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Similarities –

1. Both APA and IEEE requires in-text citations and a list of references at the end of your work.
2.They include basic elements such as authors, title and publication details.
3. Both styles facilitate easy referencing and citation tracking.
4.Both APA and IEEE have specific formatting requirements for citations and reference lists,
including font styles an margins.
Differences –
1.Citation Format:
APA citation format in APA includes the author’s surname and the publication year for in-text
citations. Eg (Smith (2020))while IEEE style often uses numerical citations within square
brackets, corresponding to a numbered list of references at the end of the document[1]
2. Handling of Author Names –
In APA style, author names are emphasized in in-text citations and reference lists. example
(Smith, 2020) while in IEEE style, numerical citations are often used, which may not require the
inclusion of author names in the text. Eg, [1].
3. Order of Reference List:
References in APA style are alphabetically listed by the authors’ last names while references in
IEEE style are listed numerically according to their order of appearance in the text.
4. Page Structure:
APA style typically requires one-inch margins on all sides, double-spacing and an indentation of
the first line of each paragraph while IEEE style may have specific requirements for page layout,
including single-space entries and left-aligned references.
5. Title Page Format:
The APA title page includes a running head, page numbers, title, and author names without
abbreviations. It follows specific formatting guidelines while in IEEE title page follows specific
guidelines .

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