Aller + Infinitif

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The Near Future (Le Futur Proche) is NOT the future tense in the strictly
grammatical sense. French has a different way of expressing the Future
Tense. Rather, the Near Future is a way to talk about an action in
the immediate future. To talk about an immediate future action in English,
we use “going to” + another verb; to do this in French, we use a
conjugated form of the verb ALLER followed by the infinitive form of

second verb (ALLER + Infinitive).

In and of itself, the verb ALLER means “to go”. We use it when we
are “going somewhere” or “going to do” some action. In its “going to
do” sense, ALLER indicates the intention to act in the near future (le future
proche). So whether you’re going to a place, or going to do something in
particular, you’ll use ALLER to get there!
There are two major components for talking about the Near Future
using ALLER + Infinitive.
1. A conjugated form of the verb ALLER (to go):
Je vais
I am going
Tu vas
You are going
Il / Elle / On va
He / She / It / One is going
Nous allons
We are going
Vous allez
You (formal or plural) are going
Ils / Elles vont
They are going
2. And an infinitive verb:
Je vais lire.
Nous allons courir.
Ils vont apprendre.
When you use the verb ALLER with an infinitive verb, it’s only ALLER that
must be conjugated; the second verb must stay in its infinitive form! Don’t
conjugate that second verb! That’s because, when the second verb is
infinitive (meaning “to…whatever verb”), it already means what we want it
to mean – so no need to conjugate it!
For example:3
aller + manger : to go + to eat
Elle va manger.
She is going to eat.
aller + étudier : to go + to study
Je vais étudier.
I am going to study.
aller + jouer : to go + to play
Nous allons jouer.
We are going to play.
aller + voyager : to go + to travel
Tu vas voyager.
You (informal) are going to travel.
 YouTube/YouLearnFrench: ALLER indicatif présent
 YouTube/imagiers: Le futur proche
 YouTube/YouLearnFrench: Le futur proche
 YouTube/MonsieurRMc: ALLER – Shakira She Wolf

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