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Heat transfer
Heat transfer from finned surfaces
1. description of the problem
Steam from a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is D1 = 5 cm and
whose walls are maintained at Tb = 180°C. Circular fins of thermal conductivity k [W/m. °C],
outer diameter D2 and constant thickness t are attached to the tube as shown in the figure.
The spacing between the fins is S and, therefore, there are n fins per meter of tube length.
Heat is transferred to the surrounding air which is at 𝑇∞ = 25°C, with a combined heat
transfer coefficient of 40 W/m2. °C.

Determine the increase in heat transfer of the tube per meter length as a result of the addition
of the fins. Also, determine the total effectiveness of the finned tube. For the calculation of the
fin efficiency, use the analytical method (expression in Table 3.3) and the graphical method,
determining the error made with the graphical method.
The values for the variables are given in the following table for each equipment.
Table. Variables for finned surface analysis.

Assumptions: For the final analysis, the following assumptions are made:
- Stationary operation, does not vary with time.
- No heat generation in the end
- Thermal conductivity of the material K is constant.
- Convective heat transfer coefficient h, is constant and uniform over the entire fin surface.
We have the following data, given in the problem:
To find the Qincrease we must first find the Qtotal and the Qsinaletas
Qaumento=Qtotal – Qsinaletas
We first find the Qsinaletas, where:

Qsinaletas=h∗Asinaletas∗(Tb−T ∞)
Asinaletas=π∗0 ,05∗1=0,15708 m
Qsinaletas=40∗0.15708∗( 180−25 )=973 , 9W =974 W
Then we find the Qtotal, where:

Qtotal=N (QAleta +Qlibre )

QAleta=n∗h∗Aaleta(Tb−T ∞)
Next, the efficiency is found by the graphical method
r 2 c =r 2 + =0.03+0.0005=0.0305 m
Lc =l+ =0.005+0.0005=0.0055 m
L=r 2−r 1=3−2.5=0.005 m
Ap=Lc∗t=0.0055∗0.001=5.5 x 10 m
r 2 c 0.0305
= =1 , 22
r 1 0.025
Obtaining this data we apply the following formula:

( )
3 /2 40
E=0.0055 ∗ −6
100∗5.5 x 10
Based on these calculations and the graph, an efficiency of 98% can be taken.
We found the Aaleta

Aaletas=2 π ( r 2 c 2−r 12 )

Aaletas=2 π ( 0.03052−0.025 2 )=1.918 x 10−3 m2

We replace these values found in:

QAleta=n∗h∗Aaleta(Tb−T ∞)
QAleta=0.98∗40∗1.918 x 10 ( 180−25 )=11.65 W
We found the Qlibrealetas

Qlibre=h∗Alibrealetas∗(Tb−T ∞)
Alibrealetas=π∗D 1∗s
−4 2
Alibrealetas=π∗0.05∗0.003=4.712 x 10 m
Qlibre=40∗4.712 x 10 ∗( 180−25 )=2.92 W
We find the Qincrease and effectiveness

Qtotal=N (QAleta +Qlibre )

Qtotal=250 ( 11.65+2.92 ) =3642.5W
Qaumento=Qtotal – Qsinaletas
Qaumento=3642.5 – 974=2668.5 W
Efectvidad =
Efectvidad = =3.74

For our second case, we calculate the efficiency using the formula

Applying those formulas:

r 2 c =r 2 + =0.03+0.0005=0.0305 m

Aaletas=2 π ( 0.03052−0.025 2 )=1.918 x 10−3 m2

m= √ 2 h/kt=
√ 2∗40
2∗r 1 2∗0.025
m 28.2842
C 2= 2 2
= 2 2
r 2c −r 1 0.0305 −0.025
Using the formula, an efficiency of 0.99 is calculated.

We replace these values found in:

QAleta=n∗h∗Aaleta(Tb−T ∞)
QAleta=0.99∗40∗1.918 x 10 ( 180−25 )=11.78W
We found the Qlibrealetas

Qlibre=h∗Alibrealetas∗(Tb−T ∞)
Alibrealetas=π∗D 1∗s
−4 2
Alibrealetas=π∗0.05∗0.003=4.712 x 10 m
Qlibre=40∗4.712 x 10 ∗( 180−25 )=2.92 W
We find the Qincrease and effectiveness

Qtotal=N (QAleta +Qlibre )

Qtotal=250 ( 11.78+2.92 ) =3677 W
Qaumento=Qtotal – Qsinaletas
Qaumento=3677 – 974=2703 W
Efectvidad =
Efectvidad = =3.77
ValorAnalitico−Valorgrafico 2703−2668.5
Error Relativo= = ∗100 %=1.27 %
ValorAnalitico 2703

Based on this solution to the problem we can conclude the following:
- When fins are applied to a surface, a large increase in heat transfer can be observed.
- The graphic method and the analytical method have very approximate values to provide the
solution to a problem regarding efficiencies.
- Seeing the results obtained, the importance of the fins in heat transfer is clearly evident.
For the development of this exercise it was necessary, the presentations and classes given by the
teacher, the Word and Excel tool was used, which is where the information of images, tables and
formulas were taken.

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