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Mastering Health and Safety Management

Basic Concepts of Safety Management and Its Role in Global Market

Quiz Result

Quiz Completion Time : 06:48:54


Right Answer

Your Score : 50%

Passing Score : 50%

Areas to Focus:

Lesson - Safety and Health Management, Earlier and Now

Lesson - Accidents and Their Effects in Safety and Health Management

Lesson - Theories of Accident Causation

Lesson Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health

- Professionals

Lesson - Safety, Health and Competition in Global Market Place

1. What does the cause of the accident theory of property assume?

Your Answer : Factors contributing to accidents can be categorized into distinct models

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Description : The cause of the accident theory of property assumes that no single model or theory can
explain all accidents. Factors contributing to accidents can be part of multiple models, and different
models may be needed to explain different aspects of accident causation.

Question Reference From : Theories of Accident Causation

2. Which theory of accident causation emphasizes human actions, errors, and behaviors as the primary
factors contributing to accidents?
Your Answer : Accident/Incident Theory

Correct Answer : Human Factor Theory

Description : Human Factor Theory focuses on the role of human actions, errors, and behaviors in
accidents. It recognizes that human factors, such as fatigue, distraction, or inadequate training, can
significantly contribute to accidents.

Question Reference From : Theories of Accident Causation

3. What is competitiveness in the context of the market?

Your Answer : The ability to meet customer expectations only

Correct Answer : The ability to outperform competitors in key areas

Description : Competitiveness refers to a company's ability to consistently outperform its competitors in

key areas such as quality, productivity, response time, service, price, and image.

Question Reference From : Safety, Health and Competition in Global Market Place

4. Which of the following is NOT a role of an occupational physician?

Your Answer : Treating injuries and illnesses when they occur

Correct Answer : Overseeing decontamination activities

Description : The role of an occupational physician is to predict and prevent work-related health problems
and injuries. Treating injuries and illnesses when they occur, developing radiation components in
corporate emergency action plans, and overseeing decontamination activities are all roles of an
occupational physician.

Question Reference From : Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health Professionals

5. Military theory considers ________ component for the occurrence of an accident.

Your Answer : All of the Above

Description : The military theory of accidents considers three components that can contribute to an
Person: This includes the individual's skills, knowledge and attitude toward safety.
Machine: This includes the condition of the equipment and its design.
Environment: This includes the conditions in the workplace, such as weather, lighting and noise.

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Question Reference From : Theories of Accident Causation

6. What is the focus of occupational hygiene scientists?

Your Answer : Implementing safety procedures in the workplace

Correct Answer : Recognizing environmental factors and assessing potential risks

Description : Occupational hygiene scientists are interested in recognizing the impact of environmental
factors on people, assessing the potential risks of environmental stressors, and prescribing ways to
eliminate or minimize those stressors. They play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating workplace

Question Reference From : Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health Professionals

7. Which of the following is an essential ingredient(s) of competitiveness?

Your Answer : All of the Above

Description : Quality, cost and service are all essential ingredients of competitiveness.Quality: A product
or service that is high quality is more likely to be chosen by customers over a product or service that is
lower quality.
Cost: A product or service that is offered at a competitive price is more likely to be affordable for
Service: A product or service that is accompanied by good service is more likely to leave customers
satisfied and willing to do business with the company again.

Question Reference From : Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health Professionals

8. Clinical depression is one of the hidden problems in the workplace.

Your Answer : True

Description : Depression is a mental health condition that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of
interest in activities once enjoyed. The symptoms of depression can have a significant impact on a person's
ability to work. People with depression may have difficulty concentrating, making decisions and
interacting with others.

Question Reference From : Theories of Accident Causation

9. Why are workplace safety and health important for businesses in the global marketplace?

Your Answer : They eliminate legal liability

Correct Answer : They attract and retain top talent

Description : A safe and healthy workplace is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. Employees are
more likely to work for a company that prioritizes their safety and well-being.

Question Reference From : Safety, Health and Competition in Global Market Place

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10. How is competitiveness described in the context of the global market?

Your Answer : A term irrelevant to modern business and industry

Correct Answer : An ongoing and never-ending competition

Description : Competitiveness in the global market is often described as an ongoing and never-ending
competition. It requires continuous effort to stay ahead and adapt to the changing business landscape.

Question Reference From : Safety, Health and Competition in Global Market Place

11. Which of the following best describes the early approach to workplace safety?

Your Answer : It was often neglected and workers were at risk

Description : In the early days of industrialization, safety in the workplace was often disregarded, and
workers were put at risk due to poor working conditions and inadequate safety procedures.

Question Reference From : Safety and Health Management, Earlier and Now

12. What is the primary goal of risk management?

Your Answer : Implementing risk mitigation strategies and transferring risk to insurers

Description : Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and implementing strategies to mitigate
risks in the workplace. This includes measures to prevent accidents or incidents and transferring the
remaining risk to insurers through insurance coverage.

Question Reference From : Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health Professionals

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