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ENGLISH A1 -TASK 1 to 4- Juan Esteban Ospina Martinez

My father is a machine operator, he Works in a Company, the
Company’s name is Meals de Colombia, he operates the choco
cono ice cream machine, he Works in a workshop in the evening, he
repairs motorcyles, in his free times he likes to sleep and watch tv,
he likes to watch soccer matches

In my opinión D1 is better tan Ara, because D1 products is cheaper
than Ara products, D1 sells a sweet peanut, that is very delicious,
the D1’s grooming products are better and cheaper than Ara’s
grooming products, i like to buy hydrating drinks, wáter, milk, chips
and nachos in D1

Dear Mike,
Thanks for your email, you have a very nice family! Now let me tell
you about family. My father is a machine operator, he operates the
choco cono ice cream machine every days but, in this Company no
one can be late My mother is a housewife, in Colombia some
mothers are housewifes. i have a siblings, my sister Works in
Coltrade Company, and she studies in the politécnico
grancolombiano university. My brother studies in the school, he is
in eighth grade, nearly all eighth grade students are 13 years old
I usually get up at 7:30 on weekdays, i go to study english every
weekdays, in weekdays i almost never have lunch early, after to
study i exercise at the gym, i always go to home in my bike, i have
lunch, i almost never sleep in the evening, i watch tv or i use my cell
phone in the evening, i always go to work at 5pm, i never to be late,
i get home at 10:10pm, i sometimes have a dinner, i go to bed at
10:30 pm

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