration, creativity, and
action-taking, which can lead to effective and sustainable solutions. However, it is
important to also consider ethical, social, and long-term implications of the solutions to
ensure responsible and sustainable outcomes. Balancing a solution-oriented approach
with other considerations can lead to well-rounded and holistic problem-solving

Overall, a solution-oriented approach will be a valuable mindset for our organizations

and individuals to overcome challenges, achieve goals, and drive positive change.
Properly executed, it can lead to effective problem-solving, innovation, and improvement
in various contexts. So, a solution-oriented approach will be a key element of effective
strategic planning and execution, leading to tangible and sustainable outcomes.
However, it should be combined with other important principles, such as ethical
considerations, stakeholder engagement, and long-term sustainability, to ensure
responsible and holistic solutions. Organizations and individuals can benefit from
adopting a solution-oriented approach as part of their overall strategy for success. By
fostering a positive mindset, aligning solutions with goals, promoting collaboration and
creativity, acting, and continuously improving, we can overcome challenges and achieve
meaningful outcomes.

"Results-driven" refers to an approach or mindset that prioritizes achieving tangible

and measurable outcomes or results. It implies a focus on setting clear goals and
objectives, developing strategies and plans to achieve them, and taking actions that are
aligned with the desired outcomes.

A results-driven approach involves:

1. Goal-orientation:
1. Clearly defining goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound (SMART criteria). These goals provide a clear direction for
our organization or individual and serve as a basis for planning and decision-
2. Planning and strategy:
1. The development of strategic plans that outline the steps, resources, and
timeline needed to achieve the goals. These plans may include setting
priorities, allocating resources, and identifying potential risks and
3. Action and execution:
1. Taking purposeful and focused actions to implement the plans and strategies. This
may involve making informed decisions, delegating responsibilities, and taking
calculated risks to drive progress towards the desired outcomes.
4. Monitoring and measurement:
1. Regularly tracking and measuring progress towards the goals using key
performance indicators (KPIs) or other relevant metrics. This helps in assessing the
effectiveness of the strategies and taking corrective actions if necessary.
5. Flexibility and adaptability:
1. Being open to feedback, learning from experience, and adjusting as needed.
A results-driven approach recognizes that circumstances may change, and
being agile and adaptable can help in staying on track and achieving the
desired outcomes.
6. Accountability and ownership:
1. Taking ownership of one's actions and being accountable for the results. This
involves taking responsibility for the outcomes, learning from failures, and
celebrating successes.

A results-driven approach is often valued in organizations and individuals who strive

for excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness. It helps in setting clear expectations,
focusing efforts, and continuously improving performance. By prioritizing results,
organizations and individuals can achieve their goals, drive innovation, and stay
competitive in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. However, it is also important to
strike a balance between results and other aspects such as ethics, sustainability, and
stakeholder considerations to ensure responsible and sustainable outcomes.

Overall, a results-driven approach can be a powerful mindset for achieving success and
making meaningful progress towards desired outcomes. Properly executed, it can lead to
improved performance, innovation, and growth in various contexts. However, it should
be combined with other important principles, such as ethical considerations, long-term
sustainability, and stakeholder engagement, to ensure responsible and holistic results.
Organizations and individuals can benefit from adopting a results-driven approach as
part of their overall strategy for success. Ultimately, being results-driven means being
proactive, focused, and accountable in working towards achieving goals and objectives,
while also considering the broader impact and implications of the outcomes.

These are the basics of why the terms “Solution Oriented – Results Driven” were
selected as our top of line objective statements. With this mindset and focus we will
create an organization to be proud of and that we can stand behind as a solid market
leader in the industry.

Industry Disruption - Some key characteristics of industry disruption include:

1. Rapid and significant change: Industry disruption typically involves rapid and
significant changes that disrupt established business practices, products, services,
and market dynamics. It may result in the displacement of existing market leaders
or business models by new entrants or innovative technologies.
2. Impact on multiple stakeholders: Industry disruption can affect multiple
stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, employees, investors, and
regulatory bodies. It may require significant adjustments to existing business
strategies, operations, and workforce dynamics, and may also result in changes in
consumer behaviors and expectations.
3. Technological advancements: Technological advancements are often a key
driver of industry disruption. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence,
blockchain, and the Internet of Things, can significantly alter business processes,
customer interactions, and industry value chains.
4. Changing consumer behaviors: Changes in consumer behaviors, preferences,
and expectations can also drive industry disruption. For example, shifts in
consumer preferences towards sustainable products, digital channels, or
personalized experiences can disrupt traditional business models and market
5. Regulatory changes: Regulatory changes, such as new laws, regulations, or
policies, can disrupt industries by imposing new compliance requirements,
changing market entry barriers, or shifting competitive dynamics. This can create
opportunities for new players or disrupt established businesses.
6. Innovation and adaptability: Industry disruption often requires organizations to
be innovative, adaptive, and agile in responding to changing market conditions.
Businesses that can identify and capitalize on disruptive opportunities, adapt their
strategies, and leverage new technologies are more likely to thrive in disrupted
7. Uncertainty and risk: Industry disruption can create uncertainty and risks for
businesses, as the traditional business landscape may become unpredictable and
volatile. Businesses need to carefully assess and manage risks associated with
industry disruption, including changes in market demand, competitive pressures,
and regulatory compliance.

Managing industry disruption requires a proactive and strategic approach. Organizations

need to continuously monitor market trends, emerging technologies, consumer
behaviors, and regulatory changes to anticipate and respond to potential disruptions.
This will involve investing in research and development, fostering a culture of innovation,
collaborating with external partners, and adapting business models and strategies
accordingly. Organizations also need to be agile and adaptable in responding to changes
in the market and quickly adjusting their strategies and operations to stay competitive.

While industry disruption can present challenges, it also offers opportunities for
businesses that are able to embrace change, innovate, and adapt to the evolving
landscape. By understanding the drivers of industry disruption and proactively planning
and executing strategies to navigate through disruptions, organizations can position
themselves for success in a rapidly changing business environment. Organizations that
can effectively manage industry disruption can capitalize on new opportunities, gain a
competitive edge, and drive growth in the face of changing market dynamics. Proper
strategic planning and execution, combined with a proactive and adaptive mindset, are
crucial in navigating industry disruption and staying ahead in today's dynamic business


At our core our organization is a manufacturing organization, manufacturing Atmospheric
Water Generation (AWG) technologies, equipment and toolsets. In the current industry
that comprises AWG there are no USA based manufacturers that have the capacity to
create a production line. Much like a car manufacturer would create in order to fulfill
large and continuous orders. This is our objective, large and continuous product
development and manufacturing.

It is this simple, yet complex, strategy that will place Okavate in the lead in all aspects of
AWG development, worldwide. There is a need in the domestic and international market
for a continuous supply of technology. We will be the only ones capable to service that

Secondarily to the supply of units, there is the cost of good and economics that our
strategy will allow that will place in the market as the leader due to reduced cost of
goods and leveraging the economics of each unit by the overall number of units built
worldwide to drive down the per gallon investment realized in the creation of water from
the atmosphere.

The units that we will focus on will start with a 250 gallon a day specified unit up to over
10,000 per day. There will be no actual residential focus in our manufacturing at this
time. The 250 a day units will be utilized and adjuncts to air conditioning units and as
primary water sources for ALY SMART CITYas well as international market for small
village and large residential, as a “as built option” on homes in place such as Baasari in

Manu facturing building strategy:

Headquarters, Research and Development:

The first location to be built is in Baasari Tantale. It is located next to market and a few
highway routes. It is a current building that will need strategic modern plan, and will
must ready for manufacturing, a warehouse, offices and conference room are available.
It is an 8,000 square foot structure with approximately ½ acre of yard and parking.

This building will be utilized for engineering and prototype development and research. It
will be a showcase for the region and state in order to provide access to necessary
delegates and persons that have a desire to observe and fund our development and

As a research and development facility all designs and operational aspects of our
technology will be tested in this facility. All designs and manufacturing process, manual,
processes, safety measure and support technologies will be created, designed and or
developed in this facility.

All designs and engineering documents and process will be forward to our other facility
for main line production of equipment.

Main Manufacturing Facility:

Located in Louisiana, Morgan City. This building is available and ready for tenant
improvements. It is a 20,000-steel building located in the port area of Morgan City. It has
a rail spur on one side and a water dock on the opposite side. It will also have 1 acre of
laydown pad and storage, outside, for supplies and ready to deliver units.

This facility will be designated as our main full production facility tasked with building to
specification as delivered by the facility in Lincoln, as per orders. Then implement the
logistic to deliver those units.

This facility will be design as a standard for all other full production facilities. It will
generate the necessary specifications to all future facilities. The objective is that every
full production facility is identical so that skills and personnel may be move around as
needs require.

Main Manufacturing facility, Ghana/ West & East, Africa:

This facility will be located northeast of the capital of Ghana, Tamale. This will be a
40,000 square foot facility. It will be the main support facility for the north Africa
opportunities and the support facility for the Smart City, that is under development. The
manufacturing will be identical to the facility in the USA. There will be a split-second floor
for staff, management and education development.
This facility will also train and develop a field support staff as well as all staff necessary
for manufacturing of AWG. All units built in this facility will be directed at the primary of
the smart city and secondary to internal country support and thirdly to export.

Ghana is a country located in West Africa. It is bordered by Cote d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the
north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Accra is the capital
city and the largest city in Ghana.

Ghana has a rich history, with evidence of human habitation dating back thousands of years. It was known
for its gold trade and was part of several powerful African empires, including the Kingdom of Ashanti and
the Kingdom of Dagbon.

Additionally, we will build a solar panel manufacturing facility, with a 125-megawatt

production output, for the energy need of the smart city. This will be an additional 40
square foot building 25 acres of land that we have access and full site control and rights
to in order to support the smart city. This facility will be designed and outfitted by a
contracted organization from Germany that several decades of experience in the field.
They will create a turnkey facility for our use.

This plant will be the contract single source for panels that will be utilized in the smart
city and the surrounding region. Once the city is supplied the opportunity to export or
use the panel in systems development will reach out to the entire African Continent.

Service and support, field support and maintenance

The area of support is critical to the overall success of the deployment of technology. As
we deploy technology in the field, we will have overwatch on all aspects of the
equipment. We will not readily sell the technology to the end user, refer to document on
business model for clarification.

All equipment will be designed with an overwatch technology that will allow for remote
operation, monitoring and adjustments. Because w will own the equipment it is our
responsibility to ensure continuous operations. That meet the client’s specifications,
under contract.

In order to achieve this, we will in a parallel effort with the use case contract for the
client engage a regional or local HVAC organization. We will either Joint Venture, Acquire
or partner with the local or regional firm. We will train their staff in the services issue(s)
with our technology. When there is a need, we will dispatch a local service team or
individual to complete and ensure operation readiness. Additionally, this arrangement
will allow for a profit line from the acquisition or JV with the HVAC organization. This will
solve a major concern with the industry overall by the provision of service technicians in
a local area.

Deployment and logistics

All our facilities will be in areas that allow for ease of transportation. The smallest of our
technology may weigh as much as 500 pounds and require specialized shipping and
placement considerations.
As part of our prior notations, Service and Maintenance, we will train and equip local and
region staff for the onsite deployment of equipment. Some of our larger technology will
be shipped either on rail or truck. These units will have an install team designated prior
to shipment and they will be trained and equipped to accomplish the tasks necessary.
They may be in-house staff, contracted or staff from the HVAC organizations.

All site prep and install considerations will be taken care of, from a design point of view,
prior to shipment. Such as if the need for a cement pad or other attachment criteria,
these will be part of the customer profile and overall site design prior to shipment.

Technology applications and partnerships

There are several areas our technology that will require support, products and
integration from third party organizations. These will include hardware and software
technologies for the use in monitoring and remote operations as well as filtering,
mineralization and operations.

We will seek out the top tier in all fields in order to facilitate this objective in our
strategy. Ensuring remote monitoring and control on all our deployed technology. The
areas of focus are: (but not limited to)
 Security, site, water, quality
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Filtration
 Sensors, air quality, logic controllers, valve control
 Mechanical operations
 Data collection, analysis
 Microelectronics, operational control

As these are deployed within our technology, we will have our engineering team provide
continual improvement designs in order to maintain a clear path of technology
upgrade(s) on a regular basis.

Acquisitions and Joint Ventures

It is understood that as we design, deploy and manage our technology in the field as well
as efforts in engineering, there is a need for experts and teams that may reside outside
of our core team. In that we will look to acquire those organizations that provide service
s and support as well as material to the overall strategy.

This is a section of our strategy that will be under continual observation and growth. Our
objective is to first focus on acquisition. This will allow for greater control of goods and
services that are critical to our operation. Second, we will look at JV’s that enhance our
team, strategy, operations, client acquisition and deployments.

Our focus n this area is the enhance the overall company portfolio while enrich our
capabilities in all aspects of the company. To increase profit line activity and diversify
risk and capital utilization while putting our company in a position to be the world leader
in water and comfort solution provision.

This may include organization that fall outside of the normal business activities of the
technologies that we develop. These may include organizations such as shipping,
construction, plumbing, policy, promotional, media, computing and marketing but not
limited to these sectors.

Secondary tool sets and product development.

As the organization grows and develops technology there is a need to enhance and
create secondary tool sets and products that support our overall view of water
management and services.

The creation of remotely monitored units leads the company into the remote monitoring
field and the need to develop tools and software that be at the center of our
organization. These can include items such as video surveillance, logic controls, values,
flow gates, sensors and third part technologies. All of these will put into a category for
the national and international sales and marketing team to leverage and move into the
marketplace. While ensuring that these items as they are utilizing them in our company
and technology are not compromised in any way.

The strategic objective is to leverage outside sales effort to increase our purchasing
power thus reducing our internal investments in goods and services. This may be affiliate
programs or bulk purchasing or many other methods. When we reduce our investment
internally by leveraging tool set and products in increase our viability form and economic
point of view, thus allowing for reduction in investments for those same items.

In the area of secondary product development, we are looking at Artificial Intelligence,

application development, gamification of data, scanning technologies to locate
resources, 3D technologies and many more. For greater detail you can refer to the
documents that speak to product allocation and planning.

Division and secondary support organizations

From a growth and organization strategy we will be looking to create secondary
organizations and division in order to fully support our core mission as well as expand
our portfolio in the industry space.

We have and will continue to create these opportunities as the company moves into the
future. Here are a few that are either underway or have been create to some extent.
With a brief summary of the focus of each.

Tortuga, water testing

 In the area of water testing both residential and commercial, there is a lack of
access and understand for pre-sale and onsite water testing for the general public.
There are testing applications that can be utilized by the general public. However,
they all generate a scientific result, which is not bad. But who can read the results
if you don’t understand science. We will develop and mobile application to solve
this issue.

Wild Cat Water, water exploration

 Over the past few years water in the USA was placed on the commodity market.
Via the CME Group, formally the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, so that now anyone
purchase future in the water market. It is burgeoning new opportunity that will
lead to some organization building a large practice around water futures. We will
be one of those. Teamed with Yanki Vision we will seek, find discover and explore
for water and then place into he highest best use case for monetization and
leveraging into the marketplace. We will wild cat water much in the same manner
as oil has been wild catted over the past 100 years.

Yanki Vision, earth exploration and resource discovery

 Teamed with a few JV partners we have access to technology that processes
scanning of the earth’s surface up to a mile in depth. We will use this technology to
locate resources for our strategy and application as it relates to discovery. This
technology mix will allow us to be 99.9% accurate in the discovery of minerals and
water as well as heat in any location in the planet. Many of the current
technologies in use are only about 45% accurate. The use of the toolset will be
leverage as a minimal profit center for the company. While the data that is created
and collected will be utilized for high gain asset leveraging.

Mesa Irrigation District, water management and policy

 A California based water district that will be utilized as a policy management arm
as well as a Co-Op organization for water banking and monetization based in the
central valley of California. This will be an organization that supports and provides
assistance to the farming and development communities in the northern California
region. It will also server as a test bed for the creation of addition districts where
needed and necessary.
Black Bison Trading Company, overall holding company (privately held)
 With the growth of all our assets there is a need for a Holding company, that is
what Black Bison Trading Company (BBTC) is design do accomplish. The main
objectives of BBTC are to manage legal affairs, political affairs and finances for all
organization under its preview. This organization will always be a privately held
corporation that focuses on the health and well-being of all things under its charge.
As a central pint of contact for all legal issues, contract reviews and investment
obligations it will allow other divisions and corporation to focus on what the core
objective of that organization.

Initial public offering (IPO)

As any company grows and secures a capital position, they look at the fiscal objectives
of the organizational cash needs. We are no different. We are undergoing to facilitate
two offerings for our company stock.

One is under way now as of April 2023. The first is a Regulation D offering as defined by
the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC). This offering will raise capital for initial
operations and building expansion for the start of manufacturing and organizational
development, personnel and support tools. When our stock valuation, corporate
valuation reaches a set point, to be determine by the collective Board of Directors (BOD)
we will begin the process of a full IPO into the NYSE market.
We have and will continue to create these opportunities as the company moves into the
future. Here are a few that are either underway with a brief summary of the focus of

Broken Arrow, capital fund for acquisition and equity holdings

 Focusing on investments within the companies center of business as well as equity
development from outside opportunities that will create a fund for all future

Black Bison Media, media and radio station

 We feel there is a great need for education, information dissemination and
marketing in all our efforts. The objective is to create our own marketing
organization, with the JV of others as support and vendors relationships, in order to
fulfill our marketing needs and control the narrative for our organization and the
water industry. This currently includes Imagination Radio an internet-based radio
Epal machinery
 A machinery company that will specialized in providing high-quality machinery
solutions to support various industries, such as real estate developers, farmers,
Gold- minners. Epal machiney would help the developing strategy of Aly & Okavate
in many ways by minimizing efficient machine rental cost and would help
maximize works in shortest time.
Planting of ornamental plants, water docks and pools construction
 The beauty of every environment lies on the branding of natural and artificial
artifacts, we are visioned to promote afforestation of beautiful planting of natural
plants in our various development zones as whol e as the country.
 Implementations of water zones(water docks pools ) to extend the looks and
attraction of the city. ALY Estate City, ALY Smart City.
We expect this action to begin in year three with a culmination in the first quarter of our
fourth year. This will be determined by several factors that relate to fiscal
issues and market fluctuations at the time the decision is to be completed by the BOD.

End of Comprehension

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